Implement garbage collection on satellite (#2577)

* Added a gc package at satellite/gc, which contains the gc.Service, which runs garbage collection integrated with the metainfoloop, and the gc PieceTracker, which implements the metainfo loop Observer interface and stores all of the filters (about which pieces are good) for each node.
* Added a gc config located at satellite/gc/service.go (loop disabled by default in release)
* Creates bloom filters with pieces to be retained inside the metainfo loop
* Sends RetainRequests (or filters with good piece ids) to all storage nodes.
This commit is contained in:
Natalie Villasana 2019-07-24 13:26:43 -04:00 committed by Maximillian von Briesen
parent b8fe349816
commit f11413bc8e
9 changed files with 450 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import (
@ -169,6 +170,13 @@ func (planet *Planet) newSatellites(count int) ([]*satellite.Peer, error) {
MinBytesPerSecond: 1 * memory.KB,
MinDownloadTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
GarbageCollection: gc.Config{
Interval: 1 * time.Minute,
Enabled: true,
InitialPieces: 10,
FalsePositiveRate: 0.1,
ConcurrentSends: 1,
Tally: tally.Config{
Interval: 30 * time.Second,

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -39,18 +40,35 @@ func newExplicit(seed, hashCount byte, sizeInBytes int) *Filter {
// NewOptimal returns a filter based on expected element count and false positive rate.
func NewOptimal(expectedElements int, falsePositiveRate float64) *Filter {
hashCount, sizeInBytes := getHashCountAndSize(expectedElements, falsePositiveRate)
seed := byte(rand.Intn(255))
return newExplicit(seed, byte(hashCount), sizeInBytes)
// NewOptimalMaxSize returns a filter based on expected element count and false positive rate, capped at a maximum size in bytes
func NewOptimalMaxSize(expectedElements int, falsePositiveRate float64, maxSize memory.Size) *Filter {
hashCount, sizeInBytes := getHashCountAndSize(expectedElements, falsePositiveRate)
seed := byte(rand.Intn(255))
if sizeInBytes > maxSize.Int() {
sizeInBytes = maxSize.Int()
return newExplicit(seed, byte(hashCount), sizeInBytes)
func getHashCountAndSize(expectedElements int, falsePositiveRate float64) (hashCount, size int) {
// calculation based on
bitsPerElement := -1.44 * math.Log2(falsePositiveRate)
hashCount := math.Ceil(bitsPerElement * math.Log(2))
hashCount = int(math.Ceil(bitsPerElement * math.Log(2)))
if hashCount > 32 {
// it will never be larger, but just in case to avoid overflow
hashCount = 32
sizeInBytes := int(math.Ceil(float64(expectedElements) * bitsPerElement / 8))
size = int(math.Ceil(float64(expectedElements) * bitsPerElement / 8))
return newExplicit(seed, byte(hashCount), sizeInBytes)
return hashCount, size
// Parameters returns filter parameters.
@ -144,3 +162,9 @@ func (filter *Filter) Bytes() []byte {
copy(bytes[3:], filter.table)
return bytes
// Size returns the size of Bytes call.
func (filter *Filter) Size() int64 {
// the first three bytes represent the version, seed, and hash count
return int64(1 + 1 + 1 + len(filter.table))

satellite/gc/doc.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
Package gc contains the functions needed to run garbage collection.
The gc.PieceTracker implements the metainfo loop Observer interface
allowing us to subscribe to the loop to get information for every segment
in the metainfo database.
The gc.PieceTracker handling functions are used by the gc.Service to periodically
account for all existing pieces on storage nodes and create "retain requests"
which contain a bloom filter of all pieces that possibly exist on a storage node.
The gc.Service will send that request to the storagenode after a full metaloop
iteration, and the storage node will use that request to delete the "garbage" pieces
that are not in the bloom filter.
See storj/docs/design/ for more info.
package gc

