2022-07-27 18:24:27 +00:00

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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package accounting
import (
// RollupStats is a convenience alias.
type RollupStats map[time.Time]map[storj.NodeID]*Rollup
// StoragenodeStorageTally mirrors dbx.StoragenodeStorageTally, allowing us to use that struct without leaking dbx.
type StoragenodeStorageTally struct {
ID int64
NodeID storj.NodeID
IntervalEndTime time.Time
DataTotal float64
// StoragenodeBandwidthRollup mirrors dbx.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup, allowing us to use the struct without leaking dbx.
type StoragenodeBandwidthRollup struct {
NodeID storj.NodeID
IntervalStart time.Time
Action uint
Settled uint64
// Rollup mirrors dbx.AccountingRollup, allowing us to use that struct without leaking dbx.
type Rollup struct {
ID int64
NodeID storj.NodeID
StartTime time.Time
PutTotal int64
GetTotal int64
GetAuditTotal int64
GetRepairTotal int64
PutRepairTotal int64
AtRestTotal float64
IntervalEndTime time.Time
// StorageNodePeriodUsage represents a statement for a node for a compensation period.
type StorageNodePeriodUsage struct {
NodeID storj.NodeID
AtRestTotal float64
GetTotal int64
PutTotal int64
GetRepairTotal int64
PutRepairTotal int64
GetAuditTotal int64
// StorageNodeUsage is node at rest space usage over a period of time.
type StorageNodeUsage struct {
NodeID storj.NodeID
StorageUsed float64
Timestamp time.Time
IntervalEndTime time.Time
// ProjectUsage consist of period total storage, egress
// and objects count per hour for certain Project in bytes.
type ProjectUsage struct {
Storage float64 `json:"storage"`
Egress int64 `json:"egress"`
SegmentCount float64 `json:"segmentCount"`
ObjectCount float64 `json:"objectCount"`
Since time.Time `json:"since"`
Before time.Time `json:"before"`
// ProjectObjectsSegments consist of period total objects and segments count for certain Project.
type ProjectObjectsSegments struct {
SegmentCount int64 `json:"segmentCount"`
ObjectCount int64 `json:"objectCount"`
// ProjectLimits contains the storage, bandwidth and segments limits.
type ProjectLimits struct {
Usage *int64
Bandwidth *int64
Segments *int64
// ProjectDailyUsage holds project daily usage.
type ProjectDailyUsage struct {
StorageUsage []ProjectUsageByDay `json:"storageUsage"`
AllocatedBandwidthUsage []ProjectUsageByDay `json:"allocatedBandwidthUsage"`
SettledBandwidthUsage []ProjectUsageByDay `json:"settledBandwidthUsage"`
// ProjectUsageByDay holds project daily usage.
type ProjectUsageByDay struct {
Date time.Time `json:"date"`
Value int64 `json:"value"`
// BucketUsage consist of total bucket usage for period.
type BucketUsage struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
Storage float64
Egress float64
ObjectCount int64
SegmentCount int64
Since time.Time
Before time.Time
// BucketUsageCursor holds info for bucket usage
// cursor pagination.
type BucketUsageCursor struct {
Search string
Limit uint
Page uint
// BucketUsagePage represents bucket usage page result.
type BucketUsagePage struct {
BucketUsages []BucketUsage
Search string
Limit uint
Offset uint64
PageCount uint
CurrentPage uint
TotalCount uint64
// BucketUsageRollup is total bucket usage info
// for certain period.
type BucketUsageRollup struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID `json:"projectID"`
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
TotalStoredData float64 `json:"totalStoredData"`
TotalSegments float64 `json:"totalSegments"`
ObjectCount float64 `json:"objectCount"`
MetadataSize float64 `json:"metadataSize"`
RepairEgress float64 `json:"repairEgress"`
GetEgress float64 `json:"getEgress"`
AuditEgress float64 `json:"auditEgress"`
Since time.Time `json:"since"`
Before time.Time `json:"before"`
// Usage contains project's usage split on segments and storage.
type Usage struct {
Storage int64
Segments int64
// StoragenodeAccounting stores information about bandwidth and storage usage for storage nodes.
