Michal Niewrzal b96e7401c3 satellite/metainfo: add TestEnableBucketVersioning flag
Additional feature flag (onyly for testing) to set versioning enabled
for all new create buckets. We need it until we will have support
for enabling/disabling versioning for bucket on metainfo API.

In addition this change is fixing also two small issues which makes
testing this flag imposible:
* metabase Status list was not aligned with protobuf definition
* object retruned by metainfo API didn't have correct status set in some

Change-Id: I0d63dff6a08efa588c8999af1e17db476943e067
2023-11-10 19:19:30 +00:00

591 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package metabase
import (
var (
// Error is the default error for metabase.
Error = errs.Class("metabase")
// ErrObjectAlreadyExists is used to indicate that object already exists.
ErrObjectAlreadyExists = errs.Class("object already exists")
// ErrPendingObjectMissing is used to indicate a pending object is no longer accessible.
ErrPendingObjectMissing = errs.Class("pending object missing")
// ErrPermissionDenied general error for denying permission.
ErrPermissionDenied = errs.Class("permission denied")
// Common constants for segment keys.
const (
Delimiter = '/'
LastSegmentName = "l"
LastSegmentIndex = uint32(math.MaxUint32)
// ListLimit is the maximum number of items the client can request for listing.
const ListLimit = intLimitRange(1000)
// MoveSegmentLimit is the maximum number of segments that can be moved.
const MoveSegmentLimit = int64(10000)
// CopySegmentLimit is the maximum number of segments that can be copied.
const CopySegmentLimit = int64(10000)
// batchsizeLimit specifies up to how many items fetch from the storage layer at
// a time.
// NOTE: A frequent pattern while listing items is to list up to ListLimit items
// and see whether there is more by trying to fetch another one. If the caller
// requests a list of ListLimit size and batchSizeLimit equals ListLimit, we
// would have queried another batch on that check for more items. Most of these
// results, except the first one, would be thrown away by callers. To prevent
// this from happening, we add 1 to batchSizeLimit.
const batchsizeLimit = ListLimit + 1
// BucketPrefix consists of <project id>/<bucket name>.
type BucketPrefix string
// BucketLocation defines a bucket that belongs to a project.
type BucketLocation struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
// ParseBucketPrefix parses BucketPrefix.
func ParseBucketPrefix(prefix BucketPrefix) (BucketLocation, error) {
elements := strings.Split(string(prefix), "/")
if len(elements) != 2 {
return BucketLocation{}, Error.New("invalid prefix %q", prefix)
projectID, err := uuid.FromString(elements[0])
if err != nil {
return BucketLocation{}, Error.Wrap(err)
return BucketLocation{
ProjectID: projectID,
BucketName: elements[1],
}, nil
// Verify object location fields.
func (loc BucketLocation) Verify() error {
switch {
case loc.ProjectID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ProjectID missing")
case loc.BucketName == "":
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BucketName missing")
return nil
// ParseCompactBucketPrefix parses BucketPrefix.
func ParseCompactBucketPrefix(compactPrefix []byte) (BucketLocation, error) {
if len(compactPrefix) < len(uuid.UUID{}) {
return BucketLocation{}, Error.New("invalid prefix %q", compactPrefix)
var loc BucketLocation
copy(loc.ProjectID[:], compactPrefix)
loc.BucketName = string(compactPrefix[len(loc.ProjectID):])
return loc, nil
// Prefix converts bucket location into bucket prefix.
func (loc BucketLocation) Prefix() BucketPrefix {
return BucketPrefix(loc.ProjectID.String() + "/" + loc.BucketName)
// CompactPrefix converts bucket location into bucket prefix with compact project ID.
func (loc BucketLocation) CompactPrefix() []byte {
xs := make([]byte, 0, len(loc.ProjectID)+len(loc.BucketName))
xs = append(xs, loc.ProjectID[:]...)
xs = append(xs, []byte(loc.BucketName)...)
return xs
// ObjectKey is an encrypted object key encoded using Path Component Encoding.
