
1161 lines
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# whether to run this chore.
# account-freeze.enabled: false
# How long to wait between a warning event and freezing an account.
# account-freeze.grace-period: 360h0m0s
# How often to run this chore, which is how often unpaid invoices are checked.
# account-freeze.interval: 24h0m0s
# The failed invoice amount (in cents) beyond which an account will not be frozen
# account-freeze.price-threshold: 10000
# admin peer http listening address
# admin.address: ""
# the oauth host allowed to bypass token authentication.
# admin.allowed-oauth-host: ""
# the group which is only allowed to update user and project limits and freeze and unfreeze accounts.
# admin.groups.limit-update: ""
# an alternate directory path which contains the static assets to serve. When empty, it uses the embedded assets
# admin.static-dir: ""
# enable analytics reporting
# analytics.enabled: false
# the number of events that can be in the queue before dropping
# 1000
# hubspot client ID
# analytics.hub-spot.client-id: ""
# hubspot client secret
# analytics.hub-spot.client-secret: ""
# the number of concurrent api requests that can be made
# analytics.hub-spot.concurrent-sends: 4
# the default timeout for the hubspot http client
# analytics.hub-spot.default-timeout: 10s
# hubspot refresh token
# analytics.hub-spot.refresh-token: ""
# hubspot token refresh API
# analytics.hub-spot.token-api:
# segment write key
# analytics.segment-write-key: ""
# how often to run the reservoir chore
# audit.chore-interval: 24h0m0s
# how often to run the containment-sync chore
# audit.containment-sync-chore-interval: 2h0m0s
# max number of times to attempt updating a statdb batch
# audit.max-retries-stat-db: 3
# limit above which we consider an audit is failed
# audit.max-reverify-count: 3
# the minimum acceptable bytes that storage nodes can transfer per second to the satellite
# audit.min-bytes-per-second: 128 B
# the minimum duration for downloading a share from storage nodes before timing out
# audit.min-download-timeout: 5m0s
# how often to recheck an empty audit queue
# audit.queue-interval: 1h0m0s
# how long a single reverification job can take before it may be taken over by another worker
# audit.reverification-retry-interval: 6h0m0s
# number of workers to run reverify audits on pieces
# audit.reverify-worker-concurrency: 2
# number of reservoir slots allotted for nodes, currently capped at 3
# audit.slots: 3
# whether use Audit observer with ranged loop.
# audit.use-ranged-loop: true
# number of audit jobs to push at once to the verification queue
# audit.verification-push-batch-size: 4096
# number of workers to run audits on segments
# audit.worker-concurrency: 2
# Treat pieces on the same network as in need of repair
# false
# Treat pieces out of segment placement as in need of repair
# true
2019-06-04 13:13:31 +01:00
# how frequently checker should check for bad segments
# checker.interval: 30s
# the probability of a single node going down within the next checker iteration
# checker.node-failure-rate: 5.435e-05
# how stale reliable node cache can be
# checker.reliability-cache-staleness: 5m0s
# comma-separated override values for repair threshold in the format k/o/n-override (min/optimal/total-override)
# 29/80/110-52,29/80/95-52,29/80/130-52
# Number of damaged segments to buffer in-memory before flushing to the repair queue
# 100
# percent of held amount disposed to node after leaving withheld
compensation.dispose-percent: 50
# rate for data at rest per GB/hour "0.00000208"
# rate for audit egress bandwidth per TB
compensation.rates.get-audit-tb: "10"
# rate for repair egress bandwidth per TB
compensation.rates.get-repair-tb: "10"
# rate for egress bandwidth per TB
compensation.rates.get-tb: "20"
# rate for repair ingress bandwidth per TB
compensation.rates.put-repair-tb: "0"
# rate for ingress bandwidth per TB
compensation.rates.put-tb: "0"
# comma separated monthly withheld percentage rates
compensation.withheld-percents: 75,75,75,50,50,50,25,25,25,0,0,0,0,0,0
# expiration time for account recovery and activation tokens
# console-auth.token-expiration-time: 30m0s
# interval for 'AS OF SYSTEM TIME' clause (CockroachDB specific) to read from the DB at a specific time in the past
# -5m0s
# whether to run this chore
# console-db-cleanup.enabled: false
# interval between chore cycles
# console-db-cleanup.interval: 24h0m0s
# maximum lifetime of unverified user account records
# console-db-cleanup.max-unverified-user-age: 168h0m0s
# maximum number of database records to scan at once
# 1000
# the Flagship API key
# console.ab-testing.api-key: ""
# whether or not AB testing is enabled
# console.ab-testing.enabled: false
# the Flagship environment ID
# console.ab-testing.env-id: ""
# the Flagship API URL
# console.ab-testing.flagship-url:
# the Flagship environment ID
# console.ab-testing.hit-tracking-url:
# url link for account activation redirect
# console.account-activation-redirect-url: ""
# server address of the graphql api gateway and frontend app
# console.address: :10100
# indicates if all projects dashboard should be used
# console.all-projects-dashboard: true
# default duration for AS OF SYSTEM TIME
# -5m0s
# auth token needed for access to registration token creation endpoint
# console.auth-token: ""
2019-05-28 15:32:51 +01:00
