Wilfred Asomani f7a95e0077 satellite/{payment,console}: add endpoint to add card by pmID
This change introduces a new endpoint that allows adding credit cards
by payment method ID (pmID). The payment method would've already been
created by the frontend using the stripe payment element for example.

Issue: #6436

Change-Id: If9a3f4c98171e36623607968d1a12f29fa7627e9
2023-10-30 13:58:55 +00:00

316 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package stripe
import (
var (
// ErrCardNotFound is returned when card is not found for a user.
ErrCardNotFound = errs.Class("card not found")
// ErrDefaultCard is returned when a user tries to delete their default card.
ErrDefaultCard = errs.Class("default card")
// ErrDuplicateCard is returned when a user tries to add duplicate card.
ErrDuplicateCard = errs.Class("duplicate card")
// UnattachedErrString is part of the err string returned by stripe if a payment
// method does not belong to a customer.
UnattachedErrString = "The payment method must be attached to the customer"
// creditCards is an implementation of payments.CreditCards.
// architecture: Service
type creditCards struct {
service *Service
// List returns a list of credit cards for a given payment account.
func (creditCards *creditCards) List(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (cards []payments.CreditCard, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, userID)(&err)
customerID, err := creditCards.service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
cusParams := &stripe.CustomerParams{Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx}}
customer, err := creditCards.service.stripeClient.Customers().Get(customerID, cusParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
cardParams := &stripe.PaymentMethodListParams{
ListParams: stripe.ListParams{Context: ctx},
Customer: &customerID,
Type: stripe.String(string(stripe.PaymentMethodTypeCard)),
paymentMethodsIterator := creditCards.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods().List(cardParams)
for paymentMethodsIterator.Next() {
stripeCard := paymentMethodsIterator.PaymentMethod()
isDefault := false
if customer.InvoiceSettings.DefaultPaymentMethod != nil {
isDefault = customer.InvoiceSettings.DefaultPaymentMethod.ID == stripeCard.ID
cards = append(cards, payments.CreditCard{
ID: stripeCard.ID,
ExpMonth: int(stripeCard.Card.ExpMonth),
ExpYear: int(stripeCard.Card.ExpYear),
Brand: string(stripeCard.Card.Brand),
Last4: stripeCard.Card.Last4,
IsDefault: isDefault,
if err = paymentMethodsIterator.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
return cards, nil
// Add is used to save new credit card, attach it to payment account and make it default.
func (creditCards *creditCards) Add(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, cardToken string) (_ payments.CreditCard, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, userID, cardToken)(&err)
customerID, err := creditCards.service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return payments.CreditCard{}, payments.ErrAccountNotSetup.Wrap(err)
cardParams := &stripe.PaymentMethodParams{
Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx},
Type: stripe.String(string(stripe.PaymentMethodTypeCard)),
Card: &stripe.PaymentMethodCardParams{Token: &cardToken},
card, err := creditCards.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods().New(cardParams)
if err != nil {
return payments.CreditCard{}, Error.Wrap(err)
listParams := &stripe.PaymentMethodListParams{
ListParams: stripe.ListParams{Context: ctx},
Customer: &customerID,
Type: stripe.String(string(stripe.PaymentMethodTypeCard)),
paymentMethodsIterator := creditCards.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods().List(listParams)
for paymentMethodsIterator.Next() {
stripeCard := paymentMethodsIterator.PaymentMethod()
if stripeCard.Card.Fingerprint == card.Card.Fingerprint &&
stripeCard.Card.ExpMonth == card.Card.ExpMonth &&
stripeCard.Card.ExpYear == card.Card.ExpYear {
return payments.CreditCard{}, ErrDuplicateCard.New("this card is already on file for your account.")
if err = paymentMethodsIterator.Err(); err != nil {
return payments.CreditCard{}, Error.Wrap(err)
attachParams := &stripe.PaymentMethodAttachParams{
Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx},
Customer: &customerID,
card, err = creditCards.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods().Attach(card.ID, attachParams)
if err != nil {
return payments.CreditCard{}, Error.Wrap(err)
params := &stripe.CustomerParams{
Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx},
InvoiceSettings: &stripe.CustomerInvoiceSettingsParams{
DefaultPaymentMethod: stripe.String(card.ID),
_, err = creditCards.service.stripeClient.Customers().Update(customerID, params)
// TODO: handle created but not attached card manually?
return payments.CreditCard{
ID: card.ID,
ExpMonth: int(card.Card.ExpMonth),
ExpYear: int(card.Card.ExpYear),
Brand: string(card.Card.Brand),
Last4: card.Card.Last4,
IsDefault: true,
}, Error.Wrap(err)
// AddByPaymentMethodID is used to save new credit card, attach it to payment account and make it default
// using the payment method id instead of the token. In this case, the payment method should already be
// created by the frontend using the stripe payment element for example.
