Jeff Wendling 53176dcb0e pkg/rpc/rpcstatus: do not depend on grpc/drpc build mode
if your server is built to make drpc connections, clients can
still connect with grpc. thus, your responses to grpc clients
must still look the same, so we have to have all of our status
wrapping include codes for both the drpc and grpc servers to
return the right thing.

Change-Id: If99fa0e674dec2e20ddd372a827f1c01b4d305b2
2019-11-18 15:51:58 -07:00

178 lines
4.0 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package rpcstatus
import (
// StatusCode is an enumeration of rpc status codes.
type StatusCode uint64
// These constants are all the rpc error codes. It is important that
// their numerical values do not change.
const (
Unknown StatusCode = iota
// Code returns the status code associated with the error.
func Code(err error) StatusCode {
// special case: if the error is context canceled or deadline exceeded, the code
// must be those. additionally, grpc returns OK for a nil error, so we will, too.
switch err {
case nil:
return OK
case context.Canceled:
return Canceled
case context.DeadlineExceeded:
return DeadlineExceeded
if code := StatusCode(drpcerr.Code(err)); code != Unknown {
return code
if grpccode := status.Code(err); grpccode != codes.Unknown {
return statusCodeFromGRPC(grpccode)
return Unknown
// Error wraps the message with a status code into an error.
func Error(code StatusCode, msg string) error {
return &codeErr{
err: errors.New(msg),
code: code,
grpc: status.New(code.toGRPC(), msg),
// Errorf : Error :: fmt.Sprintf : fmt.Sprint
func Errorf(code StatusCode, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return &codeErr{
err: fmt.Errorf(format, a...),
code: code,
grpc: status.Newf(code.toGRPC(), format, a...),
// codeErr implements error that can work both in grpc and drpc.
type codeErr struct {
err error
code StatusCode
grpc *status.Status
func (c *codeErr) Error() string { return c.err.Error() }
func (c *codeErr) Unwrap() error { return c.err }
func (c *codeErr) Cause() error { return c.err }
func (c *codeErr) Code() uint64 { return uint64(c.code) }
func (c *codeErr) GRPCStatus() *status.Status { return c.grpc }
// toGRPC returns the grpc version of the status code.
func (s StatusCode) toGRPC() codes.Code {
switch s {
case Unknown:
return codes.Unknown
case OK:
return codes.OK
case Canceled:
return codes.Canceled
case InvalidArgument:
return codes.InvalidArgument
case DeadlineExceeded:
return codes.DeadlineExceeded
case NotFound:
return codes.NotFound
case AlreadyExists:
return codes.AlreadyExists
case PermissionDenied:
return codes.PermissionDenied
case ResourceExhausted:
return codes.ResourceExhausted
case FailedPrecondition:
return codes.FailedPrecondition
case Aborted:
return codes.Aborted
case OutOfRange:
return codes.OutOfRange
case Unimplemented:
return codes.Unimplemented
case Internal:
return codes.Internal
case Unavailable:
return codes.Unavailable
case DataLoss:
return codes.DataLoss
case Unauthenticated:
return codes.Unauthenticated
return codes.Unknown
// statusCodeFromGRPC turns the grpc status code into a StatusCode.
func statusCodeFromGRPC(code codes.Code) StatusCode {
switch code {
case codes.Unknown:
return Unknown
case codes.OK:
return OK
case codes.Canceled:
return Canceled
case codes.InvalidArgument:
return InvalidArgument
case codes.DeadlineExceeded:
return DeadlineExceeded
case codes.NotFound:
return NotFound
case codes.AlreadyExists:
return AlreadyExists
case codes.PermissionDenied:
return PermissionDenied
case codes.ResourceExhausted:
return ResourceExhausted
case codes.FailedPrecondition:
return FailedPrecondition
case codes.Aborted:
return Aborted
case codes.OutOfRange:
return OutOfRange
case codes.Unimplemented:
return Unimplemented
case codes.Internal:
return Internal
case codes.Unavailable:
return Unavailable
case codes.DataLoss:
return DataLoss
case codes.Unauthenticated:
return Unauthenticated
return Unknown