metabase has become a central concept and it's more suitable for it to be directly nested under satellite rather than being part of metainfo. metainfo is going to be the "endpoint" logic for handling requests. Change-Id: I53770d6761ac1e9a1283b5aa68f471b21e784198
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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package tally_test
import (
func TestDeleteTalliesBefore(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
eraseBefore time.Time
expectedRaws int
eraseBefore: time.Now(),
expectedRaws: 1,
eraseBefore: time.Now().Add(24 * time.Hour),
expectedRaws: 0,
for _, tt := range tests {
test := tt
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 0, UplinkCount: 0,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
id := teststorj.NodeIDFromBytes([]byte{})
nodeData := make(map[storj.NodeID]float64)
nodeData[id] = float64(1000)
err := planet.Satellites[0].DB.StoragenodeAccounting().SaveTallies(ctx, time.Now(), nodeData)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = planet.Satellites[0].DB.StoragenodeAccounting().DeleteTalliesBefore(ctx, test.eraseBefore)
require.NoError(t, err)
raws, err := planet.Satellites[0].DB.StoragenodeAccounting().GetTallies(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, raws, test.expectedRaws)
func TestOnlyInline(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 6, UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
uplink := planet.Uplinks[0]
// Setup: create data for the uplink to upload
expectedData := testrand.Bytes(1 * memory.KiB)
// Setup: get the expected size of the data that will be stored in pointer
// Since the data is small enough to be stored inline, when it is encrypted, we only
// add 16 bytes of encryption authentication overhead. No encryption block
// padding will be added since we are not chunking data that we store inline.
const encryptionAuthOverhead = 16 // bytes
expectedTotalBytes := len(expectedData) + encryptionAuthOverhead
// Setup: The data in this tally should match the pointer that the uplink.upload created
expectedBucketName := "testbucket"
expectedTally := &accounting.BucketTally{
BucketLocation: metabase.BucketLocation{
ProjectID: uplink.Projects[0].ID,
BucketName: expectedBucketName,
ObjectCount: 1,
InlineSegments: 1,
InlineBytes: int64(expectedTotalBytes),
MetadataSize: 0,
// Execute test: upload a file, then calculate at rest data
err := uplink.Upload(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], expectedBucketName, "test/path", expectedData)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// run multiple times to ensure we add tallies
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
obs := tally.NewObserver(planet.Satellites[0].Log.Named("observer"), time.Now())
err := planet.Satellites[0].Metainfo.Loop.Join(ctx, obs)
require.NoError(t, err)
now := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(i) * time.Second)
err = planet.Satellites[0].DB.ProjectAccounting().SaveTallies(ctx, now, obs.Bucket)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(obs.Bucket))
for _, actualTally := range obs.Bucket {
// checking the exact metadata size is brittle, instead, verify that it's not zero
assert.NotZero(t, actualTally.MetadataSize)
actualTally.MetadataSize = expectedTally.MetadataSize
assert.Equal(t, expectedTally, actualTally)
func TestCalculateNodeAtRestData(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 6, UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
tallySvc := planet.Satellites[0].Accounting.Tally
uplink := planet.Uplinks[0]
// Setup: create 50KiB of data for the uplink to upload
expectedData := testrand.Bytes(50 * memory.KiB)
// TODO uplink currently hardcode block size so we need to use the same value in test
encryptionParameters := storj.EncryptionParameters{
CipherSuite: storj.EncAESGCM,
BlockSize: 29 * 256 * memory.B.Int32(),
expectedTotalBytes, err := encryption.CalcEncryptedSize(int64(len(expectedData)), encryptionParameters)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Execute test: upload a file, then calculate at rest data
expectedBucketName := "testbucket"
err = uplink.Upload(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], expectedBucketName, "test/path", expectedData)
require.NoError(t, err)
obs := tally.NewObserver(planet.Satellites[0].Log.Named("observer"), time.Now())
err = planet.Satellites[0].Metainfo.Loop.Join(ctx, obs)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Confirm the correct number of shares were stored
rs := satelliteRS(t, planet.Satellites[0])
if !correctRedundencyScheme(len(obs.Node), rs) {
t.Fatalf("expected between: %d and %d, actual: %d", rs.RepairShares, rs.TotalShares, len(obs.Node))
// Confirm the correct number of bytes were stored on each node
for _, actualTotalBytes := range obs.Node {
assert.Equal(t, expectedTotalBytes, int64(actualTotalBytes))
func TestCalculateBucketAtRestData(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 4, UplinkCount: 2,
Reconfigure: testplanet.Reconfigure{
Satellite: testplanet.Combine(
testplanet.ReconfigureRS(2, 3, 4, 4),
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
err := planet.Uplinks[0].Upload(ctx, satellite, "alpha", "inline", make([]byte, 10*memory.KiB))
require.NoError(t, err)
