paul cannon d8733ddd40 satellite/satellitedb: stop using _gob columns
This sets the corresponding _numeric columns to be NOT NULL (it has been
verified manually that there are no more NULL _numeric values on any
known satellites, and it should be impossible with current code to get
new NULL values in the _numeric columns.

We can't drop the _gob columns immediately, as there will still be code
running that expects them, but once this version is deployed we can
finally drop them and be totally done with this crazy 5-step migration.

Change-Id: I518302528d972090d56b3eedc815656610ac8e73
2022-03-30 04:13:13 +00:00

387 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package satellitedb
import (
// ensure that coinpaymentsTransactions implements stripecoinpayments.TransactionsDB.
var _ stripecoinpayments.TransactionsDB = (*coinPaymentsTransactions)(nil)
// applyBalanceIntentState defines states of the apply balance intents.
type applyBalanceIntentState int
const (
// apply balance intent waits to be applied.
applyBalanceIntentStateUnapplied applyBalanceIntentState = 0
// transaction which balance intent points to has been consumed.
applyBalanceIntentStateConsumed applyBalanceIntentState = 1
// Int returns intent state as int.
func (intent applyBalanceIntentState) Int() int {
return int(intent)
// coinPaymentsTransactions is CoinPayments transactions DB.
// architecture: Database
type coinPaymentsTransactions struct {
db *satelliteDB
// Insert inserts new coinpayments transaction into DB.
func (db *coinPaymentsTransactions) Insert(ctx context.Context, tx stripecoinpayments.Transaction) (createTime time.Time, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
dbxCPTX, err := db.db.Create_CoinpaymentsTransaction(ctx,
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return dbxCPTX.CreatedAt, nil
// Update updates status and received for set of transactions.
func (db *coinPaymentsTransactions) Update(ctx context.Context, updates []stripecoinpayments.TransactionUpdate, applies coinpayments.TransactionIDList) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if len(updates) == 0 {
return nil
err = db.db.WithTx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *dbx.Tx) error {
for _, update := range updates {
_, err = tx.Update_CoinpaymentsTransaction_By_Id(ctx,
ReceivedNumeric: dbx.CoinpaymentsTransaction_ReceivedNumeric(update.Received.BaseUnits()),
Status: dbx.CoinpaymentsTransaction_Status(update.Status.Int()),
if err != nil {
return err
for _, txID := range applies {
query := db.db.Rebind(`INSERT INTO stripecoinpayments_apply_balance_intents ( tx_id, state, created_at )
_, err = tx.Tx.ExecContext(ctx, query, txID.String(), applyBalanceIntentStateUnapplied.Int(), db.db.Hooks.Now().UTC())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return err
// Consume marks transaction as consumed, so it won't participate in apply account balance loop.
func (db *coinPaymentsTransactions) Consume(ctx context.Context, id coinpayments.TransactionID) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
query := db.db.Rebind(`
WITH intent AS (
SELECT tx_id, state FROM stripecoinpayments_apply_balance_intents WHERE tx_id = ?
), updated AS (
UPDATE stripecoinpayments_apply_balance_intents AS ints
state = ?
FROM intent
WHERE intent.tx_id = ints.tx_id AND ints.state = ?
SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM intent) AS intent_exists, EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM updated) AS intent_consumed;
row := db.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, id, applyBalanceIntentStateConsumed, applyBalanceIntentStateUnapplied)
var exists, consumed bool
if err = row.Scan(&exists, &consumed); err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
return errs.New("can not consume transaction without apply balance intent")
if !consumed {
return stripecoinpayments.ErrTransactionConsumed
return err
// LockRate locks conversion rate for transaction.
func (db *coinPaymentsTransactions) LockRate(ctx context.Context, id coinpayments.TransactionID, rate decimal.Decimal) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rateFloat, exact := rate.Float64()
if !exact {
// It's not clear at the time of writing whether this
// inexactness will ever be something we need to worry about.
// According to the example in the API docs for
//, exchange rates are given to 24 decimal
// places (!!), which is several digits more precision than we
// can represent exactly in IEEE754 double-precision floating
// point. However, that might not matter, since an exchange rate
// that is correct to ~15 decimal places multiplied by a precise
// monetary.Amount should give results that are correct to
// around 15 decimal places still. At current exchange rates,
// for example, a USD transaction would need to have a value of
// more than $1,000,000,000,000 USD before a calculation using
// this "inexact" rate would get the equivalent number of BTC
// wrong by a single satoshi (10^-8 BTC).
// We could avoid all of this by preserving the exact rates as
// given by our provider, but this would involve either (a)
// abuse of the SQL schema (e.g. storing rates as decimal values
// in VARCHAR), (b) storing rates in a way that is opaque to the
// db engine (e.g. gob-encoding, decimal coefficient with
// separate exponents), or (c) adding support for parameterized
// types like NUMERIC to dbx. None of those are very ideal
// either.
delta, _ := rate.Sub(decimal.NewFromFloat(rateFloat)).Float64()
_, err = db.db.Create_StripecoinpaymentsTxConversionRate(ctx,
return Error.Wrap(err)