// architecture: Database
type StoragenodeAccounting interface {
// SaveTallies records tallies of data at rest
SaveTallies(ctx context.Context, latestTally time.Time, nodeData map[storj.NodeID]float64) error
// GetTallies retrieves all tallies
GetTallies(ctx context.Context) ([]*StoragenodeStorageTally, error)
// GetTalliesSince retrieves all tallies since latestRollup
GetTalliesSince(ctx context.Context, latestRollup time.Time) ([]*StoragenodeStorageTally, error)
// GetBandwidthSince retrieves all bandwidth rollup entires since latestRollup
GetBandwidthSince(ctx context.Context, latestRollup time.Time, cb func(context.Context, *StoragenodeBandwidthRollup) error) error
// SaveRollup records tally and bandwidth rollup aggregations to the database
SaveRollup(ctx context.Context, latestTally time.Time, stats RollupStats) error
// LastTimestamp records and returns the latest last tallied time.
LastTimestamp(ctx context.Context, timestampType string) (time.Time, error)
// QueryPaymentInfo queries Nodes and Accounting_Rollup on nodeID
QueryPaymentInfo(ctx context.Context, start time.Time, end time.Time) ([]*CSVRow, error)
// QueryStorageNodePeriodUsage returns accounting statements for nodes for a given compensation period
QueryStorageNodePeriodUsage(ctx context.Context, period compensation.Period) ([]StorageNodePeriodUsage, error)
// QueryStorageNodeUsage returns slice of StorageNodeUsage for given period
QueryStorageNodeUsage(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, start time.Time, end time.Time) ([]StorageNodeUsage, error)
// DeleteTalliesBefore deletes all tallies prior to some time
DeleteTalliesBefore(ctx context.Context, latestRollup time.Time, batchSize int) error
// ArchiveRollupsBefore archives rollups older than a given time and returns num storagenode and bucket bandwidth rollups archived.
ArchiveRollupsBefore(ctx context.Context, before time.Time, batchSize int) (numArchivedNodeBW int, err error)
// GetRollupsSince retrieves all archived bandwidth rollup records since a given time. A hard limit batch size is used for results.
GetRollupsSince(ctx context.Context, since time.Time) ([]StoragenodeBandwidthRollup, error)
// GetArchivedRollupsSince retrieves all archived bandwidth rollup records since a given time. A hard limit batch size is used for results.
GetArchivedRollupsSince(ctx context.Context, since time.Time) ([]StoragenodeBandwidthRollup, error)
// ProjectAccounting stores information about bandwidth and storage usage for projects.
// architecture: Database
type ProjectAccounting interface {
// SaveTallies saves the latest project info
SaveTallies(ctx context.Context, intervalStart time.Time, bucketTallies map[metabase.BucketLocation]*BucketTally) error
// GetTallies retrieves all tallies ordered by interval start desc
GetTallies(ctx context.Context) ([]BucketTally, error)
// CreateStorageTally creates a record for BucketStorageTally in the accounting DB table
CreateStorageTally(ctx context.Context, tally BucketStorageTally) error
// GetAllocatedBandwidthTotal returns the sum of GET bandwidth usage allocated for a projectID in the past time frame
GetAllocatedBandwidthTotal(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, from time.Time) (int64, error)
// GetProjectBandwidth returns project allocated bandwidth for the specified year, month and day.
GetProjectBandwidth(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, year int, month time.Month, day int, asOfSystemInterval time.Duration) (int64, error)
// GetProjectDailyBandwidth returns bandwidth (allocated and settled) for the specified day.
GetProjectDailyBandwidth(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, year int, month time.Month, day int) (int64, int64, int64, error)
// DeleteProjectBandwidthBefore deletes project bandwidth rollups before the given time
DeleteProjectBandwidthBefore(ctx context.Context, before time.Time) error
// GetProjectDailyUsageByDateRange returns daily allocated, settled bandwidth and storage usage for the specified date range.
GetProjectDailyUsageByDateRange(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, from, to time.Time, crdbInterval time.Duration) (*ProjectDailyUsage, error)
// UpdateProjectUsageLimit updates project usage limit.
UpdateProjectUsageLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, limit memory.Size) error
// UpdateProjectBandwidthLimit updates project bandwidth limit.
UpdateProjectBandwidthLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, limit memory.Size) error
// UpdateProjectSegmentLimit updates project segment limit.
UpdateProjectSegmentLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, limit int64) error
// GetProjectStorageLimit returns project storage usage limit.
GetProjectStorageLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (*int64, error)
// GetProjectBandwidthLimit returns project bandwidth usage limit.
GetProjectBandwidthLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (*int64, error)
// GetProjectSegmentLimit returns the segment limit for a project ID.
GetProjectSegmentLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (_ *int64, err error)
// GetProjectLimits returns current project limit for both storage and bandwidth.
