Michał Niewrzał 2e31ef3f29 satellite/metabase: better error message while move
Before this change we were returning full DB error message.
That can be very confusing for end user. This change is translating
error message into more user frindly version and fixes also DRPC
error status code.


Change-Id: I29b06ab4ba50a0d14db7a822a2906d95d65ab524
2022-02-02 15:03:24 +00:00

462 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package metabase
import (
// Error is the default error for metabase.
var Error = errs.Class("metabase")
// ErrObjectAlreadyExists is used to indicate that object already exists.
var ErrObjectAlreadyExists = errs.Class("object already exists")
// Common constants for segment keys.
const (
Delimiter = '/'
LastSegmentName = "l"
LastSegmentIndex = uint32(math.MaxUint32)
// ListLimit is the maximum number of items the client can request for listing.
const ListLimit = intLimitRange(1000)
// MoveLimit is the maximum number of segments that can be moved.
const MoveLimit = int64(10000)
// batchsizeLimit specifies up to how many items fetch from the storage layer at
// a time.
// NOTE: A frequent pattern while listing items is to list up to ListLimit items
// and see whether there is more by trying to fetch another one. If the caller
// requests a list of ListLimit size and batchSizeLimit equals ListLimit, we
// would have queried another batch on that check for more items. Most of these
// results, except the first one, would be thrown away by callers. To prevent
// this from happening, we add 1 to batchSizeLimit.
const batchsizeLimit = ListLimit + 1
// BucketPrefix consists of <project id>/<bucket name>.
type BucketPrefix string
// BucketLocation defines a bucket that belongs to a project.
type BucketLocation struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
// ParseBucketPrefix parses BucketPrefix.
func ParseBucketPrefix(prefix BucketPrefix) (BucketLocation, error) {
elements := strings.Split(string(prefix), "/")
if len(elements) != 2 {
return BucketLocation{}, Error.New("invalid prefix %q", prefix)
projectID, err := uuid.FromString(elements[0])
if err != nil {
return BucketLocation{}, Error.Wrap(err)
return BucketLocation{
ProjectID: projectID,
BucketName: elements[1],
}, nil
// Verify object location fields.
func (loc BucketLocation) Verify() error {
switch {
case loc.ProjectID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ProjectID missing")
case loc.BucketName == "":
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BucketName missing")
return nil
// ParseCompactBucketPrefix parses BucketPrefix.
func ParseCompactBucketPrefix(compactPrefix []byte) (BucketLocation, error) {
if len(compactPrefix) < len(uuid.UUID{}) {
return BucketLocation{}, Error.New("invalid prefix %q", compactPrefix)
var loc BucketLocation
copy(loc.ProjectID[:], compactPrefix)
loc.BucketName = string(compactPrefix[len(loc.ProjectID):])
return loc, nil
// Prefix converts bucket location into bucket prefix.
func (loc BucketLocation) Prefix() BucketPrefix {
return BucketPrefix(loc.ProjectID.String() + "/" + loc.BucketName)
// CompactPrefix converts bucket location into bucket prefix with compact project ID.
func (loc BucketLocation) CompactPrefix() []byte {
xs := make([]byte, 0, len(loc.ProjectID)+len(loc.BucketName))
xs = append(xs, loc.ProjectID[:]...)
xs = append(xs, []byte(loc.BucketName)...)
return xs
// ObjectKey is an encrypted object key encoded using Path Component Encoding.
// It is not ascii safe.
type ObjectKey string
// Value converts a ObjectKey to a database field.
func (o ObjectKey) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return []byte(o), nil
// Scan extracts a ObjectKey from a database field.
func (o *ObjectKey) Scan(value interface{}) error {
switch value := value.(type) {
case []byte:
*o = ObjectKey(value)
return nil
return Error.New("unable to scan %T into ObjectKey", value)
// ObjectLocation is decoded object key information.
type ObjectLocation struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
ObjectKey ObjectKey
// Bucket returns bucket location this object belongs to.
func (obj ObjectLocation) Bucket() BucketLocation {
return BucketLocation{
ProjectID: obj.ProjectID,
BucketName: obj.BucketName,
// Verify object location fields.
