Moby von Briesen 2f991b6c56 satellite/{overlay, satellitedb}: account for suspended field in overlay cache
Make sure that suspended nodes are treated appropriately by the overlay
cache. This means we should expect the following behavior:
* suspended nodes (vetted or not) should not be selected for uploading
new segments
* suspended nodes should be treated by the checker and repairer as
"unhealthy", and should be removed upon successful repair

This commit also removes unused overlay functionality.

Fixes a bug with commit 8b72181a1f where
the audit reporter was automatically suspending nodes regardless of
audit outcome (see test added).

* updates repair tests to ensure that a suspended node is treated as
unhealthy and will be removed from the pointer on successful repair
* updates overlay tests for KnownUnreliableOrOffline and KnownReliable
to expect suspended nodes to be considered "unreliable"
* adds satellitedb test that ensures overlay.SelectStorageNodes and
overlay.SelectNewStorageNodes do not include suspended nodes
* adds audit reporter test to ensure that different audit outcomes
result in the correct suspended/disqualified states

Change-Id: I40dba67278c8e8d2ce0bcec5e0a5cb6e4ce2f561
2020-03-17 17:14:56 +00:00

1572 lines
48 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package satellitedb
import (
var (
mon = monkit.Package()
var _ overlay.DB = (*overlaycache)(nil)
type overlaycache struct {
db *satelliteDB
func (cache *overlaycache) SelectStorageNodes(ctx context.Context, count int, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria) (nodes []*overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
nodeType := int(pb.NodeType_STORAGE)
safeQuery := `
WHERE disqualified IS NULL
AND suspended IS NULL
AND exit_initiated_at IS NULL
AND type = ?
AND free_disk >= ?
AND total_audit_count >= ?
AND total_uptime_count >= ?
AND last_contact_success > ?`
args := append(make([]interface{}, 0, 13),
nodeType, criteria.FreeDisk, criteria.AuditCount,
criteria.UptimeCount, time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow))
if criteria.MinimumVersion != "" {
v, err := version.NewSemVer(criteria.MinimumVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.New("invalid node selection criteria version: %v", err)
safeQuery += `
AND (major > ? OR (major = ? AND (minor > ? OR (minor = ? AND patch >= ?))))
AND release`
args = append(args, v.Major, v.Major, v.Minor, v.Minor, v.Patch)
if !criteria.DistinctIP {
nodes, err = cache.queryNodes(ctx, criteria.ExcludedIDs, count, safeQuery, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nodes, nil
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
moreNodes, err := cache.queryNodesDistinct(ctx, criteria.ExcludedIDs, criteria.ExcludedNetworks, count-len(nodes), safeQuery, criteria.DistinctIP, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, n := range moreNodes {
nodes = append(nodes, n)
criteria.ExcludedIDs = append(criteria.ExcludedIDs, n.Id)
criteria.ExcludedNetworks = append(criteria.ExcludedNetworks, n.LastNet)
if len(nodes) == count {
return nodes, nil
func (cache *overlaycache) SelectNewStorageNodes(ctx context.Context, count int, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria) (nodes []*overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
nodeType := int(pb.NodeType_STORAGE)
safeQuery := `
WHERE disqualified IS NULL
AND suspended IS NULL
AND exit_initiated_at IS NULL
AND type = ?
AND free_disk >= ?
AND (total_audit_count < ? OR total_uptime_count < ?)
AND last_contact_success > ?`
args := append(make([]interface{}, 0, 10),
nodeType, criteria.FreeDisk, criteria.AuditCount, criteria.UptimeCount, time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow))
if criteria.MinimumVersion != "" {
v, err := version.NewSemVer(criteria.MinimumVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.New("invalid node selection criteria version: %v", err)
safeQuery += `
AND (major > ? OR (major = ? AND (minor > ? OR (minor = ? AND patch >= ?))))
AND release`
args = append(args, v.Major, v.Major, v.Minor, v.Minor, v.Patch)
if !criteria.DistinctIP {
nodes, err = cache.queryNodes(ctx, criteria.ExcludedIDs, count, safeQuery, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nodes, nil
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
moreNodes, err := cache.queryNodesDistinct(ctx, criteria.ExcludedIDs, criteria.ExcludedNetworks, count-len(nodes), safeQuery, criteria.DistinctIP, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, n := range moreNodes {
nodes = append(nodes, n)
criteria.ExcludedIDs = append(criteria.ExcludedIDs, n.Id)
criteria.ExcludedNetworks = append(criteria.ExcludedNetworks, n.LastNet)
if len(nodes) == count {
return nodes, nil
// GetNodesNetwork returns the /24 subnet for each storage node, order is not guaranteed.
