Kaloyan Raev 92a2be2abd satellite/metainfo: get away from using pb.Pointer in Metainfo Loop
As part of the Metainfo Refactoring, we need to make the Metainfo Loop
working with both the current PointerDB and the new Metabase. Thus, the
Metainfo Loop should pass to the Observer interface more specific Object
and Segment types instead of pb.Pointer.

After this change, there are still a couple of use cases that require
access to the pb.Pointer (hence we have it as a field in the
metainfo.Segment type):
1. Expired Deletion Service
2. Repair Service

It would require additional refactoring in these two services before we
are able to clean this.

Change-Id: Ib3eb6b7507ed89d5ba745ffbb6b37524ef10ed9f
2020-10-27 13:06:47 +00:00

342 lines
9.7 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package metainfo_test
import (
// TestLoop does the following
// * upload 5 remote files with 1 segment
// * (TODO) upload 3 remote files with 2 segments
// * upload 2 inline files
// * connect two observers to the metainfo loop
// * run the metainfo loop
// * expect that each observer has seen
// - 5 remote files
// - 5 remote segments
// - 2 inline files/segments
// - 7 unique path items
func TestLoop(t *testing.T) {
// TODO: figure out how to configure testplanet so we can upload 2*segmentSize to get two segments
segmentSize := 8 * memory.KiB
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1,
StorageNodeCount: 4,
UplinkCount: 1,
Reconfigure: testplanet.Reconfigure{
Satellite: func(log *zap.Logger, index int, config *satellite.Config) {
config.Metainfo.Loop.CoalesceDuration = 1 * time.Second
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
ul := planet.Uplinks[0]
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
metaLoop := satellite.Metainfo.Loop
// upload 5 remote files with 1 segment
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
testData := testrand.Bytes(segmentSize)
path := "/some/remote/path/" + strconv.Itoa(i)
err := ul.Upload(ctx, satellite, "bucket", path, testData)
require.NoError(t, err)
// (TODO) upload 3 remote files with 2 segments
// for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
// testData := testrand.Bytes(2 * segmentSize)
// path := "/some/other/remote/path/" + strconv.Itoa(i)
// err := ul.Upload(ctx, satellite, "bucket", path, testData)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// }
// upload 2 inline files
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
testData := testrand.Bytes(segmentSize / 8)
path := "/some/inline/path/" + strconv.Itoa(i)
err := ul.Upload(ctx, satellite, "bucket", path, testData)
require.NoError(t, err)
// create 2 observers
obs1 := newTestObserver(nil)
obs2 := newTestObserver(nil)
var group errgroup.Group
group.Go(func() error {
return metaLoop.Join(ctx, obs1)
group.Go(func() error {
return metaLoop.Join(ctx, obs2)
err := group.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
projectID := ul.Projects[0].ID
for _, obs := range []*testObserver{obs1, obs2} {
assert.EqualValues(t, 7, obs.objectCount)
assert.EqualValues(t, 5, obs.remoteSegCount)
assert.EqualValues(t, 2, obs.inlineSegCount)
assert.EqualValues(t, 7, len(obs.uniquePaths))
for _, path := range obs.uniquePaths {
assert.EqualValues(t, path.BucketName, "bucket")
assert.EqualValues(t, path.ProjectID, projectID)
// TestLoopObserverCancel does the following:
// * upload 3 remote segments
// * hook three observers up to metainfo loop
// * let observer 1 run normally
// * let observer 2 return an error from one of its handlers
// * let observer 3's context be canceled
// * expect observer 1 to see all segments
// * expect observers 2 and 3 to finish with errors.
func TestLoopObserverCancel(t *testing.T) {
segmentSize := 8 * memory.KiB
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1,
StorageNodeCount: 4,
UplinkCount: 1,
Reconfigure: testplanet.Reconfigure{
Satellite: func(log *zap.Logger, index int, config *satellite.Config) {
config.Metainfo.Loop.CoalesceDuration = 1 * time.Second
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
ul := planet.Uplinks[0]
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
metaLoop := satellite.Metainfo.Loop
// upload 3 remote files with 1 segment
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
testData := testrand.Bytes(segmentSize)
path := "/some/remote/path/" + strconv.Itoa(i)
err := ul.Upload(ctx, satellite, "bucket", path, testData)
require.NoError(t, err)
// create 1 "good" observer
obs1 := newTestObserver(nil)
obs1x := newTestObserver(nil)
// create observer that will return an error from RemoteSegment
obs2 := newTestObserver(func(ctx context.Context) error {
return errors.New("test error")
// create observer that will cancel its own context from RemoteSegment
obs3Ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
var once int64
