Michal Niewrzal 6273ed035d satellite/metabase: make UploadID stable for different options
Multipart upload requires to have the same UploadID returned from
different requests (BeginUpload, ListUploads). Otherwise client won't
be able to find existing uploads. Main issue was that data needed to
construct UploadID is in System metadata which can be filtered out
by listing option.

This change is fixing how we are setting Status for listed objects and
it's forcing reading System metadata if we are reading pending objects.


Change-Id: I8dd5fbab4421a64dc3ed95556408ead4c829f276
2022-11-10 17:35:36 +00:00

439 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package metabase
import (
// objectIterator enables iteration on objects in a bucket.
type objectsIterator struct {
db *DB
projectID uuid.UUID
bucketName []byte
status ObjectStatus
prefix ObjectKey
prefixLimit ObjectKey
batchSize int
recursive bool
includeCustomMetadata bool
includeSystemMetadata bool
curIndex int
curRows tagsql.Rows
cursor iterateCursor // not relative to prefix
skipPrefix ObjectKey // relative to prefix
doNextQuery func(context.Context, *objectsIterator) (_ tagsql.Rows, err error)
// failErr is set when either scan or next query fails during iteration.
failErr error
type iterateCursor struct {
Key ObjectKey
Version Version
StreamID uuid.UUID
Inclusive bool
func iterateAllVersionsWithStatus(ctx context.Context, db *DB, opts IterateObjectsWithStatus, fn func(context.Context, ObjectsIterator) error) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
it := &objectsIterator{
db: db,
projectID: opts.ProjectID,
bucketName: []byte(opts.BucketName),
status: opts.Status,
prefix: opts.Prefix,
prefixLimit: prefixLimit(opts.Prefix),
batchSize: opts.BatchSize,
recursive: opts.Recursive,
includeCustomMetadata: opts.IncludeCustomMetadata,
includeSystemMetadata: opts.IncludeSystemMetadata,
curIndex: 0,
cursor: firstIterateCursor(opts.Recursive, opts.Cursor, opts.Prefix),
doNextQuery: doNextQueryAllVersionsWithStatus,
// start from either the cursor or prefix, depending on which is larger
if lessKey(it.cursor.Key, opts.Prefix) {
it.cursor.Key = opts.Prefix
it.cursor.Version = -1
it.cursor.Inclusive = true
return iterate(ctx, it, fn)
func iteratePendingObjectsByKey(ctx context.Context, db *DB, opts IteratePendingObjectsByKey, fn func(context.Context, ObjectsIterator) error) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
cursor := opts.Cursor
if cursor.StreamID.IsZero() {
cursor.StreamID = uuid.UUID{}
it := &objectsIterator{
db: db,
projectID: opts.ProjectID,
bucketName: []byte(opts.BucketName),
prefix: "",
prefixLimit: "",
batchSize: opts.BatchSize,
recursive: true,
includeCustomMetadata: true,
includeSystemMetadata: true,
status: Pending,
curIndex: 0,
cursor: iterateCursor{
Key: opts.ObjectKey,
Version: 0,
StreamID: opts.Cursor.StreamID,
doNextQuery: doNextQueryStreamsByKey,
return iterate(ctx, it, fn)
func iterate(ctx context.Context, it *objectsIterator, fn func(context.Context, ObjectsIterator) error) (err error) {
it.curRows, err = it.doNextQuery(ctx, it)
if err != nil {
return err
it.cursor.Inclusive = false
defer func() {
if rowsErr := it.curRows.Err(); rowsErr != nil {
err = errs.Combine(err, rowsErr)
err = errs.Combine(err, it.failErr, it.curRows.Close())
return fn(ctx, it)
// Next returns true if there was another item and copy it in item.
func (it *objectsIterator) Next(ctx context.Context, item *ObjectEntry) bool {
if it.recursive {
return, item)
// TODO: implement this on the database side
// skip until we are past the prefix we returned before.
if it.skipPrefix != "" {
for strings.HasPrefix(string(item.ObjectKey), string(it.skipPrefix)) {
if !, item) {
return false
it.skipPrefix = ""
} else {
ok :=, item)
if !ok {
return false
// should this be treated as a prefix?
p := strings.IndexByte(string(item.ObjectKey), Delimiter)
if p >= 0 {
it.skipPrefix = item.ObjectKey[:p+1]
*item = ObjectEntry{
IsPrefix: true,
ObjectKey: item.ObjectKey[:p+1],
Status: it.status,
return true
// next returns true if there was another item and copy it in item.
func (it *objectsIterator) next(ctx context.Context, item *ObjectEntry) bool {
next := it.curRows.Next()
if !next {
if it.curIndex < it.batchSize {
return false
if it.curRows.Err() != nil {
return false
if !it.recursive {
afterPrefix := it.cursor.Key[len(it.prefix):]
p := bytes.IndexByte([]byte(afterPrefix), Delimiter)
if p >= 0 {
it.cursor.Key = it.prefix + prefixLimit(afterPrefix[:p+1])
it.cursor.StreamID = uuid.UUID{}
it.cursor.Version = 0
rows, err := it.doNextQuery(ctx, it)