func (cache *overlaycache) GetNodesNetwork(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs []storj.NodeID) (nodeNets []string, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var rows *sql.Rows
rows, err = cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT last_net FROM nodes
WHERE id = any($1::bytea[])
`), postgresNodeIDList(nodeIDs),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
for rows.Next() {
var ip string
err = rows.Scan(&ip)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodeNets = append(nodeNets, ip)
return nodeNets, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
func (cache *overlaycache) queryNodes(ctx context.Context, excludedNodes []storj.NodeID, count int, safeQuery string, args ...interface{}) (_ []*overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if count == 0 {
return nil, nil
safeExcludeNodes := ""
if len(excludedNodes) > 0 {
safeExcludeNodes = ` AND id NOT IN (?` + strings.Repeat(", ?", len(excludedNodes)-1) + `)`
for _, id := range excludedNodes {
args = append(args, id.Bytes())
args = append(args, count)
var rows *sql.Rows
rows, err = cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`SELECT id, type, address, last_net, last_ip_port,
free_disk, total_audit_count, audit_success_count,
total_uptime_count, uptime_success_count, disqualified, suspended,
audit_reputation_alpha, audit_reputation_beta
FROM nodes
LIMIT ?`), args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
var nodes []*overlay.NodeDossier
for rows.Next() {
dbNode := &dbx.Node{}
err = rows.Scan(&dbNode.Id, &dbNode.Type, &dbNode.Address, &dbNode.LastNet, &dbNode.LastIpPort,
&dbNode.FreeDisk, &dbNode.TotalAuditCount, &dbNode.AuditSuccessCount,
&dbNode.TotalUptimeCount, &dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount, &dbNode.Disqualified, &dbNode.Suspended,
&dbNode.AuditReputationAlpha, &dbNode.AuditReputationBeta,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dossier, err := convertDBNode(ctx, dbNode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodes = append(nodes, dossier)
return nodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
func (cache *overlaycache) queryNodesDistinct(ctx context.Context, excludedIDs []storj.NodeID, excludedNodeNetworks []string, count int, safeQuery string, distinctIP bool, args ...interface{}) (_ []*overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if count == 0 {
return nil, nil
safeExcludeNodes := ""
if len(excludedIDs) > 0 {
safeExcludeNodes = ` AND id NOT IN (?` + strings.Repeat(", ?", len(excludedIDs)-1) + `)`
for _, id := range excludedIDs {
args = append(args, id.Bytes())
safeExcludeNetworks := ""
if len(excludedNodeNetworks) > 0 {
safeExcludeNetworks = ` AND last_net NOT IN (?` + strings.Repeat(", ?", len(excludedNodeNetworks)-1) + `)`
for _, ip := range excludedNodeNetworks {
args = append(args, ip)
args = append(args, count)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT DISTINCT ON (last_net) last_net, -- choose at most 1 node from this network
id, type, address, last_ip_port, free_disk, total_audit_count,
audit_success_count, total_uptime_count, uptime_success_count,
audit_reputation_alpha, audit_reputation_beta
FROM nodes
AND last_net <> '' -- select nodes with a network set
ORDER BY last_net, RANDOM() -- equal chance of choosing any qualified node at this network
) filteredcandidates
ORDER BY RANDOM() -- do the actual node selection from filtered pool
LIMIT ?`), args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
var nodes []*overlay.NodeDossier
for rows.Next() {
dbNode := &dbx.Node{}
err = rows.Scan(&dbNode.LastNet,
&dbNode.Id, &dbNode.Type, &dbNode.Address, &dbNode.LastIpPort, &dbNode.FreeDisk, &dbNode.TotalAuditCount,
&dbNode.AuditSuccessCount, &dbNode.TotalUptimeCount, &dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount,
&dbNode.AuditReputationAlpha, &dbNode.AuditReputationBeta,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dossier, err := convertDBNode(ctx, dbNode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodes = append(nodes, dossier)
return nodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// Get looks up the node by nodeID
func (cache *overlaycache) Get(ctx context.Context, id storj.NodeID) (_ *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if id.IsZero() {
return nil, overlay.ErrEmptyNode
node, err := cache.db.Get_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(id.Bytes()))
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, overlay.ErrNodeNotFound.New("%v", id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return convertDBNode(ctx, node)
// GetNodes returns a map of nodes for the supplied nodeIDs
func (cache *overlaycache) GetNodes(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs []storj.NodeID) (_ map[storj.NodeID]*overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var rows *sql.Rows
rows, err = cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT, address, last_net, last_ip_port, protocol, type, email, wallet,
free_bandwidth, free_disk, piece_count, major, minor, patch, hash, timestamp,
release, latency_90, audit_success_count, total_audit_count, uptime_success_count, total_uptime_count,
created_at, updated_at, last_contact_success, last_contact_failure, contained, disqualified,
suspended, audit_reputation_alpha, audit_reputation_beta, unknown_audit_reputation_alpha,
unknown_audit_reputation_beta, uptime_reputation_alpha, uptime_reputation_beta,
exit_initiated_at, exit_loop_completed_at, exit_finished_at, exit_success
FROM nodes
WHERE id = any($1::bytea[])
`), postgresNodeIDList(nodeIDs),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
nodes := make(map[storj.NodeID]*overlay.NodeDossier)
for rows.Next() {
dbNode := &dbx.Node{}
err = rows.Scan(&dbNode.Id, &dbNode.Address, &dbNode.LastNet, &dbNode.LastIpPort, &dbNode.Protocol, &dbNode.Type, &dbNode.Email, &dbNode.Wallet,
&dbNode.FreeBandwidth, &dbNode.FreeDisk, &dbNode.PieceCount, &dbNode.Major, &dbNode.Minor, &dbNode.Patch, &dbNode.Hash, &dbNode.Timestamp,
&dbNode.Release, &dbNode.Latency90, &dbNode.AuditSuccessCount, &dbNode.TotalAuditCount, &dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount, &dbNode.TotalUptimeCount,
&dbNode.CreatedAt, &dbNode.UpdatedAt, &dbNode.LastContactSuccess, &dbNode.LastContactFailure, &dbNode.Contained, &dbNode.Disqualified,
&dbNode.Suspended, &dbNode.AuditReputationAlpha, &dbNode.AuditReputationBeta, &dbNode.UnknownAuditReputationAlpha,
&dbNode.UnknownAuditReputationBeta, &dbNode.UptimeReputationAlpha, &dbNode.UptimeReputationBeta,
&dbNode.ExitInitiatedAt, &dbNode.ExitLoopCompletedAt, &dbNode.ExitFinishedAt, &dbNode.ExitSuccess,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dossier, err := convertDBNode(ctx, dbNode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodes[dossier.Id] = dossier
return nodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// KnownOffline filters a set of nodes to offline nodes
func (cache *overlaycache) KnownOffline(ctx context.Context, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria, nodeIds storj.NodeIDList) (offlineNodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if len(nodeIds) == 0 {
return nil, Error.New("no ids provided")