// It is not ascii safe.
type ObjectKey string
// Value converts a ObjectKey to a database field.
func (o ObjectKey) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return []byte(o), nil
// Scan extracts a ObjectKey from a database field.
func (o *ObjectKey) Scan(value interface{}) error {
switch value := value.(type) {
case []byte:
*o = ObjectKey(value)
return nil
return Error.New("unable to scan %T into ObjectKey", value)
// ObjectLocation is decoded object key information.
type ObjectLocation struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
ObjectKey ObjectKey
// Bucket returns bucket location this object belongs to.
func (obj ObjectLocation) Bucket() BucketLocation {
return BucketLocation{
ProjectID: obj.ProjectID,
BucketName: obj.BucketName,
// Verify object location fields.
func (obj ObjectLocation) Verify() error {
switch {
case obj.ProjectID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ProjectID missing")
case obj.BucketName == "":
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BucketName missing")
case len(obj.ObjectKey) == 0:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ObjectKey missing")
return nil
// SegmentKey is an encoded metainfo key. This is used as the key in pointerdb key-value store.
type SegmentKey []byte
// SegmentLocation is decoded segment key information.
type SegmentLocation struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
ObjectKey ObjectKey
Position SegmentPosition
// Bucket returns bucket location this segment belongs to.
func (seg SegmentLocation) Bucket() BucketLocation {
return BucketLocation{
ProjectID: seg.ProjectID,
BucketName: seg.BucketName,
// Object returns the object location associated with this segment location.
func (seg SegmentLocation) Object() ObjectLocation {
return ObjectLocation{
ProjectID: seg.ProjectID,
BucketName: seg.BucketName,
ObjectKey: seg.ObjectKey,
// ParseSegmentKey parses an segment key into segment location.
func ParseSegmentKey(encoded SegmentKey) (SegmentLocation, error) {
elements := strings.SplitN(string(encoded), "/", 4)
if len(elements) < 4 {
return SegmentLocation{}, Error.New("invalid key %q", encoded)
projectID, err := uuid.FromString(elements[0])
if err != nil {
return SegmentLocation{}, Error.New("invalid key %q", encoded)
var position SegmentPosition
if elements[1] == LastSegmentName {
position.Index = LastSegmentIndex
} else {
if !strings.HasPrefix(elements[1], "s") {
return SegmentLocation{}, Error.New("invalid %q, missing segment prefix in %q", string(encoded), elements[1])
// skip 's' prefix from segment index we got
parsed, err := strconv.ParseUint(elements[1][1:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return SegmentLocation{}, Error.New("invalid %q, segment number %q", string(encoded), elements[1])
position = SegmentPositionFromEncoded(parsed)
return SegmentLocation{
ProjectID: projectID,
BucketName: elements[2],
Position: position,
ObjectKey: ObjectKey(elements[3]),
}, nil
// Encode converts segment location into a segment key.
func (seg SegmentLocation) Encode() SegmentKey {
segment := LastSegmentName
if seg.Position.Index != LastSegmentIndex {
segment = "s" + strconv.FormatUint(seg.Position.Encode(), 10)
return SegmentKey(storj.JoinPaths(
// Verify segment location fields.
func (seg SegmentLocation) Verify() error {
switch {
case seg.ProjectID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ProjectID missing")
case seg.BucketName == "":
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BucketName missing")
case len(seg.ObjectKey) == 0:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ObjectKey missing")
return nil
// ObjectStream uniquely defines an object and stream.
type ObjectStream struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
ObjectKey ObjectKey
Version Version
StreamID uuid.UUID
// Less implements sorting on object streams.
func (obj ObjectStream) Less(b ObjectStream) bool {
if obj.ProjectID != b.ProjectID {
return obj.ProjectID.Less(b.ProjectID)
if obj.BucketName != b.BucketName {
return obj.BucketName < b.BucketName
if obj.ObjectKey != b.ObjectKey {
return obj.ObjectKey < b.ObjectKey
if obj.Version != b.Version {
return obj.Version < b.Version
return obj.StreamID.Less(b.StreamID)
// Verify object stream fields.
func (obj *ObjectStream) Verify() error {
switch {
case obj.ProjectID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ProjectID missing")
case obj.BucketName == "":
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BucketName missing")
case len(obj.ObjectKey) == 0:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ObjectKey missing")
case obj.Version < 0:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("Version invalid: %v", obj.Version)
case obj.StreamID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("StreamID missing")
return nil
// Location returns object location.
