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// Copyright (C) 2022 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package reputation_test
import (
func TestHeavyLockContention(t *testing.T) {
const (
nodeCount = 10
rounds = 200
windowSize = 10 * time.Minute
// construct random test data
timeStart := time.Now().Add(-rounds * windowSize)
nodes := make([]storj.NodeID, nodeCount)
testData := make([][]reputation.Mutations, nodeCount)
for nodeNum := 0; nodeNum < nodeCount; nodeNum++ {
nodes[nodeNum] = testrand.NodeID()
testData[nodeNum] = make([]reputation.Mutations, rounds)
for roundNum := 0; roundNum < rounds; roundNum++ {
mutations := &testData[nodeNum][roundNum]
mutations.FailureResults = testrand.Intn(10)
mutations.OfflineResults = testrand.Intn(10)
mutations.UnknownResults = testrand.Intn(10)
mutations.PositiveResults = testrand.Intn(10)
mutations.OnlineHistory = &pb.AuditHistory{
Windows: []*pb.AuditWindow{
WindowStart: timeStart.Add(windowSize * time.Duration(roundNum)),
OnlineCount: int32(mutations.FailureResults + mutations.UnknownResults + mutations.PositiveResults),
TotalCount: int32(mutations.OfflineResults),
satellitedbtest.Run(t, func(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, db satellite.DB) {
config := reputation.Config{
AuditLambda: 1,
AuditWeight: 1,
InitialAlpha: 1000,
InitialBeta: 0,
UnknownAuditDQ: 0.6,
UnknownAuditLambda: 0.95,
AuditHistory: reputation.AuditHistoryConfig{
WindowSize: windowSize,
TrackingPeriod: 1 * time.Hour,
FlushInterval: 2 * time.Hour,
ErrorRetryInterval: 0,
reputationDB := db.Reputation()
writecacheDB := reputation.NewCachingDB(zaptest.NewLogger(t), reputationDB, config)
var group errgroup.Group
// Make room for results ahead of time, so we don't need to use any
// extra locks or atomics while the goroutines are goroutine-ing. Extra
// synchronization primitives might synchronize things that otherwise
// wouldn't have been synchronized.
resultInfos := make([][]*reputation.Info, nodeCount)
for nodeNum := 0; nodeNum < nodeCount; nodeNum++ {
nodeNum := nodeNum
group.Go(func() error {
resultInfos[nodeNum] = make([]*reputation.Info, rounds)
for roundNum := 0; roundNum < rounds; roundNum++ {
now := testData[nodeNum][roundNum].OnlineHistory.Windows[0].WindowStart
now = now.Add(time.Duration(testrand.Int63n(int64(windowSize))))
info, err := writecacheDB.ApplyUpdates(ctx, nodes[nodeNum], testData[nodeNum][roundNum], config, now)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("node[%d] in round[%d]: %w", nodeNum, roundNum, err)
resultInfos[nodeNum][roundNum] = info.Copy()
return nil
err := group.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
// verify each step along the way had the expected running totals
for nodeNum := 0; nodeNum < nodeCount; nodeNum++ {
totalAudits := 0
totalSuccess := 0
for roundNum := 0; roundNum < rounds; roundNum++ {
input := testData[nodeNum][roundNum]
output := resultInfos[nodeNum][roundNum]
totalAudits += input.UnknownResults
totalAudits += input.OfflineResults
totalAudits += input.FailureResults
totalAudits += input.PositiveResults
totalSuccess += input.PositiveResults
require.NotNil(t, output)
require.Equalf(t, int64(totalAudits), output.TotalAuditCount,
"node[%d] in round[%d]: expected %d, but TotalAuditCount=%d", nodeNum, roundNum, totalAudits, output.TotalAuditCount)
require.Equal(t, int64(totalSuccess), output.AuditSuccessCount)
expectLen := roundNum + 1
if windowSize*time.Duration(roundNum) > config.AuditHistory.TrackingPeriod {
expectLen = int(config.AuditHistory.TrackingPeriod/windowSize) + 1
require.Lenf(t, output.AuditHistory.Windows, expectLen,
"node[%d] in round[%d]", nodeNum, roundNum)
require.Equal(t, input.OnlineHistory.Windows[0].OnlineCount, output.AuditHistory.Windows[expectLen-1].OnlineCount)
require.Equal(t, input.OnlineHistory.Windows[0].TotalCount, output.AuditHistory.Windows[expectLen-1].TotalCount)
require.Equal(t, input.OnlineHistory.Windows[0].WindowStart.UTC().Round(0), output.AuditHistory.Windows[expectLen-1].WindowStart.UTC().Round(0))
func TestFetchingInfoWhileEntryIsSyncing(t *testing.T) {
const (
windowSize = 10 * time.Minute
numRounds = 20
satellitedbtest.Run(t, func(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, db satellite.DB) {
config := reputation.Config{
