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2019-12-27 14:11:15 +02:00

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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package storj
import (
// Bucket contains information about a specific bucket
type Bucket = storj.Bucket
// EncryptionParameters is the cipher suite and parameters used for encryption
type EncryptionParameters = storj.EncryptionParameters
// CipherSuite specifies one of the encryption suites supported by Storj
// libraries for encryption of in-network data.
type CipherSuite = storj.CipherSuite
const (
// EncUnspecified indicates no encryption suite has been selected.
EncUnspecified = storj.EncUnspecified
// EncNull indicates use of the NULL cipher; that is, no encryption is
// done. The ciphertext is equal to the plaintext.
EncNull = storj.EncNull
// EncAESGCM indicates use of AES128-GCM encryption.
// EncSecretBox indicates use of XSalsa20-Poly1305 encryption, as provided
// by the NaCl cryptography library under the name "Secretbox".
EncSecretBox = storj.EncSecretBox
// EncNullBase64URL is like EncNull but Base64 encodes/decodes the
// binary path data (URL-safe)
EncNullBase64URL = storj.EncNullBase64URL
// Constant definitions for key and nonce sizes
const (
KeySize = storj.KeySize
NonceSize = storj.NonceSize
// NewKey creates a new Storj key from humanReadableKey.
func NewKey(humanReadableKey []byte) (*Key, error) {
return storj.NewKey(humanReadableKey)
// Key represents the largest key used by any encryption protocol
type Key = storj.Key
// Nonce represents the largest nonce used by any encryption protocol
type Nonce = storj.Nonce
// NonceFromString decodes an base32 encoded
func NonceFromString(s string) (Nonce, error) {
return storj.NonceFromString(s)
// NonceFromBytes converts a byte slice into a nonce
func NonceFromBytes(b []byte) (Nonce, error) {
return storj.NonceFromBytes(b)
// EncryptedPrivateKey is a private key that has been encrypted
type EncryptedPrivateKey = storj.EncryptedPrivateKey
// V0 represents identity version 0
// NB: identities created before identity versioning (i.e. which don't have a
// version extension; "legacy") will be recognized as V0.
const V0 = storj.V0
// IDVersionNumber is the number of an identity version.
type IDVersionNumber = storj.IDVersionNumber
// IDVersion holds fields that are used to distinguish different identity
// versions from one another; used in identity generation.
type IDVersion = storj.IDVersion
// GetIDVersion looks up the given version number in the map of registered
// versions, returning an error if none is found.
func GetIDVersion(number IDVersionNumber) (IDVersion, error) {
return storj.GetIDVersion(number)
// LatestIDVersion returns the last IDVersion registered.
func LatestIDVersion() IDVersion {
return storj.LatestIDVersion()
// IDVersionFromCert parsed the IDVersion from the passed certificate's IDVersion extension.
func IDVersionFromCert(cert *x509.Certificate) (IDVersion, error) {
return storj.IDVersionFromCert(cert)
// IDVersionInVersions returns an error if the given version is in the given string of version(s)/range(s).
func IDVersionInVersions(versionNumber IDVersionNumber, versionsStr string) error {
return storj.IDVersionInVersions(versionNumber, versionsStr)
// ListDirection specifies listing direction
type ListDirection = storj.ListDirection
const (
// Before lists backwards from cursor, without cursor [NOT SUPPORTED]
Before = storj.Before
// Backward lists backwards from cursor, including cursor [NOT SUPPORTED]
Backward = storj.Backward
// Forward lists forwards from cursor, including cursor
Forward = storj.Forward
// After lists forwards from cursor, without cursor
After = storj.After
// ListOptions lists objects
type ListOptions = storj.ListOptions
// ObjectList is a list of objects
type ObjectList = storj.ObjectList
// BucketListOptions lists objects
type BucketListOptions = storj.BucketListOptions
// BucketList is a list of buckets
type BucketList = storj.BucketList
// NodeIDSize is the byte length of a NodeID
const NodeIDSize = storj.NodeIDSize
// NodeID is a unique node identifier
type NodeID = storj.NodeID
// NodeIDList is a slice of NodeIDs (implements sort)
type NodeIDList = storj.NodeIDList
// NewVersionedID adds an identity version to a node ID.
func NewVersionedID(id NodeID, version IDVersion) NodeID {
return storj.NewVersionedID(id, version)
// NewVersionExt creates a new identity version certificate extension for the
// given identity version,
func NewVersionExt(version IDVersion) pkix.Extension {
return storj.NewVersionExt(version)
// NodeIDFromString decodes a base58check encoded node id string
func NodeIDFromString(s string) (NodeID, error) {
return storj.NodeIDFromString(s)
// NodeIDsFromBytes converts a 2d byte slice into a list of nodes
func NodeIDsFromBytes(b [][]byte) (ids NodeIDList, err error) {
return storj.NodeIDsFromBytes(b)
// NodeIDFromBytes converts a byte slice into a node id
func NodeIDFromBytes(b []byte) (NodeID, error) {
return storj.NodeIDFromBytes(b)
// NodeURL defines a structure for connecting to a node.
type NodeURL = storj.NodeURL
// ParseNodeURL parses node URL string.
