Moby von Briesen 909d6d9668 storagenode/piecestore/usedserials: add in-memory store for used serials
Implement an in-memory store for keeping track of order limit serial
numbers. It automatically deletes items if its size exceeds a configured
This change is part 1 - it creates the store
In part 2, the in-memory store will replace the usedserials database

Change-Id: I36f540ed809f034a27c1d7cede8a0a8b080af818
2020-05-28 12:52:52 -04:00

290 lines
8.9 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package usedserials
import (
var (
// ErrSerials defines the usedserials store error class.
ErrSerials = errs.Class("used serials store error")
// ErrSerialAlreadyExists defines an error class for duplicate usedserials.
ErrSerialAlreadyExists = errs.Class("used serial already exists in store")
const (
// PartialSize is the size of a partial serial number.
PartialSize = memory.Size(len(Partial{}))
// FullSize is the size of a full serial number.
FullSize = memory.Size(len(storj.SerialNumber{}))
// Partial represents the last 8 bytes of a serial number. It is used when the first 8 are based on the expiration date.
type Partial [8]byte
// Less returns true if partial serial a is less than partial serial b and false otherwise.
func (a Partial) Less(b Partial) bool {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(a[:]) < binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[:])
// Full is a copy of the SerialNumber type. It is necessary so we can define a Less function on it.
type Full storj.SerialNumber
// Less returns true if partial serial a is less than partial serial b and false otherwise.
func (a Full) Less(b Full) bool {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(a[:]) < binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[:])
// serialsList is a structure that contains a list of partial serials and a list of full serials
// if the satellite puts the expiration time as the first 8 bytes, the partial serials list will be used
// otherwise, the full serials list will be used
type serialsList struct {
partialSerials []Partial
fullSerials []storj.SerialNumber
// Table is an in-memory store for serial numbers.
type Table struct {
mu sync.Mutex
// key 1: satellite ID, key 2: expiration hour (in unix time), value: a list of serial numbers
serials map[storj.NodeID]map[int64]serialsList
maxMemory memory.Size
memoryUsed memory.Size
// NewTable creates and returns a new usedserials in-memory store.
func NewTable(maxMemory memory.Size) *Table {
if maxMemory <= 0 {
panic("max memory for usedserials store is 0")
return &Table{
serials: make(map[storj.NodeID]map[int64]serialsList),
maxMemory: maxMemory,
// Add adds a serial to the store, or returns an error if the serial number was already added.
// It randomly deletes items from the store if the set maxMemory is exceeded.
func (table *Table) Add(satelliteID storj.NodeID, serialNumber storj.SerialNumber, expiration time.Time) error {
satMap, ok := table.serials[satelliteID]
if !ok {
satMap = make(map[int64]serialsList)
table.serials[satelliteID] = satMap
expirationHour := ceilExpirationHour(expiration)
list, ok := satMap[expirationHour]
if !ok {
list = serialsList{}
satMap[expirationHour] = list
// determine whether we can use a partial serial number
partialSerial, usePartial := tryTruncate(serialNumber, expiration)
if usePartial {
partialList := list.partialSerials
partialList, err := insertPartial(partialList, partialSerial)
if err != nil {
return err
list.partialSerials = partialList
table.serials[satelliteID][expirationHour] = list
table.memoryUsed += PartialSize
} else {
fullList := list.fullSerials
fullList, err := insertSerial(fullList, serialNumber)
if err != nil {
return err
list.fullSerials = fullList
table.serials[satelliteID][expirationHour] = list
table.memoryUsed += FullSize
// Check to see if the structure exceeds the max allowed size.
// If so, delete random items until there is enough space.
for table.memoryUsed > table.maxMemory {
err := table.deleteRandomSerial()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DeleteExpired deletes expired serial numbers if their expiration hour has passed.
func (table *Table) DeleteExpired(now time.Time) {
partialToDelete := 0
fullToDelete := 0
for _, satMap := range table.serials {
for expirationHour, list := range satMap {
if expirationHour < now.Unix() {
partialToDelete += len(list.partialSerials)
fullToDelete += len(list.fullSerials)
delete(satMap, expirationHour)
table.memoryUsed -= memory.Size(partialToDelete) * PartialSize
table.memoryUsed -= memory.Size(fullToDelete) * FullSize
// Exists determines whether a serial number exists in the table.
