
300 lines
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% Template for JSys papers.
% History:
% - TEMPLATE for the Journal of Systems Research, prepared for submissions to
% JSys in 2020 by Vijay Chidambaram (CS Department, University of Texas at
% Austin) and Romain Jacob (ETH Zurich). This was originally the USENIX
% template, which was adapted with USENIX permission. Thanks!
% - TEMPLATE for Usenix papers, specifically to meet requirements of USENIX '05.
% originally a template for producing IEEE-format articles using LaTeX.
% written by Matthew Ward, CS Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
% adapted by David Beazley for his excellent SWIG paper in Proceedings, Tcl
% 96. turned into a smartass generic template by De Clarke, with thanks to
% both the above pioneers. Use at your own risk. Complaints to /dev/null.
% Make it two column with no page numbering, default is 10 point.
% - Munged by Fred Douglis <douglis@research.att.com> 10/97 to separate the .sty
% file from the LaTeX source template, so that people can more easily include
% the .sty file into an existing document. Also changed to more closely follow
% the style guidelines as represented by the Word sample file.
% - Note that since 2010, USENIX does not require endnotes. If you want foot of
% page notes, don't include the endnotes package in the usepackage command,
% below.
% - This version uses the latex2e styles, not the very ancient 2.09 stuff.
% - Updated July 2018: Text block size changed from 6.5" to 7"
% - Updated Dec 2018 for ATC'19:
% * Revised text to pass HotCRP's auto-formatting check, with
% hotcrp.settings.submission_form.body_font_size=10pt, and
% hotcrp.settings.submission_form.line_height=12pt
% * Switched from \endnote-s to \footnote-s to match Usenix's policy.
% * \section* => \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract}
% * Make template self-contained in terms of bibtex entires, to allow this
% file to be compiled. (And changing refs style to 'plain'.)
% * Make template self-contained in terms of figures, to allow this file to be
% compiled.
% * Added packages for hyperref, embedding fonts, and improving appearance.
% * Removed outdated text.
% Disable a warning related to \nonfrenchspacing
% to be able to draw some self-contained figs
% Uncomment the following line if you want the columns of the last page equal in
% size. But note that doing so may cause issues with some document-generating
% tools.
% \usepackage{flushend}
% inlined bib file -> only for making the file compilable on its own.
author = {Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. and Arpaci-Dusseau Andrea C.},
title = {Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces},
publisher = {Arpaci-Dusseau Books, LLC},
year = 2015,
edition = {1.00},
doi = {10.5070/SR31154815},}
author = {Waldspurger, Carl A.},
title = {Memory resource management in {VMware ESX} server},
booktitle = {USENIX Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI)},
year = 2002,
pages = {181--194},
url = {https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/osdi02/tech/waldspurger/waldspurger.pdf}}
% enable this for the camera-ready version
% for ORCID
%don't want date printed
% make title bold and 14 pt font (Latex default is non-bold, 16 pt)
\title{Template for Journal of Systems Research }
% for single author (just remove % characters)
% ORCID links to two nobel laureates for now, please change
{\textsc{John Doe}}\orcidlink{0000-0002-2218-5750}\\
Your Institution\\
Your Email
{\textsc{John Doe}}\orcidlink{0000-0001-7985-6087}\\
Second Institution\\
Your Email
% copy the following lines to add more authors \and {\rm Name}\\
% Name Institution
} % end author
% Disable header and footer on the from page
Your abstract text goes here. Just a few facts. Whet our appetites. Not more
than 200 words, if possible, and preferably closer to 150.
A paragraph of text goes here. Lots of text. Plenty of interesting text. Text
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. More
fascinating text. Features galore, plethora of promises.
\section{Footnotes, Verbatim, and Citations}
Footnotes should be places after punctuation characters, without any spaces
between said characters and footnotes, like so.%
\footnote{Regular footnotes---like this one---should be used, no endnotes.} And
some embedded literal code may look as follows.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
Now we're going to cite somebody. Watch for the cite tag. Here it comes.
Arpachi-Dusseau and Arpachi-Dusseau co-authored an excellent OS book, which is
also really funny~\cite{arpachiDusseau18:osbook}, and Waldspurger got into the
SIGOPS hall-of-fame due to his seminal paper about resource management in the
ESX hypervisor~\cite{waldspurger02}.
