paul cannon 0dcc0a9ee0 satellite/reputation: reconfigure lambda and alpha
This is in response to community feedback that our existing reputation
calculation is too likely to disqualify storage nodes unfairly with
extreme swings up and down.

For details and analysis, please see the
tool, the "tuning reputation further.ipynb" Jupyter notebook in the
storj/datascience repository, and the discussion at

In brief: changing the lambda and initial-alpha parameters in this way
causes the swings in reputation to be smaller and less likely to put a
node past the disqualification threshold unfairly.

Note: this change will cause a one-time reset of all (non-disqualified)
node reputations, because the new initial alpha value of 1000 is
dramatically different, and the disqualification threshold is going to
be much higher.

Change-Id: Id6dc4ba8fde1be3db4255b72282207bab5491ca3
2022-08-17 18:52:53 +00:00

299 lines
9.7 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2022 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package reputation_test
import (
func TestHeavyLockContention(t *testing.T) {
const (
nodeCount = 10
rounds = 200
windowSize = 10 * time.Minute
// construct random test data
timeStart := time.Now().Add(-rounds * windowSize)
nodes := make([]storj.NodeID, nodeCount)
testData := make([][]reputation.Mutations, nodeCount)
for nodeNum := 0; nodeNum < nodeCount; nodeNum++ {
nodes[nodeNum] = testrand.NodeID()
testData[nodeNum] = make([]reputation.Mutations, rounds)
for roundNum := 0; roundNum < rounds; roundNum++ {
mutations := &testData[nodeNum][roundNum]
mutations.FailureResults = testrand.Intn(10)
mutations.OfflineResults = testrand.Intn(10)
mutations.UnknownResults = testrand.Intn(10)
mutations.PositiveResults = testrand.Intn(10)
mutations.OnlineHistory = &pb.AuditHistory{
Windows: []*pb.AuditWindow{
WindowStart: timeStart.Add(windowSize * time.Duration(roundNum)),
OnlineCount: int32(mutations.FailureResults + mutations.UnknownResults + mutations.PositiveResults),
TotalCount: int32(mutations.OfflineResults),
satellitedbtest.Run(t, func(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, db satellite.DB) {
config := reputation.Config{
AuditLambda: 1,
AuditWeight: 1,
InitialAlpha: 1000,
InitialBeta: 0,
UnknownAuditDQ: 0.6,
UnknownAuditLambda: 0.95,
AuditHistory: reputation.AuditHistoryConfig{
WindowSize: windowSize,
TrackingPeriod: 1 * time.Hour,
FlushInterval: 2 * time.Hour,
ErrorRetryInterval: 0,
reputationDB := db.Reputation()
writecacheDB := reputation.NewCachingDB(zaptest.NewLogger(t), reputationDB, config)
var group errgroup.Group
// Make room for results ahead of time, so we don't need to use any
// extra locks or atomics while the goroutines are goroutine-ing. Extra
// synchronization primitives might synchronize things that otherwise
// wouldn't have been synchronized.
resultInfos := make([][]*reputation.Info, nodeCount)
for nodeNum := 0; nodeNum < nodeCount; nodeNum++ {
nodeNum := nodeNum
group.Go(func() error {
resultInfos[nodeNum] = make([]*reputation.Info, rounds)
for roundNum := 0; roundNum < rounds; roundNum++ {
now := testData[nodeNum][roundNum].OnlineHistory.Windows[0].WindowStart
now = now.Add(time.Duration(testrand.Int63n(int64(windowSize))))
info, err := writecacheDB.ApplyUpdates(ctx, nodes[nodeNum], testData[nodeNum][roundNum], config, now)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("node[%d] in round[%d]: %w", nodeNum, roundNum, err)
resultInfos[nodeNum][roundNum] = info.Copy()
return nil
err := group.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
// verify each step along the way had the expected running totals
for nodeNum := 0; nodeNum < nodeCount; nodeNum++ {
totalAudits := 0
totalSuccess := 0
for roundNum := 0; roundNum < rounds; roundNum++ {
input := testData[nodeNum][roundNum]
output := resultInfos[nodeNum][roundNum]
totalAudits += input.UnknownResults
totalAudits += input.OfflineResults
totalAudits += input.FailureResults
totalAudits += input.PositiveResults
totalSuccess += input.PositiveResults
require.NotNil(t, output)
require.Equalf(t, int64(totalAudits), output.TotalAuditCount,
"node[%d] in round[%d]: expected %d, but TotalAuditCount=%d", nodeNum, roundNum, totalAudits, output.TotalAuditCount)
require.Equal(t, int64(totalSuccess), output.AuditSuccessCount)
expectLen := roundNum + 1
if windowSize*time.Duration(roundNum) > config.AuditHistory.TrackingPeriod {
expectLen = int(config.AuditHistory.TrackingPeriod/windowSize) + 1
require.Lenf(t, output.AuditHistory.Windows, expectLen,
"node[%d] in round[%d]", nodeNum, roundNum)
require.Equal(t, input.OnlineHistory.Windows[0].OnlineCount, output.AuditHistory.Windows[expectLen-1].OnlineCount)
