Qweder93 8be655c487 satellite/metainfo: add segment limit validation, caching
We want to be able to limit the number of segments per project for users.
To limit this we need to check limit value associated with project
and value of used segments already in BeginMoveObject, BeginMoveSegment
and increment cache segments usage after each CommitSegment call.


Change-Id: I6290e67c095a174b9d101c4521802d9bfe0453b8
2022-01-10 14:33:26 +02:00

249 lines
8.0 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package live
import (
type redisLiveAccounting struct {
client *redis.Client
// openRedisLiveAccounting returns a redisLiveAccounting cache instance.
// It returns accounting.ErrInvalidArgument if the connection address is invalid
// according to Redis.
// The function pings to the Redis server for verifying the connectivity but if
// it fails then it returns an instance and accounting.ErrSystemOrNetError
// because it means that Redis may not be operative at this precise moment but
// it may be in future method calls as it handles automatically reconnects.
func openRedisLiveAccounting(ctx context.Context, address string) (*redisLiveAccounting, error) {
redisurl, err := url.Parse(address)
if err != nil {
return nil, accounting.ErrInvalidArgument.New("address: invalid URL; %w", err)
if redisurl.Scheme != "redis" {
return nil, accounting.ErrInvalidArgument.New("address: not a redis:// formatted address")
q := redisurl.Query()
db := q.Get("db")
if db == "" {
return nil, accounting.ErrInvalidArgument.New("address: a database number has to be specified")
dbn, err := strconv.Atoi(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, accounting.ErrInvalidArgument.New("address: invalid database number %s", db)
client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: redisurl.Host,
Password: q.Get("password"),
DB: dbn,
cache := &redisLiveAccounting{
client: client,
// ping here to verify we are able to connect to Redis with the initialized client.
if err := client.Ping(ctx).Err(); err != nil {
return cache, accounting.ErrSystemOrNetError.New("Redis ping failed: %w", err)
return cache, nil
// GetProjectStorageUsage gets inline and remote storage totals for a given
// project, back to the time of the last accounting tally.
func (cache *redisLiveAccounting) GetProjectStorageUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (totalUsed int64, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, projectID)(&err)
return cache.getInt64(ctx, string(projectID[:]))
// GetProjectBandwidthUsage returns the current bandwidth usage
// from specific project.
func (cache *redisLiveAccounting) GetProjectBandwidthUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, now time.Time) (currentUsed int64, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, projectID, now)(&err)
return cache.getInt64(ctx, createBandwidthProjectIDKey(projectID, now))
// UpdateProjectBandwidthUsage increment the bandwidth cache key value.
func (cache *redisLiveAccounting) UpdateProjectBandwidthUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, increment int64, ttl time.Duration, now time.Time) (err error) {
mon.Task()(&ctx, projectID, increment, ttl, now)(&err)
// The following script will increment the cache key
// by a specific value. If the key does not exist, it is
// set to 0 before performing the operation.
// The key expiration will be set only in the first iteration.
// To achieve this we compare the increment and key value,
// if they are equal its the first iteration.
// More details on rate limiter section:
script := fmt.Sprintf(`local current
current ="incrby", KEYS[1], "%d")
if tonumber(current) == %d then"expire",KEYS[1], %d)
return current
`, increment, increment, int(ttl.Seconds()))
key := createBandwidthProjectIDKey(projectID, now)
err = cache.client.Eval(ctx, script, []string{key}).Err()
if err != nil {
return accounting.ErrSystemOrNetError.New("Redis eval failed: %w", err)
return nil
// GetProjectSegmentUsage returns the current segment usage from specific project.
func (cache *redisLiveAccounting) GetProjectSegmentUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (currentUsed int64, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, projectID)(&err)
return cache.getInt64(ctx, createSegmentProjectIDKey(projectID))
// UpdateProjectSegmentUsage increment the segment cache key value.
func (cache *redisLiveAccounting) UpdateProjectSegmentUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, increment int64, ttl time.Duration) (err error) {
mon.Task()(&ctx, projectID, increment, ttl)(&err)
// The following script will increment the cache key
// by a specific value. If the key does not exist, it is
// set to 0 before performing the operation.
// The key expiration will be set only in the first iteration.
// To achieve this we compare the increment and key value,
// if they are equal its the first iteration.
// More details on rate limiter section:
script := fmt.Sprintf(`local current
current ="incrby", KEYS[1], "%d")
if tonumber(current) == %d then"expire",KEYS[1], %d)
return current
`, increment, increment, int(ttl.Seconds()))
key := createSegmentProjectIDKey(projectID)
err = cache.client.Eval(ctx, script, []string{key}).Err()
if err != nil {
return accounting.ErrSystemOrNetError.New("Redis eval failed: %w", err)
return nil
// AddProjectStorageUsage lets the live accounting know that the given
// project has just added spaceUsed bytes of storage (from the user's
// perspective; i.e. segment size).
func (cache *redisLiveAccounting) AddProjectStorageUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, spaceUsed int64) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, projectID, spaceUsed)(&err)
_, err = cache.client.IncrBy(ctx, string(projectID[:]), spaceUsed).Result()
if err != nil {
return accounting.ErrSystemOrNetError.New("Redis incrby failed: %w", err)
return nil
// GetAllProjectTotals iterates through the live accounting DB and returns a map of project IDs and totals.
// TODO ( see if it possible to
// get key/value pairs with one single call.
func (cache *redisLiveAccounting) GetAllProjectTotals(ctx context.Context) (_ map[uuid.UUID]int64, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
projects := make(map[uuid.UUID]int64)
it := cache.client.Scan(ctx, 0, "*", 0).Iterator()
for it.Next(ctx) {
key := it.Val()
// skip bandwidth and segment keys
if strings.HasSuffix(key, "bandwidth") || strings.HasSuffix(key, "segment") {
projectID, err := uuid.FromBytes([]byte(key))
if err != nil {
return nil, accounting.ErrUnexpectedValue.New("cannot parse the key as UUID; key=%q", key)
if _, seen := projects[projectID]; seen {
val, err := cache.getInt64(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
if accounting.ErrKeyNotFound.Has(err) {
return nil, err
projects[projectID] = val
return projects, nil
// Close the DB connection.
func (cache *redisLiveAccounting) Close() error {
err := cache.client.Close()
if err != nil {
return accounting.ErrSystemOrNetError.New("Redis close failed: %w", err)
return nil
func (cache *redisLiveAccounting) getInt64(ctx context.Context, key string) (_ int64, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
val, err := cache.client.Get(ctx, key).Bytes()
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, redis.Nil) {
return 0, accounting.ErrKeyNotFound.New("%q", key)
return 0, accounting.ErrSystemOrNetError.New("Redis get failed: %w", err)
intval, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(val), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, accounting.ErrUnexpectedValue.New("cannot parse the value as int64; key=%q val=%q", key, val)
return intval, nil
// createBandwidthProjectIDKey creates the bandwidth project key.
// The current month is combined with projectID to create a prefix.
func createBandwidthProjectIDKey(projectID uuid.UUID, now time.Time) string {
// Add current month as prefix
_, month, day := now.Date()
return string(projectID[:]) + string(byte(month)) + string(byte(day)) + ":bandwidth"
// createSegmentProjectIDKey creates the segment project key.
func createSegmentProjectIDKey(projectID uuid.UUID) string {
return string(projectID[:]) + ":segment"