Ivan Fraixedes 5573ece848 satellite/admin/ui: Migrate to SvelteKit
Migrate the satellite admin UI web app from the Svelte template used to
generate a Svelte App scaffolding to SvelteKit.

There aren't any functional changes in the  application, however, the
commit has a lot because:

1. SvelteKit uses a different directory layout and constraints to it, so
   the files have been moved.
2. The files have changed its formatting due to the new default linter
   configurations that SvelteKit uses.
3. The linter detected some issues with using `object` and `any` types
   in Typescript, so they have been replaced by better general types
   (e.g. Record).

The  migration allows to use the new tooling rather than Rollup
directly, besides that will empower the future of it when it needs more
features (e.g. different routes, etc.).

Change-Id: Ifa6736c13585708337f6c5a59388077b784eaddd
2021-12-17 10:27:13 +00:00

412 lines
20 KiB

pipeline {
agent {
docker {
label 'main'
image 'storjlabs/ci:latest'
alwaysPull true
args '-u root:root --cap-add SYS_PTRACE -v "/tmp/gomod":/go/pkg/mod -v "/tmp/npm":/npm --tmpfs "/tmp:exec,mode=777"'
options {
timeout(time: 40, unit: 'MINUTES')
environment {
NPM_CONFIG_CACHE = '/npm/cache'
stages {
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
// Delete any content left over from a previous run.
sh "chmod -R 777 ."
// Bash requires extglob option to support !(.git) syntax,
// and we don't want to delete .git to have faster clones.
sh 'bash -O extglob -c "rm -rf !(.git)"'
checkout scm
sh 'mkdir -p .build'
// make a backup of the mod file, because sometimes they get modified by tools
// this allows to lint the unmodified files
sh 'cp go.mod .build/go.mod.orig'
sh 'cp testsuite/go.mod .build/testsuite.go.mod.orig'
// download dependencies
sh 'go mod download'
sh 'cd testsuite && go mod download'
// pre-check that we cannot do at a later stage reliably
sh 'check-large-files'
// add a stub go.mod file to node projects to prevent go build ./... from scanning them
sh 'mkdir -p web/satellite/node_modules web/storagenode/node_modules web/multinode/node_modules'
sh 'touch web/satellite/node_modules/go.mod web/storagenode/node_modules/go.mod web/multinode/node_modules/go.mod'
stage('Build') {
parallel {
stage('go') {
steps {
sh 'go build -v ./...'
sh 'go test -v -p 16 -bench XYZXYZXYZXYZ -run XYZXYZXYZXYZ ./...'
stage('go -race') {
steps {
sh 'go build -v -race ./...'
sh 'go test -v -p 16 -bench XYZXYZXYZXYZ -run XYZXYZXYZXYZ -race ./...'
// install storj-sim
sh 'go install -race -v '+
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
stage('go -race gateway') {
steps {
// install gateway for storj-sim
sh 'go install -race -v'
stage('db') {
steps {
sh 'service postgresql start'
dir('.build') {
sh 'cockroach start-single-node --insecure --store=type=mem,size=2GiB --listen-addr=localhost:26256 --http-addr=localhost:8086 --cache 512MiB --max-sql-memory 512MiB --background'
sh 'cockroach start-single-node --insecure --store=type=mem,size=2GiB --listen-addr=localhost:26257 --http-addr=localhost:8087 --cache 512MiB --max-sql-memory 512MiB --background'
sh 'cockroach start-single-node --insecure --store=type=mem,size=2GiB --listen-addr=localhost:26258 --http-addr=localhost:8088 --cache 512MiB --max-sql-memory 512MiB --background'
sh 'cockroach start-single-node --insecure --store=type=mem,size=2GiB --listen-addr=localhost:26259 --http-addr=localhost:8089 --cache 512MiB --max-sql-memory 512MiB --background'
sh 'cockroach start-single-node --insecure --store=type=mem,size=2GiB --listen-addr=localhost:26260 --http-addr=localhost:8090 --cache 256MiB --max-sql-memory 256MiB --background'
stage('web/satellite') {
steps {
dir('web/satellite') {
sh 'npm ci --prefer-offline --no-audit'
sh './scripts/'
sh 'npm run build'
stage('web/storagenode') {
steps {
dir('web/storagenode') {
sh 'npm ci --prefer-offline --no-audit'
sh 'npm run build'
stage('web/multinode') {
steps {
dir('web/multinode') {
sh 'npm ci --prefer-offline --no-audit'
sh 'npm run build'
stage('satellite/admin/ui') {
steps {
dir('satellite/admin/ui') {
sh 'npm ci --prefer-offline --no-audit'
sh 'npm run build'
