Vitalii 1eee2fad69 satellite/{db, admin}: added endpoints to update user's and project's user_agent
Added backend (for now) implementation for updating user's and projects's user_agent using admin API.
Updating both user and project also updates bucket_metainfo and value_attribution tables.


Change-Id: I40244bbaa08b46834c1b1d0720e7d84d0c2a0330
2023-06-16 19:41:05 +00:00

274 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
// Package admin implements administrative endpoints for satellite.
package admin
import (
adminui ""
const (
// UnauthorizedThroughOauth - message for full accesses through Oauth.
UnauthorizedThroughOauth = "This operation is not authorized through oauth."
// UnauthorizedNotInGroup - message for when api user is not part of a required access group.
UnauthorizedNotInGroup = "User must be a member of one of these groups to conduct this operation: %s"
// AuthorizationNotEnabled - message for when authorization is disabled.
AuthorizationNotEnabled = "Authorization not enabled."
// Config defines configuration for debug server.
type Config struct {
Address string `help:"admin peer http listening address" releaseDefault:"" devDefault:""`
StaticDir string `help:"an alternate directory path which contains the static assets to serve. When empty, it uses the embedded assets" releaseDefault:"" devDefault:""`
AllowedOauthHost string `help:"the oauth host allowed to bypass token authentication."`
Groups Groups
AuthorizationToken string `internal:"true"`
// Groups defines permission groups.
type Groups struct {
LimitUpdate string `help:"the group which is only allowed to update user and project limits and freeze and unfreeze accounts."`
// DB is databases needed for the admin server.
type DB interface {
// ProjectAccounting returns database for storing information about project data use
ProjectAccounting() accounting.ProjectAccounting
// Console returns database for satellite console
Console() console.DB
// OIDC returns the database for OIDC and OAuth information.
OIDC() oidc.DB
// StripeCoinPayments returns database for satellite stripe coin payments
StripeCoinPayments() stripe.DB
// Buckets returns database for buckets metainfo.
Buckets() buckets.DB
// Attribution returns database for value attribution.
Attribution() attribution.DB
// Server provides endpoints for administrative tasks.
type Server struct {
log *zap.Logger
listener net.Listener
server http.Server
db DB
payments payments.Accounts
buckets *buckets.Service
restKeys *restkeys.Service
freezeAccounts *console.AccountFreezeService
nowFn func() time.Time
console consoleweb.Config
config Config
// NewServer returns a new administration Server.
func NewServer(log *zap.Logger, listener net.Listener, db DB, buckets *buckets.Service, restKeys *restkeys.Service, freezeAccounts *console.AccountFreezeService, accounts payments.Accounts, console consoleweb.Config, config Config) *Server {
server := &Server{
log: log,
listener: listener,
db: db,
payments: accounts,
buckets: buckets,
restKeys: restKeys,
freezeAccounts: freezeAccounts,
nowFn: time.Now,
console: console,
config: config,
root := mux.NewRouter()
api := root.PathPrefix("/api/").Subrouter()
// When adding new options, also update
// prod owners only
fullAccessAPI := api.NewRoute().Subrouter()
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/users", server.addUser).Methods("POST")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/users/{useremail}", server.updateUser).Methods("PUT")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/users/{useremail}", server.deleteUser).Methods("DELETE")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/users/{useremail}/mfa", server.disableUserMFA).Methods("DELETE")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/users/{useremail}/useragent", server.updateUsersUserAgent).Methods("PATCH")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/oauth/clients", server.createOAuthClient).Methods("POST")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/oauth/clients/{id}", server.updateOAuthClient).Methods("PUT")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/oauth/clients/{id}", server.deleteOAuthClient).Methods("DELETE")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects", server.addProject).Methods("POST")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}", server.renameProject).Methods("PUT")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}", server.deleteProject).Methods("DELETE")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}", server.getProject).Methods("GET")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/apikeys", server.addAPIKey).Methods("POST")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/apikeys", server.listAPIKeys).Methods("GET")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/apikeys/{name}", server.deleteAPIKeyByName).Methods("DELETE")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