# secret used to sign auth tokens
# console.auth-token-secret: ""
# url link for for beta satellite feedback
# console.beta-satellite-feedback-url: ""
# url link for for beta satellite support
# console.beta-satellite-support-url: ""
# The maximum body size allowed to be received by the API
# console.body-size-limit: 100.00 KB
# whether or not captcha is enabled
# console.captcha.login.hcaptcha.enabled: false
# captcha secret key
# console.captcha.login.hcaptcha.secret-key: ""
# captcha site key
# ""
# whether or not captcha is enabled
# console.captcha.login.recaptcha.enabled: false
# captcha secret key
# console.captcha.login.recaptcha.secret-key: ""
# captcha site key
# ""
# whether or not captcha is enabled
# console.captcha.registration.hcaptcha.enabled: false
# captcha secret key
# console.captcha.registration.hcaptcha.secret-key: ""
# captcha site key
# ""
# whether or not captcha is enabled
# console.captcha.registration.recaptcha.enabled: false
# captcha secret key
# console.captcha.registration.recaptcha.secret-key: ""
# captcha site key
# ""
# url link to contacts page
# indicates if user is allowed to add coupon codes to account from billing
# false
# indicates if user is allowed to add coupon codes to account from signup
# false
# indicates if Content Security Policy is enabled
# console.csp-enabled: true
# default project limits for users
# console.default-project-limit: 1
# url link to documentation
# console.documentation-url:
# external endpoint of the satellite if hosted
# console.external-address: ""
# incremental duration of penalty for failed login attempts in minutes
# console.failed-login-penalty: 2
# indicates if file browser flow is disabled
# console.file-browser-flow-disabled: false
# allow domains to embed the satellite in a frame, space separated
# console.frame-ancestors:
# whether to show new gallery view
# false
# url link for gateway credentials requests
# console.gateway-credentials-request-url:
# url link to general request page
# console.general-request-url:
# indicates if generated console api should be used
# console.generated-api-enabled: false
# url link to homepage
# console.homepage-url:
# indicates if satellite is in beta
# false
# url link to let us know page
# console.let-us-know-url:
# indicates whether limit card section of the UI is enabled
# console.limits-area-enabled: false
# url link for linksharing requests within the application
# console.linksharing-url:
# number of times user can try to login without penalty
# console.login-attempts-without-penalty: 3
# indicates if storj native token payments system is enabled
# console.native-token-payments-enabled: false
# whether to show new upload modal
# false
# how long oauth access tokens are issued for
# console.oauth-access-token-expiry: 24h0m0s
# how long oauth authorization codes are issued for
# console.oauth-code-expiry: 10m0s
# how long oauth refresh tokens are issued for
# console.oauth-refresh-token-expiry: 720h0m0s
# enable open registration
# false
# optional url to external registration success page
# console.optional-signup-success-url: ""
# names and addresses of partnered satellites in JSON list format
# console.partnered-satellites: '[{"name":"US1","address":""},{"name":"EU1","address":""},{"name":"AP1","address":""}]'
# password hashing cost (0=automatic)
# console.password-cost: 0
# indicates if the overview onboarding step should render with pathways
# console.pathway-overview-enabled: true
# whether to allow purchasing pricing packages
# console.pricing-packages-enabled: false
# duration that project member invitations are valid for
# console.project-invitation-expiration: 168h0m0s
# url link to project limit increase request page
# console.project-limits-increase-request-url:
# url link for linksharing requests for external sharing
# console.public-linksharing-url:
# number of events before the limit kicks in
# console.rate-limit.burst: 5
# the rate at which request are allowed
# console.rate-limit.duration: 5m0s
# number of clients whose rate limits we store
# console.rate-limit.num-limits: 1000
# used to display at web satellite console
# console.satellite-name: Storj
# name of organization which set up satellite
# console.satellite-operator: Storj Labs
# used to communicate with web crawlers and other web robots
# console.seo: "User-agent: *\nDisallow: \nDisallow: /cgi-bin/"
# duration a session is valid for (superseded by inactivity timer delay if inactivity timer is enabled)
# console.session.duration: 168h0m0s
# inactivity timer delay in seconds
# console.session.inactivity-timer-duration: 600
# indicates if session can be timed out due inactivity
# console.session.inactivity-timer-enabled: true
# indicates whether remaining session time is shown for debugging
# console.session.inactivity-timer-viewer-enabled: false
# path to static resources
# console.static-dir: ""
# url link to terms and conditions page
# console.terms-and-conditions-url:
# the default free-tier bandwidth usage limit
# 25.00 GB
# the default paid-tier bandwidth usage limit
# console.usage-limits.bandwidth.paid: 100.00 TB
# the default free-tier project limit
# 1
# the default paid-tier project limit
# console.usage-limits.project.paid: 3
# the default free-tier segment usage limit
# 10000
# the default paid-tier segment usage limit
# console.usage-limits.segment.paid: 100000000
# the default free-tier storage usage limit
# 25.00 GB
# the default paid-tier storage usage limit
# 25.00 TB
# whether to use vuetify POC project
# console.use-vuetify-project: false
# whether to load templates on each request
# false
# allow private IPs in CheckIn and PingMe
