2018-08-20 13:46:45 -06:00

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Storj V3 Network

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Storj is in the midst of a rearchitecture. Please stay tuned for our v3 whitepaper!

Storj is a platform, token, and suite of decentralized applications that allows you to store data in a secure and decentralized manner. Your files are encrypted, shredded into little pieces and stored in a global decentralized network of computers. Luckily, we also support allowing you (and only you) to recover them!

Table of Contents

Start Using Storj

Download the latest release

Go here to download the latest build // TODO: add link when a build is released // TODO for how to run the release

Using Storj via the Storj CLI

Configure the Storj CLI

  1. In a new terminal setup the Storj CLI: $ storj setup
  2. Edit the API Key, overlay address, and pointer db address fields in the Storj CLI config file located at ~/.storj/cli/config.yaml with values from the captplanet config file located at ~/.storj/capt/config.yaml

Test out some Storj CLI commands!

  1. Create a bucket: $ storj mb s3://bucket-name
  2. Upload an object: $ storj cp ~/Desktop/your-large-file.mp4 s3://bucket-name
  3. List objects in a bucket: $ storj ls s3://bucket-name/
  4. Download an object: $ storj cp s3://bucket-name/your-large-file.mp4 ~/Desktop/your-large-file.mp4
  5. Delete an object: $ storj rm s3://bucket-name/your-large-file.mp4

Using Storj via the AWS S3 CLI

Configure AWS CLI

Download and install the AWS S3 CLI:

In a new terminal session configure the AWS S3 CLI:

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: insecure-dev-access-key
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: insecure-dev-secret-key
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: 
$ aws configure set default.s3.multipart_threshold 1TB  # until we support multipart

Test out some AWS S3 CLI commands!

  1. Create a bucket: $ aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ mb s3://bucket-name
  2. Upload an object: $ aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ cp ~/Desktop/your-large-file.mp4 s3://bucket-name
  3. List objects in a bucket: $ aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ ls s3://bucket-name/
  4. Download an object: $ aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ cp s3://bucket-name/your-large-file.mp4 ~/Desktop/your-large-file.mp4
  5. Generate a URL for an object: $ aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ presign s3://bucket-name/your-large-file.mp4
  6. Delete an object: $ aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ rm s3://bucket-name/your-large-file.mp4

For more information about the AWS s3 CLI visit:

Start Contributing to Storj

Install required packages

First, install git and golang. We currently support Debian-based and Mac operating systems

Debian based (like Ubuntu)

Download and install the latest release of go

apt-get install git golang
echo 'export STORJDEV="$HOME/storj"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GOPATH="$STORJDEV:$STORJDEV/vendor"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$STORJDEV/bin"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc


brew install git go
if test -e $HOME/.bash_profile
	echo 'export STORJDEV="$HOME/storj"' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
	echo 'export GOPATH="$STORJDEV:$STORJDEV/vendor"' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
	echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$STORJDEV/bin"' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
	source $HOME/.bash_profile
	echo 'export STORJDEV="$HOME/storj"' >> $HOME/.profile
	echo 'export GOPATH="$STORJDEV:$STORJDEV/vendor"' >> $HOME/.profile
	echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$STORJDEV/bin"' >> $HOME/.profile
	source $HOME/.profile

Install storj

Clone the storj repository. You may want to clone your own fork and branch.

mkdir -p $STORJDEV/src/
git clone $STORJDEV/src/

Install all dependencies

git clone --recursive $STORJDEV/vendor
rm -rf $STORJDEV/vendor/src/
rm -rf $STORJDEV/vendor/src/

Start the network

$ go install -v
$ captplanet setup
$ captplanet run

Try out some commands via Storj CLI or AWS CLI

Run unit tests

go test

You can execute only a single test package. For example: go test Add -v for more informations about the executed unit tests.


If you have any questions or suggestions please reach out to us on Rocketchat or Twitter.