2018-04-12 08:58:00 -03:00

6.9 KiB

Change log

2018/04/12 - Version 2.4

Commit f0f8f71103

  • Fix biblatex styling in custom options

2018/04/03 - Version 2.3.2

Commit 85a8d91bcd

  • Fixes #154 XeLaTeX compilation issues on unix

2016/04/23 - Version 2.3.1

Commit 7e4d9a261d

  • Fixes #124 Pagestyle options

2016/03/19 - Version 2.3

Commit 665937d81f

  • Fixes #118 and #119 on option processing and font sizes

2016/10/20 - Version 2.2.2

Commit 7867b367fe

  • Fixes issue of non-centered style for advisors and supervisors

2016/07/04 - Version 2.2.1

Commit ef6e4394f3

2016/07/04 - Version 2.2

Commit 68c4499d17

  • Support for including multiple supervisor and/or advisor
  • Fixes maketitle in thesis.tex

2015/06/20 - Version 2.1

Commit a5feb0732d

  • Support for including supervisor and/or advisor

2015/06/20 - Version 2.0.1

Commit 0e0d1e617a

  • Fixed centering of year on front page - Issue #16

2015/06/20 - Version 2.0

Commit f4723434f9

  • XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX support
  • College crest + University crest support

2014/12/02 - Version 1.4.5

Commit 427230cae0

  • Fixed issue with the misaligned date and college in the frontpage.

2014/12/02 - Version 1.4.4

Commit 7f17bc3c68

  • Fixed pagenumbering issue in 2 page nomenclature - Issue #28

2014/10/08 - Version 1.4.3

Commit df43fcdc73

  • Fixed \degree command conflict - Issue #26

2014/10/08 - Version 1.4.2

Commit 4f0f339433

  • Added mynotes support in preamble
  • Fixed printnomecl in abstractmode
  • Fixed issue with pagenumbering when using oneside option
  • Draftmode is deprecated, default `draft' supports linenumbering, watermark
  • List of contents doesn't appear in TOC but appears in bookmarks

2014/08/11 - Version 1.4.1

Commit fb70181ff9

  • Fixed line numbering in draft mode with AMS Math environment
  • Biblatex & custombib error catcher - bug fix
  • Modification to the declaration text

2014/07/15 - Version 1.4

Commit 330f82a439

  • Option to have subtitle on front page
  • College name is an optional argument
  • Travis-CI integration

2014/06/09 - Version 1.3

Commit 93723653ee

  • Draftmode - watermark text, line numbering, version numbering
  • Better error checking for documentclass options and log messages
  • arara/LaTeX-mk support
  • Option to choose raggedright for text

2014/03/24 - Version 1.2

Commit 4b709fed6c

  • Rearranged package order in preamble to support equation numbering using cref
  • Removed dependencies on obsolete packages
  • Restyled the URL fonts to use the same font as text

2014/02/14 - Version 1.1.2

Commit a7f123bb22

  • Updates to abstract separate mode with no page numbers
  • Declaration included in abstract mode for submission to student registry

2014/02/10 - Version 1.1.1

Commit e7f34cfd71

  • Biblatex handled as a custombib option
  • UTF8 and Fontencoding after font has been loaded

2014/02/04 - Version 1.1

Commit 6e00ac94c2

  • BibLatex Support with bibtex backend
  • Chapter mode for compiling only specified chapters and references

2014/01/11 - Version 1.0

Commit 2f6918863e

  • Fixed an issue with the headers in Nomenclature section
  • Removed deprecated codes, added functionality to tweak chapter headings in preamble.tex.
  • Distributed under MIT license
  • Acknowledgement and Cls file update
  • Appendices after References

2013/12/09 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 10.0

Commit 973492fe1f

  • Fixed issues with DVI >> PS >> PDF and workaround, when papersize is not set for older versions of dvips (5.97 or lower).

2013/12/08 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 9.0

Commit c11f98e265

  • Wider text area (75% of page size), support for separate abstract for submission to the Student Registry, appendix

2013/12/05 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 8.0

Commit 324d1a5609

  • Update class file to support dvips driver when using dvi > PS output in hyperTeX. Removed deprecated codes from Declaration and class files

2013/12/05 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 7.2

Commit 2f397eda12

  • Update to margin dimensions (1:1 ratio is maintained) with a binding offset of 5mm on the print version. Replaced the hmargin ratio of 3:2 with 1:1 with a binding offset.

2013/12/04 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 7.1

Commit 9cb782f26c

  • Declaration with automatic insertion of the author and the degree date and conforming to the statments in the University guidelines

2013/12/03 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 7.0

Commit 1f695d512a

  • Default font size is 12pt and the default paper size is A4, confirming to the University regulations in terms of font, font sizer, paper size and set them as defaults.

2013/11/27 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 6.2

Commit a5f49d49a6

  • Update to the Makefile to remove PS files when running Makeclean

2013/11/26 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 6.1

Commit e29a994066

  • Update to the Makefile to support PS to PDF conversion

2013/11/26 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 6.0

Commit 187b932442

  • Included a Windows Batch file for LaTeX / Nomenclature compilation
  • Supports \printnomencl[optional_argument]

2013/11/26 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 5.0

Commit 76a733ee30

  • Supports DVI/PS
  • Supports Custom Margin and FancyHdr update

2013/11/24 - Version 1.0 Beta Release 0

Commit 73c8dd9ea8

  • Author(s): Krishna Kumar
  • Adaptive Title Page: Title page adapts to the length of the title
  • Print / On-line version: Different layout and hyper-referncing styles
  • Pre-defined and custom fonts (Times / Palatino / Latin Modern) with math support
  • Pre-defined and custom bibliography style support (authoryear / numbered / custom)
  • Custom page styles: 3 Different Header / Footer styles

2013/11/14 - Inception

Author(s): Krishna Kumar