// get offline nodes
var rows *sql.Rows
rows, err = cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id FROM nodes
WHERE id = any($1::bytea[])
AND last_contact_success < $2
`), postgresNodeIDList(nodeIds), time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
for rows.Next() {
var id storj.NodeID
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
offlineNodes = append(offlineNodes, id)
return offlineNodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// KnownUnreliableOrOffline filters a set of nodes to unreliable or offlines node, independent of new
func (cache *overlaycache) KnownUnreliableOrOffline(ctx context.Context, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria, nodeIds storj.NodeIDList) (badNodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if len(nodeIds) == 0 {
return nil, Error.New("no ids provided")
// get reliable and online nodes
var rows *sql.Rows
rows, err = cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id FROM nodes
WHERE id = any($1::bytea[])
AND disqualified IS NULL
AND suspended IS NULL
AND last_contact_success > $2
`), postgresNodeIDList(nodeIds), time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
goodNodes := make(map[storj.NodeID]struct{}, len(nodeIds))
for rows.Next() {
var id storj.NodeID
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
goodNodes[id] = struct{}{}
for _, id := range nodeIds {
if _, ok := goodNodes[id]; !ok {
badNodes = append(badNodes, id)
return badNodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// KnownReliable filters a set of nodes to reliable (online and qualified) nodes.
func (cache *overlaycache) KnownReliable(ctx context.Context, onlineWindow time.Duration, nodeIDs storj.NodeIDList) (nodes []*pb.Node, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if len(nodeIDs) == 0 {
return nil, Error.New("no ids provided")
// get online nodes
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id, last_net, last_ip_port, address, protocol
FROM nodes
WHERE id = any($1::bytea[])
AND disqualified IS NULL
AND suspended IS NULL
AND last_contact_success > $2
`), postgresNodeIDList(nodeIDs), time.Now().Add(-onlineWindow),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
for rows.Next() {
row := &dbx.Node{}
err = rows.Scan(&row.Id, &row.LastNet, &row.LastIpPort, &row.Address, &row.Protocol)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
node, err := convertDBNode(ctx, row)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodes = append(nodes, &node.Node)
return nodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// Reliable returns all reliable nodes.
func (cache *overlaycache) Reliable(ctx context.Context, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria) (nodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
// get reliable and online nodes
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id FROM nodes
WHERE disqualified IS NULL
AND suspended IS NULL
AND last_contact_success > ?
`), time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close())
for rows.Next() {
var id storj.NodeID
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodes = append(nodes, id)
return nodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// Update updates node address
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateAddress(ctx context.Context, info *overlay.NodeDossier, defaults overlay.NodeSelectionConfig) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if info == nil || info.Id.IsZero() {
return overlay.ErrEmptyNode
address := info.Address
if address == nil {
address = &pb.NodeAddress{}
query := `
id, address, last_net, protocol, type,
email, wallet, free_disk,
uptime_success_count, total_uptime_count,
audit_reputation_alpha, audit_reputation_beta,
major, minor, patch, hash, timestamp, release,
$1, $2, $3, $4, $5,
'', '', -1,
0, 0,
'0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'::timestamptz,
$6, $7,
0, 0, 0, '', '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'::timestamptz, false,
_, err = cache.db.ExecContext(ctx, query,
// args $1 - $5
info.Id.Bytes(), address.Address, info.LastNet, int(address.Transport), int(pb.NodeType_INVALID),
// args $6 - $7
defaults.AuditReputationAlpha0, defaults.AuditReputationBeta0,
// args $8
// args $9
return Error.Wrap(err)
// BatchUpdateStats updates multiple storagenode's stats in one transaction
func (cache *overlaycache) BatchUpdateStats(ctx context.Context, updateRequests []*overlay.UpdateRequest, batchSize int) (failed storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if len(updateRequests) == 0 {
return failed, nil
// ensure updates happen in-order
sort.Slice(updateRequests, func(i, k int) bool {
return updateRequests[i].NodeID.Less(updateRequests[k].NodeID)
doUpdate := func(updateSlice []*overlay.UpdateRequest) (duf storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
appendAll := func() {
for _, ur := range updateRequests {
duf = append(duf, ur.NodeID)
doAppendAll := true
err = cache.db.WithTx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *dbx.Tx) (err error) {
var allSQL string
for _, updateReq := range updateSlice {
dbNode, err := tx.Get_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(updateReq.NodeID.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
doAppendAll = false
return err
// do not update reputation if node is disqualified
if dbNode.Disqualified != nil {
updateNodeStats := populateUpdateNodeStats(dbNode, updateReq)
sql := buildUpdateStatement(updateNodeStats)
allSQL += sql
if allSQL != "" {
results, err := tx.Tx.Exec(ctx, allSQL)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = results.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
if doAppendAll {
return duf, Error.Wrap(err)
return duf, nil
var errlist errs.Group
length := len(updateRequests)
for i := 0; i < length; i += batchSize {
end := i + batchSize
if end > length {
end = length
failedBatch, err := doUpdate(updateRequests[i:end])
if err != nil && len(failedBatch) > 0 {
for _, fb := range failedBatch {
failed = append(failed, fb)
return failed, errlist.Err()
// UpdateStats a single storagenode's stats in the db
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateStats(ctx context.Context, updateReq *overlay.UpdateRequest) (stats *overlay.NodeStats, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
nodeID := updateReq.NodeID
var dbNode *dbx.Node
err = cache.db.WithTx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *dbx.Tx) (err error) {
dbNode, err = tx.Get_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
return err
// do not update reputation if node is disqualified
if dbNode.Disqualified != nil {
return nil
updateFields := populateUpdateFields(dbNode, updateReq)
dbNode, err = tx.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return err
// Cleanup containment table too
_, err = tx.Delete_PendingAudits_By_NodeId(ctx, dbx.PendingAudits_NodeId(nodeID.Bytes()))
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
// TODO: Allegedly tx.Get_Node_By_Id and tx.Update_Node_By_Id should never return a nil value for dbNode,
// however we've seen from some crashes that it does. We need to track down the cause of these crashes
// but for now we're adding a nil check to prevent a panic.