err = planet.Uplinks[0].Upload(ctx, satellite, "alpha", "remote", make([]byte, 30*memory.KiB))
require.NoError(t, err)
err = planet.Uplinks[0].Upload(ctx, satellite, "beta", "remote", make([]byte, 30*memory.KiB))
require.NoError(t, err)
err = planet.Uplinks[1].Upload(ctx, satellite, "alpha", "remote", make([]byte, 30*memory.KiB))
require.NoError(t, err)
objects, err := satellite.Metainfo.Metabase.TestingAllObjects(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
segments, err := satellite.Metainfo.Metabase.TestingAllSegments(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedTotal := map[metabase.BucketLocation]*accounting.BucketTally{}
ensure := func(loc metabase.BucketLocation) *accounting.BucketTally {
if t, ok := expectedTotal[loc]; ok {
return t
t := &accounting.BucketTally{BucketLocation: loc}
expectedTotal[loc] = t
return t
streamLocation := map[uuid.UUID]metabase.BucketLocation{}
for _, object := range objects {
loc := object.Location().Bucket()
streamLocation[object.StreamID] = loc
t := ensure(loc)
t.MetadataSize += int64(len(object.EncryptedMetadata))
for _, segment := range segments {
loc := streamLocation[segment.StreamID]
t := ensure(loc)
if len(segment.Pieces) > 0 {
t.RemoteBytes += int64(segment.EncryptedSize)
} else {
t.InlineBytes += int64(segment.EncryptedSize)
require.Len(t, expectedTotal, 3)
obs := tally.NewObserver(satellite.Log.Named("observer"), time.Now())
err = satellite.Metainfo.Loop.Join(ctx, obs)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expectedTotal, obs.Bucket)
func TestTallyIgnoresExpiredPointers(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 6, UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
now := time.Now()
err := planet.Uplinks[0].UploadWithExpiration(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], "bucket", "path", []byte{1}, now.Add(12*time.Hour))
require.NoError(t, err)
obs := tally.NewObserver(satellite.Log.Named("observer"), now.Add(24*time.Hour))
err = satellite.Metainfo.Loop.Join(ctx, obs)
require.NoError(t, err)
// there should be no observed buckets because all of the pointers are expired
require.Equal(t, obs.Bucket, map[metabase.BucketLocation]*accounting.BucketTally{})
func TestTallyLiveAccounting(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 6, UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
tally := planet.Satellites[0].Accounting.Tally
projectID := planet.Uplinks[0].Projects[0].ID
expectedData := testrand.Bytes(5 * memory.MB)
err := planet.Uplinks[0].Upload(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], "testbucket", "test/path", expectedData)
require.NoError(t, err)
segments, err := planet.Satellites[0].Metainfo.Metabase.TestingAllSegments(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, segments, 1)
segmentSize := int64(segments[0].EncryptedSize)
expectedSize := segmentSize
total, err := planet.Satellites[0].Accounting.ProjectUsage.GetProjectStorageTotals(ctx, projectID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expectedSize, total)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
err := planet.Uplinks[0].Upload(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], "testbucket", fmt.Sprintf("test/path/%d", i), expectedData)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedSize += segmentSize
total, err := planet.Satellites[0].Accounting.ProjectUsage.GetProjectStorageTotals(ctx, projectID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expectedSize, total)
func TestTallyEmptyProjectUpdatesLiveAccounting(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 6, UplinkCount: 2,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
project1 := planet.Uplinks[1].Projects[0].ID
data := testrand.Bytes(1 * memory.MB)
// we need an extra bucket with data for this test. If no buckets are found at all,
// the update block is skipped in tally
err := planet.Uplinks[0].Upload(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], "bucket", "test", data)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = planet.Uplinks[1].Upload(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], "bucket", "test", data)
require.NoError(t, err)
total, err := planet.Satellites[0].Accounting.ProjectUsage.GetProjectStorageTotals(ctx, project1)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, total >= int64(len(data)))
err = planet.Uplinks[1].DeleteObject(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], "bucket", "test")
require.NoError(t, err)
p1Total, err := planet.Satellites[0].Accounting.ProjectUsage.GetProjectStorageTotals(ctx, project1)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Zero(t, p1Total)
func correctRedundencyScheme(shareCount int, uplinkRS storj.RedundancyScheme) bool {
// The shareCount should be a value between RequiredShares and TotalShares where
// RequiredShares is the min number of shares required to recover a segment and
// TotalShares is the number of shares to encode
return int(uplinkRS.RepairShares) <= shareCount && shareCount <= int(uplinkRS.TotalShares)
func satelliteRS(t *testing.T, satellite *testplanet.Satellite) storj.RedundancyScheme {
rs := satellite.Config.Metainfo.RS
return storj.RedundancyScheme{
RequiredShares: int16(rs.Min),
RepairShares: int16(rs.Repair),
OptimalShares: int16(rs.Success),
TotalShares: int16(rs.Total),
ShareSize: rs.ErasureShareSize.Int32(),