The tilde character (\~{}) in the tex source means a non-breaking space. This
way, your reference will always be attached to the word that preceded it,
instead of going to the next line.
And the 'cite' package sorts your citations by their numerical order of the
corresponding references at the end of the paper, ridding you from the need to
notice that, e.g, ``Waldspurger'' appears after ``Arpachi-Dusseau'' when sorting
references alphabetically~\cite{waldspurger02,arpachiDusseau18:osbook}.
It'd be nice and thoughtful of you to include a suitable link in each and every
bibtex entry that you use in your submission, to allow reviewers (and other
readers) to easily get to the cited work, as is done in all entries found in the
References section of this document.
Now we're going take a look at Section~\ref{sec:figs}, but not before observing
that refs to sections and citations and such are colored and clickable in the
PDF because of the packages we've included.
\section{Floating Figures and Lists}
\draw[thin,gray!40] (-2,-2) grid (2,2); \draw[<->] (-2,0)--(2,0)
node[right]{$x$}; \draw[<->] (0,-2)--(0,2) node[above]{$y$}; \draw[line
width=2pt,blue,-stealth](0,0)--(1,1) node[anchor=south
west]{$\boldsymbol{u}$}; \draw[line width=2pt,red,-stealth](0,0)--(-1,-1)
node[anchor=north east]{$\boldsymbol{-u}$};
\caption{\label{fig:vectors} Text size inside figure should be as big as
caption's text. Text size inside figure should be as big as caption's text.
Text size inside figure should be as big as caption's text. Text size inside
figure should be as big as caption's text. Text size inside figure should be
as big as caption's text. }
%% %---------------------------
Here's a typical reference to a floating figure: Figure~\ref{fig:vectors}.
Floats should usually be placed where latex wants then. Figure~\ref{fig:vectors}
is centered, and has a caption that instructs you to make sure that the size of
the text within the figures that you use is as big as (or bigger than) the size
of the text in the caption of the figures. Please do. Really.
In our case, we've explicitly drawn the figure inlined in latex, to allow this
tex file to cleanly compile. But usually, your figures will reside in some
file.pdf, and you'd include them in your document with, say,
Lists are sometimes quite handy. If you want to itemize things, feel free:
\item[fread] a function that reads from a \texttt{stream} into the array
\texttt{ptr} at most \texttt{nobj} objects of size \texttt{size}, returning
returns the number of objects read.
\item[Fred] a person's name, e.g., there once was a dude named Fred who
separated usenix.sty from this file to allow for easy inclusion. We are
grateful to Fred as JSys benefits from his work as well!
The noindent at the start of this paragraph in its tex version makes it clear
that it's a continuation of the preceding paragraph, as opposed to a new
paragraph in its own right.
\subsection{Tables with \texttt{booktabs}}
JSys recommends using the \texttt{booktabs} package, which provides the \texttt{toprule}, \texttt{midrule}, and \texttt{bottomrule} commands with much nicer spacing around horizontal lines. Table's caption should be placed {below} the table; centering is optional. Table text font is set to \texttt{small} by default. \textbf{Do not} make it any smaller; larger is fine.
The template also includes the \texttt{tabularx} and \texttt{multirow} packages, which should fill most table-related needs.
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Item} \\
Animal & Description & Price (\$) \\
Gnat & per gram & 13.65 \\
& each & 0.01 \\
Gnu & stuffed & 92.50 \\
Emu & stuffed & 33.33 \\
Armadillo & frozen & 8.99 \\
\caption{Table's caption should be placed \textbf{below} the table. The \texttt{booktabs} package provides nicer spacing around lines.}
\subsection{LaTeX-ing Your TeX File}
People often use \texttt{pdflatex} these days for creating pdf-s from tex files
via the shell. And \texttt{bibtex}, of course. Works for us.
Use this section to acknowledge collaborators, funding agencies, or anyone that
contributed to make this research happen. Yes, this includes open source program
JSys has a strong commitment to open and reproducible science; if you made your
code or data available, it's worth mentioning this fact in a dedicated section!
In particular, papers introducing new software solutions, tools, or benchmarks
\textbf{must} make their software available. Software artifacts must be usable
by a third-party without author help for the paper to be accepted. The JSys
Artifact Evaluation Board will ensure this is the case.
%% LocalWords: endnotes includegraphics fread ptr nobj noindent % LocalWords:
%pdflatex acks