if dbNode == nil {
return nil, Error.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID)
return getNodeStats(dbNode), nil
// UpdateNodeInfo updates the following fields for a given node ID:
// wallet, email for node operator, free disk, and version
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateNodeInfo(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, nodeInfo *pb.InfoResponse) (stats *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var updateFields dbx.Node_Update_Fields
if nodeInfo != nil {
if nodeInfo.GetType() != pb.NodeType_INVALID {
updateFields.Type = dbx.Node_Type(int(nodeInfo.GetType()))
if nodeInfo.GetOperator() != nil {
updateFields.Wallet = dbx.Node_Wallet(nodeInfo.GetOperator().GetWallet())
updateFields.Email = dbx.Node_Email(nodeInfo.GetOperator().GetEmail())
if nodeInfo.GetCapacity() != nil {
updateFields.FreeDisk = dbx.Node_FreeDisk(nodeInfo.GetCapacity().GetFreeDisk())
if nodeInfo.GetVersion() != nil {
semVer, err := version.NewSemVer(nodeInfo.GetVersion().GetVersion())
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("unable to convert version to semVer")
updateFields.Major = dbx.Node_Major(int64(semVer.Major))
updateFields.Minor = dbx.Node_Minor(int64(semVer.Minor))
updateFields.Patch = dbx.Node_Patch(int64(semVer.Patch))
updateFields.Hash = dbx.Node_Hash(nodeInfo.GetVersion().GetCommitHash())
updateFields.Timestamp = dbx.Node_Timestamp(nodeInfo.GetVersion().Timestamp)
updateFields.Release = dbx.Node_Release(nodeInfo.GetVersion().GetRelease())
updatedDBNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
return convertDBNode(ctx, updatedDBNode)
// UpdateUptime updates a single storagenode's uptime stats in the db
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateUptime(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, isUp bool) (stats *overlay.NodeStats, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var dbNode *dbx.Node
err = cache.db.WithTx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *dbx.Tx) (err error) {
dbNode, err = tx.Get_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
return err
// do not update reputation if node is disqualified
if dbNode.Disqualified != nil {
return nil
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
totalUptimeCount := dbNode.TotalUptimeCount
lastContactSuccess := dbNode.LastContactSuccess
lastContactFailure := dbNode.LastContactFailure
if isUp {
updateFields.UptimeSuccessCount = dbx.Node_UptimeSuccessCount(dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount + 1)
updateFields.LastContactSuccess = dbx.Node_LastContactSuccess(time.Now())
// we have seen this node in the past 24 hours
if time.Since(lastContactFailure) > time.Hour*24 {
// we have seen this node in the past week
if time.Since(lastContactFailure) > time.Hour*24*7 {
} else {
updateFields.LastContactFailure = dbx.Node_LastContactFailure(time.Now())
// it's been over 24 hours since we've seen this node
if time.Since(lastContactSuccess) > time.Hour*24 {
// it's been over a week since we've seen this node
if time.Since(lastContactSuccess) > time.Hour*24*7 {
updateFields.TotalUptimeCount = dbx.Node_TotalUptimeCount(totalUptimeCount)
dbNode, err = tx.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
// TODO: Allegedly tx.Get_Node_By_Id and tx.Update_Node_By_Id should never return a nil value for dbNode,
// however we've seen from some crashes that it does. We need to track down the cause of these crashes
// but for now we're adding a nil check to prevent a panic.
if dbNode == nil {
return nil, Error.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID)
return getNodeStats(dbNode), nil
// DisqualifyNode disqualifies a storage node.
func (cache *overlaycache) DisqualifyNode(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
updateFields.Disqualified = dbx.Node_Disqualified(time.Now().UTC())
dbNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return err
if dbNode == nil {
return errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID)
return nil
// SuspendNode suspends a storage node.
func (cache *overlaycache) SuspendNode(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, suspendedAt time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
updateFields.Suspended = dbx.Node_Suspended(suspendedAt.UTC())
dbNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return err
if dbNode == nil {
return errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID)
return nil
// UnsuspendNode unsuspends a storage node.
func (cache *overlaycache) UnsuspendNode(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
updateFields.Suspended = dbx.Node_Suspended_Null()
dbNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return err
if dbNode == nil {
return errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID)
return nil
// AllPieceCounts returns a map of node IDs to piece counts from the db.