# contact.allow-private-ip: false
Remove Kademlia dependencies from Satellite and Storagenode (#2966) What: cmd/inspector/main.go: removes kad commands internal/testplanet/planet.go: Waits for contact chore to finish satellite/contact/nodesservice.go: creates an empty nodes service implementation satellite/contact/service.go: implements Local and FetchInfo methods & adds external address config value satellite/discovery/service.go: replaces kad.FetchInfo with contact.FetchInfo in Refresh() & removes Discover() satellite/peer.go: sets up contact service and endpoints storagenode/console/service.go: replaces nodeID with contact.Local() storagenode/contact/chore.go: replaces routing table with contact service storagenode/contact/nodesservice.go: creates empty implementation for ping and request info nodes service & implements RequestInfo method storagenode/contact/service.go: creates a service to return the local node and update its own capacity storagenode/monitor/monitor.go: uses contact service in place of routing table storagenode/operator.go: moves operatorconfig from kad into its own setup storagenode/peer.go: sets up contact service, chore, pingstats and endpoints satellite/overlay/config.go: changes NodeSelectionConfig.OnlineWindow default to 4hr to allow for accurate repair selection Removes kademlia setups in: cmd/storagenode/main.go cmd/storj-sim/network.go internal/testplane/planet.go internal/testplanet/satellite.go internal/testplanet/storagenode.go satellite/peer.go scripts/ scripts/testdata/satellite-config.yaml.lock storagenode/inspector/inspector.go storagenode/peer.go storagenode/storagenodedb/database.go Why: Replacing Kademlia Please describe the tests: • internal/testplanet/planet_test.go: TestBasic: assert that the storagenode can check in with the satellite without any errors TestContact: test that all nodes get inserted into both satellites' overlay cache during testplanet setup • satellite/contact/contact_test.go: TestFetchInfo: Tests that the FetchInfo method returns the correct info • storagenode/contact/contact_test.go: TestNodeInfoUpdated: tests that the contact chore updates the node information TestRequestInfoEndpoint: tests that the Request info endpoint returns the correct info Please describe the performance impact: Node discovery should be at least slightly more performant since each node connects directly to each satellite and no longer needs to wait for bootstrapping. It probably won't be faster in real time on start up since each node waits a random amount of time (less than 1 hr) to initialize its first connection (jitter).
2019-09-19 20:56:34 +01:00
# the public address of the node, useful for nodes behind NAT
contact.external-address: ""
# the maximum burst size for the contact rate limit token bucket
# contact.rate-limit-burst: 2
# the number of nodes or addresses to keep token buckets for
# contact.rate-limit-cache-size: 1000
# the amount of time that should happen between contact attempts usually
# contact.rate-limit-interval: 10m0s
# timeout for pinging storage nodes
# contact.timeout: 10m0s
# satellite database connection string
# database: postgres://
# satellite database api key lru capacity
# database-options.api-keys-cache.capacity: 10000
# satellite database api key expiration
# database-options.api-keys-cache.expiration: 1m0s
# macaroon revocation cache capacity
# database-options.revocations-cache.capacity: 10000
# macaroon revocation cache expiration
# database-options.revocations-cache.expiration: 5m0s
# Maximum Database Connection Lifetime, -1ns means the stdlib default
# db.conn_max_lifetime: 30m0s
# Maximum Amount of Idle Database connections, -1 means the stdlib default
# db.max_idle_conns: 1
# Maximum Amount of Open Database connections, -1 means the stdlib default
# db.max_open_conns: 5
# address to listen on for debug endpoints
# debug.addr:
# expose control panel
# debug.control: false
pkg/process: Now that we are trying to identify the root cause of the satellite load limitations (i.e. currently the satellite has a max ability of 400 rps for uploads and we need this to be higher), we are using the golang diagnostic tools to collect insight into what the bottlenecks are. We currently have a debug endpoint to gather some cpu and mem data, but it could be useful to have continuous profiling. GCP stackdriver has support for continuous profiling so lets set that up and see if it is helpful to gather more data. This PR adds support for [GCP continuous profiler]( which allows enabling continuous cpu/mem profiling and the stats are sent to stackdriver in google cloud console. To enable the continuous profiling for a storj component, do the following: - prereq: the workload must be running in GKE and have Stackdriver Profiling IAM role permissions - provide the config flag `debug.profilename` in the config.yaml file for the workload (i.e. satellite api process, etc). The profilename should be the workload name, for example "satellite-api". - once the above config flag is provided, the profiler will be initialized and profiling stats will automatically be sent to GCP project where the workload is running and viewable in the Stackdriver Profile page in the console The current implementation assumes the workload is running in GKE, however if we find if useful we can add support to enable this from anywhere. But for simplicity, its configured this way assuming the main goal is to enable in production systems. Change-Id: Ibf8ebe2df7bf06fdd4951ee6a1e48854dd36ad47