/buckets/{bucket}", server.getBucketInfo).Methods("GET")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/buckets/{bucket}/geofence", server.createGeofenceForBucket).Methods("POST")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/buckets/{bucket}/geofence", server.deleteGeofenceForBucket).Methods("DELETE")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/usage", server.checkProjectUsage).Methods("GET")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/useragent", server.updateProjectsUserAgent).Methods("PATCH")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/apikeys/{apikey}", server.getAPIKey).Methods("GET")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/apikeys/{apikey}", server.deleteAPIKey).Methods("DELETE")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/restkeys/{useremail}", server.addRESTKey).Methods("POST")
fullAccessAPI.HandleFunc("/restkeys/{apikey}/revoke", server.revokeRESTKey).Methods("PUT")
// limit update access required
limitUpdateAPI := api.NewRoute().Subrouter()
limitUpdateAPI.HandleFunc("/users/{useremail}", server.userInfo).Methods("GET")
limitUpdateAPI.HandleFunc("/users/{useremail}/limits", server.userLimits).Methods("GET")
limitUpdateAPI.HandleFunc("/users/{useremail}/limits", server.updateLimits).Methods("PUT")
limitUpdateAPI.HandleFunc("/users/{useremail}/freeze", server.freezeUser).Methods("PUT")
limitUpdateAPI.HandleFunc("/users/{useremail}/freeze", server.unfreezeUser).Methods("DELETE")
limitUpdateAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/limit", server.getProjectLimit).Methods("GET")
limitUpdateAPI.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/limit", server.putProjectLimit).Methods("PUT", "POST")
// This handler must be the last one because it uses the root as prefix,
// otherwise will try to serve all the handlers set after this one.
if config.StaticDir == "" {
} else {
server.server.Handler = root
return server
// Run starts the admin endpoint.
func (server *Server) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
if server.listener == nil {
return nil
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
var group errgroup.Group
group.Go(func() error {
return Error.Wrap(server.server.Shutdown(context.Background()))
group.Go(func() error {
defer cancel()
err := server.server.Serve(server.listener)
if errs2.IsCanceled(err) || errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
err = nil
return Error.Wrap(err)
return group.Wait()
// SetNow allows tests to have the server act as if the current time is whatever they want.
func (server *Server) SetNow(nowFn func() time.Time) {
server.nowFn = nowFn
// Close closes server and underlying listener.
func (server *Server) Close() error {
return Error.Wrap(server.server.Close())
// SetAllowedOauthHost allows tests to set which address to recognize as belonging to the OAuth proxy.
func (server *Server) SetAllowedOauthHost(host string) {
server.config.AllowedOauthHost = host
// withAuth checks if the requester is authorized to perform an operation. If the request did not come from the oauth proxy, verify the auth token.
// Otherwise, check that the user has the required permissions to conduct the operation. `allowedGroups` is a list of groups that are authorized.
// If it is nil, then the api method is not accessible from the oauth proxy.
func (server *Server) withAuth(allowedGroups []string) func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Host != server.config.AllowedOauthHost {
// not behind the proxy; use old authentication method.
if server.config.AuthorizationToken == "" {
sendJSONError(w, AuthorizationNotEnabled, "", http.StatusForbidden)
equality := subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(
if equality != 1 {
sendJSONError(w, "Forbidden",
"", http.StatusForbidden)
} else {
// request made from oauth proxy. Check user groups against allowedGroups.
if allowedGroups == nil {
// Endpoint is a full access endpoint, and requires token auth.
sendJSONError(w, "Forbidden", UnauthorizedThroughOauth, http.StatusForbidden)
var allowed bool
userGroupsString := r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-Groups")
userGroups := strings.Split(userGroupsString, ",")
for _, userGroup := range userGroups {
if userGroup == "" {
for _, permGroup := range allowedGroups {
if userGroup == permGroup {
allowed = true
if allowed {
if !allowed {
sendJSONError(w, "Forbidden", fmt.Sprintf(UnauthorizedNotInGroup, allowedGroups), http.StatusForbidden)
"admin action",
zap.String("host", r.Host),
zap.String("user", r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-Email")),
zap.String("action", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", r.Method, r.RequestURI)),
zap.String("queries", r.URL.Query().Encode()),
r.Header.Set("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate")
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)