// NB: a valid, partial piece map can be returned even if node ID parsing error(s) are returned.
func (cache *overlaycache) AllPieceCounts(ctx context.Context) (_ map[storj.NodeID]int, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// NB: `All_Node_Id_Node_PieceCount_By_PieceCount_Not_Number` selects node
// ID and piece count from the nodes table where piece count is not zero.
rows, err := cache.db.All_Node_Id_Node_PieceCount_By_PieceCount_Not_Number(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
pieceCounts := make(map[storj.NodeID]int)
nodeIDErrs := errs.Group{}
for _, row := range rows {
nodeID, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(row.Id)
if err != nil {
pieceCounts[nodeID] = int(row.PieceCount)
return pieceCounts, nodeIDErrs.Err()
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdatePieceCounts(ctx context.Context, pieceCounts map[storj.NodeID]int) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if len(pieceCounts) == 0 {
return nil
// TODO: pass in the apprioriate struct to database, rather than constructing it here
type NodeCount struct {
ID storj.NodeID
Count int64
var counts []NodeCount
for nodeid, count := range pieceCounts {
counts = append(counts, NodeCount{
ID: nodeid,
Count: int64(count),
sort.Slice(counts, func(i, k int) bool {
return counts[i].ID.Less(counts[k].ID)
var nodeIDs []storj.NodeID
var countNumbers []int64
for _, count := range counts {
nodeIDs = append(nodeIDs, count.ID)
countNumbers = append(countNumbers, count.Count)
_, err = cache.db.ExecContext(ctx, `
UPDATE nodes
SET piece_count = update.count
SELECT unnest($1::bytea[]) as id, unnest($2::bigint[]) as count
) as update
`, postgresNodeIDList(nodeIDs), pq.Array(countNumbers))
return Error.Wrap(err)
// GetExitingNodes returns nodes who have initiated a graceful exit and is not disqualified, but have not completed it.
func (cache *overlaycache) GetExitingNodes(ctx context.Context) (exitingNodes []*overlay.ExitStatus, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id, exit_initiated_at, exit_loop_completed_at, exit_finished_at, exit_success FROM nodes
WHERE exit_initiated_at IS NOT NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NULL
AND disqualified is NULL
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
for rows.Next() {
var exitingNodeStatus overlay.ExitStatus
err = rows.Scan(&exitingNodeStatus.NodeID, &exitingNodeStatus.ExitInitiatedAt, &exitingNodeStatus.ExitLoopCompletedAt, &exitingNodeStatus.ExitFinishedAt, &exitingNodeStatus.ExitSuccess)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exitingNodes = append(exitingNodes, &exitingNodeStatus)
return exitingNodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// GetExitStatus returns a node's graceful exit status.
func (cache *overlaycache) GetExitStatus(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (_ *overlay.ExitStatus, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id, exit_initiated_at, exit_loop_completed_at, exit_finished_at, exit_success
FROM nodes
WHERE id = ?
`), nodeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
exitStatus := &overlay.ExitStatus{}
if rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(&exitStatus.NodeID, &exitStatus.ExitInitiatedAt, &exitStatus.ExitLoopCompletedAt, &exitStatus.ExitFinishedAt, &exitStatus.ExitSuccess)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return exitStatus, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// GetGracefulExitCompletedByTimeFrame returns nodes who have completed graceful exit within a time window (time window is around graceful exit completion).
func (cache *overlaycache) GetGracefulExitCompletedByTimeFrame(ctx context.Context, begin, end time.Time) (exitedNodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id FROM nodes
WHERE exit_initiated_at IS NOT NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NOT NULL
AND exit_finished_at >= ?
AND exit_finished_at < ?
`), begin, end)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close())
for rows.Next() {
var id storj.NodeID
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exitedNodes = append(exitedNodes, id)
return exitedNodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// GetGracefulExitIncompleteByTimeFrame returns nodes who have initiated, but not completed graceful exit within a time window (time window is around graceful exit initiation).
func (cache *overlaycache) GetGracefulExitIncompleteByTimeFrame(ctx context.Context, begin, end time.Time) (exitingNodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id FROM nodes
WHERE exit_initiated_at IS NOT NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NULL
AND exit_initiated_at >= ?
AND exit_initiated_at < ?
`), begin, end)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close())
// TODO return more than just ID
for rows.Next() {
var id storj.NodeID
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exitingNodes = append(exitingNodes, id)
return exitingNodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// UpdateExitStatus is used to update a node's graceful exit status.
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateExitStatus(ctx context.Context, request *overlay.ExitStatusRequest) (_ *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
nodeID := request.NodeID
updateFields := populateExitStatusFields(request)
dbNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
if dbNode == nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID))
return convertDBNode(ctx, dbNode)
// GetSuccesfulNodesNotCheckedInSince returns all nodes that last check-in was successful, but haven't checked-in within a given duration.