GetProjectLimits(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (ProjectLimits, error)
// GetProjectTotal returns project usage summary for specified period of time.
GetProjectTotal(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, since, before time.Time) (*ProjectUsage, error)
// GetProjectObjectsSegments returns project objects and segments for specified period of time.
GetProjectObjectsSegments(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (*ProjectObjectsSegments, error)
// GetBucketUsageRollups returns usage rollup per each bucket for specified period of time.
GetBucketUsageRollups(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, since, before time.Time) ([]BucketUsageRollup, error)
// GetSingleBucketUsageRollup returns usage rollup per single bucket for specified period of time.
GetSingleBucketUsageRollup(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, bucket string, since, before time.Time) (*BucketUsageRollup, error)
// GetBucketTotals returns per bucket total usage summary since bucket creation.
GetBucketTotals(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, cursor BucketUsageCursor, before time.Time) (*BucketUsagePage, error)
// ArchiveRollupsBefore archives rollups older than a given time and returns number of bucket bandwidth rollups archived.
ArchiveRollupsBefore(ctx context.Context, before time.Time, batchSize int) (numArchivedBucketBW int, err error)
// GetRollupsSince retrieves all archived bandwidth rollup records since a given time. A hard limit batch size is used for results.
GetRollupsSince(ctx context.Context, since time.Time) ([]orders.BucketBandwidthRollup, error)
// GetArchivedRollupsSince retrieves all archived bandwidth rollup records since a given time. A hard limit batch size is used for results.
GetArchivedRollupsSince(ctx context.Context, since time.Time) ([]orders.BucketBandwidthRollup, error)
// Cache stores live information about project storage which has not yet been synced to ProjectAccounting.
// All the implementations must follow the convention of returning errors of one
// of the classes defined in this package.
// All the methods return:
// ErrInvalidArgument: an implementation may return if some parameter contain a
// value which isn't accepted, nonetheless, not all the implementations impose
// the same constraints on them.
// ErrSystemOrNetError: any method will return this if there is an error with
// the underlining system or the network.
// ErrKeyNotFound: returned when a key is not found.
// ErrUnexpectedValue: returned when a key or value stored in the underlying
// system isn't of the expected format or type according the business domain.
// architecture: Database
type Cache interface {
// GetProjectStorageUsage returns the project's storage usage.
GetProjectStorageUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (totalUsed int64, err error)
// GetProjectBandwidthUsage returns the project's bandwidth usage.
GetProjectBandwidthUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, now time.Time) (currentUsed int64, err error)
// GetProjectSegmentUsage returns the project's segment usage.
GetProjectSegmentUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (currentUsed int64, err error)
// AddProjectSegmentUsageUpToLimit increases segment usage up to the limit.
// If the limit is exceeded, the usage is not increased and accounting.ErrProjectLimitExceeded is returned.
AddProjectSegmentUsageUpToLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, increment int64, segmentLimit int64) error
// InsertProjectBandwidthUsage inserts a project bandwidth usage if it
// doesn't exist. It returns true if it's inserted, otherwise false.
InsertProjectBandwidthUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, value int64, ttl time.Duration, now time.Time) (inserted bool, _ error)
// UpdateProjectBandwidthUsage updates the project's bandwidth usage increasing
// it. The projectID is inserted to the increment when it doesn't exists,
// hence this method will never return ErrKeyNotFound error's class.
UpdateProjectBandwidthUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, increment int64, ttl time.Duration, now time.Time) error
// UpdateProjectSegmentUsage updates the project's segment usage increasing
// it. The projectID is inserted to the increment when it doesn't exists,
// hence this method will never return ErrKeyNotFound error's class.
UpdateProjectSegmentUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, increment int64) error
// AddProjectStorageUsage adds to the projects storage usage the spacedUsed.
// The projectID is inserted to the spaceUsed when it doesn't exists, hence
// this method will never return ErrKeyNotFound.
AddProjectStorageUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, spaceUsed int64) error
// AddProjectStorageUsageUpToLimit increases storage usage up to the limit.
// If the limit is exceeded, the usage is not increased and accounting.ErrProjectLimitExceeded is returned.
AddProjectStorageUsageUpToLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, increment int64, spaceLimit int64) error
// GetAllProjectTotals return the total projects' storage and segments used space.
GetAllProjectTotals(ctx context.Context) (map[uuid.UUID]Usage, error)
// Close the client, releasing any open resources. Once it's called any other
// method must be called.
Close() error