satellite/gc/gc_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package gc_test
import (
// TestGarbageCollection does the following:
// * Set up a network with one storagenode
// * Upload two objects
// * Delete one object from the metainfo service on the satellite
// * Wait for bloom filter generation
// * Check that pieces of the deleted object are deleted on the storagenode
// * Check that pieces of the kept object are not deleted on the storagenode
func TestGarbageCollection(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 1, UplinkCount: 1,
Reconfigure: testplanet.Reconfigure{
Satellite: func(log *zap.Logger, index int, config *satellite.Config) {
config.GarbageCollection.FalsePositiveRate = 0.000000001
config.GarbageCollection.Interval = 500 * time.Millisecond
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
upl := planet.Uplinks[0]
targetNode := planet.StorageNodes[0]
gcService := satellite.GarbageCollection.Service
// Upload two objects
testData1 := testrand.Bytes(8 * memory.KiB)
testData2 := testrand.Bytes(8 * memory.KiB)
err := upl.Upload(ctx, satellite, "testbucket", "test/path/1", testData1)
require.NoError(t, err)
deletedEncPath, pointerToDelete := getPointer(ctx, t, satellite, upl, "testbucket", "test/path/1")
var deletedPieceID storj.PieceID
for _, p := range pointerToDelete.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces() {
if p.NodeId == targetNode.ID() {
deletedPieceID = pointerToDelete.GetRemote().RootPieceId.Derive(p.NodeId, p.PieceNum)
require.NotZero(t, deletedPieceID)
err = upl.Upload(ctx, satellite, "testbucket", "test/path/2", testData2)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, pointerToKeep := getPointer(ctx, t, satellite, upl, "testbucket", "test/path/2")
var keptPieceID storj.PieceID
for _, p := range pointerToKeep.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces() {
if p.NodeId == targetNode.ID() {
keptPieceID = pointerToKeep.GetRemote().RootPieceId.Derive(p.NodeId, p.PieceNum)
require.NotZero(t, keptPieceID)
// Delete one object from metainfo service on satellite
err = satellite.Metainfo.Service.Delete(ctx, deletedEncPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Check that piece of the deleted object is on the storagenode
pieceInfo, err := targetNode.DB.PieceInfo().Get(ctx, satellite.ID(), deletedPieceID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, pieceInfo)
// The pieceInfo.GetPieceIDs query converts piece creation and the filter creation timestamps
// to datetime in sql. This chops off all precision beyond seconds.
// In this test, the amount of time that elapses between piece uploads and the gc loop is
// less than a second, meaning datetime(piece_creation) < datetime(filter_creation) is false unless we sleep
// for a second.
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// Wait for next iteration of garbage collection to finish
// Check that piece of the deleted object is not on the storagenode
pieceInfo, err = targetNode.DB.PieceInfo().Get(ctx, satellite.ID(), deletedPieceID)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Nil(t, pieceInfo)
// Check that piece of the kept object is on the storagenode
pieceInfo, err = targetNode.DB.PieceInfo().Get(ctx, satellite.ID(), keptPieceID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, pieceInfo)
func getPointer(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, satellite *satellite.Peer, upl *testplanet.Uplink, bucket, path string) (lastSegPath string, pointer *pb.Pointer) {
projects, err := satellite.DB.Console().Projects().GetAll(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, projects, 1)
encParameters := upl.GetConfig(satellite).GetEncryptionParameters()
cipherSuite := encParameters.CipherSuite
store := encryption.NewStore()
encryptedPath, err := encryption.EncryptPath(bucket, paths.NewUnencrypted(path), cipherSuite, store)
require.NoError(t, err)
lastSegPath = storj.JoinPaths(projects[0].ID.String(), "l", bucket, encryptedPath.Raw())
pointer, err = satellite.Metainfo.Service.Get(ctx, lastSegPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
return lastSegPath, pointer