func (cache *overlaycache) GetSuccesfulNodesNotCheckedInSince(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration) (nodeLastContacts []overlay.NodeLastContact, err error) {
// get successful nodes that have not checked-in with the hour
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
dbxNodes, err := cache.db.DB.All_Node_Id_Node_Address_Node_LastIpPort_Node_LastContactSuccess_Node_LastContactFailure_By_LastContactSuccess_Less_And_LastContactSuccess_Greater_LastContactFailure_And_Disqualified_Is_Null_OrderBy_Asc_LastContactSuccess(
ctx, dbx.Node_LastContactSuccess(time.Now().UTC().Add(-duration)))
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
for _, node := range dbxNodes {
nodeID, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(node.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodeLastContact := overlay.NodeLastContact{
ID: nodeID,
Address: node.Address,
LastContactSuccess: node.LastContactSuccess.UTC(),
LastContactFailure: node.LastContactFailure.UTC(),
if node.LastIpPort != nil {
nodeLastContact.LastIPPort = *node.LastIpPort
nodeLastContacts = append(nodeLastContacts, nodeLastContact)
return nodeLastContacts, nil
func populateExitStatusFields(req *overlay.ExitStatusRequest) dbx.Node_Update_Fields {
dbxUpdateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
if !req.ExitInitiatedAt.IsZero() {
dbxUpdateFields.ExitInitiatedAt = dbx.Node_ExitInitiatedAt(req.ExitInitiatedAt)
if !req.ExitLoopCompletedAt.IsZero() {
dbxUpdateFields.ExitLoopCompletedAt = dbx.Node_ExitLoopCompletedAt(req.ExitLoopCompletedAt)
if !req.ExitFinishedAt.IsZero() {
dbxUpdateFields.ExitFinishedAt = dbx.Node_ExitFinishedAt(req.ExitFinishedAt)
dbxUpdateFields.ExitSuccess = dbx.Node_ExitSuccess(req.ExitSuccess)
return dbxUpdateFields
// GetOfflineNodesLimited returns a list of the first N offline nodes ordered by least recently contacted.
func (cache *overlaycache) GetOfflineNodesLimited(ctx context.Context, limit int) (nodeLastContacts []overlay.NodeLastContact, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
dbxNodes, err := cache.db.DB.Limited_Node_Id_Node_Address_Node_LastIpPort_Node_LastContactSuccess_Node_LastContactFailure_By_LastContactSuccess_Less_LastContactFailure_And_Disqualified_Is_Null_OrderBy_Asc_LastContactFailure(
ctx, limit, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
for _, node := range dbxNodes {
nodeID, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(node.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodeLastContact := overlay.NodeLastContact{
ID: nodeID,
Address: node.Address,
LastContactSuccess: node.LastContactSuccess.UTC(),
LastContactFailure: node.LastContactFailure.UTC(),
if node.LastIpPort != nil {
nodeLastContact.LastIPPort = *node.LastIpPort
nodeLastContacts = append(nodeLastContacts, nodeLastContact)
return nodeLastContacts, nil
func convertDBNode(ctx context.Context, info *dbx.Node) (_ *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if info == nil {
return nil, Error.New("missing info")
id, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(info.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ver, err := version.NewSemVer(fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", info.Major, info.Minor, info.Patch))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exitStatus := overlay.ExitStatus{NodeID: id}
exitStatus.ExitInitiatedAt = info.ExitInitiatedAt
exitStatus.ExitLoopCompletedAt = info.ExitLoopCompletedAt
exitStatus.ExitFinishedAt = info.ExitFinishedAt
node := &overlay.NodeDossier{
Node: pb.Node{
Id: id,
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{
Address: info.Address,
Transport: pb.NodeTransport(info.Protocol),
Type: pb.NodeType(info.Type),
Operator: pb.NodeOperator{
Email: info.Email,
Wallet: info.Wallet,
Capacity: pb.NodeCapacity{
FreeDisk: info.FreeDisk,
Reputation: *getNodeStats(info),
Version: pb.NodeVersion{
Version: ver.String(),
CommitHash: info.Hash,
Timestamp: info.Timestamp,
Release: info.Release,
Contained: info.Contained,
Disqualified: info.Disqualified,
Suspended: info.Suspended,
PieceCount: info.PieceCount,
ExitStatus: exitStatus,
CreatedAt: info.CreatedAt,
LastNet: info.LastNet,
if info.LastIpPort != nil {
node.LastIPPort = *info.LastIpPort
return node, nil
func getNodeStats(dbNode *dbx.Node) *overlay.NodeStats {
nodeStats := &overlay.NodeStats{
Latency90: dbNode.Latency90,
AuditCount: dbNode.TotalAuditCount,
AuditSuccessCount: dbNode.AuditSuccessCount,
UptimeCount: dbNode.TotalUptimeCount,
UptimeSuccessCount: dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount,
LastContactSuccess: dbNode.LastContactSuccess,
LastContactFailure: dbNode.LastContactFailure,
AuditReputationAlpha: dbNode.AuditReputationAlpha,
AuditReputationBeta: dbNode.AuditReputationBeta,
Disqualified: dbNode.Disqualified,
UnknownAuditReputationAlpha: dbNode.UnknownAuditReputationAlpha,
UnknownAuditReputationBeta: dbNode.UnknownAuditReputationBeta,
Suspended: dbNode.Suspended,
return nodeStats
// updateReputation uses the Beta distribution model to determine a node's reputation.
// lambda is the "forgetting factor" which determines how much past info is kept when determining current reputation score.
// w is the normalization weight that affects how severely new updates affect the current reputation distribution.