// Examples:
// raw IP:
// [2001:db8:1f70::999:de8:7648:6e8]:7777
// with NodeID:
// 12vha9oTFnerxYRgeQ2BZqoFrLrnmmf5UWTCY2jA77dF3YvWew7@
// 12vha9oTFnerxYRgeQ2BZqoFrLrnmmf5UWTCY2jA77dF3YvWew7@[2001:db8:1f70::999:de8:7648:6e8]:7777
// without host:
// 12vha9oTFnerxYRgeQ2BZqoFrLrnmmf5UWTCY2jA77dF3YvWew7@
func ParseNodeURL(s string) (NodeURL, error) {
return storj.ParseNodeURL(s)
// NodeURLs defines a comma delimited flag for defining a list node url-s.
type NodeURLs = storj.NodeURLs
// ParseNodeURLs parses comma delimited list of node urls
func ParseNodeURLs(s string) (NodeURLs, error) {
return storj.ParseNodeURLs(s)
// Object contains information about a specific object
type Object = storj.Object
// ObjectInfo contains information about a specific object
type ObjectInfo = storj.ObjectInfo
// Stream is information about an object stream
type Stream = storj.Stream
// LastSegment contains info about last segment
// TODO: remove
type LastSegment = storj.LastSegment
// Segment is full segment information
type Segment = storj.Segment
// Piece is information where a piece is located
type Piece = storj.Piece
// ObjectListItem represents listed object
type ObjectListItem = storj.ObjectListItem
// Path represents a object path
type Path = storj.Path
// SplitPath splits path into a slice of path components
func SplitPath(path Path) []string {
return storj.SplitPath(path)
// JoinPaths concatenates paths to a new single path
func JoinPaths(paths ...Path) Path {
return storj.JoinPaths(paths...)
// PieceID is the unique identifier for pieces
type PieceID = storj.PieceID
// NewPieceID creates a piece ID
func NewPieceID() PieceID {
return storj.NewPieceID()
// PieceIDFromString decodes a hex encoded piece ID string
func PieceIDFromString(s string) (PieceID, error) {
return storj.PieceIDFromString(s)
// PieceIDFromBytes converts a byte slice into a piece ID
func PieceIDFromBytes(b []byte) (PieceID, error) {
return storj.PieceIDFromBytes(b)
// PiecePublicKey is the unique identifier for pieces
type PiecePublicKey = storj.PiecePublicKey
// PiecePrivateKey is the unique identifier for pieces
type PiecePrivateKey = storj.PiecePrivateKey
// NewPieceKey creates a piece key pair
func NewPieceKey() (PiecePublicKey, PiecePrivateKey, error) {
return storj.NewPieceKey()
// PiecePublicKeyFromBytes converts bytes to a piece public key.
func PiecePublicKeyFromBytes(data []byte) (PiecePublicKey, error) {
return storj.PiecePublicKeyFromBytes(data)
// PiecePrivateKeyFromBytes converts bytes to a piece private key.
func PiecePrivateKeyFromBytes(data []byte) (PiecePrivateKey, error) {
return storj.PiecePrivateKeyFromBytes(data)
// RedundancyScheme specifies the parameters and the algorithm for redundancy
type RedundancyScheme = storj.RedundancyScheme
// RedundancyAlgorithm is the algorithm used for redundancy
type RedundancyAlgorithm = storj.RedundancyAlgorithm
// List of supported redundancy algorithms
const (
InvalidRedundancyAlgorithm = storj.InvalidRedundancyAlgorithm
ReedSolomon = storj.ReedSolomon
// SegmentPosition segment position in object
type SegmentPosition = storj.SegmentPosition
// SegmentListItem represents listed segment
type SegmentListItem = storj.SegmentListItem
// SegmentDownloadInfo represents segment download information inline/remote
type SegmentDownloadInfo = storj.SegmentDownloadInfo
// SegmentEncryption represents segment encryption key and nonce
type SegmentEncryption = storj.SegmentEncryption
// SegmentID is the unique identifier for segment related to object
type SegmentID = storj.SegmentID
// SegmentIDFromString decodes an base32 encoded
func SegmentIDFromString(s string) (SegmentID, error) {
return storj.SegmentIDFromString(s)
// SegmentIDFromBytes converts a byte slice into a segment ID
func SegmentIDFromBytes(b []byte) (SegmentID, error) {
return storj.SegmentIDFromBytes(b)
// SerialNumber is the unique identifier for pieces
type SerialNumber = storj.SerialNumber
// SerialNumberFromString decodes an base32 encoded
func SerialNumberFromString(s string) (SerialNumber, error) {
return storj.SerialNumberFromString(s)
// SerialNumberFromBytes converts a byte slice into a serial number
func SerialNumberFromBytes(b []byte) (SerialNumber, error) {
return storj.SerialNumberFromBytes(b)
// StreamID is the unique identifier for stream related to object
type StreamID = storj.StreamID
// StreamIDFromString decodes an base32 encoded
func StreamIDFromString(s string) (StreamID, error) {
return storj.StreamIDFromString(s)
// StreamIDFromBytes converts a byte slice into a stream ID
func StreamIDFromBytes(b []byte) (StreamID, error) {
return storj.StreamIDFromBytes(b)