2020-02-25 16:46:12 +00:00
# provide the name of the peer to enable continuous cpu/mem profiling for
# debug.profilername: ""
# If set, a path to write a process trace SVG to
# debug.trace-out: ""
# how often to send reminders to users who need to verify their email
# email-reminders.chore-interval: 24h0m0s
# enable sending emails reminding users to verify their email
# email-reminders.enable: true
# amount of time before sending first reminder to users who need to verify their email
# email-reminders.first-verification-reminder: 24h0m0s
# amount of time before sending second reminder to users who need to verify their email
# email-reminders.second-verification-reminder: 120h0m0s
# set if expired segment cleanup is enabled or not
# expired-deletion.enabled: true
# the time between each attempt to go through the db and clean up expired segments
# expired-deletion.interval: 24h0m0s
# how many expired objects to query in a batch
# expired-deletion.list-limit: 100
# Access Grant which will be used to upload bloom filters to the bucket
# garbage-collection-bf.access-grant: ""
# Bucket which will be used to upload bloom filters
# garbage-collection-bf.bucket: ""
# how long bloom filters will remain in the bucket for gc/sender to consume before being automatically deleted
# garbage-collection-bf.expire-in: 336h0m0s
# the false positive rate used for creating a garbage collection bloom filter
# garbage-collection-bf.false-positive-rate: 0.1
# the initial number of pieces expected for a storage node to have, used for creating a filter
# garbage-collection-bf.initial-pieces: 400000
# set if garbage collection bloom filter process should only run once then exit
# false
# whether to use test GC SyncObserver with ranged loop
# garbage-collection-bf.use-sync-observer: true
# how many bloom filters will be packed in a single zip
# 500
# Access to download the bloom filters. Needs read and write permission.
# garbage-collection.access-grant: ""
# bucket where retain info is stored
# garbage-collection.bucket: ""
# the number of nodes to concurrently send garbage collection retain filters to
# garbage-collection.concurrent-sends: 1
# set if loop to send garbage collection retain filters is enabled
# garbage-collection.enabled: false
# Expiration of newly created objects in the bucket. These objects are under the prefix error-[timestamp] and store error messages.
# garbage-collection.expire-in: 336h0m0s
# the time between each attempt to download and send garbage collection retain filters to storage nodes
# garbage-collection.interval: 48h0m0s
# the amount of time to allow a node to handle a retain request
# garbage-collection.retain-send-timeout: 1m0s
# interval for AS OF SYSTEM TIME clause (crdb specific) to read from db at a specific time in the past
# -10s
# size of the buffer used to batch inserts into the transfer queue.
# graceful-exit.chore-batch-size: 500
# how often to run the transfer queue chore.
# graceful-exit.chore-interval: 30s
# whether or not graceful exit is enabled on the satellite side.
# graceful-exit.enabled: true
# size of the buffer used to batch transfer queue reads and sends to the storage node.
# graceful-exit.endpoint-batch-size: 300
# maximum number of transfer failures per piece.
# graceful-exit.max-failures-per-piece: 5
# maximum inactive time frame of transfer activities per node.
# graceful-exit.max-inactive-time-frame: 168h0m0s
# maximum number of order limits a satellite sends to a node before marking piece transfer failed
# graceful-exit.max-order-limit-send-count: 10
# minimum age for a node on the network in order to initiate graceful exit
# graceful-exit.node-min-age-in-months: 6
# maximum percentage of transfer failures per node.
# graceful-exit.overall-max-failures-percentage: 10
# the minimum duration for receiving a stream from a storage node before timing out
# graceful-exit.recv-timeout: 2h0m0s
# batch size (crdb specific) for deleting and adding items to the transfer queue
# graceful-exit.transfer-queue-batch-size: 1000
# whether use GE observer with ranged loop.
# graceful-exit.use-ranged-loop: true
# path to the certificate chain for this identity
identity.cert-path: /root/.local/share/storj/identity/satellite/identity.cert
# path to the private key for this identity
identity.key-path: /root/.local/share/storj/identity/satellite/identity.key
# as of system interval
# -10s
# bandwidth cache key time to live
# live-accounting.bandwidth-cache-ttl: 5m0s
# what to use for storing real-time accounting data
satellite/accounting: refactor live accounting to hold current estimated totals live accounting used to be a cache to store writes before they are picked up during the tally iteration, after which the cache is cleared. This created a window in which users could potentially exceed the storage limit. This PR refactors live accounting to hold current estimations of space used per project. This should also reduce DB load since we no longer need to query the satellite DB when checking space used for limiting. The mechanism by which the new live accounting system works is as follows: During the upload of any segment, the size of that segment is added to its respective project total in live accounting. At the beginning of the tally iteration we record the current values in live accounting as `initialLiveTotals`. At the end of the tally iteration we again record the current totals in live accounting as `latestLiveTotals`. The metainfo loop observer in tally allows us to get the project totals from what it observed in metainfo DB which are stored in `tallyProjectTotals`. However, for any particular segment uploaded during the metainfo loop, the observer may or may not have seen it. Thus, we take half of the difference between `latestLiveTotals` and `initialLiveTotals`, and add that to the total that was found during tally and set that as the new live accounting total. Initially, live accounting was storing the total stored amount across all nodes rather than the segment size, which is inconsistent with how we record amounts stored in the project accounting DB, so we have refactored live accounting to record segment size Change-Id: Ie48bfdef453428fcdc180b2d781a69d58fd927fb