// GetLockedRate returns locked conversion rate for transaction or error if non exists.
func (db *coinPaymentsTransactions) GetLockedRate(ctx context.Context, id coinpayments.TransactionID) (rate decimal.Decimal, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
dbxRate, err := db.db.Get_StripecoinpaymentsTxConversionRate_By_TxId(ctx,
if err != nil {
return decimal.Decimal{}, err
rate = decimal.NewFromFloat(dbxRate.RateNumeric)
return rate, nil
// ListAccount returns all transaction for specific user.
func (db *coinPaymentsTransactions) ListAccount(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (_ []stripecoinpayments.Transaction, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
dbxTXs, err := db.db.All_CoinpaymentsTransaction_By_UserId_OrderBy_Desc_CreatedAt(ctx,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var txs []stripecoinpayments.Transaction
for _, dbxTX := range dbxTXs {
tx, err := fromDBXCoinpaymentsTransaction(dbxTX)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(err)
txs = append(txs, *tx)
return txs, nil
// ListPending returns paginated list of pending transactions.
func (db *coinPaymentsTransactions) ListPending(ctx context.Context, offset int64, limit int, before time.Time) (_ stripecoinpayments.TransactionsPage, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
query := db.db.Rebind(`SELECT
FROM coinpayments_transactions
WHERE status IN (?,?)
AND created_at <= ?
ORDER by created_at DESC
rows, err := db.db.QueryContext(ctx, query, coinpayments.StatusPending, coinpayments.StatusReceived, before, limit+1, offset)
if err != nil {
return stripecoinpayments.TransactionsPage{}, Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() {
err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close())
var page stripecoinpayments.TransactionsPage
for rows.Next() {
var id, address string
var userID uuid.UUID
var amount, received *int64
var status int
var key string
var createdAt time.Time
err := rows.Scan(&id, &userID, &address, &amount, &received, &status, &key, &createdAt)
if err != nil {
return stripecoinpayments.TransactionsPage{}, Error.Wrap(err)
// TODO: the currency here should be passed in to this function or stored
// in the database.
currency := monetary.StorjToken
page.Transactions = append(page.Transactions,
ID: coinpayments.TransactionID(id),
AccountID: userID,
Address: address,
Amount: monetary.AmountFromBaseUnits(*amount, currency),
Received: monetary.AmountFromBaseUnits(*received, currency),
Status: coinpayments.Status(status),
Key: key,
CreatedAt: createdAt,
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return stripecoinpayments.TransactionsPage{}, err
if len(page.Transactions) == limit+1 {
page.Next = true
page.NextOffset = offset + int64(limit)
page.Transactions = page.Transactions[:len(page.Transactions)-1]
return page, nil
// ListUnapplied returns TransactionsPage with a pending or completed status, that should be applied to account balance.
func (db *coinPaymentsTransactions) ListUnapplied(ctx context.Context, offset int64, limit int, before time.Time) (_ stripecoinpayments.TransactionsPage, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
query := db.db.Rebind(`SELECT,
FROM coinpayments_transactions as txs
INNER JOIN stripecoinpayments_apply_balance_intents as ints
ON = ints.tx_id
WHERE txs.status >= ?
AND txs.created_at <= ?
AND ints.state = ?
ORDER by txs.created_at DESC
rows, err := db.db.QueryContext(ctx, query, coinpayments.StatusReceived, before, applyBalanceIntentStateUnapplied, limit+1, offset)
if err != nil {
return stripecoinpayments.TransactionsPage{}, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
var page stripecoinpayments.TransactionsPage
for rows.Next() {
var id, address string
var userID uuid.UUID
var amountNumeric, receivedNumeric *int64
var status int
var key string
var createdAt time.Time
err := rows.Scan(&id, &userID, &address, &amountNumeric, &receivedNumeric, &status, &key, &createdAt)
if err != nil {
return stripecoinpayments.TransactionsPage{}, err
// TODO: the currency here should be passed in to this function or stored
// in the database.
currency := monetary.StorjToken
page.Transactions = append(page.Transactions,
ID: coinpayments.TransactionID(id),
AccountID: userID,
Address: address,
Amount: monetary.AmountFromBaseUnits(*amountNumeric, currency),
Received: monetary.AmountFromBaseUnits(*receivedNumeric, currency),
Status: coinpayments.Status(status),
Key: key,
CreatedAt: createdAt,
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return stripecoinpayments.TransactionsPage{}, err
if len(page.Transactions) == limit+1 {
page.Next = true
page.NextOffset = offset + int64(limit)
page.Transactions = page.Transactions[:len(page.Transactions)-1]
return page, nil
// fromDBXCoinpaymentsTransaction converts *dbx.CoinpaymentsTransaction to *stripecoinpayments.Transaction.
func fromDBXCoinpaymentsTransaction(dbxCPTX *dbx.CoinpaymentsTransaction) (*stripecoinpayments.Transaction, error) {
userID, err := uuid.FromBytes(dbxCPTX.UserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(err)
// TODO: the currency here should be passed in to this function or stored
// in the database.
currency := monetary.StorjToken
return &stripecoinpayments.Transaction{
ID: coinpayments.TransactionID(dbxCPTX.Id),
AccountID: userID,
Address: dbxCPTX.Address,
Amount: monetary.AmountFromBaseUnits(dbxCPTX.AmountNumeric, currency),
Received: monetary.AmountFromBaseUnits(dbxCPTX.ReceivedNumeric, currency),
Status: coinpayments.Status(dbxCPTX.Status),
Key: dbxCPTX.Key,
Timeout: time.Second * time.Duration(dbxCPTX.Timeout),
CreatedAt: dbxCPTX.CreatedAt,
}, nil