Cameron Ayer b22bf16b35 satellite/overlay: add config flag for node selection free disk requirement
Currently SNs report their free disk space once per hour. If a node
becomes full, it has to wait until the next contact cycle begins to
report; all the while receiving and failing upload requests. By increasing
the minimum required disk space, we can give the storage nodes more time
to report their space before the completely fill up. This change goes
hand-in-hand with another change we want to implement: trigger capacity
report on SN immediately upon falling below threshold.

Change-Id: I12f778286c6c3f582438b0e2949765ac43325e27
2020-02-11 18:08:25 +00:00

619 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information
package testplanet
import (
versionchecker ""
// SatelliteSystem contains all the processes needed to run a full Satellite setup
type SatelliteSystem struct {
Core *satellite.Core
API *satellite.API
Repairer *satellite.Repairer
Admin *satellite.Admin
Log *zap.Logger
Identity *identity.FullIdentity
DB satellite.DB
Dialer rpc.Dialer
Server *server.Server
Version *versionchecker.Service
Contact struct {
Service *contact.Service
Endpoint *contact.Endpoint
Overlay struct {
DB overlay.DB
Service *overlay.Service
Inspector *overlay.Inspector
Metainfo struct {
Database metainfo.PointerDB
Service *metainfo.Service
Endpoint2 *metainfo.Endpoint
Loop *metainfo.Loop
Inspector struct {
Endpoint *inspector.Endpoint
Orders struct {
DB orders.DB
Endpoint *orders.Endpoint
Service *orders.Service
Chore *orders.Chore
Repair struct {
Checker *checker.Checker
Repairer *repairer.Service
Inspector *irreparable.Inspector
Audit struct {
Queue *audit.Queue
Worker *audit.Worker
Chore *audit.Chore
Verifier *audit.Verifier
Reporter *audit.Reporter
GarbageCollection struct {
Service *gc.Service
DBCleanup struct {
Chore *dbcleanup.Chore
Accounting struct {
Tally *tally.Service
Rollup *rollup.Service
ProjectUsage *accounting.Service
ReportedRollup *reportedrollup.Chore
LiveAccounting struct {
Cache accounting.Cache
Mail struct {
Service *mailservice.Service
Vouchers struct {
Endpoint *vouchers.Endpoint
Console struct {
Listener net.Listener
Service *console.Service
Endpoint *consoleweb.Server
Marketing struct {
Listener net.Listener
Endpoint *marketingweb.Server
NodeStats struct {
Endpoint *nodestats.Endpoint
GracefulExit struct {
Chore *gracefulexit.Chore
Endpoint *gracefulexit.Endpoint
Metrics struct {
Chore *metrics.Chore
DowntimeTracking struct {
DetectionChore *downtime.DetectionChore
EstimationChore *downtime.EstimationChore
Service *downtime.Service
// ID returns the ID of the Satellite system.
func (system *SatelliteSystem) ID() storj.NodeID { return system.API.Identity.ID }
// Local returns the peer local node info from the Satellite system API.
func (system *SatelliteSystem) Local() overlay.NodeDossier { return system.API.Contact.Service.Local() }
// Addr returns the public address from the Satellite system API.
func (system *SatelliteSystem) Addr() string { return system.API.Server.Addr().String() }
// URL returns the storj.NodeURL from the Satellite system API.
func (system *SatelliteSystem) URL() storj.NodeURL {
return storj.NodeURL{ID: system.API.ID(), Address: system.API.Addr()}
// Close closes all the subsystems in the Satellite system
func (system *SatelliteSystem) Close() error {
return errs.Combine(system.API.Close(), system.Core.Close(), system.Repairer.Close())
// Run runs all the subsystems in the Satellite system
func (system *SatelliteSystem) Run(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
group, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
group.Go(func() error {
return errs2.IgnoreCanceled(system.Core.Run(ctx))
group.Go(func() error {
return errs2.IgnoreCanceled(system.API.Run(ctx))
group.Go(func() error {
return errs2.IgnoreCanceled(system.Repairer.Run(ctx))
return group.Wait()
// PrivateAddr returns the private address from the Satellite system API.
