Malcolm Bouzi f380bda814 web/satellite: add paths for register and login pages to allow for travel between both
Change-Id: Ic3a891c790bad1a851609fd6203f271dbca45762
2021-04-15 18:03:08 -04:00

336 lines
9.1 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
<template src="./registerArea.html"></template>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import AddCouponCodeInput from '@/components/common/AddCouponCodeInput.vue';
import HeaderlessInput from '@/components/common/HeaderlessInput.vue';
import PasswordStrength from '@/components/common/PasswordStrength.vue';
import RegistrationSuccess from '@/components/common/RegistrationSuccess.vue';
import AuthIcon from '@/../static/images/AuthImage.svg';
import LogoIcon from '@/../static/images/dcs-logo.svg';
import InfoIcon from '@/../static/images/info.svg';
import { AuthHttpApi } from '@/api/auth';
import { RouteConfig } from '@/router';
import { User } from '@/types/users';
import { APP_STATE_ACTIONS } from '@/utils/constants/actionNames';
import { LocalData } from '@/utils/localData';
import { MetaUtils } from '@/utils/meta';
import { Validator } from '@/utils/validation';
components: {
export default class RegisterArea extends Vue {
private readonly user = new User();
// tardigrade logic
private secret: string = '';
private userId: string = '';
private isTermsAccepted: boolean = false;
private password: string = '';
private repeatedPassword: string = '';
// Only for beta sats (like US2).
private areBetaTermsAccepted: boolean = false;
private areBetaTermsAcceptedError: boolean = false;
private fullNameError: string = '';
private emailError: string = '';
private passwordError: string = '';
private repeatedPasswordError: string = '';
private companyNameError: string = '';
private employeeCountError: string = '';
private positionError: string = '';
private isTermsAcceptedError: boolean = false;
private isLoading: boolean = false;
private isProfessional: boolean = false;
private readonly auth: AuthHttpApi = new AuthHttpApi();
public isPasswordStrengthShown: boolean = false;
// tardigrade logic
public isDropdownShown: boolean = false;
// Employee Count dropdown options
public employeeCountOptions = ['1-50', '51-1000', '1001+'];
public optionsShown = false;
public readonly loginPath: string = RouteConfig.Login.path;
* Lifecycle hook on component destroy.
* Sets view to default state.
public beforeDestroy(): void {
if (this.isRegistrationSuccessful) {
* Lifecycle hook after initial render.
* Sets up variables from route params.
public mounted(): void {
if (this.$route.query.token) {
this.secret = this.$route.query.token.toString();
if (this.$route.query.partner) {
this.user.partner = this.$route.query.partner.toString();
* Indicates if registration successful area shown.
public get isRegistrationSuccessful(): boolean {
return this.$store.state.appStateModule.appState.isSuccessfulRegistrationShown;
* Toggles satellite selection dropdown visibility (Tardigrade).
public toggleDropdown(): void {
this.isDropdownShown = !this.isDropdownShown;
* Closes satellite selection dropdown (Tardigrade).
public closeDropdown(): void {
this.isDropdownShown = false;
* Makes password strength container visible.
public showPasswordStrength(): void {
this.isPasswordStrengthShown = true;
* Hides password strength container.
public hidePasswordStrength(): void {
this.isPasswordStrengthShown = false;
* Validates input fields and proceeds user creation.
public async onCreateClick(): Promise<void> {
if (this.isLoading) {
this.isLoading = true;
if (!this.validateFields()) {
this.isLoading = false;
await this.createUser();
this.isLoading = false;
* Reloads page.
public onLogoClick(): void {
* Changes location to login route.
public onLoginClick(): void {
* Sets user's email field from value string.
public setEmail(value: string): void { = value.trim();
this.emailError = '';
* Sets user's full name field from value string.
public setFullName(value: string): void {
this.user.fullName = value.trim();
this.fullNameError = '';
* Sets user's password field from value string.
public setPassword(value: string): void {
this.user.password = value.trim();
this.password = value;
this.passwordError = '';
* Sets user's repeat password field from value string.
public setRepeatedPassword(value: string): void {
this.repeatedPassword = value;
this.repeatedPasswordError = '';
* Indicates if satellite is in beta.
public get isBetaSatellite(): boolean {
return this.$store.state.appStateModule.isBetaSatellite;
* Indicates if coupon code ui is enabled
public get couponCodeUIEnabled(): boolean {
return this.$store.state.appStateModule.couponCodeUIEnabled;
* Sets user's company name field from value string.
public setCompanyName(value: string): void {
this.user.companyName = value.trim();
this.companyNameError = '';
* Sets user's company size field from value string.
public setEmployeeCount(value: string): void {
this.user.employeeCount = value;
this.employeeCountError = '';
* Sets user's position field from value string.
public setPosition(value: string): void {
this.user.position = value.trim();
this.positionError = '';
* toggle user account type
public toggleAccountType(value: boolean): void {
this.isProfessional = value;
* Validates input values to satisfy expected rules.
private validateFields(): boolean {
let isNoErrors = true;
if (!this.user.fullName.trim()) {
this.fullNameError = 'Invalid Name';
isNoErrors = false;
if (! {
this.emailError = 'Invalid Email';
isNoErrors = false;
if (!Validator.password(this.password)) {
this.passwordError = 'Invalid Password';
isNoErrors = false;
if (this.isProfessional) {
if (!this.user.companyName.trim()) {
this.companyNameError = 'No Company Name filled in';
isNoErrors = false;
if (!this.user.position.trim()) {
this.positionError = 'No Position filled in';
isNoErrors = false;
if (!this.user.employeeCount.trim()) {
this.employeeCountError = 'No Company Size filled in';
isNoErrors = false;
if (this.repeatedPassword !== this.password) {
this.repeatedPasswordError = 'Password doesn\'t match';
isNoErrors = false;
if (!this.isTermsAccepted) {
this.isTermsAcceptedError = true;
isNoErrors = false;
// only for beta US2 sats.
if (this.isBetaSatellite && !this.areBetaTermsAccepted) {
this.areBetaTermsAcceptedError = true;
isNoErrors = false;
return isNoErrors;
* Creates user and toggles successful registration area visibility.
private async createUser(): Promise<void> {
this.user.isProfessional = this.isProfessional;
try {
this.userId = await this.auth.register(this.user, this.secret);
const verificationPageURL: string = MetaUtils.getMetaContent('verification-page-url');
if (verificationPageURL) {
const externalAddress: string = MetaUtils.getMetaContent('external-address');
const url = new URL(verificationPageURL);
url.searchParams.append('redirect', externalAddress); = url.href;
} catch (error) {
await this.$notify.error(error.message);
this.isLoading = false;
<style src="./registerArea.scss" scoped lang="scss"></style>