paul cannon 9c67f62fe3 satellite/satellitedb: add table for reverify queue
This table will be used as a queue for pieces that need to be reverified
(a regular audit timed out on the owning node, so now that node is
contained and we need to validate the piece before un-containing it).


Change-Id: I5dcd26b6adced8674cbd81884c1543a61ea9d4c8
2022-10-27 15:28:47 +00:00

142 lines
3.8 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package audit
import (
// ErrEmptyQueue is used to indicate that the queue is empty.
var ErrEmptyQueue = errs.Class("empty audit queue")
// Queue is a list of segments to audit, shared between the reservoir chore and audit workers.
// It is not safe for concurrent use.
type Queue struct {
queue []Segment
// NewQueue creates a new audit queue.
func NewQueue(segments []Segment) *Queue {
return &Queue{
queue: segments,
// Next gets the next item in the queue.
func (q *Queue) Next() (Segment, error) {
if len(q.queue) == 0 {
return Segment{}, ErrEmptyQueue.New("")
next := q.queue[0]
q.queue = q.queue[1:]
return next, nil
// Size returns the size of the queue.
func (q *Queue) Size() int {
return len(q.queue)
// ErrPendingQueueInProgress means that a chore attempted to add a new pending queue when one was already being added.
var ErrPendingQueueInProgress = errs.Class("pending queue already in progress")
// Queues is a shared resource that keeps track of the next queue to be fetched
// and swaps with a new queue when ready.
type Queues struct {
mu sync.Mutex
nextQueue *Queue
swapQueue func()
queueSwapped chan struct{}
// NewQueues creates a new Queues object.
func NewQueues() *Queues {
queues := &Queues{
nextQueue: NewQueue([]Segment{}),
return queues
// Fetch gets the active queue, clears it, and swaps a pending queue in as the new active queue if available.
func (queues *Queues) Fetch() *Queue {
if queues.nextQueue.Size() == 0 && queues.swapQueue != nil {
active := queues.nextQueue
if queues.swapQueue != nil {
} else {
queues.nextQueue = NewQueue([]Segment{})
return active
// Push waits until the next queue has been fetched (if not empty), then swaps it with the provided pending queue.
// Push adds a pending queue to be swapped in when ready.
// If nextQueue is empty, it immediately replaces the queue. Otherwise it creates a swapQueue callback to be called when nextQueue is fetched.
// Only one call to Push is permitted at a time, otherwise it will return ErrPendingQueueInProgress.
func (queues *Queues) Push(pendingQueue []Segment) error {
// do not allow multiple concurrent calls to Push().
// only one audit chore should exist.
if queues.swapQueue != nil {
return ErrPendingQueueInProgress.New("")
if queues.nextQueue.Size() == 0 {
queues.nextQueue = NewQueue(pendingQueue)
return nil
queues.queueSwapped = make(chan struct{})
queues.swapQueue = func() {
queues.nextQueue = NewQueue(pendingQueue)
queues.swapQueue = nil
return nil
// WaitForSwap blocks until the swapQueue callback is called or context is canceled.
// If there is no pending swap, it returns immediately.
func (queues *Queues) WaitForSwap(ctx context.Context) error {
if queues.swapQueue == nil {
return nil
// wait for swapQueue to be called or for context canceled
select {
case <-queues.queueSwapped:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// ReverifyQueue controls manipulation of a queue of pieces to be _re_verified;
// that is, a node timed out when we requested an audit of the piece, and now
// we need to follow up with that node until we get a proper answer to the
// audit. (Or until we try too many times, and disqualify the node.)
type ReverifyQueue interface {
Insert(ctx context.Context, piece PieceLocator) (err error)
GetNextJob(ctx context.Context) (job ReverificationJob, err error)
Remove(ctx context.Context, piece PieceLocator) (wasDeleted bool, err error)