func (system *SatelliteSystem) PrivateAddr() string { return system.API.Server.PrivateAddr().String() }
// newSatellites initializes satellites
func (planet *Planet) newSatellites(count int) ([]*SatelliteSystem, error) {
var xs []*SatelliteSystem
defer func() {
for _, x := range xs {
planet.peers = append(planet.peers, newClosablePeer(x))
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
prefix := "satellite" + strconv.Itoa(i)
log := planet.log.Named(prefix)
storageDir := filepath.Join(, prefix)
if err := os.MkdirAll(storageDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, err
identity, err := planet.NewIdentity()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var db satellite.DB
if planet.config.Reconfigure.NewSatelliteDB != nil {
db, err = planet.config.Reconfigure.NewSatelliteDB(log.Named("db"), i)
} else {
return nil, errs.New("NewSatelliteDB not defined")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, db)
var pointerDB metainfo.PointerDB
if planet.config.Reconfigure.NewSatellitePointerDB != nil {
pointerDB, err = planet.config.Reconfigure.NewSatellitePointerDB(log.Named("pointerdb"), i)
} else {
return nil, errs.New("NewSatellitePointerDB not defined")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, pointerDB)
liveAccountingServer := redisserver.NewMini()
addr, _, err := liveAccountingServer.Run()
if err != nil {
return xs, errs.Wrap(err)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, liveAccountingServer)
config := satellite.Config{
Server: server.Config{
Address: "",
PrivateAddress: "",
Config: tlsopts.Config{
RevocationDBURL: "bolt://" + filepath.Join(storageDir, "revocation.db"),
UsePeerCAWhitelist: true,
PeerCAWhitelistPath: planet.whitelistPath,
PeerIDVersions: "latest",
Extensions: extensions.Config{
Revocation: false,
WhitelistSignedLeaf: false,
Debug: debug.Config{
Address: "",
Overlay: overlay.Config{
Node: overlay.NodeSelectionConfig{
UptimeCount: 0,
AuditCount: 0,
NewNodePercentage: 0,
OnlineWindow: time.Minute,
DistinctIP: false,
MinimumDiskSpace: 100 * memory.MB,
AuditReputationRepairWeight: 1,
AuditReputationUplinkWeight: 1,
AuditReputationAlpha0: 1,
AuditReputationBeta0: 0,
AuditReputationLambda: 0.95,
AuditReputationWeight: 1,
AuditReputationDQ: 0.6,
UpdateStatsBatchSize: 100,
Metainfo: metainfo.Config{
DatabaseURL: "", // not used
MinRemoteSegmentSize: 0, // TODO: fix tests to work with 1024
MaxInlineSegmentSize: 8000,
MaxCommitInterval: 1 * time.Hour,
Overlay: true,
RS: metainfo.RSConfig{
MaxSegmentSize: 64 * memory.MiB,
MaxBufferMem: memory.Size(256),
ErasureShareSize: memory.Size(256),
MinThreshold: atLeastOne(planet.config.StorageNodeCount * 1 / 5),
RepairThreshold: atLeastOne(planet.config.StorageNodeCount * 2 / 5),
SuccessThreshold: atLeastOne(planet.config.StorageNodeCount * 3 / 5),
TotalThreshold: atLeastOne(planet.config.StorageNodeCount * 4 / 5),
MinTotalThreshold: (planet.config.StorageNodeCount * 4 / 5),
MaxTotalThreshold: (planet.config.StorageNodeCount * 4 / 5),
Validate: false,
Loop: metainfo.LoopConfig{
CoalesceDuration: 1 * time.Second,
RateLimiter: metainfo.RateLimiterConfig{
Enabled: true,
Rate: 1000,
CacheCapacity: 100,
CacheExpiration: 10 * time.Second,
Orders: orders.Config{
Expiration: 7 * 24 * time.Hour,
SettlementBatchSize: 10,
FlushBatchSize: 10,
FlushInterval: defaultInterval,
NodeStatusLogging: true,
Checker: checker.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
IrreparableInterval: defaultInterval,
ReliabilityCacheStaleness: 1 * time.Minute,
Repairer: repairer.Config{
MaxRepair: 10,
Interval: defaultInterval,
Timeout: 1 * time.Minute, // Repairs can take up to 10 seconds. Leaving room for outliers
DownloadTimeout: 1 * time.Minute,
MaxBufferMem: 4 * memory.MiB,
MaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold: 0.05,
Audit: audit.Config{