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package gc
import (
// PieceTracker implements the metainfo loop observer interface for garbage collection
type PieceTracker struct {
log *zap.Logger
config Config
creationDate time.Time
pieceCounts map[storj.NodeID]int
retainInfos map[storj.NodeID]*RetainInfo
// NewPieceTracker instantiates a new gc piece tracker to be subscribed to the metainfo loop
func NewPieceTracker(log *zap.Logger, config Config, pieceCounts map[storj.NodeID]int) *PieceTracker {
return &PieceTracker{
log: log,
config: config,
creationDate: time.Now().UTC(),
pieceCounts: pieceCounts,
retainInfos: make(map[storj.NodeID]*RetainInfo),
// RemoteSegment takes a remote segment found in metainfo and adds pieces to bloom filters
func (pieceTracker *PieceTracker) RemoteSegment(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path, pointer *pb.Pointer) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, path)(&err)
remote := pointer.GetRemote()
pieces := remote.GetRemotePieces()
for _, piece := range pieces {
pieceID := remote.RootPieceId.Derive(piece.NodeId, piece.PieceNum)
pieceTracker.add(piece.NodeId, pieceID)
return nil
// RemoteObject returns nil because gc does not interact with remote objects
func (pieceTracker *PieceTracker) RemoteObject(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path, pointer *pb.Pointer) (err error) {
return nil
// InlineSegment returns nil because we're only doing gc for storage nodes for now
func (pieceTracker *PieceTracker) InlineSegment(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path, pointer *pb.Pointer) (err error) {
return nil
// adds a pieceID to the relevant node's RetainInfo
func (pieceTracker *PieceTracker) add(nodeID storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID) {
if _, ok := pieceTracker.retainInfos[nodeID]; !ok {
// If we know how many pieces a node should be storing, use that number. Otherwise use default.
numPieces := pieceTracker.config.InitialPieces
if pieceTracker.pieceCounts[nodeID] > 0 {
numPieces = pieceTracker.pieceCounts[nodeID]
// limit size of bloom filter to ensure we are under the limit for GRPC
filter := bloomfilter.NewOptimalMaxSize(numPieces, pieceTracker.config.FalsePositiveRate, 2*memory.MiB)
pieceTracker.retainInfos[nodeID] = &RetainInfo{
Filter: filter,
CreationDate: pieceTracker.creationDate,

satellite/gc/service.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package gc
import (
monkit ""
var (
// Error defines the gc service errors class
Error = errs.Class("gc service error")
mon = monkit.Package()
// Config contains configurable values for garbage collection
type Config struct {
Interval time.Duration `help:"the time between each send of garbage collection filters to storage nodes" releaseDefault:"168h" devDefault:"10m"`
Enabled bool `help:"set if garbage collection is enabled or not" releaseDefault:"false" devDefault:"true"`
// value for InitialPieces currently based on average pieces per node
InitialPieces int `help:"the initial number of pieces expected for a storage node to have, used for creating a filter" releaseDefault:"400000" devDefault:"10"`
FalsePositiveRate float64 `help:"the false positive rate used for creating a garbage collection bloom filter" releaseDefault:"0.1" devDefault:"0.1"`
ConcurrentSends int `help:"the number of nodes to concurrently send garbage collection bloom filters to" releaseDefault:"1" devDefault:"1"`
// Service implements the garbage collection service
type Service struct {
log *zap.Logger
config Config
Loop sync2.Cycle
transport transport.Client
overlay overlay.DB
metainfoLoop *metainfo.Loop
// RetainInfo contains info needed for a storage node to retain important data and delete garbage data
type RetainInfo struct {
Filter *bloomfilter.Filter
CreationDate time.Time
Count int
// NewService creates a new instance of the gc service
func NewService(log *zap.Logger, config Config, transport transport.Client, overlay overlay.DB, loop *metainfo.Loop) *Service {
return &Service{
log: log,
config: config,
Loop: *sync2.NewCycle(config.Interval),
transport: transport,
overlay: overlay,
metainfoLoop: loop,
// Run starts the gc loop service
func (service *Service) Run(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
if !service.config.Enabled {
return nil
// TODO retrieve piece counts from overlay (when there is a column for them)
lastPieceCounts := make(map[storj.NodeID]int)
return service.Loop.Run(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
pieceTracker := NewPieceTracker(service.log.Named("gc observer"), service.config, lastPieceCounts)
// collect things to retain
err = service.metainfoLoop.Join(ctx, pieceTracker)
if err != nil {
service.log.Error("error joining metainfoloop", zap.Error(err))
return nil
// save piece counts for next iteration
for id := range lastPieceCounts {
delete(lastPieceCounts, id)
for id, info := range pieceTracker.retainInfos {
lastPieceCounts[id] = info.Count
// monitor information
for _, info := range pieceTracker.retainInfos {
// send retain requests
limiter := sync2.NewLimiter(service.config.ConcurrentSends)
for id, info := range pieceTracker.retainInfos {
id, info := id, info
limiter.Go(ctx, func() {
err := service.sendRetainRequest(ctx, id, info)
if err != nil {
service.log.Error("error sending retain info to node", zap.Stringer("node ID", id), zap.Error(err))
return nil
func (service *Service) sendRetainRequest(ctx context.Context, id storj.NodeID, info *RetainInfo) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, id.String())(&err)
log := service.log.Named(id.String())
dossier, err := service.overlay.Get(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
client, err := piecestore.Dial(ctx, service.transport, &dossier.Node, log, piecestore.DefaultConfig)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() {
err = errs.Combine(err, Error.Wrap(client.Close()))
err = client.Retain(ctx, &pb.RetainRequest{
CreationDate: info.CreationDate,
Filter: info.Filter.Bytes(),
return Error.Wrap(err)