2019-10-31 17:27:38 +00:00
# ""
# if true, log function filename and line number
# log.caller: false
# if true, set logging to development mode
# log.development: false
# configures log encoding. can either be 'console', 'json', 'pretty', or 'gcloudlogging'.
# log.encoding: ""
# the minimum log level to log
# log.level: info
# can be stdout, stderr, or a filename
# log.output: stderr
# if true, log stack traces
# log.stack: false
# smtp authentication type
# mail.auth-type: login
# oauth2 app's client id
# mail.client-id: ""
# oauth2 app's client secret
# mail.client-secret: ""
# sender email address
# mail.from: ""
# plain/login auth user login
# mail.login: ""
# plain/login auth user password
# mail.password: ""
# refresh token used to retrieve new access token
# mail.refresh-token: ""
# smtp server address
# mail.smtp-server-address: ""
# path to email templates source
# mail.template-path: ""
# uri which is used when retrieving new access token
# mail.token-uri: ""
# the database connection string to use
# metainfo.database-url: postgres://
# maximum time allowed to pass between creating and committing a segment
# metainfo.max-commit-interval: 48h0m0s
# maximum encrypted object key length
# metainfo.max-encrypted-object-key-length: 2000
# maximum inline segment size
# metainfo.max-inline-segment-size: 4.0 KiB
# maximum segment metadata size
# metainfo.max-metadata-size: 2.0 KiB
# maximum number of parts object can contain
# metainfo.max-number-of-parts: 10000
# maximum segment size
# metainfo.max-segment-size: 64.0 MiB
# minimum allowed part size (last part has no minimum size limit)
# metainfo.min-part-size: 5.0 MiB
# minimum remote segment size
# metainfo.min-remote-segment-size: 1.2 KiB
# toggle flag if overlay is enabled
# metainfo.overlay: true
# max bucket count for a project.
# metainfo.project-limits.max-buckets: 100
# number of projects to cache.
# metainfo.rate-limiter.cache-capacity: 10000
# how long to cache the projects limiter.
# metainfo.rate-limiter.cache-expiration: 10m0s
# whether rate limiting is enabled.
# metainfo.rate-limiter.enabled: true
# request rate per project per second.
# metainfo.rate-limiter.rate: 100
# redundancy scheme configuration in the format k/m/o/n-sharesize
# 29/35/80/110-256 B
# enable code for server-side copy, deprecated. please leave this to true.
# metainfo.server-side-copy: true
# disable already enabled server-side copy. this is because once server side copy is enabled, delete code should stay changed, even if you want to disable server side copy