if err != nil {
it.failErr = errs.Combine(it.failErr, err)
return false
if closeErr := it.curRows.Close(); closeErr != nil {
it.failErr = errs.Combine(it.failErr, closeErr, rows.Close())
return false
it.curRows = rows
it.curIndex = 0
if !it.curRows.Next() {
return false
err := it.scanItem(item)
if err != nil {
it.failErr = errs.Combine(it.failErr, err)
return false
it.cursor.Key = it.prefix + item.ObjectKey
it.cursor.Version = item.Version
it.cursor.StreamID = item.StreamID
return true
func doNextQueryAllVersionsWithStatus(ctx context.Context, it *objectsIterator) (_ tagsql.Rows, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
cursorCompare := ">"
if it.cursor.Inclusive {
cursorCompare = ">="
if it.prefixLimit == "" {
querySelectFields := querySelectorFields("object_key", it)
return it.db.db.QueryContext(ctx, `
FROM objects
(project_id, bucket_name, object_key, version) `+cursorCompare+` ($1, $2, $4, $5)
AND (project_id, bucket_name) < ($1, $7)
AND status = $3
AND (expires_at IS NULL OR expires_at > now())
ORDER BY (project_id, bucket_name, object_key, version) ASC
`, it.projectID, it.bucketName,
[]byte(it.cursor.Key), int(it.cursor.Version),
fromSubstring := 1
if it.prefix != "" {
fromSubstring = len(it.prefix) + 1
querySelectFields := querySelectorFields("SUBSTRING(object_key FROM $8)", it)
return it.db.db.QueryContext(ctx, `
FROM objects
(project_id, bucket_name, object_key, version) `+cursorCompare+` ($1, $2, $4, $5)
AND (project_id, bucket_name, object_key) < ($1, $2, $6)
AND status = $3
AND (expires_at IS NULL OR expires_at > now())
ORDER BY (project_id, bucket_name, object_key, version) ASC
`, it.projectID, it.bucketName,
[]byte(it.cursor.Key), int(it.cursor.Version),
func querySelectorFields(objectKeyColumn string, it *objectsIterator) string {
querySelectFields := objectKeyColumn + `
if it.includeSystemMetadata {
querySelectFields += `
if it.includeCustomMetadata {
querySelectFields += `
return querySelectFields
// nextBucket returns the lexicographically next bucket.
func nextBucket(b []byte) []byte {
xs := make([]byte, len(b)+1)
copy(xs, b)
return xs
// doNextQuery executes query to fetch the next batch returning the rows.
func doNextQueryStreamsByKey(ctx context.Context, it *objectsIterator) (_ tagsql.Rows, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
return it.db.db.QueryContext(ctx, `
object_key, stream_id, version, encryption,
created_at, expires_at,
total_plain_size, total_encrypted_size, fixed_segment_size,
encrypted_metadata_nonce, encrypted_metadata, encrypted_metadata_encrypted_key
FROM objects
project_id = $1 AND bucket_name = $2
AND object_key = $3
AND stream_id > $4::BYTEA
AND status = `+pendingStatus+`
ORDER BY stream_id ASC
`, it.projectID, it.bucketName,
// scanItem scans doNextQuery results into ObjectEntry.
func (it *objectsIterator) scanItem(item *ObjectEntry) (err error) {
item.IsPrefix = false
item.Status = it.status
fields := []interface{}{
if it.includeSystemMetadata {
fields = append(fields,
if it.includeCustomMetadata {
fields = append(fields,
err = it.curRows.Scan(fields...)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func prefixLimit(a ObjectKey) ObjectKey {
if a == "" {
return ""
if a[len(a)-1] == 0xFF {
return a + "\x00"
key := []byte(a)
return ObjectKey(key)
// lessKey returns whether a < b.
func lessKey(a, b ObjectKey) bool {
return bytes.Compare([]byte(a), []byte(b)) < 0
// firstIterateCursor adjust the cursor for a non-recursive iteration.
// The cursor is non-inclusive and we need to adjust to handle prefix as cursor properly.
// We return the next possible key from the prefix.
func firstIterateCursor(recursive bool, cursor IterateCursor, prefix ObjectKey) iterateCursor {
if recursive {
return iterateCursor{
Key: cursor.Key,
Version: cursor.Version,
// when the cursor does not match the prefix, we'll return the original cursor.
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(cursor.Key), string(prefix)) {
return iterateCursor{
Key: cursor.Key,
Version: cursor.Version,
// handle case where:
// prefix: x/y/
// cursor: x/y/z/w
// In this case, we want the skip prefix to be `x/y/z` + string('/' + 1).
cursorWithoutPrefix := cursor.Key[len(prefix):]
p := strings.IndexByte(string(cursorWithoutPrefix), Delimiter)
if p < 0 {
// The cursor is not a prefix, but instead a path inside the prefix,
// so we can use it directly.
return iterateCursor{
Key: cursor.Key,
Version: cursor.Version,
// return the next prefix given a scoped path
return iterateCursor{
Key: cursor.Key[:len(prefix)+p] + ObjectKey(Delimiter+1),
Version: -1,
Inclusive: true,