func (table *Table) Exists(satelliteID storj.NodeID, serialNumber storj.SerialNumber, expiration time.Time) bool {
expirationHour := ceilExpirationHour(expiration)
serialsList := table.serials[satelliteID][expirationHour]
partial, usePartial := tryTruncate(serialNumber, expiration)
if usePartial {
for _, serial := range serialsList.partialSerials {
if serial == partial {
return true
} else {
for _, serial := range serialsList.fullSerials {
if serial == serialNumber {
return true
return false
// Count iterates over all the items in the table and returns the number.
func (table *Table) Count() int {
count := 0
for _, satMap := range table.serials {
for _, serialsList := range satMap {
count += len(serialsList.fullSerials)
count += len(serialsList.partialSerials)
return count
// deleteRandomSerial deletes a random item.
// It expects the mutex to be locked before being called.
func (table *Table) deleteRandomSerial() error {
for _, satMap := range table.serials {
for expirationHour, serialList := range satMap {
if len(serialList.partialSerials) > 0 {
i := rand.Intn(len(serialList.partialSerials))
// shift all elements after i once, to overwrite i
copy(serialList.partialSerials[i:], serialList.partialSerials[i+1:])
// truncate to get rid of last item
serialList.partialSerials = serialList.partialSerials[:len(serialList.partialSerials)-1]
satMap[expirationHour] = serialList
table.memoryUsed -= PartialSize
return nil
} else if len(serialList.fullSerials) > 0 {
i := rand.Intn(len(serialList.fullSerials))
// shift all elements after i once, to overwrite i
copy(serialList.fullSerials[i:], serialList.fullSerials[i+1:])
// truncate to get rid of last item
serialList.fullSerials = serialList.fullSerials[:len(serialList.fullSerials)-1]
satMap[expirationHour] = serialList
table.memoryUsed -= FullSize
return nil
// we should never get to this path unless config.MaxTableSize is 0
return ErrSerials.New("could not delete a random item")
// insertPartial inserts a partial serial in the correct position in a sorted list,
// or returns an error if it is already in the list.
func insertPartial(list []Partial, serial Partial) ([]Partial, error) {
i := sort.Search(len(list), func(h int) bool {
return serial.Less(list[h])
// if serial is already in the list, it will be at index i-1
if i > 0 && list[i-1] == serial {
return nil, ErrSerialAlreadyExists.New("")
// insert new serial at index i and shift everything up
// 1. grow the slice by one element.
list = append(list, Partial{})
// 2. move the upper part of the slice out of the way and open a hole.
copy(list[i+1:], list[i:])
// 3. store the new value.
list[i] = serial
return list, nil
// insertSerial inserts a serial in the correct position in a sorted list,
// or returns an error if it is already in the list.
func insertSerial(list []storj.SerialNumber, serial storj.SerialNumber) ([]storj.SerialNumber, error) {
i := sort.Search(len(list), func(h int) bool {
return serial.Less(list[h])
// if serial is already in the list, it will be at index i-1
if i > 0 && list[i-1] == serial {
return nil, ErrSerialAlreadyExists.New("")
// insert new serial at index i and shift everything up
// 1. grow the slice by one element.
list = append(list, storj.SerialNumber{})
// 2. move the upper part of the slice out of the way and open a hole.
copy(list[i+1:], list[i:])
// 3. store the new value.
list[i] = serial
return list, nil
func tryTruncate(serial storj.SerialNumber, expiration time.Time) (partial Partial, succeeded bool) {
// If the first 8 bytes of the serial number are based on the expiration date
// then we can use a partial serial number with the last 8 bytes.
// Otherwise, we need to use the full serial number.
// see satellite/orders/service.go, createSerial() for how expiration date is used in the serial number.
if binary.BigEndian.Uint64(serial[0:8]) == uint64(expiration.Unix()) {
partialSerial := Partial{}
copy(partialSerial[:], serial[8:])
return partialSerial, true
return Partial{}, false
func ceilExpirationHour(expiration time.Time) int64 {
// time.Truncate rounds down; adding (Hour-Nanosecond) ensures that we round down to the actual expiration hour
return expiration.Add(time.Hour - time.Nanosecond).Truncate(time.Hour).Unix()