func (obj *ObjectStream) Location() ObjectLocation {
return ObjectLocation{
ProjectID: obj.ProjectID,
BucketName: obj.BucketName,
ObjectKey: obj.ObjectKey,
// PendingObjectStream uniquely defines an pending object and stream.
type PendingObjectStream struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
ObjectKey ObjectKey
StreamID uuid.UUID
// Verify object stream fields.
func (obj *PendingObjectStream) Verify() error {
switch {
case obj.ProjectID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ProjectID missing")
case obj.BucketName == "":
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BucketName missing")
case len(obj.ObjectKey) == 0:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ObjectKey missing")
case obj.StreamID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("StreamID missing")
return nil
// SegmentPosition is segment part and index combined.
type SegmentPosition struct {
Part uint32
Index uint32
// SegmentPositionFromEncoded decodes an uint64 into a SegmentPosition.
func SegmentPositionFromEncoded(v uint64) SegmentPosition {
return SegmentPosition{
Part: uint32(v >> 32),
Index: uint32(v),
// Encode encodes a segment position into an uint64, that can be stored in a database.
func (pos SegmentPosition) Encode() uint64 { return uint64(pos.Part)<<32 | uint64(pos.Index) }
// Less returns whether pos should before b.
func (pos SegmentPosition) Less(b SegmentPosition) bool { return pos.Encode() < b.Encode() }
// Version is used to uniquely identify objects with the same key.
type Version int64
// NextVersion means that the version should be chosen automatically.
const NextVersion = Version(0)
// DefaultVersion represents default version 1.
const DefaultVersion = Version(1)
// PendingVersion represents version that is used for pending objects (with UsePendingObjects).
const PendingVersion = Version(0)
// MaxVersion represents maximum version.
// Version in DB is represented as INT4.
const MaxVersion = Version(math.MaxInt32)
// Encode encodes version to bytes.
// TODO(ver): this is not final approach to version encoding. It's simplified
// version for internal testing purposes. Will be changed in future.
func (v Version) Encode() []byte {
var bytes [16]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(bytes[:], uint64(v))
return bytes[:]
// VersionFromBytes decodes version from bytes.
func VersionFromBytes(bytes []byte) (Version, error) {
if len(bytes) != 16 {
return Version(0), ErrInvalidRequest.New("invalid version")
return Version(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(bytes)), nil
// ObjectStatus defines the status that the object is in.
// There are two types of objects:
// - Regular (i.e. Committed), which is used for storing data.
// - Delete Marker, which is used to show that an object has been deleted, while preserving older versions.
// Each object can be in two states:
// - Pending, meaning that it's still being uploaded.
// - Committed, meaning it has finished uploading.
// Delete Markers are always considered committed, because they do not require committing.
// There are two options for versioning:
// - Unversioned, there's only one allowed per project, bucket and encryption key.
// - Versioned, there can be any number of such objects for a given project, bucket and encryption key.
// These lead to a few meaningful distinct statuses, listed below.
type ObjectStatus byte
const (
// Pending means that the object is being uploaded or that the client failed during upload.
// The failed upload may be continued in the future.
Pending = ObjectStatus(1)
// Committing used to one of the stages, which is not in use anymore.
_ = ObjectStatus(2)
// CommittedUnversioned means that the object is finished and should be visible for general listing.
CommittedUnversioned = ObjectStatus(3)
// CommittedVersioned means that the object is finished and should be visible for general listing.
CommittedVersioned = ObjectStatus(4)
// DeleteMarkerVersioned is inserted when an object is deleted in a versioning enabled bucket.
DeleteMarkerVersioned = ObjectStatus(5)
// DeleteMarkerUnversioned is inserted when an unversioned object is deleted in a versioning suspended bucket.
DeleteMarkerUnversioned = ObjectStatus(6)
// Prefix is an ephemeral status used during non-recursive listing.
