JT Olio 0b4b04900a private/server: debounce noise and tls connections
to support TCP_FAST_OPEN, we're considering just using
two TCP connections in parallel per request, one with
and one without. this allows us to safely fire both
concurrently without stressing out the node too much.


Change-Id: I9aa8a0252350db5ace04ee125bfe469203e980ec
2023-03-21 16:51:31 +00:00

100 lines
2.1 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2023 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package debounce
import (
var (
// ErrDuplicateMessage is returned when a message has been duplicated.
ErrDuplicateMessage = errors.New("duplicate initial message")
var (
// timeNow is overridable for testing.
timeNow = time.Now
type messageHash [32]byte
type entry struct {
messageHash messageHash
firstSeen time.Time
count int
// Debouncer makes sure messages with the same hash are not repeated.
type Debouncer struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
maxAge time.Duration
maxCount int
entries list.List[entry]
lookup map[messageHash]*list.Node[entry]
// NewDebouncer makes a Debouncer. Messages will only be stored in memory
// up until maxAge time, and once the same message has been received
// maxCount times it will be forgotten as well.
// maxCount is ignored when <= 0.
func NewDebouncer(maxAge time.Duration, maxCount int) *Debouncer {
return &Debouncer{
maxAge: maxAge,
maxCount: maxCount,
entries: list.List[entry]{},
lookup: map[messageHash]*list.Node[entry]{},
// ResponderFirstMessageValidator is for use in noiseconn.Options.
func (d *Debouncer) ResponderFirstMessageValidator(addr net.Addr, message []byte) error {
hash := blake3.Sum256(message)
now := timeNow()
defer d.mtx.Unlock()
if n, found := d.lookup[hash]; found {
if n.Value.count >= d.maxCount && d.maxCount > 0 {
delete(d.lookup, n.Value.messageHash)
return fmt.Errorf("%w: from %s", ErrDuplicateMessage, addr.String())
n := &list.Node[entry]{
Value: entry{
messageHash: hash,
firstSeen: now,
count: 1,
d.lookup[hash] = n
return nil
func (d *Debouncer) gc(now time.Time) {
for {
n := d.entries.Back
if n == nil {
if now.Sub(n.Value.firstSeen) <= d.maxAge {
delete(d.lookup, n.Value.messageHash)