sh 'rm -rf build .svelte-kit' // Remove these directories for avoiding linting their files.
stage('Verification') {
parallel {
stage('Lint') {
steps {
sh 'check-copyright'
sh 'check-imports -race ./...'
sh 'check-peer-constraints -race'
sh 'check-atomic-align ./...'
sh 'check-monkit ./...'
sh 'check-errs ./...'
sh 'staticcheck ./...'
sh 'golangci-lint --config /go/ci/.golangci.yml -j=2 run'
sh 'check-mod-tidy -mod .build/go.mod.orig'
sh 'make check-monitoring'
sh 'make test-wasm-size'
sh 'protolock status'
dir("testsuite") {
sh 'check-imports ./...'
sh 'check-atomic-align ./...'
sh 'check-monkit ./...'
sh 'check-errs ./...'
sh 'staticcheck ./...'
sh 'golangci-lint --config /go/ci/.golangci.yml -j=2 run'
sh 'check-mod-tidy -mod ../.build/testsuite.go.mod.orig'
dir("satellite/admin/ui") {
sh 'npm run check'
sh 'npm run lint'
stage('Cross Compile') {
steps {
// verify most of the commands, we cannot check everything since some of them
// have a C dependency and we don't have cross-compilation in storj/ci image
sh 'GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go vet ./cmd/uplink ./cmd/satellite ./cmd/uplinkng ./cmd/storagenode-updater ./cmd/storj-sim'
sh 'GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go vet ./cmd/uplink ./cmd/satellite ./cmd/uplinkng ./cmd/storagenode-updater ./cmd/storj-sim'
sh 'GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go vet ./cmd/uplink ./cmd/satellite ./cmd/uplinkng ./cmd/storagenode-updater ./cmd/storj-sim'
sh 'GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go vet ./cmd/uplink ./cmd/satellite ./cmd/uplinkng ./cmd/storagenode-updater ./cmd/storj-sim'
sh 'GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go vet ./cmd/uplink ./cmd/satellite ./cmd/uplinkng ./cmd/storagenode-updater ./cmd/storj-sim'
sh 'GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go vet ./cmd/uplink ./cmd/satellite ./cmd/uplinkng ./cmd/storagenode-updater ./cmd/storj-sim'
sh 'GOOS=windows GOARCH=arm64 go vet ./cmd/uplink ./cmd/satellite ./cmd/uplinkng ./cmd/storagenode-updater ./cmd/storj-sim'
sh 'GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go vet ./cmd/uplink ./cmd/satellite ./cmd/uplinkng ./cmd/storagenode-updater ./cmd/storj-sim'
sh 'GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go vet ./cmd/uplink ./cmd/satellite ./cmd/uplinkng ./cmd/storagenode-updater ./cmd/storj-sim'
stage('Tests') {
environment {
STORJ_TEST_COCKROACH = 'cockroach://root@localhost:26256/testcockroach?sslmode=disable;' +
'cockroach://root@localhost:26257/testcockroach?sslmode=disable;' +
'cockroach://root@localhost:26258/testcockroach?sslmode=disable;' +
STORJ_TEST_COCKROACH_ALT = 'cockroach://root@localhost:26260/testcockroach?sslmode=disable'
STORJ_TEST_POSTGRES = 'postgres://postgres@localhost/teststorj?sslmode=disable'
COVERFLAGS = "${ env.BRANCH_NAME == 'main' ? ',,,,' : ''}"
steps {
sh 'cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26256 -e \'create database testcockroach;\''
sh 'cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257 -e \'create database testcockroach;\''
sh 'cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26258 -e \'create database testcockroach;\''
sh 'cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26259 -e \'create database testcockroach;\''
sh 'cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26260 -e \'create database testcockroach;\''
sh 'cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26259 -e \'create database testmetabase;\''
sh 'psql -U postgres -c \'create database teststorj;\''
sh 'psql -U postgres -c \'create database testmetabase;\''
sh 'use-ports -from 1024 -to 10000 &'
sh 'go test -parallel 4 -p 6 -vet=off $COVERFLAGS -timeout 32m -json -race ./... 2>&1 | tee .build/tests.json | xunit -out .build/tests.xml'
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '.build/tests.json'
sh script: 'cat .build/tests.json | tparse -all -top -slow 100', returnStatus: true
junit '.build/tests.xml'
script {
sh script: 'filter-cover-profile < .build/coverprofile > .build/clean.coverprofile', returnStatus: true
sh script: 'gocov convert .build/clean.coverprofile > .build/cover.json', returnStatus: true
sh script: 'gocov-xml < .build/cover.json > .build/cobertura.xml', returnStatus: true