func updateReputation(isSuccess bool, alpha, beta, lambda, w float64, totalCount int64) (newAlpha, newBeta float64, updatedCount int64) {
// v is a single feedback value that allows us to update both alpha and beta
var v float64 = -1
if isSuccess {
v = 1
newAlpha = lambda*alpha + w*(1+v)/2
newBeta = lambda*beta + w*(1-v)/2
return newAlpha, newBeta, totalCount + 1
func buildUpdateStatement(update updateNodeStats) string {
if update.NodeID.IsZero() {
return ""
atLeastOne := false
sql := "UPDATE nodes SET "
if update.TotalAuditCount.set {
atLeastOne = true
sql += fmt.Sprintf("total_audit_count = %v", update.TotalAuditCount.value)
if update.TotalUptimeCount.set {
if atLeastOne {
sql += ","
atLeastOne = true
sql += fmt.Sprintf("total_uptime_count = %v", update.TotalUptimeCount.value)
if update.AuditReputationAlpha.set {
if atLeastOne {
sql += ","
atLeastOne = true
sql += fmt.Sprintf("audit_reputation_alpha = %v", update.AuditReputationAlpha.value)
if update.AuditReputationBeta.set {
if atLeastOne {
sql += ","
atLeastOne = true
sql += fmt.Sprintf("audit_reputation_beta = %v", update.AuditReputationBeta.value)
if update.Disqualified.set {
if atLeastOne {
sql += ","
atLeastOne = true
sql += fmt.Sprintf("disqualified = '%v'", update.Disqualified.value.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
if update.Suspended.set {
if atLeastOne {
sql += ","
atLeastOne = true
if update.Suspended.isNil {
sql += fmt.Sprintf("suspended = NULL")
} else {
sql += fmt.Sprintf("suspended = '%v'", update.Suspended.value.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
if update.UptimeSuccessCount.set {
if atLeastOne {
sql += ","
atLeastOne = true
sql += fmt.Sprintf("uptime_success_count = %v", update.UptimeSuccessCount.value)
if update.LastContactSuccess.set {
if atLeastOne {
sql += ","
atLeastOne = true
sql += fmt.Sprintf("last_contact_success = '%v'", update.LastContactSuccess.value.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
if update.LastContactFailure.set {
if atLeastOne {
sql += ","
atLeastOne = true
sql += fmt.Sprintf("last_contact_failure = '%v'", update.LastContactFailure.value.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
if update.AuditSuccessCount.set {
if atLeastOne {
sql += ","
atLeastOne = true
sql += fmt.Sprintf("audit_success_count = %v", update.AuditSuccessCount.value)
if update.Contained.set {
if atLeastOne {
sql += ","
atLeastOne = true
sql += fmt.Sprintf("contained = %v", update.Contained.value)
if !atLeastOne {
return ""
hexNodeID := hex.EncodeToString(update.NodeID.Bytes())
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" WHERE = decode('%v', 'hex');\n", hexNodeID)
sql += fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM pending_audits WHERE pending_audits.node_id = decode('%v', 'hex');\n", hexNodeID)
return sql
type int64Field struct {
set bool
value int64
type float64Field struct {
set bool
value float64
type boolField struct {
set bool
value bool
type timeField struct {
set bool
isNil bool
value time.Time
type updateNodeStats struct {
NodeID storj.NodeID
TotalAuditCount int64Field
TotalUptimeCount int64Field
AuditReputationAlpha float64Field
AuditReputationBeta float64Field
Disqualified timeField
UnknownAuditReputationAlpha float64Field
UnknownAuditReputationBeta float64Field
Suspended timeField
UptimeSuccessCount int64Field
LastContactSuccess timeField
LastContactFailure timeField
AuditSuccessCount int64Field
Contained boolField
func populateUpdateNodeStats(dbNode *dbx.Node, updateReq *overlay.UpdateRequest) updateNodeStats {
// there are three audit outcomes: success, failure, and unknown
// if a node fails enough audits, it gets disqualified
// if a node gets enough "unknown" audits, it gets put into suspension
// if a node gets enough successful audits, and is in suspension, it gets removed from suspension
auditAlpha := dbNode.AuditReputationAlpha
auditBeta := dbNode.AuditReputationBeta
unknownAuditAlpha := dbNode.UnknownAuditReputationAlpha
unknownAuditBeta := dbNode.UnknownAuditReputationBeta
totalAuditCount := dbNode.TotalAuditCount
var updatedTotalAuditCount int64
switch updateReq.AuditOutcome {
case overlay.AuditSuccess:
// for a successful audit, increase reputation for normal *and* unknown audits
auditAlpha, auditBeta, updatedTotalAuditCount = updateReputation(
// we will use updatedTotalAuditCount from the updateReputation call above
unknownAuditAlpha, unknownAuditBeta, _ = updateReputation(
case overlay.AuditFailure:
// for audit failure, only update normal alpha/beta
auditAlpha, auditBeta, updatedTotalAuditCount = updateReputation(
case overlay.AuditUnknown:
// for audit unknown, only update unknown alpha/beta
unknownAuditAlpha, unknownAuditBeta, updatedTotalAuditCount = updateReputation(
mon.FloatVal("audit_reputation_alpha").Observe(auditAlpha) //locked
mon.FloatVal("audit_reputation_beta").Observe(auditBeta) //locked
mon.FloatVal("unknown_audit_reputation_alpha").Observe(unknownAuditAlpha) //locked
mon.FloatVal("unknown_audit_reputation_beta").Observe(unknownAuditBeta) //locked
totalUptimeCount := dbNode.TotalUptimeCount
if updateReq.IsUp {
updateFields := updateNodeStats{
NodeID: updateReq.NodeID,
TotalAuditCount: int64Field{set: true, value: updatedTotalAuditCount},
TotalUptimeCount: int64Field{set: true, value: totalUptimeCount},
AuditReputationAlpha: float64Field{set: true, value: auditAlpha},
AuditReputationBeta: float64Field{set: true, value: auditBeta},
UnknownAuditReputationAlpha: float64Field{set: true, value: unknownAuditAlpha},
UnknownAuditReputationBeta: float64Field{set: true, value: unknownAuditBeta},
auditRep := auditAlpha / (auditAlpha + auditBeta)
if auditRep <= updateReq.AuditDQ {
updateFields.Disqualified = timeField{set: true, value: time.Now().UTC()}
// if unknown audit rep goes below threshold, suspend node. Otherwise unsuspend node.
