Ivan Fraixedes aa913e63db cmd/storj-sim: Fix path to admin UI assets folder
The admin UI assets aren't inside of the `web` directory they are
directly in the `satellite` one.

The invalid path provoked that storj-sim generated a satellite
configuration with an invalid path to the Admin UI static assets
provoking that it didn't load the UI by default.

Change-Id: I49fb289377f51634057173690fbd8cf863ca9a9d
2022-05-31 18:54:54 +00:00

766 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package main
import (
const (
maxInstanceCount = 100
maxStoragenodeCount = 200
folderPermissions = 0744
var defaultAccess = "12edqtGZnqQo6QHwTB92EDqg9B1WrWn34r7ALu94wkqXL4eXjBNnVr6F5W7GhJjVqJCqxpFERmDR1dhZWyMt3Qq5zwrE9yygXeT6kBoS9AfiPuwB6kNjjxepg5UtPPtp4VLp9mP5eeyobKQRD5TsEsxTGhxamsrHvGGBPrZi8DeLtNYFMRTV6RyJVxpYX6MrPCw9HVoDQbFs7VcPeeRxRMQttSXL3y33BJhkqJ6ByFviEquaX5R2wjQT2Kx"
const (
// The following values of peer class and endpoints are used
// to create a port with a consistent format for storj-sim services.
// Peer classes.
satellitePeer = 0
satellitePeerWorker = 4
gatewayPeer = 1
versioncontrolPeer = 2
storagenodePeer = 3
multinodePeer = 5
// Endpoints.
publicRPC = 0
privateRPC = 1
publicHTTP = 2
debugHTTP = 9
// Satellite specific constants.
redisPort = 4
adminHTTP = 5
debugAdminHTTP = 6
debugCoreHTTP = 7
// Satellite worker specific constants.
debugMigrationHTTP = 0
debugRepairerHTTP = 1
debugGCHTTP = 2
// port creates a port with a consistent format for storj-sim services.
// The port format is: "1PXXE", where P is the peer class, XX is the index of the instance, and E is the endpoint.
func port(peerclass, index, endpoint int) string {
port := 10000 + peerclass*1000 + index*10 + endpoint
return strconv.Itoa(port)
func networkExec(flags *Flags, args []string, command string) error {
processes, err := newNetwork(flags)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx, cancel := NewCLIContext(context.Background())
defer cancel()
if command == "setup" {
if flags.Postgres == "" {
return errors.New("postgres connection URL is required for running storj-sim. Example: `storj-sim network setup --postgres=<connection URL>`.\nSee docs for more details")
identities, err := identitySetup(processes)
if err != nil {
return err
err = identities.Exec(ctx, command)
if err != nil {
return err
err = processes.Exec(ctx, command)
closeErr := processes.Close()
return errs.Combine(err, closeErr)
func escapeEnv(env string) string {
// TODO(jeff): escape env variables appropriately on windows. perhaps the
// env output should be of the form `set KEY=VALUE` as well.
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return env
parts := strings.SplitN(env, "=", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return env
return parts[0] + "=" + shellescape.Quote(parts[1])
func networkEnv(flags *Flags, args []string) error {
flags.OnlyEnv = true
processes, err := newNetwork(flags)
if err != nil {
return err
// run exec before, since it will load env vars from configs
for _, process := range processes.List {
if exec := process.ExecBefore["run"]; exec != nil {
if err := exec(process); err != nil {
return err
if len(args) == 1 {
envprefix := strings.ToUpper(args[0] + "=")
// find the environment value that the environment variable is set to
for _, env := range processes.Env() {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToUpper(env), envprefix) {
return nil
return nil
for _, env := range processes.Env() {
return nil
func networkTest(flags *Flags, command string, args []string) error {
processes, err := newNetwork(flags)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx, cancel := NewCLIContext(context.Background())
var group *errgroup.Group
if processes.FailFast {
group, ctx = errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
} else {
group = &errgroup.Group{}
processes.Start(ctx, group, "run")
for _, process := range processes.List {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, command, args...)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), processes.Env()...)
stdout := processes.Output.Prefixed("test:out")
stderr := processes.Output.Prefixed("test:err")
cmd.Stdout, cmd.Stderr = stdout, stderr
if printCommands {
fmt.Fprintf(processes.Output, "exec: %v\n", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))
errRun := cmd.Run()
return errs.Combine(errRun, processes.Close(), group.Wait())
func networkDestroy(flags *Flags, args []string) error {
if fpath.IsRoot(flags.Directory) {
return errors.New("safety check: disallowed to remove root directory " + flags.Directory)
if printCommands {
fmt.Println("sim | exec: rm -rf", flags.Directory)
return os.RemoveAll(flags.Directory)
// newNetwork creates a default network.