obs3 := newTestObserver(func(ctx context.Context) error {
if atomic.AddInt64(&once, 1) == 1 {
<-obs3Ctx.Done() // ensure we wait for cancellation to propagate
} else {
panic("multiple calls to observer after loop cancel")
return nil
var group errgroup.Group
group.Go(func() error {
return metaLoop.Join(ctx, obs1, obs1x)
group.Go(func() error {
err := metaLoop.Join(ctx, obs2)
if err == nil {
return errors.New("got no error")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "test error") {
return errors.New("expected to find error")
return nil
group.Go(func() error {
err := metaLoop.Join(obs3Ctx, obs3)
if !errs2.IsCanceled(err) {
return errors.New("expected canceled")
return nil
err := group.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
// expect that obs1 saw all three segments, but obs2 and obs3 only saw the first one
assert.EqualValues(t, 3, obs1.remoteSegCount)
assert.EqualValues(t, 3, obs1x.remoteSegCount)
assert.EqualValues(t, 1, obs2.remoteSegCount)
assert.EqualValues(t, 1, obs3.remoteSegCount)
// TestLoopCancel does the following:
// * upload 3 remote segments
// * hook two observers up to metainfo loop
// * cancel loop context partway through
// * expect both observers to exit with an error and see fewer than 3 remote segments
// * expect that a new observer attempting to join at this point receives a loop closed error.
func TestLoopCancel(t *testing.T) {
segmentSize := 8 * memory.KiB
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1,
StorageNodeCount: 4,
UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
ul := planet.Uplinks[0]
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
// upload 3 remote files with 1 segment
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
testData := testrand.Bytes(segmentSize)
path := "/some/remote/path/" + strconv.Itoa(i)
err := ul.Upload(ctx, satellite, "bucket", path, testData)
require.NoError(t, err)
// create a new metainfo loop
metaLoop := metainfo.NewLoop(metainfo.LoopConfig{
CoalesceDuration: 1 * time.Second,
ListLimit: 10000,
}, satellite.Metainfo.Database)
// create a cancelable context to pass into metaLoop.Run
loopCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
// create 1 normal observer
obs1 := newTestObserver(nil)
var once int64
// create another normal observer that will wait before returning during RemoteSegment so we can sync with context cancelation
obs2 := newTestObserver(func(ctx context.Context) error {
// cancel context during call to obs2.RemoteSegment inside loop
if atomic.AddInt64(&once, 1) == 1 {
<-ctx.Done() // ensure we wait for cancellation to propagate
} else {
panic("multiple calls to observer after loop cancel")
return nil
var group errgroup.Group
// start loop with cancelable context
group.Go(func() error {
err := metaLoop.Run(loopCtx)
if !errs2.IsCanceled(err) {
return errors.New("expected context canceled")
return nil
group.Go(func() error {
err := metaLoop.Join(ctx, obs1)
if !errs2.IsCanceled(err) {
return errors.New("expected context canceled")
return nil
group.Go(func() error {
err := metaLoop.Join(ctx, obs2)
if !errs2.IsCanceled(err) {
return errors.New("expected context canceled")
return nil
err := group.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
err = metaLoop.Close()
require.NoError(t, err)
obs3 := newTestObserver(nil)
err = metaLoop.Join(ctx, obs3)
require.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "loop closed")
// expect that obs1 and obs2 each saw fewer than three remote segments
assert.True(t, obs1.remoteSegCount < 3)
assert.True(t, obs2.remoteSegCount < 3)
type testObserver struct {
objectCount int
remoteSegCount int
inlineSegCount int
uniquePaths map[string]metabase.SegmentLocation
onSegment func(context.Context) error // if set, run this during RemoteSegment()
func newTestObserver(onSegment func(context.Context) error) *testObserver {
return &testObserver{
objectCount: 0,
remoteSegCount: 0,
inlineSegCount: 0,
uniquePaths: make(map[string]metabase.SegmentLocation),
onSegment: onSegment,
func (obs *testObserver) RemoteSegment(ctx context.Context, segment *metainfo.Segment) error {
key := segment.Location.Encode()
if _, ok := obs.uniquePaths[string(key)]; ok {
// TODO: collect the errors and check in test
panic("Expected unique path in observer.RemoteSegment")
obs.uniquePaths[string(key)] = segment.Location
if obs.onSegment != nil {
return obs.onSegment(ctx)
return nil
func (obs *testObserver) Object(ctx context.Context, object *metainfo.Object) error {
return nil
func (obs *testObserver) InlineSegment(ctx context.Context, segment *metainfo.Segment) error {
key := segment.Location.Encode()
if _, ok := obs.uniquePaths[string(key)]; ok {
// TODO: collect the errors and check in test
panic("Expected unique path in observer.InlineSegment")
obs.uniquePaths[string(key)] = segment.Location
return nil