Migrated webpack to vite. Replaced jest with vitest (because I couldn't resolve 'import.meta' issue) Replaced legacy vue-svg-loader with vite-svg-loader Replaced bip39 dep with bip39-english (it includes only english wordlist) Replaced aws-sdk v2 with aws-sdk V3 (because v2 was throwing some weird error in console. Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75107933/aws-sdk-contributes-to-build-error-uncaught-typeerror-e-is-not-a-constructor) Renamed VUE_APP_ENDPOINT_URL env variable to VITE_ENDPOINT_URL Removed a ton of dependencies (like babel and jest-related stuff). Tested in Chrome, Safari, Brave, Firefox and Opera browsers. Additionally fixed logout errors from buckets and object browser routes. TODO: try to remove util and stream-browserify dependencies and see if it works Change-Id: I4562649a59eb0ba80c1a672d55c59fceb8c80b23
71 lines
2.2 KiB
71 lines
2.2 KiB
"name": "storj-satellite",
"version": "0.1.0",
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"dev": "vite",
"build": "vite build",
"build-watch": "vite build --watch",
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"wasm-dev": "chmod +x ./scripts/build-wasm-dev.sh && ./scripts/build-wasm-dev.sh",
"test": "vitest run"
"dependencies": {
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