MaxRetriesStatDB: 0,
MinBytesPerSecond: 1 * memory.KB,
MinDownloadTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
MaxReverifyCount: 3,
ChoreInterval: defaultInterval,
QueueInterval: defaultInterval,
Slots: 3,
WorkerConcurrency: 1,
GarbageCollection: gc.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
Enabled: true,
InitialPieces: 10,
FalsePositiveRate: 0.1,
ConcurrentSends: 1,
DBCleanup: dbcleanup.Config{
SerialsInterval: defaultInterval,
Tally: tally.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
Rollup: rollup.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
MaxAlphaUsage: 25 * memory.GB,
DeleteTallies: false,
ReportedRollup: reportedrollup.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
LiveAccounting: live.Config{
StorageBackend: "redis://" + addr + "?db=0",
Mail: mailservice.Config{
SMTPServerAddress: "smtp.mail.test:587",
From: "Labs <storj@mail.test>",
AuthType: "simulate",
TemplatePath: filepath.Join(developmentRoot, "web/satellite/static/emails"),
Console: consoleweb.Config{
Address: "",
StaticDir: filepath.Join(developmentRoot, "web/satellite"),
PasswordCost: console.TestPasswordCost,
AuthTokenSecret: "my-suppa-secret-key",
Marketing: marketingweb.Config{
Address: "",
StaticDir: filepath.Join(developmentRoot, "web/marketing"),
Version: planet.NewVersionConfig(),
GracefulExit: gracefulexit.Config{
Enabled: true,
ChoreBatchSize: 10,
ChoreInterval: defaultInterval,
EndpointBatchSize: 100,
MaxFailuresPerPiece: 5,
MaxInactiveTimeFrame: time.Second * 10,
OverallMaxFailuresPercentage: 10,
RecvTimeout: time.Minute * 1,
MaxOrderLimitSendCount: 3,
NodeMinAgeInMonths: 0,
Metrics: metrics.Config{
ChoreInterval: defaultInterval,
Downtime: downtime.Config{
DetectionInterval: defaultInterval,
EstimationInterval: defaultInterval,
EstimationBatchSize: 0,
if planet.ReferralManager != nil {
config.Referrals.ReferralManagerURL = storj.NodeURL{
ID: planet.ReferralManager.Identity().ID,
Address: planet.ReferralManager.Addr().String(),
if planet.config.Reconfigure.Satellite != nil {
planet.config.Reconfigure.Satellite(log, i, &config)
versionInfo := planet.NewVersionInfo()
revocationDB, err := revocation.NewDBFromCfg(config.Server.Config)
if err != nil {
return xs, errs.Wrap(err)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, revocationDB)
liveAccounting, err := live.NewCache(log.Named("live-accounting"), config.LiveAccounting)
if err != nil {
return xs, errs.Wrap(err)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, liveAccounting)
rollupsWriteCache := orders.NewRollupsWriteCache(log.Named("orders-write-cache"), db.Orders(), config.Orders.FlushBatchSize)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, rollupsWriteCacheCloser{rollupsWriteCache})
peer, err := satellite.New(log, identity, db, pointerDB, revocationDB, liveAccounting, rollupsWriteCache, versionInfo, &config)
if err != nil {
return xs, err
err = db.TestingCreateTables(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
api, err := planet.newAPI(i, identity, db, pointerDB, config, versionInfo)
if err != nil {
return xs, err
adminPeer, err := planet.newAdmin(i, identity, db, pointerDB, config, versionInfo)
if err != nil {
return xs, err
repairerPeer, err := planet.newRepairer(i, identity, db, pointerDB, config, versionInfo)
if err != nil {
return xs, err
log.Debug("id=" + peer.ID().String() + " addr=" + api.Addr())
system := createNewSystem(log, peer, api, repairerPeer, adminPeer)
xs = append(xs, system)
return xs, nil
// createNewSystem makes a new Satellite System and exposes the same interface from
// before we split out the API. In the short term this will help keep all the tests passing
// without much modification needed. However long term, we probably want to rework this
// so it represents how the satellite will run when it is made up of many prrocesses.
