JT Olio 12d50ebb99
streams: don't encrypt segment count (#2859)
What: this change makes sure the count of segments is not encrypted.

Why: having the segment count encrypted just makes things hard for no reason - a satellite operator can figure out how many segments an object has by looking at the other segments in the database. but if a user has access but has lost their encryption key, they now can't clean up or delete old segments because they can't know how many there are without just guessing until they get errors. :(

Backwards compatibility: clients will still understand old pointers and will still write old pointers. at some point in the future perhaps we can do a migration for remaining old pointers so we can delete the old code.

Please describe the tests: covered by existing tests

Please describe the performance impact: none
2019-08-22 15:15:58 -06:00

325 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package tally_test
import (
func TestDeleteTalliesBefore(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
eraseBefore time.Time
expectedRaws int
eraseBefore: time.Now(),
expectedRaws: 1,
eraseBefore: time.Now().Add(24 * time.Hour),
expectedRaws: 0,
for _, tt := range tests {
test := tt
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 0, UplinkCount: 0,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
id := teststorj.NodeIDFromBytes([]byte{})
nodeData := make(map[storj.NodeID]float64)
nodeData[id] = float64(1000)
err := planet.Satellites[0].DB.StoragenodeAccounting().SaveTallies(ctx, time.Now(), nodeData)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = planet.Satellites[0].DB.StoragenodeAccounting().DeleteTalliesBefore(ctx, test.eraseBefore)
require.NoError(t, err)
raws, err := planet.Satellites[0].DB.StoragenodeAccounting().GetTallies(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, raws, test.expectedRaws)
func TestOnlyInline(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 6, UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
tallySvc := planet.Satellites[0].Accounting.Tally
uplink := planet.Uplinks[0]
projects, err1 := planet.Satellites[0].DB.Console().Projects().GetAll(ctx)
if err1 != nil {
assert.NoError(t, err1)
projectID := projects[0].ID
// Setup: create data for the uplink to upload
expectedData := testrand.Bytes(1 * memory.KiB)
// Setup: get the expected size of the data that will be stored in pointer
// Since the data is small enough to be stored inline, when it is encrypted, we only
// add 16 bytes of encryption authentication overhead. No encryption block
// padding will be added since we are not chunking data that we store inline.
const encryptionAuthOverhead = 16 // bytes
expectedTotalBytes := len(expectedData) + encryptionAuthOverhead
// Setup: The data in this tally should match the pointer that the uplink.upload created
expectedBucketName := "testbucket"
expectedTally := accounting.BucketTally{
BucketName: []byte(expectedBucketName),
ProjectID: projectID[:],
Segments: 1,
InlineSegments: 1,
Files: 1,
InlineFiles: 1,
Bytes: int64(expectedTotalBytes),
InlineBytes: int64(expectedTotalBytes),
MetadataSize: 113, // brittle, this is hardcoded since its too difficult to get this value progamatically
// The projectID should be the 16 bytes uuid representation, not 36 byte string representation
assert.Equal(t, 16, len(projectID[:]))
// Execute test: upload a file, then calculate at rest data
err := uplink.Upload(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], expectedBucketName, "test/path", expectedData)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Run calculate twice to test unique constraint issue
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
latestTally, actualNodeData, actualBucketData, err := tallySvc.CalculateAtRestData(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, actualNodeData, 0)
_, err = planet.Satellites[0].DB.ProjectAccounting().SaveTallies(ctx, latestTally, actualBucketData)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Confirm the correct bucket storage tally was created
assert.Equal(t, len(actualBucketData), 1)
for bucketID, actualTally := range actualBucketData {
assert.Contains(t, bucketID, expectedBucketName)
assert.Equal(t, expectedTally, *actualTally)
func TestCalculateNodeAtRestData(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 6, UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
tallySvc := planet.Satellites[0].Accounting.Tally
uplink := planet.Uplinks[0]
// Setup: create 50KiB of data for the uplink to upload
expectedData := testrand.Bytes(50 * memory.KiB)
// Setup: get the expected size of the data that will be stored in pointer
uplinkConfig := uplink.GetConfig(planet.Satellites[0])
expectedTotalBytes, err := encryption.CalcEncryptedSize(int64(len(expectedData)), uplinkConfig.GetEncryptionParameters())
require.NoError(t, err)
// Execute test: upload a file, then calculate at rest data
expectedBucketName := "testbucket"
err = uplink.Upload(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], expectedBucketName, "test/path", expectedData)
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, actualNodeData, _, err := tallySvc.CalculateAtRestData(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Confirm the correct number of shares were stored
uplinkRS := uplinkConfig.GetRedundancyScheme()
if !correctRedundencyScheme(len(actualNodeData), uplinkRS) {