func newNetwork(flags *Flags) (*Processes, error) {
_, filename, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0)
if !ok {
return nil, errs.New("no caller information")
storjRoot := strings.TrimSuffix(filename, "/cmd/storj-sim/network.go")
// with common adds all common arguments to the process
withCommon := func(dir string, all Arguments) Arguments {
common := []string{"", "sim", "--log.level", "debug", "--config-dir", dir}
if flags.IsDev {
common = append(common, "--defaults", "dev")
} else {
common = append(common, "--defaults", "release")
for command, args := range all {
full := append([]string{}, common...)
full = append(full, command)
full = append(full, args...)
all[command] = full
return all
processes := NewProcesses(flags.Directory, flags.FailFast)
host := flags.Host
versioncontrol := processes.New(Info{
Name: "versioncontrol/0",
Executable: "versioncontrol",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "versioncontrol", "0"),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, port(versioncontrolPeer, 0, publicRPC)),
versioncontrol.Arguments = withCommon(versioncontrol.Directory, Arguments{
"setup": {
"--address", versioncontrol.Address,
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(versioncontrolPeer, 0, debugHTTP)),
"--binary.gateway.rollout.seed", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
"--binary.identity.rollout.seed", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
"--binary.satellite.rollout.seed", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
"--binary.storagenode-updater.rollout.seed", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
"--binary.storagenode.rollout.seed", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
"--binary.uplink.rollout.seed", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
"run": {},
versioncontrol.ExecBefore["run"] = func(process *Process) error {
return readConfigString(&versioncontrol.Address, versioncontrol.Directory, "address")
// gateway must wait for the versioncontrol to start up
// Create satellites
if flags.SatelliteCount > maxInstanceCount {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("exceeded the max instance count of %d with Satellite count of %d", maxInstanceCount, flags.SatelliteCount)
// set up redis servers
var redisServers []*Process
if flags.Redis == "" {
for i := 0; i < flags.SatelliteCount; i++ {
rp := port(satellitePeer, i, redisPort)
process := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("redis/%d", i),
Executable: "redis-server",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "satellite", fmt.Sprint(i), "redis"),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, rp),
redisServers = append(redisServers, process)
process.ExecBefore["setup"] = func(process *Process) error {
confpath := filepath.Join(process.Directory, "redis.conf")
arguments := []string{
"daemonize no",
"bind " + host,
"port " + rp,
"timeout 0",
"databases 2",
"dbfilename sim.rdb",
"dir ./",
conf := strings.Join(arguments, "\n") + "\n"
err := ioutil.WriteFile(confpath, []byte(conf), 0755)
return err
process.Arguments = Arguments{
"run": []string{filepath.Join(process.Directory, "redis.conf")},
var satellites []*Process
for i := 0; i < flags.SatelliteCount; i++ {
apiProcess := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("satellite/%d", i),
Executable: "satellite",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "satellite", fmt.Sprint(i)),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, publicRPC)),
satellites = append(satellites, apiProcess)
redisAddress := flags.Redis
redisPortBase := flags.RedisStartDB + i*2
if redisAddress == "" {
redisAddress = redisServers[i].Address
redisPortBase = 0
apiProcess.Arguments = withCommon(apiProcess.Directory, Arguments{
"setup": {
"--identity-dir", apiProcess.Directory,
"--console.address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, publicHTTP)),
"--console.static-dir", filepath.Join(storjRoot, "web/satellite/"),
"--console.auth-token-secret", "my-suppa-secret-key",
"--console.rate-limit.burst", "100",
"--server.address", apiProcess.Address,
"--server.private-address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, privateRPC)),
"", "redis://" + redisAddress + "?db=" + strconv.Itoa(redisPortBase),
"--server.revocation-dburl", "redis://" + redisAddress + "?db=" + strconv.Itoa(redisPortBase+1),
"--mail.smtp-server-address", "",
"--mail.from", "Storj <>",
"--mail.template-path", filepath.Join(storjRoot, "web/satellite/static/emails"),
"--version.server-address", fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/", versioncontrol.Address),
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, debugHTTP)),
"--admin.address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, adminHTTP)),
"--admin.static-dir", filepath.Join(storjRoot, "satellite/admin/ui/build"),
"run": {"api"},
if flags.Postgres != "" {
masterDBURL, err := namespacedDatabaseURL(flags.Postgres, fmt.Sprintf("satellite/%d", i))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
metainfoDBURL, err := namespacedDatabaseURL(flags.Postgres, fmt.Sprintf("satellite/%d/meta", i))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
apiProcess.Arguments["setup"] = append(apiProcess.Arguments["setup"],
"--database", masterDBURL,
"--metainfo.database-url", metainfoDBURL,
"--orders.encryption-keys", "0100000000000000=0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