# metainfo.server-side-copy-disabled: false
# test the new query for non-recursive listing
# metainfo.test-listing-query: false
# number of object locations to cache.
# metainfo.upload-limiter.cache-capacity: 10000
# whether rate limiting is enabled.
# metainfo.upload-limiter.enabled: true
# how often we can upload to the single object (the same location) per API instance
# metainfo.upload-limiter.single-object-limit: 1s
# address(es) to send telemetry to (comma-separated)
# metrics.addr:
# application name for telemetry identification. Ignored for certain applications.
# satellite
# application suffix. Ignored for certain applications.
# -release
# address(es) to send telemetry to (comma-separated)
# metrics.event-addr:
# instance id prefix
# metrics.instance-prefix: ""
# how frequently to send up telemetry. Ignored for certain applications.
# metrics.interval: 1m0s
# path to log for oom notices
# monkit.hw.oomlog: /var/log/kern.log
# api key for the api
# node-events.customerio.api-key: ""
# timeout for the http request to endpoint
# node-events.customerio.request-timeout: 30s
# the account id for the api
# ""
# the url for the endpoint to send node event data to
# node-events.customerio.url:
# how long to wait before checking the node events DB again if there is nothing to work on
# node-events.interval: 5m0s
# which notification provider to use
# node-events.notifier: ""
# how long the earliest instance of an event for a particular email should exist in the DB before it is selected
# node-events.selection-wait-period: 5m0s
# how long to wait between sending Node Offline emails
# offline-nodes.cooldown: 24h0m0s
# how often to check for offline nodes and send them emails
# offline-nodes.interval: 1h0m0s
# Max number of nodes to return in a single query. Chore will iterate until rows returned is less than limit
# offline-nodes.limit: 1000
# max number of offline emails to send a node operator until the node comes back online
# offline-nodes.max-emails: 3
# encryption keys to encrypt info in orders
# orders.encryption-keys: ""
# how long until an order expires
# orders.expiration: 24h0m0s
# how many items in the rollups write cache before they are flushed to the database
# orders.flush-batch-size: 1000
# how often to flush the rollups write cache to the database
# orders.flush-interval: 1m0s
# how many concurrent orders to process at once. zero is unlimited
# orders.orders-semaphore-size: 2
# the location of the maxmind database containing geoip country information
# overlay.geo-ip.db: ""
# a mock list of countries the satellite will attribute to nodes (useful for testing)
# overlay.geo-ip.mock-countries: []
# the minimum node id difficulty required for new nodes. existing nodes remain allowed
# overlay.minimum-new-node-id-difficulty: 36
# the amount of time to wait before accepting a redundant check-in from a node (unmodified info since last check-in)
# overlay.node-check-in-wait-period: 2h0m0s
# disable node cache
# overlay.node-selection-cache.disabled: false
# how stale the node selection cache can be
# overlay.node-selection-cache.staleness: 3m0s
# the amount of time to wait between sending Node Software Update emails
# overlay.node-software-update-email-cooldown: 168h0m0s
# default duration for AS OF SYSTEM TIME
# -10s
# enables the use of the AS OF SYSTEM TIME feature in CRDB
# true
# require distinct IPs when choosing nodes for upload
# overlay.node.distinct-ip: true
# how much disk space a node at minimum must have to be selected for upload
# overlay.node.minimum-disk-space: 500.00 MB
# the minimum node software version for node selection queries
# overlay.node.minimum-version: ""
# the fraction of new nodes allowed per request
# 0.05
# the amount of time without seeing a node before its considered offline
# 4h0m0s
# list of country codes to exclude from node selection for uploads
# overlay.node.upload-excluded-country-codes: []
# list of country codes to exclude nodes from target repair selection
# []
# whether to send emails to nodes
# overlay.send-node-emails: false
# number of update requests to process per transaction
# overlay.update-stats-batch-size: 100
# flag to disable querying for new billing transactions by billing chore
# payments.billing-config.disable-loop: true
# billing chore interval to query for new transactions from all payment types
# payments.billing-config.interval: 15s
# amount of percents that user will earn as bonus credits by depositing in STORJ tokens
# payments.bonus-rate: 10
# semicolon-separated partner package plans in the format partner:price,credit. Price and credit are in cents USD.
# payments.package-plans: ""
# payments provider to use
# payments.provider: ""
# basic auth identifier
# payments.storjscan.auth.identifier: ""
# basic auth secret
# payments.storjscan.auth.secret: ""
# required number of following blocks in the chain to accept payment as confirmed
# payments.storjscan.confirmations: 15
# flag to disable querying new storjscan payments by storjscan chore
# payments.storjscan.disable-loop: true
# storjscan API endpoint
# payments.storjscan.endpoint: ""
# storjscan chore interval to query new payments for all satellite deposit wallets
# payments.storjscan.interval: 1m0s
# toggle autoadvance feature for invoice creation
# false
# the maximum number of concurrent Stripe API calls in invoicing methods
# payments.stripe-coin-payments.max-parallel-calls: 10
# whether to remove expired package credit or not
# payments.stripe-coin-payments.remove-expired-credit: true
# the duration of the first retry interval
# payments.stripe-coin-payments.retries.initial-backoff: 20ms
# the maximum duration of any retry interval
# payments.stripe-coin-payments.retries.max-backoff: 5s
# the maximum number of times to retry a request
# payments.stripe-coin-payments.retries.max-retries: 10
# the factor by which the retry interval will be multiplied on each iteration
# payments.stripe-coin-payments.retries.multiplier: 2
# if set, skips the creation of empty invoices for customers with zero usage for the billing period
# payments.stripe-coin-payments.skip-empty-invoices: true
# stripe free tier coupon ID
# payments.stripe-coin-payments.stripe-free-tier-coupon-id: ""
# stripe API public key
# payments.stripe-coin-payments.stripe-public-key: ""
# stripe API secret key
# payments.stripe-coin-payments.stripe-secret-key: ""
# semicolon-separated usage price overrides in the format partner:storage,egress,segment,egress_discount_ratio. The egress discount ratio is the ratio of free egress per unit-month of storage
# payments.usage-price-overrides: ""
# price user should pay for egress in dollars/TB
# payments.usage-price.egress-tb: "7"
# price user should pay for segments stored on network per month in dollars/segment
# payments.usage-price.segment: "0.0000088"
# price user should pay for storage per month in dollars/TB
# "4"
# whether to enable piece tracker observer with ranged loop
# piece-tracker.use-ranged-loop: true
# how often to remove unused project bandwidth rollups
# project-bw-cleanup.interval: 24h0m0s
# number of months of project bandwidth rollups to retain, not including the current month
# project-bw-cleanup.retain-months: 2
satellite/accounting: add cache for getting project storage and bw limits This PR adds the following items: 1) an in-memory read-only cache thats stores project limit info for projectIDs This cache is stored in-memory since this is expected to be a small amount of data. In this implementation we are only storing in the cache projects that have been accessed. Currently for the largest Satellite (eu-west) there is about 4500 total projects. So storing the storage limit (int64) and the bandwidth limit (int64), this would end up being about 200kb (including the 32 byte project ID) if all 4500 projectIDs were in the cache. So this all fits in memory for the time being. At some point it may not as usage grows, but that seems years out. The cache is a read only cache. When requests come in to upload/download a file, we will read from the cache what the current limits are for that project. If the cache does not contain the projectID, it will get the info from the database (satellitedb project table), then add it to the cache. The only time the values in the cache are modified is when either a) the project ID is not in the cache, or b) the item in the cache has expired (default 10mins), then the data gets refreshed out of the database. This occurs by default every 10 mins. This means that if we update the usage limits in the database, that change might not show up in the cache for 10 mins which mean it will not be reflected to limit end users uploading/downloading files for that time period.. Change-Id: I3fd7056cf963676009834fcbcf9c4a0922ca4a8f
