paul cannon 7246368ca1 satellite/repair: clamp totalNodes to 100 or higher
Change-Id: I239418ed3671b1cee30b0b1797dc434244e72448
2020-12-30 10:39:14 -06:00

65 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package repair
import "math"
// SegmentHealth returns a value corresponding to the health of a segment in the
// repair queue. Lower health segments should be repaired first.
// This calculation purports to find the number of iterations for which a
// segment can be expected to survive, with the given failureRate. The number of
// iterations for the segment to survive (X) can be modeled with the negative
// binomial distribution, with the number of pieces that must be lost as the
// success threshold r, and the chance of losing a single piece in a round as
// the trial success probability p.
// First, we calculate the expected number of iterations for a segment to
// survive if we were to lose exactly one node every iteration:
// r = numHealthy - minPieces + 1
// p = (totalNodes - numHealthy) / totalNodes
// X ~ NB(r, p)
// Then we take the mean of that distribution to use as our expected value,
// which is pr/(1-p).
// Finally, to get away from the "one node per iteration" simplification, we
// just scale the magnitude of the iterations in the model so that there really
// is one node being lost. For example, if our failureRate and totalNodes imply
// a churn rate of 3 nodes per day, we just take 1/3 of a day and call that an
// "iteration" for purposes of the model. To convert iterations in the model to
// days, we divide the mean of the negative binomial distribution (X, above) by
// the number of nodes that we estimate will churn in one day.
func SegmentHealth(numHealthy, minPieces, totalNodes int, failureRate float64) float64 {
if totalNodes < minTotalNodes {
// this model gives wonky results when there are too few nodes; pretend
// there are more nodes than there really are so that the model gives
// sane repair priorities
totalNodes = minTotalNodes
churnPerRound := float64(totalNodes) * failureRate
if churnPerRound < minChurnPerRound {
// we artificially limit churnPerRound from going too low in cases
// where there are not many nodes, so that health values do not
// start to approach the floating point maximum
churnPerRound = minChurnPerRound
p := float64(totalNodes-numHealthy) / float64(totalNodes)
if p == 1.0 {
// floating point precision is insufficient to represent the difference
// from p to 1. there are too many nodes for this model, or else
// numHealthy is 0 somehow. we can't proceed with the normal calculation
// or we will divide by zero.
return math.Inf(1)
mean1 := float64(numHealthy-minPieces+1) * p / (1 - p)
return mean1 / churnPerRound
const (
minChurnPerRound = 1e-10
minTotalNodes = 100