func (creditCards *creditCards) AddByPaymentMethodID(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, pmID string) (_ payments.CreditCard, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, userID, pmID)(&err)
customerID, err := creditCards.service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return payments.CreditCard{}, payments.ErrAccountNotSetup.Wrap(err)
card, err := creditCards.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods().Get(pmID, &stripe.PaymentMethodParams{
Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx},
if err != nil {
return payments.CreditCard{}, Error.Wrap(err)
listParams := &stripe.PaymentMethodListParams{
ListParams: stripe.ListParams{Context: ctx},
Customer: &customerID,
Type: stripe.String(string(stripe.PaymentMethodTypeCard)),
paymentMethodsIterator := creditCards.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods().List(listParams)
for paymentMethodsIterator.Next() {
stripeCard := paymentMethodsIterator.PaymentMethod()
if stripeCard.Card.Fingerprint == card.Card.Fingerprint &&
stripeCard.Card.ExpMonth == card.Card.ExpMonth &&
stripeCard.Card.ExpYear == card.Card.ExpYear {
return payments.CreditCard{}, ErrDuplicateCard.New("this card is already on file for your account.")
if err = paymentMethodsIterator.Err(); err != nil {
return payments.CreditCard{}, Error.Wrap(err)
attachParams := &stripe.PaymentMethodAttachParams{
Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx},
Customer: &customerID,
card, err = creditCards.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods().Attach(pmID, attachParams)
if err != nil {
return payments.CreditCard{}, Error.Wrap(err)
params := &stripe.CustomerParams{
Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx},
InvoiceSettings: &stripe.CustomerInvoiceSettingsParams{
DefaultPaymentMethod: stripe.String(card.ID),
_, err = creditCards.service.stripeClient.Customers().Update(customerID, params)
// TODO: handle created but not attached card manually?
return payments.CreditCard{
ID: card.ID,
ExpMonth: int(card.Card.ExpMonth),
ExpYear: int(card.Card.ExpYear),
Brand: string(card.Card.Brand),
Last4: card.Card.Last4,
IsDefault: true,
}, Error.Wrap(err)
// MakeDefault makes a credit card default payment method.
// this credit card should be attached to account before make it default.
func (creditCards *creditCards) MakeDefault(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, cardID string) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, userID, cardID)(&err)
customerID, err := creditCards.service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return payments.ErrAccountNotSetup.Wrap(err)
params := &stripe.CustomerParams{
Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx},
InvoiceSettings: &stripe.CustomerInvoiceSettingsParams{
DefaultPaymentMethod: stripe.String(cardID),
_, err = creditCards.service.stripeClient.Customers().Update(customerID, params)
if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), UnattachedErrString) {
return ErrCardNotFound.New("this card is not attached to this account.")
return Error.Wrap(err)
// Remove is used to remove credit card from payment account.
func (creditCards *creditCards) Remove(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, cardID string) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, cardID)(&err)
customerID, err := creditCards.service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return payments.ErrAccountNotSetup.Wrap(err)
cusParams := &stripe.CustomerParams{Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx}}
customer, err := creditCards.service.stripeClient.Customers().Get(customerID, cusParams)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
if customer.InvoiceSettings != nil &&
customer.InvoiceSettings.DefaultPaymentMethod != nil &&
customer.InvoiceSettings.DefaultPaymentMethod.ID == cardID {
return ErrDefaultCard.New("can not detach default payment method.")
cardIter := creditCards.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods().List(&stripe.PaymentMethodListParams{
ListParams: stripe.ListParams{Context: ctx},
Customer: &customerID,
Type: stripe.String(string(stripe.PaymentMethodTypeCard)),
isUserCard := false
for cardIter.Next() {
if cardIter.PaymentMethod().ID == cardID {
isUserCard = true
if err = cardIter.Err(); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
if !isUserCard {
return ErrCardNotFound.New("this card is not attached to this account.")
cardParams := &stripe.PaymentMethodDetachParams{Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx}}
_, err = creditCards.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods().Detach(cardID, cardParams)
return Error.Wrap(err)
// RemoveAll is used to detach all credit cards from payment account.
// It should only be used in case of a user deletion. In case of an error, some cards could have been deleted already.
func (creditCards *creditCards) RemoveAll(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
ccList, err := creditCards.List(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
params := &stripe.PaymentMethodDetachParams{Params: stripe.Params{Context: ctx}}
for _, cc := range ccList {
_, err = creditCards.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods().Detach(cc.ID, params)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
return nil