cobertura coberturaReportFile: '.build/cobertura.xml',
lineCoverageTargets: '70, 60, 50',
autoUpdateHealth: false,
autoUpdateStability: false,
failUnhealthy: true
stage('Check Benchmark') {
environment {
STORJ_TEST_POSTGRES = 'postgres://postgres@localhost/benchstorj?sslmode=disable'
steps {
sh 'psql -U postgres -c \'create database benchstorj;\''
sh 'go test -parallel 1 -p 1 -vet=off -timeout 20m -short -run XYZXYZXYZXYZ -bench . -benchtime 1x ./...'
stage('Integration') {
environment {
// use different hostname to avoid port conflicts
STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES = 'postgres://postgres@localhost/teststorj2?sslmode=disable'
steps {
sh 'psql -U postgres -c \'create database teststorj2;\''
sh 'make test-sim'
// sh 'make test-certificates' // flaky
stage('Cockroach Integration') {
environment {
STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES = 'cockroach://root@localhost:26257/testcockroach4?sslmode=disable'
steps {
sh 'cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257 -e \'create database testcockroach4;\''
sh 'make test-sim'
sh 'cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257 -e \'drop database testcockroach4;\''
stage('Integration Redis unavailability') {
environment {
// use different hostname to avoid port conflicts
STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES = 'postgres://postgres@localhost/teststorj6?sslmode=disable'
steps {
sh 'psql -U postgres -c \'create database teststorj6;\''
sh 'make test-sim-redis-unavailability'
stage('Backwards Compatibility') {
environment {
STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES = 'postgres://postgres@localhost/teststorj3?sslmode=disable'
STORJ_MIGRATION_DB = 'postgres://postgres@localhost/teststorj3?sslmode=disable&options=--search_path=satellite/0/meta'
steps {
sh 'psql -U postgres -c \'create database teststorj3;\''
sh 'make test-sim-backwards-compatible'
stage('Cockroach Backwards Compatibility') {
environment {
STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES = 'cockroach://root@localhost:26257/testcockroach5?sslmode=disable'
STORJ_MIGRATION_DB = 'postgres://root@localhost:26257/testcockroach5/satellite/0/meta?sslmode=disable'
steps {
sh 'cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257 -e \'create database testcockroach5;\''
sh 'make test-sim-backwards-compatible'
sh 'cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257 -e \'drop database testcockroach5;\''
stage('wasm npm') {
steps {
dir(".build") {
sh 'cp -r ../satellite/console/wasm/tests/ .'
sh 'cd tests && cp "$(go env GOROOT)/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js" .'
sh 'cd tests && npm install && npm run test'
stage('web/satellite') {
steps {
dir("web/satellite") {
sh 'npm run lint-ci'
sh script: 'npm audit', returnStatus: true
sh 'npm run test'
stage('web/storagenode') {
steps {
dir("web/storagenode") {
sh 'npm run lint-ci'
sh script: 'npm audit', returnStatus: true
sh 'npm run test'
stage('web/multinode') {
steps {
dir("web/multinode") {
sh 'npm run lint-ci'
sh script: 'npm audit', returnStatus: true
sh 'npm run test'
stage('satellite/admin/ui') {
steps {
dir("satellite/admin/ui") {
sh script: 'npm audit', returnStatus: true
stage('UI') {
when {
anyOf {
branch 'main'
branch pattern: "release-.*", comparator: "REGEXP"
changeset "testsuite/ui/**"
changeset "web/**"
changeset "satellite/console/**"
changeset "storagenode/console/**"
changeset "multinode/console/**"
environment {
STORJ_TEST_POSTGRES = 'postgres://postgres@localhost/testui?sslmode=disable'
STORJ_TEST_BROWSER = '/usr/bin/chromium'
STORJ_TEST_SATELLITE_WEB = "${pwd()}/web/satellite"
steps {
sh 'psql -U postgres -c \'create database testui;\''
catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
sh 'cd testsuite && go test -parallel 1 -p 1 -short -vet=off -timeout 5m -json -race ./... 2>&1 | tee ../.build/ui-tests.json | xunit -out ../.build/ui-tests.xml'
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '.build/ui-tests.json'
sh script: 'cat .build/ui-tests.json | tparse -all -top -slow 100', returnStatus: true
junit '.build/ui-tests.xml'
stage('Post') {
parallel {
stage('Lint') {
steps {
sh 'check-clean-directory'