paul cannon c35b93766d
Unite all cryptographic signing and verifying (#1244)
this change removes the cryptopasta dependency.

a couple possible sources of problem with this change:

 * the encoding used for ECDSA signatures on SignedMessage has changed.
   the encoding employed by cryptopasta was workable, but not the same
   as the encoding used for such signatures in the rest of the world
   (most particularly, on ECDSA signatures in X.509 certificates). I
   think we'll be best served by using one ECDSA signature encoding from
   here on, but if we need to use the old encoding for backwards
   compatibility with existing nodes, that can be arranged.

 * since there's already a breaking change in SignedMessage, I changed
   it to send and receive public keys in raw PKIX format, instead of
   PEM. PEM just adds unhelpful overhead for this case.
2019-02-07 14:39:20 -06:00

207 lines
4.6 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package main
import (
var (
certMode int64 = 0644
keyMode int64 = 0600
keyGenerateCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "batch-generate",
Short: "generate lots of keys",
RunE: cmdKeyGenerate,
Annotations: map[string]string{"type": "setup"},
keyCfg struct {
MinDifficulty int `help:"minimum difficulty to output" default:"30"`
Concurrency int `help:"worker concurrency" default:"4"`
OutputDir string `help:"output directory to place keys" default:"."`
func init() {
cfgstruct.Bind(keyGenerateCmd.Flags(), &keyCfg)
func cmdKeyGenerate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (err error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(process.Ctx(cmd))
defer cancel()
err = os.MkdirAll(keyCfg.OutputDir, 0700)
if err != nil {
return err
var group errgroup.Group
defer func() {
err = errs.Combine(err, group.Wait())
screen, err := cui.NewScreen()
if err != nil {
return err
group.Go(func() error {
defer cancel()
err := screen.Run()
return errs.Combine(err, screen.Close())
counter := new(uint32)
diffCounts := [256]uint32{}
if err := renderStats(screen, diffCounts[:]); err != nil {
return err
return identity.GenerateKeys(ctx, uint16(keyCfg.MinDifficulty), keyCfg.Concurrency,
func(k crypto.PrivateKey, id storj.NodeID) (done bool, err error) {
difficulty, err := id.Difficulty()
if err != nil {
return false, err
if int(difficulty) > len(diffCounts) {
atomic.AddUint32(&diffCounts[len(diffCounts)-1], 1)
} else {
atomic.AddUint32(&diffCounts[difficulty], 1)
if err := renderStats(screen, diffCounts[:]); err != nil {
return false, err
genName := fmt.Sprintf("gen-%02d-%d", difficulty, atomic.AddUint32(counter, 1))
err = saveIdentityTar(filepath.Join(keyCfg.OutputDir, genName), k, id)
return false, err
func saveIdentityTar(path string, key crypto.PrivateKey, id storj.NodeID) error {
ct, err := peertls.CATemplate()
if err != nil {
return err
caCert, err := peertls.NewCert(key, nil, ct, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
ca := &identity.FullCertificateAuthority{
Cert: caCert,
ID: id,
Key: key,
ident, err := ca.NewIdentity()
if err != nil {
return err
tarData := new(bytes.Buffer)
tw := tar.NewWriter(tarData)
caCertBytes, caCertErr := peertls.ChainBytes(ca.Cert)
caKeyBytes, caKeyErr := pkcrypto.PrivateKeyToPEM(ca.Key)
identCertBytes, identCertErr := peertls.ChainBytes(ident.Leaf, ident.CA)
identKeyBytes, identKeyErr := pkcrypto.PrivateKeyToPEM(ident.Key)
if err := errs.Combine(caCertErr, caKeyErr, identCertErr, identKeyErr); err != nil {
return err
if err := errs.Combine(
writeToTar(tw, "ca.cert", certMode, caCertBytes),
writeToTar(tw, "ca.key", keyMode, caKeyBytes),
writeToTar(tw, "identity.cert", certMode, identCertBytes),
writeToTar(tw, "identity.key", keyMode, identKeyBytes),
); err != nil {
return err
if err := tw.Close(); err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(path+".tar", tarData.Bytes(), 0600); err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
return nil
func writeToTar(tw *tar.Writer, name string, mode int64, data []byte) error {
err := tw.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{
Name: name,
Mode: mode,
Size: int64(len(data)),
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = tw.Write(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func renderStats(screen *cui.Screen, stats []uint32) error {
defer screen.Unlock()
var err error
printf := func(w io.Writer, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if err == nil {
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, format, args...)
printf(screen, "Batch Identity Creation\n\n\n")
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(screen, 0, 2, 2, ' ', 0)
printf(w, "Difficulty\tCount\n")
total := uint32(0)
for difficulty := len(stats) - 1; difficulty >= 0; difficulty-- {
count := atomic.LoadUint32(&stats[difficulty])
total += count
if count == 0 {
printf(w, "%d\t%d\n", difficulty, count)
printf(w, "Total\t%d\n", total)
err = errs.Combine(err, w.Flush())
return screen.Flush()