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import (
@ -118,6 +119,8 @@ type Config struct {
Repairer repairer.Config
Audit audit.Config
GarbageCollection gc.Config
Tally tally.Config
Rollup rollup.Config
LiveAccounting live.Config
@ -188,6 +191,10 @@ type Peer struct {
Service *audit.Service
GarbageCollection struct {
Service *gc.Service
Accounting struct {
Tally *tally.Service
Rollup *rollup.Service
@ -470,6 +477,18 @@ func New(log *zap.Logger, full *identity.FullIdentity, db DB, config *Config, ve
{ // setup garbage collection
log.Debug("Setting up garbage collection")
peer.GarbageCollection.Service = gc.NewService(
peer.Log.Named("garbage collection"),
{ // setup accounting
log.Debug("Setting up accounting")
peer.Accounting.Tally = tally.New(peer.Log.Named("tally"), peer.DB.StoragenodeAccounting(), peer.DB.ProjectAccounting(), peer.LiveAccounting.Service, peer.Metainfo.Service, peer.Overlay.Service, 0, config.Tally.Interval)
@ -668,6 +687,9 @@ func (peer *Peer) Run(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
group.Go(func() error {
return errs2.IgnoreCanceled(peer.Audit.Service.Run(ctx))
group.Go(func() error {
return errs2.IgnoreCanceled(peer.GarbageCollection.Service.Run(ctx))
group.Go(func() error {
// TODO: move the message into Server instead
// Don't change the format of this comment, it is used to figure out the node id.

View File

@ -73,6 +73,21 @@ defaults: "release"
# the amount of nodes read from the overlay cache in a single pagination call
# discovery.refresh-limit: 100
# the number of nodes to concurrently send garbage collection bloom filters to
# garbage-collection.concurrent-sends: 1
# set if garbage collection is enabled or not
# garbage-collection.enabled: false
# the false positive rate used for creating a garbage collection bloom filter
# garbage-collection.false-positive-rate: 0.1
# the initial number of pieces expected for a storage node to have, used for creating a filter
# garbage-collection.initial-pieces: 400000
# the time between each send of garbage collection filters to storage nodes
# garbage-collection.interval: 168h0m0s
# help for setup
# help: false

View File

@ -101,16 +101,21 @@ func (db *pieceinfo) Get(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID, pieceID
var orderLimit []byte
var uplinkPieceHash []byte
var pieceExpiration *time.Time
err = db.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, db.Rebind(`
SELECT piece_size, piece_creation, piece_expiration, order_limit, uplink_piece_hash
FROM pieceinfo_
WHERE satellite_id = ? AND piece_id = ?
`), satelliteID, pieceID).Scan(&info.PieceSize, &info.PieceCreation, &info.PieceExpiration, &orderLimit, &uplinkPieceHash)
`), satelliteID, pieceID).Scan(&info.PieceSize, &info.PieceCreation, &pieceExpiration, &orderLimit, &uplinkPieceHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInfo.Wrap(err)
if pieceExpiration != nil {
info.PieceExpiration = *pieceExpiration
info.OrderLimit = &pb.OrderLimit{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(orderLimit, info.OrderLimit)
if err != nil {