2020-09-09 20:20:44 +01:00
# number of projects to cache.
# project-limit.cache-capacity: 20000
satellite/accounting: add cache for getting project storage and bw limits This PR adds the following items: 1) an in-memory read-only cache thats stores project limit info for projectIDs This cache is stored in-memory since this is expected to be a small amount of data. In this implementation we are only storing in the cache projects that have been accessed. Currently for the largest Satellite (eu-west) there is about 4500 total projects. So storing the storage limit (int64) and the bandwidth limit (int64), this would end up being about 200kb (including the 32 byte project ID) if all 4500 projectIDs were in the cache. So this all fits in memory for the time being. At some point it may not as usage grows, but that seems years out. The cache is a read only cache. When requests come in to upload/download a file, we will read from the cache what the current limits are for that project. If the cache does not contain the projectID, it will get the info from the database (satellitedb project table), then add it to the cache. The only time the values in the cache are modified is when either a) the project ID is not in the cache, or b) the item in the cache has expired (default 10mins), then the data gets refreshed out of the database. This occurs by default every 10 mins. This means that if we update the usage limits in the database, that change might not show up in the cache for 10 mins which mean it will not be reflected to limit end users uploading/downloading files for that time period.. Change-Id: I3fd7056cf963676009834fcbcf9c4a0922ca4a8f
2020-09-09 20:20:44 +01:00
# how long to cache the project limits.
# project-limit.cache-expiration: 10m0s
# as of system interval
# -5m0s
# how many items to query in a batch
# ranged-loop.batch-size: 2500
# how often to run the loop
# ranged-loop.interval: 2h0m0s
# how many chunks of segments to process in parallel
# ranged-loop.parallelism: 2
# ratio where to consider processed count as supicious
# ranged-loop.suspicious-processed-ratio: 0.03
# time limit for dialing storage node
# repairer.dial-timeout: 5s
# repair pieces on the same network to other nodes
# false
# repair pieces out of segment placement
# true
# time limit for downloading pieces from a node for repair
# 5m0s
# whether to download pieces for repair in memory (true) or download to disk (false)
# false
2019-06-04 13:13:31 +01:00
# how frequently repairer should try and repair more data
# repairer.interval: 5m0s
# maximum buffer memory (in bytes) to be allocated for read buffers
# repairer.max-buffer-mem: 4.0 MiB
[V3-1927] Repairer uploads to max threshold instead of success… (#2423) * pkg/datarepair: Add test to check num upload pieces Add a new test for ensuring the number of pieces that the repair process upload when a segment is injured. * satellite/orders: Don't create "put order limits" over total Repair must not create "put order limits" more than the total count. * pkg/datarepair: Update upload repair pieces test Update the test which checks the number of pieces which are uploaded during a repair for using the same excess over the success threshold value than the implementation. * satellites/orders: Limit repair put order for not being total Limit the number of put orders to be used by repair for only uploading pieces to a % excess over the successful threshold. * pkg/datarepair: Change DataRepair test to pass again Make some changes in the DataRepair test to make pass again after the repair upload repaired pieces only until a % excess over success threshold. Also update the steps description of the DataRepair test after it has been changed, to match on what's now, besides to leave it more generic for avoiding having to update it on minimal future refactorings. * satellite: Make repair excess optimal threshold configurable Add a new configuration parameter to the satellite for being able to configure the percentage excess over the optimal threshold, used for determining how many pieces should be repaired/uploaded, rather than having the value hard coded. * repairer: Add configurable param to segments/repairer Add a new parameters to the segment/repairer to calculate the maximum number of excess nodes, based on the optimal threshold, that repaired pieces can be uploaded. This new parameter has been added for not returning more nodes than the number of upload orders for data repair satellite service calculate for repairing pieces. * pkg/storage/ec: Update log message in clien.Repair * satellite: Update configuration lock file
2019-07-11 23:44:47 +01:00
# ratio applied to the optimal threshold to calculate the excess of the maximum number of repaired pieces to upload
# repairer.max-excess-rate-optimal-threshold: 0.05
# maximum segments that can be repaired concurrently
# repairer.max-repair: 5
# whether the audit score of nodes should be updated as a part of repair
# repairer.reputation-update-enabled: false
# time limit for uploading repaired pieces to new storage nodes
# repairer.timeout: 5m0s
# time limit for an entire repair job, from queue pop to upload completion
# 45m0s
# whether to enable repair checker observer with ranged loop
# repairer.use-ranged-loop: true
# the number of times a node has been audited to not be considered a New Node
# reputation.audit-count: 100
# the reputation cut-off for disqualifying SNs based on audit history
# reputation.audit-dq: 0.96
# The length of time to give suspended SNOs to diagnose and fix issues causing downtime. Afterwards, they will have one tracking period to reach the minimum online score before disqualification
# reputation.audit-history.grace-period: 168h0m0s
# whether nodes will be disqualified if they have low online score after a review period
# reputation.audit-history.offline-dq-enabled: false
# whether nodes will be suspended if they have low online score
# reputation.audit-history.offline-suspension-enabled: true
# The point below which a node is punished for offline audits. Determined by calculating the ratio of online/total audits within each window and finding the average across windows within the tracking period.