func (obj ObjectLocation) Verify() error {
switch {
case obj.ProjectID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ProjectID missing")
case obj.BucketName == "":
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BucketName missing")
case len(obj.ObjectKey) == 0:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ObjectKey missing")
return nil
// SegmentKey is an encoded metainfo key. This is used as the key in pointerdb key-value store.
type SegmentKey []byte
// SegmentLocation is decoded segment key information.
type SegmentLocation struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
ObjectKey ObjectKey
Position SegmentPosition
// Bucket returns bucket location this segment belongs to.
func (seg SegmentLocation) Bucket() BucketLocation {
return BucketLocation{
ProjectID: seg.ProjectID,
BucketName: seg.BucketName,
// Object returns the object location associated with this segment location.
func (seg SegmentLocation) Object() ObjectLocation {
return ObjectLocation{
ProjectID: seg.ProjectID,
BucketName: seg.BucketName,
ObjectKey: seg.ObjectKey,
// ParseSegmentKey parses an segment key into segment location.
func ParseSegmentKey(encoded SegmentKey) (SegmentLocation, error) {
elements := strings.SplitN(string(encoded), "/", 4)
if len(elements) < 4 {
return SegmentLocation{}, Error.New("invalid key %q", encoded)
projectID, err := uuid.FromString(elements[0])
if err != nil {
return SegmentLocation{}, Error.New("invalid key %q", encoded)
var position SegmentPosition
if elements[1] == LastSegmentName {
position.Index = LastSegmentIndex
} else {
if !strings.HasPrefix(elements[1], "s") {
return SegmentLocation{}, Error.New("invalid %q, missing segment prefix in %q", string(encoded), elements[1])
// skip 's' prefix from segment index we got
parsed, err := strconv.ParseUint(elements[1][1:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return SegmentLocation{}, Error.New("invalid %q, segment number %q", string(encoded), elements[1])
position = SegmentPositionFromEncoded(parsed)
return SegmentLocation{
ProjectID: projectID,
BucketName: elements[2],
Position: position,
ObjectKey: ObjectKey(elements[3]),
}, nil
// Encode converts segment location into a segment key.
func (seg SegmentLocation) Encode() SegmentKey {
segment := LastSegmentName
if seg.Position.Index != LastSegmentIndex {
segment = "s" + strconv.FormatUint(seg.Position.Encode(), 10)
return SegmentKey(storj.JoinPaths(
// Verify segment location fields.
func (seg SegmentLocation) Verify() error {
switch {
case seg.ProjectID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ProjectID missing")
case seg.BucketName == "":
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BucketName missing")
case len(seg.ObjectKey) == 0:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ObjectKey missing")
return nil
// ObjectStream uniquely defines an object and stream.
type ObjectStream struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
ObjectKey ObjectKey
Version Version
StreamID uuid.UUID
// Verify object stream fields.
func (obj *ObjectStream) Verify() error {
switch {
case obj.ProjectID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ProjectID missing")
case obj.BucketName == "":
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BucketName missing")
case len(obj.ObjectKey) == 0:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ObjectKey missing")
case obj.Version < 0:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("Version invalid: %v", obj.Version)
case obj.StreamID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("StreamID missing")
return nil
// Location returns object location.
func (obj *ObjectStream) Location() ObjectLocation {
return ObjectLocation{
ProjectID: obj.ProjectID,
BucketName: obj.BucketName,
ObjectKey: obj.ObjectKey,
// SegmentPosition is segment part and index combined.
type SegmentPosition struct {
Part uint32
Index uint32
// SegmentPositionFromEncoded decodes an uint64 into a SegmentPosition.
func SegmentPositionFromEncoded(v uint64) SegmentPosition {
return SegmentPosition{
Part: uint32(v >> 32),
Index: uint32(v),
// Encode encodes a segment position into an uint64, that can be stored in a database.
func (pos SegmentPosition) Encode() uint64 { return uint64(pos.Part)<<32 | uint64(pos.Index) }
// Less returns whether pos should before b.
func (pos SegmentPosition) Less(b SegmentPosition) bool { return pos.Encode() < b.Encode() }
// Version is used to uniquely identify objects with the same key.
type Version int64
// NextVersion means that the version should be chosen automatically.
const NextVersion = Version(0)
// DefaultVersion represents default version 1.
const DefaultVersion = Version(1)
// ObjectStatus defines the statuses that the object might be in.
type ObjectStatus byte
const (
// Pending means that the object is being uploaded or that the client failed during upload.