apiProcess.ExecBefore["run"] = func(process *Process) error {
if err := readConfigString(&process.Address, process.Directory, "server.address"); err != nil {
return err
satNodeID, err := identity.NodeIDFromCertPath(filepath.Join(apiProcess.Directory, "identity.cert"))
if err != nil {
return err
process.Info.ID = satNodeID.String()
return nil
migrationProcess := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("satellite-migration/%d", i),
Executable: "satellite",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "satellite", fmt.Sprint(i)),
migrationProcess.Arguments = withCommon(apiProcess.Directory, Arguments{
"run": {
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeerWorker, i, debugMigrationHTTP)),
coreProcess := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("satellite-core/%d", i),
Executable: "satellite",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "satellite", fmt.Sprint(i)),
Address: "",
coreProcess.Arguments = withCommon(apiProcess.Directory, Arguments{
"run": {
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, debugCoreHTTP)),
"--orders.encryption-keys", "0100000000000000=0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
adminProcess := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("satellite-admin/%d", i),
Executable: "satellite",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "satellite", fmt.Sprint(i)),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, adminHTTP)),
adminProcess.Arguments = withCommon(apiProcess.Directory, Arguments{
"run": {
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, debugAdminHTTP)),
repairProcess := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("satellite-repairer/%d", i),
Executable: "satellite",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "satellite", fmt.Sprint(i)),
repairProcess.Arguments = withCommon(apiProcess.Directory, Arguments{
"run": {
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeerWorker, i, debugRepairerHTTP)),
"--orders.encryption-keys", "0100000000000000=0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
garbageCollectionProcess := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("satellite-garbage-collection/%d", i),
Executable: "satellite",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "satellite", fmt.Sprint(i)),
garbageCollectionProcess.Arguments = withCommon(apiProcess.Directory, Arguments{
"run": {
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeerWorker, i, debugGCHTTP)),
// Create gateways for each satellite
for i, satellite := range satellites {
if flags.NoGateways {
satellite := satellite
process := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("gateway/%d", i),
Executable: "gateway",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "gateway", fmt.Sprint(i)),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, port(gatewayPeer, i, publicRPC)),
// gateway must wait for the corresponding satellite to start up
accessData := defaultAccess
process.Arguments = withCommon(process.Directory, Arguments{
"setup": {
"--access", accessData,
"--server.address", process.Address,
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(gatewayPeer, i, debugHTTP)),
"run": {},
process.ExecBefore["run"] = func(process *Process) (err error) {
err = readConfigString(&process.Address, process.Directory, "server.address")
if err != nil {
return err
vip := viper.New()
if err := vip.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: maybe all the config flags should be exposed for all processes?
// check if gateway config has an api key, if it's not
// create example project with key and add it to the config
// so that gateway can have access to the satellite
if runAccessData := vip.GetString("access"); !flags.OnlyEnv && runAccessData == accessData {
var consoleAddress string
err := readConfigString(&consoleAddress, satellite.Directory, "console.address")
if err != nil {
return err
// try with 100ms delays until we hit 3s
apiKey, start := "", time.Now()
for apiKey == "" {
apiKey, err = newConsoleEndpoints(consoleAddress).createOrGetAPIKey(context.Background())
if err != nil && time.Since(start) > 3*time.Second {
return err
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
satNodeID, err := identity.NodeIDFromCertPath(filepath.Join(satellite.Directory, "identity.cert"))
if err != nil {
return err
nodeURL := storj.NodeURL{
ID: satNodeID,
Address: satellite.Address,
access, err := uplink.RequestAccessWithPassphrase(context.Background(), nodeURL.String(), apiKey, "")
if err != nil {
return err
accessData, err := access.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return err
vip.Set("access", accessData)
if err := vip.WriteConfig(); err != nil {
return err
if runAccessData := vip.GetString("access"); runAccessData != accessData {
process.AddExtra("ACCESS", runAccessData)
if apiKey, err := getAPIKey(runAccessData); err == nil {
process.AddExtra("API_KEY", apiKey)
process.AddExtra("ACCESS_KEY", vip.GetString("minio.access-key"))
process.AddExtra("SECRET_KEY", vip.GetString("minio.secret-key"))
return nil
// Create storage nodes
if flags.StorageNodeCount > maxStoragenodeCount {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("exceeded the max instance count of %d with Storage Node count of %d", maxStoragenodeCount, flags.StorageNodeCount)
for i := 0; i < flags.StorageNodeCount; i++ {
process := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("storagenode/%d", i),
Executable: "storagenode",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "storagenode", fmt.Sprint(i)),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, port(storagenodePeer, i, publicRPC)),
for _, satellite := range satellites {
process.Arguments = withCommon(process.Directory, Arguments{
"setup": {
"--identity-dir", process.Directory,
"--console.address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(storagenodePeer, i, publicHTTP)),
"--console.static-dir", filepath.Join(storjRoot, "web/storagenode/"),
"--server.address", process.Address,
"--server.private-address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(storagenodePeer, i, privateRPC)),
"", fmt.Sprintf("storage%d@mail.test", i),
"--operator.wallet", "0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789",
"--storage2.monitor.minimum-disk-space", "0",
"--version.server-address", fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/", versioncontrol.Address),
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(storagenodePeer, i, debugHTTP)),
"", fmt.Sprintf("storagenode/%d", i),
"run": {},
process.ExecBefore["setup"] = func(process *Process) error {
whitelisted := []string{}
for _, satellite := range satellites {
peer, err := identity.PeerConfig{
CertPath: filepath.Join(satellite.Directory, "identity.cert"),
if err != nil {
return err
whitelisted = append(whitelisted, peer.ID.String()+"@"+satellite.Address)
process.Arguments["setup"] = append(process.Arguments["setup"],
"", strings.Join(whitelisted, ","),
return nil
process.ExecBefore["run"] = func(process *Process) error {
return readConfigString(&process.Address, process.Directory, "server.address")
{ // setup multinode
process := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("multinode/%d", 0),
Executable: "multinode",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "multinode", fmt.Sprint(0)),
process.Arguments = withCommon(process.Directory, Arguments{
"setup": {
"--identity-dir", process.Directory,
"--console.address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(multinodePeer, 0, publicHTTP)),
"--console.static-dir", filepath.Join(storjRoot, "web/multinode/"),
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(multinodePeer, 0, debugHTTP)),
"run": {},
process.AddExtra("SETUP_ARGS", strings.Join(process.Arguments["setup"], " "))
{ // verify that we have all binaries
missing := map[string]bool{}
for _, process := range processes.List {
_, err := exec.LookPath(process.Executable)
if err != nil {
missing[process.Executable] = true
if len(missing) > 0 {
var list []string
for executable := range missing {
list = append(list, executable)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("some executables cannot be found: %v", list)
// Create directories for all processes
for _, process := range processes.List {
if err := os.MkdirAll(process.Directory, folderPermissions); err != nil {
return nil, err
return processes, nil
func identitySetup(network *Processes) (*Processes, error) {
processes := NewProcesses(network.Directory, network.FailFast)
for _, process := range network.List {
if process.Info.Executable == "gateway" || process.Info.Executable == "redis-server" {
// gateways and redis-servers don't need an identity
if strings.Contains(process.Name, "satellite-") {
// we only need to create the identity once for the satellite system, we create the
// identity for the satellite process and share it with these other satellite processes
identity := processes.New(Info{
Name: "identity/" + process.Info.Name,
Executable: "identity",
Directory: process.Directory,
Address: "",
identity.Arguments = Arguments{
"setup": {
"--identity-dir", process.Directory,
"--concurrency", "1",
"--difficulty", "8",
"create", ".",
// create directories for all processes
for _, process := range processes.List {
if err := os.MkdirAll(process.Directory, folderPermissions); err != nil {
return nil, err
return processes, nil
// getAPIKey parses an access string to return its corresponding api key.
func getAPIKey(access string) (apiKey string, err error) {
data, version, err := base58.CheckDecode(access)
if err != nil || version != 0 {
return "", errors.New("invalid access grant format")
p := new(pb.Scope)
if err := pb.Unmarshal(data, p); err != nil {
return "", err
apiKey = base58.CheckEncode(p.ApiKey, 0)
return apiKey, nil
// readConfigString reads from dir/config.yaml flagName returns the value in `into`.
func readConfigString(into *string, dir, flagName string) error {
vip := viper.New()
if err := vip.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
return err
if v := vip.GetString(flagName); v != "" {
*into = v
return nil
// namespacedDatabaseURL returns an equivalent database url with the given namespace
// so that a database opened with the url does not conflict with other databases
// opened with a different namespace.
func namespacedDatabaseURL(dbURL, namespace string) (string, error) {
parsed, err := url.Parse(dbURL)
if err != nil {
return "", err
switch dbutil.ImplementationForScheme(parsed.Scheme) {
case dbutil.Postgres:
return pgutil.ConnstrWithSchema(dbURL, namespace), nil
case dbutil.Cockroach:
parsed.Path += "/" + namespace
return parsed.String(), nil
return "", errs.New("unable to namespace db url: %q", dbURL)