Home Server on Jake Hillion https://blog.hillion.co.uk/categories/home-server/ Recent content in Home Server on Jake Hillion Hugo -- gohugo.io Mon, 07 Mar 2022 18:00:00 +0000 Drone CI and Crypto Honeypots 💰🍯📚 https://blog.hillion.co.uk/posts/drone-hack/ Mon, 07 Mar 2022 18:00:00 +0000 https://blog.hillion.co.uk/posts/drone-hack/ One gloomy Tuesday evening, I SSHed into my CI server and ran htop as I had hundreds of times before. The machine is pinned running my jobs, but wait… Something is wrong. htop showing bad things I certainly wasn’t running any jobs involving Tensorflow, and I’m not in the habit of mining cryptocurrencies on my CI server. This post will cover the series of events that lead to this happening, what happened, and the learnings I’ve taken away from it.