AuditLambda: 1,
AuditWeight: 1,
InitialAlpha: 1000,
InitialBeta: 0,
UnknownAuditDQ: 0.6,
UnknownAuditLambda: 0.95,
AuditHistory: reputation.AuditHistoryConfig{
WindowSize: windowSize,
TrackingPeriod: 1 * time.Hour,
FlushInterval: 2 * time.Hour,
ErrorRetryInterval: 0,
logger := zaptest.NewLogger(t)
reputationDB := db.Reputation()
writecache := reputation.NewCachingDB(logger.Named("writecache"), reputationDB, config)
const positiveAudits = 123
for i := 0; i < numRounds; i++ {
group, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
startTime := time.Now()
managerCtx, managerCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
nodeID := testrand.NodeID()
// get node into the cache
_, err := writecache.ApplyUpdates(ctx, nodeID, reputation.Mutations{}, config, startTime)
require.NoError(t, err)
// The best we can do without an attached debugger framework is
// to try and time these calls at about the same time, and hope
// that everything doesn't all happen in the same order in every
// round. We'd like to test things happening in a few different
// orders.
// In this goroutine "A", we apply two different sets of updates,
// one after the other. Then we request a sync to the database.
group.Go(func() error {
// when A is done, let manager 1 know it can quit too
defer managerCancel()
info, err := writecache.ApplyUpdates(ctx, nodeID, reputation.Mutations{
OnlineHistory: &pb.AuditHistory{
Windows: []*pb.AuditWindow{
WindowStart: startTime.Round(windowSize),
OnlineCount: 0,
TotalCount: 10,
Score: 0,
}, config, startTime.Round(windowSize).Add(time.Second))
if err != nil {
return err
// the mutation should be visible now
if len(info.AuditHistory.Windows) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("assertion error: windows slice is %v (expected len 1)", info.AuditHistory.Windows)
// wait (very) briefly and make a second change. other satellite worker
// processes (such as goroutine "C") should not ever see the above change
// without this one (otherwise, that means we're writing everything to
// the database instead of caching writes).
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
info, err = writecache.ApplyUpdates(ctx, nodeID, reputation.Mutations{
PositiveResults: positiveAudits,
}, config, startTime.Round(windowSize).Add(2*time.Second))
if err != nil {
return err
if info.TotalAuditCount != positiveAudits {
return fmt.Errorf("assertion error: TotalAuditCount is %d (expected %d)", info.TotalAuditCount, positiveAudits)
// now trigger a flush
err = writecache.RequestSync(ctx, nodeID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// In this goroutine "B", we repeatedly request the info for the
// node from the cache, until we see that the changes from "A"
// have been made. We count the number of results we get in the
// interim state (the audit history has been extended, but the
// positive audits have not been recorded) just to get an idea
// of how effective this test is.
var (
queriesFromB int
queriesFromBSeeingDirty int
group.Go(func() error {
for {
info, err := writecache.Get(ctx, nodeID)
if err != nil {
return err
firstChangeSeen := (len(info.AuditHistory.Windows) > 0)
secondChangeSeen := (info.TotalAuditCount == positiveAudits)
if firstChangeSeen != secondChangeSeen {
if secondChangeSeen == true {
// test is done.
return nil
// And goroutine "C" acts like a separate server with its own
// connection to the reputation db. We expect never to see the
// interim dirty state; just before-the-changes and
// after-the-changes.
var (
queriesFromC int
queriesFromCSeeingDirty int
group.Go(func() error {
for {
info, err := reputationDB.Get(ctx, nodeID)
if err != nil {
return err
firstChangeSeen := (len(info.AuditHistory.Windows) > 0)
secondChangeSeen := (info.TotalAuditCount == positiveAudits)
if firstChangeSeen != secondChangeSeen {
if secondChangeSeen == true {
// test is done.
return nil
// Goroutine "D" manages syncing for writecache.
group.Go(func() error {
err := writecache.Manage(managerCtx)
return errs2.IgnoreCanceled(err)
require.NoError(t, group.Wait())
require.Zero(t, queriesFromCSeeingDirty)
logger.Debug("round complete",
zap.Int("B queries", queriesFromB),
zap.Int("B queries observing dirty state", queriesFromBSeeingDirty),
zap.Int("C queries", queriesFromC))