require.Equal(t, input.OnlineHistory.Windows[0].TotalCount, output.AuditHistory.Windows[expectLen-1].TotalCount)
require.Equal(t, input.OnlineHistory.Windows[0].WindowStart.UTC().Round(0), output.AuditHistory.Windows[expectLen-1].WindowStart.UTC().Round(0))
func TestFetchingInfoWhileEntryIsSyncing(t *testing.T) {
const (
windowSize = 10 * time.Minute
numRounds = 20
satellitedbtest.Run(t, func(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, db satellite.DB) {
config := reputation.Config{
AuditLambda: 1,
AuditWeight: 1,
InitialAlpha: 1000,
InitialBeta: 0,
UnknownAuditDQ: 0.6,
UnknownAuditLambda: 0.95,
AuditHistory: reputation.AuditHistoryConfig{
WindowSize: windowSize,
TrackingPeriod: 1 * time.Hour,
FlushInterval: 2 * time.Hour,
ErrorRetryInterval: 0,
logger := zaptest.NewLogger(t)
reputationDB := db.Reputation()
writecache := reputation.NewCachingDB(logger.Named("writecache"), reputationDB, config)
const positiveAudits = 123
for i := 0; i < numRounds; i++ {
group, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
startTime := time.Now()
managerCtx, managerCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
nodeID := testrand.NodeID()
// get node into the cache
_, err := writecache.ApplyUpdates(ctx, nodeID, reputation.Mutations{}, config, startTime)
require.NoError(t, err)
// The best we can do without an attached debugger framework is
// to try and time these calls at about the same time, and hope
// that everything doesn't all happen in the same order in every
// round. We'd like to test things happening in a few different
// orders.
// In this goroutine "A", we apply two different sets of updates,
// one after the other. Then we request a sync to the database.
group.Go(func() error {
// when A is done, let manager 1 know it can quit too
defer managerCancel()
info, err := writecache.ApplyUpdates(ctx, nodeID, reputation.Mutations{
OnlineHistory: &pb.AuditHistory{
Windows: []*pb.AuditWindow{
WindowStart: startTime.Round(windowSize),
OnlineCount: 0,
TotalCount: 10,
Score: 0,
}, config, startTime.Round(windowSize).Add(time.Second))
if err != nil {
return err
// the mutation should be visible now
if len(info.AuditHistory.Windows) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("assertion error: windows slice is %v (expected len 1)", info.AuditHistory.Windows)
// wait (very) briefly and make a second change. other satellite worker
// processes (such as goroutine "C") should not ever see the above change
// without this one (otherwise, that means we're writing everything to
// the database instead of caching writes).
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
info, err = writecache.ApplyUpdates(ctx, nodeID, reputation.Mutations{
PositiveResults: positiveAudits,
}, config, startTime.Round(windowSize).Add(2*time.Second))
if err != nil {
return err
if info.TotalAuditCount != positiveAudits {
return fmt.Errorf("assertion error: TotalAuditCount is %d (expected %d)", info.TotalAuditCount, positiveAudits)
// now trigger a flush
err = writecache.RequestSync(ctx, nodeID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// In this goroutine "B", we repeatedly request the info for the
// node from the cache, until we see that the changes from "A"
// have been made. We count the number of results we get in the
// interim state (the audit history has been extended, but the
// positive audits have not been recorded) just to get an idea
// of how effective this test is.
var (
queriesFromB int
queriesFromBSeeingDirty int
group.Go(func() error {
for {
info, err := writecache.Get(ctx, nodeID)
if err != nil {
return err
firstChangeSeen := (len(info.AuditHistory.Windows) > 0)
secondChangeSeen := (info.TotalAuditCount == positiveAudits)
if firstChangeSeen != secondChangeSeen {
if secondChangeSeen == true {
// test is done.
return nil
// And goroutine "C" acts like a separate server with its own
// connection to the reputation db. We expect never to see the
// interim dirty state; just before-the-changes and
// after-the-changes.
var (
queriesFromC int
queriesFromCSeeingDirty int
group.Go(func() error {
for {
info, err := reputationDB.Get(ctx, nodeID)
if err != nil {
return err
firstChangeSeen := (len(info.AuditHistory.Windows) > 0)
secondChangeSeen := (info.TotalAuditCount == positiveAudits)
if firstChangeSeen != secondChangeSeen {
if secondChangeSeen == true {
// test is done.
return nil
// Goroutine "D" manages syncing for writecache.
group.Go(func() error {
err := writecache.Manage(managerCtx)
return errs2.IgnoreCanceled(err)
require.NoError(t, group.Wait())
require.Zero(t, queriesFromCSeeingDirty)
logger.Debug("round complete",
zap.Int("B queries", queriesFromB),
zap.Int("B queries observing dirty state", queriesFromBSeeingDirty),
zap.Int("C queries", queriesFromC))