// The failed upload may be continued in the future.
Pending = ObjectStatus(1)
// Committed means that the object is finished and should be visible for general listing.
Committed = ObjectStatus(3)
pendingStatus = "1"
committedStatus = "3"
// Pieces defines information for pieces.
type Pieces []Piece
// Piece defines information for a segment piece.
type Piece struct {
Number uint16
StorageNode storj.NodeID
// Verify verifies pieces.
func (p Pieces) Verify() error {
if len(p) == 0 {
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("pieces missing")
currentPiece := p[0]
if currentPiece.StorageNode == (storj.NodeID{}) {
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("piece number %d is missing storage node id", currentPiece.Number)
for _, piece := range p[1:] {
switch {
case piece.Number == currentPiece.Number:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("duplicated piece number %d", piece.Number)
case piece.Number < currentPiece.Number:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("pieces should be ordered")
case piece.StorageNode == (storj.NodeID{}):
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("piece number %d is missing storage node id", piece.Number)
currentPiece = piece
return nil
// Equal checks if Pieces structures are equal.
func (p Pieces) Equal(pieces Pieces) bool {
if len(p) != len(pieces) {
return false
first := make(Pieces, len(p))
second := make(Pieces, len(p))
copy(first, p)
copy(second, pieces)
sort.Slice(first, func(i, j int) bool {
return first[i].Number < first[j].Number
sort.Slice(second, func(i, j int) bool {
return second[i].Number < second[j].Number
for i := range first {
if first[i].Number != second[i].Number {
return false
if first[i].StorageNode != second[i].StorageNode {
return false
return true
// Len is the number of pieces.
func (p Pieces) Len() int { return len(p) }
// Less reports whether the piece with
// index i should sort before the piece with index j.
func (p Pieces) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Number < p[j].Number }
// Swap swaps the pieces with indexes i and j.
func (p Pieces) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
// Add adds the specified pieces and returns the updated Pieces.
func (p Pieces) Add(piecesToAdd Pieces) (Pieces, error) {
return p.Update(piecesToAdd, nil)
// Remove removes the specified pieces from the original pieces
// and returns the updated Pieces.
func (p Pieces) Remove(piecesToRemove Pieces) (Pieces, error) {
if len(p) == 0 {
return Pieces{}, ErrInvalidRequest.New("pieces missing")
return p.Update(nil, piecesToRemove)
// Update adds piecesToAdd pieces and removes piecesToRemove pieces from
// the original pieces struct and returns the updated Pieces.
// It removes the piecesToRemove only if all piece number, node id match.
// When adding a piece, it checks if the piece already exists using the piece Number
// If a piece already exists, it returns an empty pieces struct and an error.
func (p Pieces) Update(piecesToAdd, piecesToRemove Pieces) (Pieces, error) {
pieceMap := make(map[uint16]Piece)
for _, piece := range p {
pieceMap[piece.Number] = piece
// remove the piecesToRemove from the map
// only if all piece number, node id match
for _, piece := range piecesToRemove {
if piece == (Piece{}) {
existing := pieceMap[piece.Number]
if existing != (Piece{}) && existing.StorageNode == piece.StorageNode {
delete(pieceMap, piece.Number)
// add the piecesToAdd to the map
for _, piece := range piecesToAdd {
if piece == (Piece{}) {
_, exists := pieceMap[piece.Number]
if exists {
return Pieces{}, Error.New("piece to add already exists (piece no: %d)", piece.Number)
pieceMap[piece.Number] = piece
newPieces := make(Pieces, 0, len(pieceMap))
for _, piece := range pieceMap {
newPieces = append(newPieces, piece)
return newPieces, nil