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2023-01-07 22:30:40 +00:00
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Finished Table 1 (history of namespaces).
I haven&rsquo;t mentioned it in the write up but this was horrible to firstly find the answers to and secondly to cite."><meta name=author content="Jake Hillion"><link rel=canonical href=https://blog.hillion.co.uk/posts/weekly-2022-04-25/><link crossorigin=anonymous href=/assets/css/stylesheet.min.48a18943c2fc15c38a372b8dde1f5e5dc0bc64fa6cb90f5a817d2f8c76b7f3ae.css integrity="sha256-SKGJQ8L8FcOKNyuN3h9eXcC8ZPpsuQ9agX0vjHa3864=" rel="preload stylesheet" as=style><script defer crossorigin=anonymous src=/assets/js/highlight.min.b95bacdc39e37a332a9f883b1e78be4abc1fdca2bc1f2641f55e3cd3dabd4d61.js integrity="sha256-uVus3DnjejMqn4g7Hni+Srwf3KK8HyZB9V4809q9TWE=" onload=hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad()></script>
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Finished Table 1 (history of namespaces).
I haven&rsquo;t mentioned it in the write up but this was horrible to firstly find the answers to and secondly to cite."><meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:url" content="https://blog.hillion.co.uk/posts/weekly-2022-04-25/"><meta property="article:section" content="posts"><meta property="article:published_time" content="2022-04-25T11:00:00+00:00"><meta property="article:modified_time" content="2022-04-25T11:00:00+00:00"><meta property="og:site_name" content="Jake Hillion"><meta name=twitter:card content="summary"><meta name=twitter:title content="Jake's Weekly - 25th April 2022"><meta name=twitter:description content="Research Project Dissertation draft A block of progress on the stuff learnt so far and how each of the namespaces can be modified to create a void. The work is available here on Overleaf (permissions required), here on Gitea (no permissions required), and a current draft is available here.
Finished Table 1 (history of namespaces).
I haven&rsquo;t mentioned it in the write up but this was horrible to firstly find the answers to and secondly to cite."><script type=application/ld+json>{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"name":"Posts","item":"https://blog.hillion.co.uk/posts/"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"name":"Jake's Weekly - 25th April 2022","item":"https://blog.hillion.co.uk/posts/weekly-2022-04-25/"}]}</script><script type=application/ld+json>{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"BlogPosting","headline":"Jake's Weekly - 25th April 2022","name":"Jake\u0027s Weekly - 25th April 2022","description":"Research Project Dissertation draft A block of progress on the stuff learnt so far and how each of the namespaces can be modified to create a void. The work is available here on Overleaf (permissions required), here on Gitea (no permissions required), and a current draft is available here.\nFinished Table 1 (history of namespaces).\nI haven\u0026rsquo;t mentioned it in the write up but this was horrible to firstly find the answers to and secondly to cite.","keywords":[],"articleBody":"Research Project Dissertation draft A block of progress on the stuff learnt so far and how each of the namespaces can be modified to create a void. The work is available here on Overleaf (permissions required), here on Gitea (no permissions required), and a current draft is available here.\nFinished Table 1 (history of namespaces).\nI havent mentioned it in the write up but this was horrible to firstly find the answers to and secondly to cite. Some serious git commands were needed to find the commits where things were added. Once I found the commit citing them wasnt too bad. The version changelogs are horrible to cite. They used to be posted by Linus on the mailing list, but now theyre posted on a site thats basically a Wiki (and referred to by Linus in the release email). Leaves a load of noauthor entries in my bibtex Wrote a large section on mount namespaces (§3.1).\nI finally understand the horror show that is mount namespaces. The dissertation contains snippets of C and shell code that try to backup each thing I say clearly. Made a commitment to myself to add these commits and versions to Wikipedia when I get the chance, making this much easier in future. Cited some of the reasons these choices were made, in an attempt to provide a balanced view. I have some thoughts on how this could be done from the ground up in a far better way, but didnt include them as they arent particularly useful - hindsight is a wonderful thing. There also might be a bug in the MNT_DETACH logic, but again Im not sure I can fully back this up. Discussed more in the programming section of this post. Wrote sections on how each of the namespaces can be used to make a void.\nHavent yet completed cgroup and user namespaces, as they may need some extra work that isnt currently present in the code. The rest provide an accurate view of how to provide the utmost separation. Theres an idea floating around of separation of the host from the container versus separation of the container from the host. I havent got good wording for this yet. E.g. cgroup namespaces can provide decent separation of the host from the container, as you can go into an isolated subtree, but the host can still modify that subtree. The reason I havent said too much on this is that root on the host can modify anything in this system if it really wants. I wrote briefly about some future work on dynamic linking that is possible and suits the threat model that I dont think Ill have time to complete.\nMinor unlogged changes elsewhere.\nProgramming Tested and expanded the mount namespace voiding.\nAs written in the dissertation, mount namespaces are tricky. My initial code for voiding them completely borked the host system. Had a good offline exchange with our sysadmin trying to figure out which of us was breaking the machine. Possible exposed a kernel bug with MNT_DETACH crossing shared subtree boundaries and
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2023-06-05 18:13:19 +01:00
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