t.Fatalf("expected between: %d and %d, actual: %d", uplinkRS.RepairShares, uplinkRS.TotalShares, len(actualNodeData))
// Confirm the correct number of bytes were stored on each node
for _, actualTotalBytes := range actualNodeData {
assert.Equal(t, int64(actualTotalBytes), expectedTotalBytes)
func TestCalculateBucketAtRestData(t *testing.T) {
var testCases = []struct {
name string
project string
segmentIndex string
bucketName string
objectName string
inline bool
last bool
{"bucket, no objects", "9656af6e-2d9c-42fa-91f2-bfd516a722d7", "", "mockBucketName", "", true, false},
{"inline, same project, same bucket", "9656af6e-2d9c-42fa-91f2-bfd516a722d7", "l", "mockBucketName", "mockObjectName", true, true},
{"remote, same project, same bucket", "9656af6e-2d9c-42fa-91f2-bfd516a722d7", "s0", "mockBucketName", "mockObjectName1", false, false},
{"last segment, same project, different bucket", "9656af6e-2d9c-42fa-91f2-bfd516a722d7", "l", "mockBucketName1", "mockObjectName2", false, true},
{"different project", "9656af6e-2d9c-42fa-91f2-bfd516a722d1", "s0", "mockBucketName", "mockObjectName", false, false},
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 6, UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
satellitePeer := planet.Satellites[0]
redundancyScheme := planet.Uplinks[0].GetConfig(satellitePeer).GetRedundancyScheme()
expectedBucketTallies := make(map[string]*accounting.BucketTally)
for _, tt := range testCases {
tt := tt // avoid scopelint error, ref:
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
projectID, err := uuid.Parse(tt.project)
require.NoError(t, err)
// setup: create a pointer and save it to pointerDB
pointer, _ := makePointer(planet.StorageNodes, redundancyScheme, int64(2), tt.inline)
metainfo := satellitePeer.Metainfo.Service
objectPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s", tt.project, tt.segmentIndex, tt.bucketName, tt.objectName)
if tt.objectName == "" {
objectPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", tt.project, tt.segmentIndex, tt.bucketName)
err = metainfo.Put(ctx, objectPath, pointer)
require.NoError(t, err)
// setup: create expected bucket tally for the pointer just created, but only if
// the pointer was for an object and not just for a bucket
if tt.objectName != "" {
bucketID := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", tt.project, tt.bucketName)
newTally := addBucketTally(expectedBucketTallies[bucketID], tt.inline, tt.last)
newTally.BucketName = []byte(tt.bucketName)
newTally.ProjectID = projectID[:]
expectedBucketTallies[bucketID] = newTally
// test: calculate at rest data
tallySvc := satellitePeer.Accounting.Tally
_, _, actualBucketData, err := tallySvc.CalculateAtRestData(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(expectedBucketTallies), len(actualBucketData))
for bucket, actualTally := range actualBucketData {
assert.Equal(t, *expectedBucketTallies[bucket], *actualTally)
// addBucketTally creates a new expected bucket tally based on the
// pointer that was just created for the test case
func addBucketTally(existingTally *accounting.BucketTally, inline, last bool) *accounting.BucketTally {
// if there is already an existing tally for this project and bucket, then
// add the new pointer data to the existing tally
if existingTally != nil {
existingTally.Bytes += int64(2)
existingTally.MetadataSize += int64(12)
existingTally.RemoteBytes += int64(2)
return existingTally
// if the pointer was inline, create a tally with inline info
if inline {
newInlineTally := accounting.BucketTally{
Segments: int64(1),
InlineSegments: int64(1),
Files: int64(1),
InlineFiles: int64(1),
Bytes: int64(2),
InlineBytes: int64(2),
MetadataSize: int64(12),
return &newInlineTally
// if the pointer was remote, create a tally with remote info
newRemoteTally := accounting.BucketTally{
Segments: int64(1),
RemoteSegments: int64(1),
Bytes: int64(2),
RemoteBytes: int64(2),
MetadataSize: int64(12),
if last {
return &newRemoteTally
// makePointer creates a pointer
func makePointer(storageNodes []*storagenode.Peer, rs storj.RedundancyScheme,
segmentSize int64, inline bool) (*pb.Pointer, error) {
if inline {
inlinePointer := &pb.Pointer{
CreationDate: time.Now(),
Type: pb.Pointer_INLINE,
InlineSegment: make([]byte, segmentSize),
SegmentSize: segmentSize,
Metadata: []byte("fakemetadata"),
return inlinePointer, nil
pieces := make([]*pb.RemotePiece, 0, len(storageNodes))
for i, storagenode := range storageNodes {
pieces = append(pieces, &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: int32(i),
NodeId: storagenode.ID(),
pointer := &pb.Pointer{
CreationDate: time.Now(),
Type: pb.Pointer_REMOTE,
Remote: &pb.RemoteSegment{
Redundancy: &pb.RedundancyScheme{
Type: pb.RedundancyScheme_RS,
MinReq: int32(rs.RequiredShares),
Total: int32(rs.TotalShares),
RepairThreshold: int32(rs.RepairShares),
SuccessThreshold: int32(rs.OptimalShares),
ErasureShareSize: rs.ShareSize,
RemotePieces: pieces,
SegmentSize: segmentSize,
Metadata: []byte("fakemetadata"),
return pointer, nil
func correctRedundencyScheme(shareCount int, uplinkRS storj.RedundancyScheme) bool {
// The shareCount should be a value between RequiredShares and TotalShares where
// RequiredShares is the min number of shares required to recover a segment and
// TotalShares is the number of shares to encode
if int(uplinkRS.RepairShares) <= shareCount && shareCount <= int(uplinkRS.TotalShares) {
return true
return false