func createNewSystem(log *zap.Logger, peer *satellite.Core, api *satellite.API, repairerPeer *satellite.Repairer, adminPeer *satellite.Admin) *SatelliteSystem {
system := &SatelliteSystem{
Core: peer,
API: api,
Repairer: repairerPeer,
Admin: adminPeer,
system.Log = log
system.Identity = peer.Identity
system.DB = api.DB
system.Dialer = api.Dialer
system.Contact.Service = api.Contact.Service
system.Contact.Endpoint = api.Contact.Endpoint
system.Overlay.DB = api.Overlay.DB
system.Overlay.Service = api.Overlay.Service
system.Overlay.Inspector = api.Overlay.Inspector
system.Metainfo.Database = api.Metainfo.Database
system.Metainfo.Service = peer.Metainfo.Service
system.Metainfo.Endpoint2 = api.Metainfo.Endpoint2
system.Metainfo.Loop = peer.Metainfo.Loop
system.Inspector.Endpoint = api.Inspector.Endpoint
system.Orders.DB = api.Orders.DB
system.Orders.Endpoint = api.Orders.Endpoint
system.Orders.Service = peer.Orders.Service
system.Orders.Chore = api.Orders.Chore
system.Repair.Checker = peer.Repair.Checker
system.Repair.Repairer = repairerPeer.Repairer
system.Repair.Inspector = api.Repair.Inspector
system.Audit.Queue = peer.Audit.Queue
system.Audit.Worker = peer.Audit.Worker
system.Audit.Chore = peer.Audit.Chore
system.Audit.Verifier = peer.Audit.Verifier
system.Audit.Reporter = peer.Audit.Reporter
system.GarbageCollection.Service = peer.GarbageCollection.Service
system.DBCleanup.Chore = peer.DBCleanup.Chore
system.Accounting.Tally = peer.Accounting.Tally
system.Accounting.Rollup = peer.Accounting.Rollup
system.Accounting.ProjectUsage = peer.Accounting.ProjectUsage
system.Accounting.ReportedRollup = peer.Accounting.ReportedRollupChore
system.Marketing.Listener = api.Marketing.Listener
system.Marketing.Endpoint = api.Marketing.Endpoint
system.GracefulExit.Chore = peer.GracefulExit.Chore
system.GracefulExit.Endpoint = api.GracefulExit.Endpoint
system.Metrics.Chore = peer.Metrics.Chore
system.DowntimeTracking.DetectionChore = peer.DowntimeTracking.DetectionChore
system.DowntimeTracking.EstimationChore = peer.DowntimeTracking.EstimationChore
system.DowntimeTracking.Service = peer.DowntimeTracking.Service
return system
func (planet *Planet) newAPI(count int, identity *identity.FullIdentity, db satellite.DB, pointerDB metainfo.PointerDB, config satellite.Config, versionInfo version.Info) (*satellite.API, error) {
prefix := "satellite-api" + strconv.Itoa(count)
log := planet.log.Named(prefix)
var err error
revocationDB, err := revocation.NewDBFromCfg(config.Server.Config)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(err)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, revocationDB)
liveAccounting, err := live.NewCache(log.Named("live-accounting"), config.LiveAccounting)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(err)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, liveAccounting)
rollupsWriteCache := orders.NewRollupsWriteCache(log.Named("orders-write-cache"), db.Orders(), config.Orders.FlushBatchSize)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, rollupsWriteCacheCloser{rollupsWriteCache})
return satellite.NewAPI(log, identity, db, pointerDB, revocationDB, liveAccounting, rollupsWriteCache, &config, versionInfo)
func (planet *Planet) newAdmin(count int, identity *identity.FullIdentity, db satellite.DB, pointerDB metainfo.PointerDB, config satellite.Config, versionInfo version.Info) (*satellite.Admin, error) {
prefix := "satellite-admin" + strconv.Itoa(count)
log := planet.log.Named(prefix)
var err error
revocationDB, err := revocation.NewDBFromCfg(config.Server.Config)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(err)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, revocationDB)
return satellite.NewAdmin(log, identity, db, pointerDB, revocationDB, versionInfo, &config)
func (planet *Planet) newRepairer(count int, identity *identity.FullIdentity, db satellite.DB, pointerDB metainfo.PointerDB, config satellite.Config, versionInfo version.Info) (*satellite.Repairer, error) {
prefix := "satellite-repairer" + strconv.Itoa(count)
log := planet.log.Named(prefix)
revocationDB, err := revocation.NewDBFromCfg(config.Server.Config)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(err)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, revocationDB)
rollupsWriteCache := orders.NewRollupsWriteCache(log.Named("orders-write-cache"), db.Orders(), config.Orders.FlushBatchSize)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, rollupsWriteCacheCloser{rollupsWriteCache})
return satellite.NewRepairer(log, identity, pointerDB, revocationDB, db.RepairQueue(), db.Buckets(), db.OverlayCache(), db.Orders(), rollupsWriteCache, versionInfo, &config)
type rollupsWriteCacheCloser struct {
func (cache rollupsWriteCacheCloser) Close() error {
return cache.RollupsWriteCache.CloseAndFlush(context.TODO())