# reputation.audit-history.offline-threshold: 0.6
# The length of time to track audit windows for node suspension and disqualification
# reputation.audit-history.tracking-period: 720h0m0s
# The length of time spanning a single audit window
# reputation.audit-history.window-size: 12h0m0s
# the forgetting factor used to update storage node reputation due to audits
# reputation.audit-lambda: 0.999
# weight to apply to audit reputation for total repair reputation calculation
# reputation.audit-repair-weight: 1
# weight to apply to audit reputation for total uplink reputation calculation
# reputation.audit-uplink-weight: 1
# the normalization weight used to calculate the audit SNs reputation
# reputation.audit-weight: 1
# the amount of time that should elapse before the cache retries failed database operations
# reputation.error-retry-interval: 1m0s
# the maximum amount of time that should elapse before cached reputation writes are flushed to the database (if 0, no reputation cache is used)
# reputation.flush-interval: 2h0m0s
# the value to which an alpha reputation value should be initialized
# reputation.initial-alpha: 1000
# the value to which a beta reputation value should be initialized
# reputation.initial-beta: 0
# whether nodes will be disqualified if they have been suspended for longer than the suspended grace period
# reputation.suspension-dq-enabled: false
# the time period that must pass before suspended nodes will be disqualified
# reputation.suspension-grace-period: 168h0m0s
# the reputation cut-off for disqualifying SNs based on returning 'unknown' errors during audit
# reputation.unknown-audit-dq: 0.6
# the forgetting factor used to update storage node reputation due to returning 'unknown' errors during audit'
# reputation.unknown-audit-lambda: 0.95
# expiration to use if user does not specify an rest key expiration
# rest-keys.default-expiration: 720h0m0s
# age at which a rollup is archived
# rollup-archive.archive-age: 2160h0m0s
# number of records to delete per delete execution. Used only for crdb which is slow without limit.
# rollup-archive.batch-size: 500
# whether or not the rollup archive is enabled.
# rollup-archive.enabled: true
# how frequently rollup archiver should run
# rollup-archive.interval: 24h0m0s
# option for deleting tallies after they are rolled up
# rollup.delete-tallies: true
# how many tallies to delete in a batch
# rollup.delete-tallies-batch-size: 10000
# how frequently rollup should run
# rollup.interval: 24h0m0s
# public address to listen on
server.address: :7777
# whether to debounce incoming messages
# server.debouncing-enabled: true
# if true, client leaves may contain the most recent certificate revocation for the current certificate
# server.extensions.revocation: true
# if true, client leaves must contain a valid "signed certificate extension" (NB: verified against certs in the peer ca whitelist; i.e. if true, a whitelist must be provided)
# server.extensions.whitelist-signed-leaf: false
# path to the CA cert whitelist (peer identities must be signed by one these to be verified). this will override the default peer whitelist
# server.peer-ca-whitelist-path: ""
# identity version(s) the server will be allowed to talk to
# server.peer-id-versions: latest
# private address to listen on
# url for revocation database (e.g. bolt://some.db OR redis://
# server.revocation-dburl: bolt://testdata/revocations.db
# enable support for tcp fast open
# server.tcp-fast-open: true
# the size of the tcp fast open queue
# server.tcp-fast-open-queue: 256
# if true, uses peer ca whitelist checking
# server.use-peer-ca-whitelist: true
# whether nodes will be disqualified if they have not been contacted in some time
# stray-nodes.enable-dq: true
# how often to check for and DQ stray nodes
# stray-nodes.interval: 168h0m0s
# Max number of nodes to return in a single query. Chore will iterate until rows returned is less than limit
# stray-nodes.limit: 1000
# length of time a node can go without contacting satellite before being disqualified
# stray-nodes.max-duration-without-contact: 720h0m0s
# as of system interval
# -5m0s
# how frequently the tally service should run
# tally.interval: 1h0m0s
# how many buckets to query in a batch
# tally.list-limit: 2500
# how large of batches GetBandwidthSince should process at a time
# 10000
# how large of batches SaveRollup should process at a time
# 1000
# how large should be insert into tallies
# 10000
# whether to enable node tally with ranged loop
# tally.use-ranged-loop: true
# address for jaeger agent
# tracing.agent-addr:
# application name for tracing identification
# satellite
# application suffix
# -release
# buffer size for collector batch packet size
# tracing.buffer-size: 0
# whether tracing collector is enabled
# tracing.enabled: true
# how frequently to flush traces to tracing agent
# tracing.interval: 0s
# buffer size for collector queue size
# tracing.queue-size: 0
# how frequent to sample traces
# tracing.sample: 0
# A comma delimited list of peers (IDs/addresses) allowed to use this endpoint.
# userinfo.allowed-peers: ""
# Whether the private Userinfo rpc endpoint is enabled
# userinfo.enabled: false
# Interval to check the version
# version.check-interval: 15m0s
# Request timeout for version checks
# version.request-timeout: 1m0s
# server address to check its version against
# version.server-address:
# as of system interval
# -5m0s
# set if zombie object cleanup is enabled or not
# zombie-deletion.enabled: true
# after what time object will be deleted if there where no new upload activity
# zombie-deletion.inactive-for: 24h0m0s
# the time between each attempt to go through the db and clean up zombie objects
# zombie-deletion.interval: 12h0m0s
# how many objects to query in a batch
# zombie-deletion.list-limit: 100