unknownAuditRep := unknownAuditAlpha / (unknownAuditAlpha + unknownAuditBeta)
if unknownAuditRep <= updateReq.AuditDQ {
updateFields.Suspended = timeField{set: true, value: time.Now().UTC()}
} else {
updateFields.Suspended = timeField{set: true, isNil: true}
// TODO if node has been suspended for longer than threshold, and audit outcome is failure or unknown, disqualify node.
if updateReq.IsUp {
updateFields.UptimeSuccessCount = int64Field{set: true, value: dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount + 1}
updateFields.LastContactSuccess = timeField{set: true, value: time.Now()}
} else {
updateFields.LastContactFailure = timeField{set: true, value: time.Now()}
if updateReq.AuditOutcome == overlay.AuditSuccess {
updateFields.AuditSuccessCount = int64Field{set: true, value: dbNode.AuditSuccessCount + 1}
// Updating node stats always exits it from containment mode
updateFields.Contained = boolField{set: true, value: false}
return updateFields
func populateUpdateFields(dbNode *dbx.Node, updateReq *overlay.UpdateRequest) dbx.Node_Update_Fields {
update := populateUpdateNodeStats(dbNode, updateReq)
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
if update.TotalAuditCount.set {
updateFields.TotalAuditCount = dbx.Node_TotalAuditCount(update.TotalAuditCount.value)
if update.TotalUptimeCount.set {
updateFields.TotalUptimeCount = dbx.Node_TotalUptimeCount(update.TotalUptimeCount.value)
if update.AuditReputationAlpha.set {
updateFields.AuditReputationAlpha = dbx.Node_AuditReputationAlpha(update.AuditReputationAlpha.value)
if update.AuditReputationBeta.set {
updateFields.AuditReputationBeta = dbx.Node_AuditReputationBeta(update.AuditReputationBeta.value)
if update.Disqualified.set {
updateFields.Disqualified = dbx.Node_Disqualified(update.Disqualified.value)
if update.UnknownAuditReputationAlpha.set {
updateFields.UnknownAuditReputationAlpha = dbx.Node_UnknownAuditReputationAlpha(update.UnknownAuditReputationAlpha.value)
if update.UnknownAuditReputationBeta.set {
updateFields.UnknownAuditReputationBeta = dbx.Node_UnknownAuditReputationBeta(update.UnknownAuditReputationBeta.value)
if update.Suspended.set {
if update.Suspended.isNil {
updateFields.Suspended = dbx.Node_Suspended_Null()
} else {
updateFields.Suspended = dbx.Node_Suspended(update.Suspended.value)
if update.UptimeSuccessCount.set {
updateFields.UptimeSuccessCount = dbx.Node_UptimeSuccessCount(update.UptimeSuccessCount.value)
if update.LastContactSuccess.set {
updateFields.LastContactSuccess = dbx.Node_LastContactSuccess(update.LastContactSuccess.value)
if update.LastContactFailure.set {
updateFields.LastContactFailure = dbx.Node_LastContactFailure(update.LastContactFailure.value)
if update.AuditSuccessCount.set {
updateFields.AuditSuccessCount = dbx.Node_AuditSuccessCount(update.AuditSuccessCount.value)
if update.Contained.set {
updateFields.Contained = dbx.Node_Contained(update.Contained.value)
if updateReq.AuditOutcome == overlay.AuditSuccess {
updateFields.AuditSuccessCount = dbx.Node_AuditSuccessCount(dbNode.AuditSuccessCount + 1)
return updateFields
// UpdateCheckIn updates a single storagenode with info from when the the node last checked in.
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateCheckIn(ctx context.Context, node overlay.NodeCheckInInfo, timestamp time.Time, config overlay.NodeSelectionConfig) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if node.Address.GetAddress() == "" {
return Error.New("error UpdateCheckIn: missing the storage node address")
semVer, err := version.NewSemVer(node.Version.GetVersion())
if err != nil {
return Error.New("unable to convert version to semVer")
query := `
id, address, last_net, protocol, type,
email, wallet, free_disk,
uptime_success_count, total_uptime_count,
audit_reputation_alpha, audit_reputation_beta,
unknown_audit_reputation_alpha, unknown_audit_reputation_beta,
major, minor, patch, hash, timestamp, release,
$1, $2, $3, $4, $5,
$6, $7, $8,
$9::bool::int, 1,
CASE WHEN $9::bool IS TRUE THEN $18::timestamptz
ELSE '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'::timestamptz
CASE WHEN $9::bool IS FALSE THEN $18::timestamptz
ELSE '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'::timestamptz
$10, $11,
$10, $11,
$12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17,
major=$12, minor=$13, patch=$14, hash=$15, timestamp=$16, release=$17,
uptime_success_count = nodes.uptime_success_count + $9::bool::int,
last_contact_success = CASE WHEN $9::bool IS TRUE
THEN $18::timestamptz
ELSE nodes.last_contact_success
last_contact_failure = CASE WHEN $9::bool IS FALSE
THEN $18::timestamptz
ELSE nodes.last_contact_failure
_, err = cache.db.ExecContext(ctx, query,
// args $1 - $5
node.NodeID.Bytes(), node.Address.GetAddress(), node.LastNet, node.Address.GetTransport(), int(pb.NodeType_STORAGE),
// args $6 - $8
node.Operator.GetEmail(), node.Operator.GetWallet(), node.Capacity.GetFreeDisk(),
// args $9
// args $10 - $11
config.AuditReputationAlpha0, config.AuditReputationBeta0,
// args $12 - $17
semVer.Major, semVer.Minor, semVer.Patch, node.Version.GetCommitHash(), node.Version.Timestamp, node.Version.GetRelease(),
// args $18
// args $19
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
return nil