2021-09-17 15:36:40 -05:00

197 lines
6.4 KiB

% Template for Foreword for JSys papers.
% History:
% - TEMPLATE for the Journal of Systems Research, written for
% submissions to JSys in 2020 by Vijay Chidambaram, CS Department,
% University of Texas at Austin. This was originally the USENIX
% template, as explained below.
% - TEMPLATE for Usenix papers, specifically to meet requirements of
% USENIX '05. originally a template for producing IEEE-format
% articles using LaTeX. written by Matthew Ward, CS Department,
% Worcester Polytechnic Institute. adapted by David Beazley for his
% excellent SWIG paper in Proceedings, Tcl 96. turned into a
% smartass generic template by De Clarke, with thanks to both the
% above pioneers. Use at your own risk. Complaints to /dev/null.
% Make it two column with no page numbering, default is 10 point.
% - Munged by Fred Douglis <douglis@research.att.com> 10/97 to
% separate the .sty file from the LaTeX source template, so that
% people can more easily include the .sty file into an existing
% document. Also changed to more closely follow the style guidelines
% as represented by the Word sample file.
% - Note that since 2010, USENIX does not require endnotes. If you
% want foot of page notes, don't include the endnotes package in the
% usepackage command, below.
% - This version uses the latex2e styles, not the very ancient 2.09
% stuff.
% - Updated July 2018: Text block size changed from 6.5" to 7"
% - Updated Dec 2018 for ATC'19:
% * Revised text to pass HotCRP's auto-formatting check, with
% hotcrp.settings.submission_form.body_font_size=10pt, and
% hotcrp.settings.submission_form.line_height=12pt
% * Switched from \endnote-s to \footnote-s to match Usenix's policy.
% * \section* => \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract}
% * Make template self-contained in terms of bibtex entires, to allow
% this file to be compiled. (And changing refs style to 'plain'.)
% * Make template self-contained in terms of figures, to
% allow this file to be compiled.
% * Added packages for hyperref, embedding fonts, and improving
% appearance.
% * Removed outdated text.
\documentclass[letterpaper, twocolumn, 10pt]{article}
% to be able to draw some self-contained figs
% inlined bib file
% for header and footer
author = {Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. and Arpaci-Dusseau Andrea C.},
title = {Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces},
publisher = {Arpaci-Dusseau Books, LLC},
year = 2015,
edition = {1.00},
note = {\url{http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/}}
author = {Waldspurger, Carl A.},
title = {Memory resource management in {VMware ESX} server},
booktitle = {USENIX Symposium on Operating System Design and
Implementation (OSDI)},
year = 2002,
pages = {181--194},
note = {\url{https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/osdi02/tech/waldspurger/waldspurger.pdf}}}
% no page numbers
% Turn on final version for JSys
% JSys date, issue, and volume here
\renewcommand{\lhead}{Journal of Systems Research}
\rhead{Volume 1, Issue 1, Sep 2021}
%don't want date printed
% make title bold and 14 pt font (Latex default is non-bold, 16 pt)
\title{\vspace{20pt} Template for Journal of Systems Research}
%for single author (just remove % characters)
{\textsc{John Doe}}\\
{\textsc{Jane Doe}}\\
Second Institution\\
{\textsc{Mr X}}\\
Third Institution\\
% copy the following lines to add more authors
% \and
% {\rm Name}\\
%Name Institution
} % end author
% Foreword goes here
{\Large \bf Foreword by the Area Chair}\\
The quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog.\\
% TODO: add details of area chairs
- John Doe, Institution\\
- Jane Doe, Institution\\
{\Large \bf Reviewers}\\
% TODO: add details of reviewers
- Reviewer A, Institution\\
- Reviewer B, Institution\\
- Reviewer C, Institution\\
- Reviewer D, Institution\\
{\Large \bf Artifacts}\\
This artifact has been independently evaluated by the Artifact Evaluation Committee led by
% insert Artifact Eval Area Chair name here %
John Doe.
% TODO: Add link to artifact
The artifact is publicly available at: Link to to be added\\
{\Large \bf Reviews}\\
% TODO: add link to open review page
Anonymized reviews are publicly available at: Link to be added\\
{\Large \bf Copyright and License}\\
Licensed under Creative Common License CC-BY-NC. Copyright retained by the authors.
% \begin{figure}[!h]
%% LocalWords: endnotes includegraphics fread ptr nobj noindent
%% LocalWords: pdflatex acks