Prefix = ObjectStatus(7)
// Constants that can be used while constructing SQL queries.
statusPending = "1"
statusCommittedUnversioned = "3"
statusCommittedVersioned = "4"
statusesCommitted = "(" + statusCommittedUnversioned + "," + statusCommittedVersioned + ")"
statusDeleteMarkerVersioned = "5"
statusDeleteMarkerUnversioned = "6"
statusesDeleteMarker = "(" + statusDeleteMarkerUnversioned + "," + statusDeleteMarkerVersioned + ")"
statusesUnversioned = "(" + statusCommittedUnversioned + "," + statusDeleteMarkerUnversioned + ")"
func committedWhereVersioned(versioned bool) ObjectStatus {
if versioned {
return CommittedVersioned
return CommittedUnversioned
// IsDeleteMarker return whether the status is a delete marker.
func (status ObjectStatus) IsDeleteMarker() bool {
return status == DeleteMarkerUnversioned || status == DeleteMarkerVersioned
// Pieces defines information for pieces.
type Pieces []Piece
// Piece defines information for a segment piece.
type Piece struct {
Number uint16
StorageNode storj.NodeID
// Verify verifies pieces.
func (p Pieces) Verify() error {
if len(p) == 0 {
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("pieces missing")
currentPiece := p[0]
if currentPiece.StorageNode == (storj.NodeID{}) {
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("piece number %d is missing storage node id", currentPiece.Number)
for _, piece := range p[1:] {
switch {
case piece.Number == currentPiece.Number:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("duplicated piece number %d", piece.Number)
case piece.Number < currentPiece.Number:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("pieces should be ordered")
case piece.StorageNode == (storj.NodeID{}):
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("piece number %d is missing storage node id", piece.Number)
currentPiece = piece
return nil
// Equal checks if Pieces structures are equal.
func (p Pieces) Equal(pieces Pieces) bool {
if len(p) != len(pieces) {
return false
first := make(Pieces, len(p))
second := make(Pieces, len(p))
copy(first, p)
copy(second, pieces)
sort.Slice(first, func(i, j int) bool {
return first[i].Number < first[j].Number
sort.Slice(second, func(i, j int) bool {
return second[i].Number < second[j].Number
for i := range first {
if first[i].Number != second[i].Number {
return false
if first[i].StorageNode != second[i].StorageNode {
return false
return true
// Len is the number of pieces.
func (p Pieces) Len() int { return len(p) }
// Less reports whether the piece with
// index i should sort before the piece with index j.
func (p Pieces) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Number < p[j].Number }
// Swap swaps the pieces with indexes i and j.
func (p Pieces) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
// Add adds the specified pieces and returns the updated Pieces.
func (p Pieces) Add(piecesToAdd Pieces) (Pieces, error) {
return p.Update(piecesToAdd, nil)
// Remove removes the specified pieces from the original pieces
// and returns the updated Pieces.
func (p Pieces) Remove(piecesToRemove Pieces) (Pieces, error) {
if len(p) == 0 {
return Pieces{}, ErrInvalidRequest.New("pieces missing")
return p.Update(nil, piecesToRemove)
// Update adds piecesToAdd pieces and removes piecesToRemove pieces from
// the original pieces struct and returns the updated Pieces.
// It removes the piecesToRemove only if all piece number, node id match.
// When adding a piece, it checks if the piece already exists using the piece Number
// If a piece already exists, it returns an empty pieces struct and an error.
func (p Pieces) Update(piecesToAdd, piecesToRemove Pieces) (Pieces, error) {
pieceMap := make(map[uint16]Piece)
for _, piece := range p {
pieceMap[piece.Number] = piece
// remove the piecesToRemove from the map
// only if all piece number, node id match
for _, piece := range piecesToRemove {
if piece == (Piece{}) {
existing := pieceMap[piece.Number]
if existing != (Piece{}) && existing.StorageNode == piece.StorageNode {
delete(pieceMap, piece.Number)
// add the piecesToAdd to the map
for _, piece := range piecesToAdd {
if piece == (Piece{}) {
_, exists := pieceMap[piece.Number]
if exists {
return Pieces{}, Error.New("piece to add already exists (piece no: %d)", piece.Number)
pieceMap[piece.Number] = piece
newPieces := make(Pieces, 0, len(pieceMap))
for _, piece := range pieceMap {
newPieces = append(newPieces, piece)
return newPieces, nil
// FindByNum finds a piece among the Pieces with the given piece number.
// If no such piece is found, `found` will be returned false.
func (p Pieces) FindByNum(pieceNum int) (_ Piece, found bool) {
for _, piece := range p {
if int(piece.Number) == pieceNum {
return piece, true
return Piece{}, false