Jeff Wendling 98be54b9a3 cmd/uplinkng: refactor into some focused packages
the directory was starting to get pretty large and
it was making it hard to pick concise names for
types and variables. this moves the location
stuff into a cmd/uplinkng/ulloc package, the
filesystem stuff into a cmd/uplinkng/ulfs package,
and the testing stuff into a cmd/uplinkng/ultest

this should make the remaining stuff in cmd/uplinkng
only the business logic of how to implement the
commands, rather than also including a bunch of
helper utilities and scaffolding.

Change-Id: Id0901625ebfff9b1cf2dae52366aceb3b6c8f5b6
2021-06-14 15:23:41 -04:00

275 lines
7.2 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package ulloc
import (
// Location represets a local path, a remote object, or stdin/stdout.
type Location struct {
path string
bucket string
key string
remote bool
// NewLocal returns a new Location that refers to a local path.
func NewLocal(path string) Location {
return Location{path: path}
// NewRemote returns a new location that refers to a remote path.
func NewRemote(bucket, key string) Location {
return Location{
bucket: bucket,
key: key,
remote: true,
// NewStd returns a new location that refers to stdin or stdout.
func NewStd() Location {
return Location{path: "-", key: "-"}
// Parse turns the string form of the location into the structured Location
// value and an error if it is unable to or the location is invalid.
func Parse(location string) (p Location, err error) {
if location == "-" {
return NewStd(), nil
// Locations, Chapter 2, Verses 9 to 21.
// And the Devs spake, saying,
// First shalt thou find the Special Prefix "sj:".
// Then, shalt thou count two slashes, no more, no less.
// Two shall be the number thou shalt count,
// and the number of the counting shall be two.
// Three shalt thou not count, nor either count thou one,
// excepting that thou then proceed to two.
// Four is right out!
// Once the number two, being the second number, be reached,
// then interpret thou thy location as a remote location,
// which being made of a bucket and key, shall split it.
if strings.HasPrefix(location, "sj://") || strings.HasPrefix(location, "s3://") {
trimmed := location[5:] // remove the scheme
idx := strings.IndexByte(trimmed, '/') // find the bucket index
// handles sj:// or sj:///foo
if len(trimmed) == 0 || idx == 0 {
return Location{}, errs.New("invalid path: empty bucket in path: %q", location)
var bucket, key string
if idx == -1 { // handles sj://foo
bucket, key = trimmed, ""
} else { // handles sj://foo/bar
bucket, key = trimmed[:idx], trimmed[idx+1:]
return Location{bucket: bucket, key: key, remote: true}, nil
return Location{path: location, remote: false}, nil
// Std returns true if the location refers to stdin/stdout.
func (p Location) Std() bool { return p.path == "-" && p.key == "-" }
// Remote returns true if the location is remote.
func (p Location) Remote() bool { return !p.Std() && p.remote }
// Local returns true if the location is local.
func (p Location) Local() bool { return !p.Std() && !p.remote }
// String returns the string form of the location.
func (p Location) String() string {
if p.Std() {
return "-"
} else if p.remote {
return fmt.Sprintf("sj://%s/%s", p.bucket, p.key)
return p.path
// Key returns either the path or the object key.
func (p Location) Key() string {
if p.remote {
return p.key
return p.path
// SetKey sets the key portion of the location.
func (p Location) SetKey(s string) Location {
if p.remote {
p.key = s
} else {
p.path = s
return p
// Parent returns the section of the key up to and including the final slash.
func (p Location) Parent() string {
if p.Std() {
return ""
} else if p.remote {
if idx := strings.LastIndexByte(p.key, '/'); idx >= 0 {
return p.key[:idx+1]
return ""
if idx := strings.LastIndexByte(p.path, filepath.Separator); idx >= 0 {
return p.path[:idx+1]
return ""
// Base returns the last base component of the key.
func (p Location) Base() (string, bool) {
if p.Std() {
return "", false
} else if p.remote {
key := p.key
if idx := strings.LastIndexByte(key, '/'); idx >= 0 {
key = key[idx:]
return key, len(key) > 0
base := filepath.Base(p.path)
if base == "." || base == string(filepath.Separator) || base == "" {
return "", false
return base, true
// RelativeTo returns the string that when appended to the location string
// will return a string equivalent to the passed in target location.
func (p Location) RelativeTo(target Location) (string, error) {
if p.Std() || target.Std() {
return "", errs.New("cannot create relative location for stdin/stdout")
} else if target.remote != p.remote {
return "", errs.New("cannot create remote and local relative location")
} else if !target.remote {
abs, err := filepath.Abs(p.path)
if err != nil {
return "", errs.Wrap(err)
rel, err := filepath.Rel(abs, target.path)
if err != nil {
return "", errs.Wrap(err)
return rel, nil
} else if target.bucket != p.bucket {
return "", errs.New("cannot change buckets in relative remote location")
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(target.key, p.key) {
return "", errs.New("cannot make relative location because keys are not prefixes")
return target.key[len(p.key):], nil
// AppendKey adds the key to the end of the existing key, separating with the
// appropriate slash if necessary.
func (p Location) AppendKey(key string) Location {
if p.remote {
p.key += key
return p
// convert any / to the local filesystem slash if necessary
if filepath.Separator != '/' {
key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, "/", string(filepath.Separator))
// clean up issues with // or /../ or /./ etc.
key = filepath.Clean(string(filepath.Separator) + key)[1:]
p.path = filepath.Join(p.path, key)
return p
// HasPrefix returns true if the passed in loc is a prefix.
func (p Location) HasPrefix(loc Location) bool {
if p.Std() {
return loc.Std()
} else if p.remote != loc.remote {
return false
} else if !p.remote {
return strings.HasPrefix(p.path, loc.path)
} else if p.bucket != loc.bucket {
return false
return strings.HasPrefix(p.key, loc.key)
// ListKeyName returns the full first component of the key after the provided
// prefix and a boolean indicating if the component is itself a prefix.
func (p Location) ListKeyName(prefix Location) (string, bool) {
rem := p.Key()[len(prefix.Parent()):]
if idx := strings.IndexByte(rem, '/'); idx >= 0 {
return rem[:idx+1], true
return rem, false
// RemoveKeyPrefix removes the prefix from the key or path in the location if they
// begin with it.
func (p Location) RemoveKeyPrefix(prefix string) Location {
if p.remote {
p.key = strings.TrimPrefix(p.key, prefix)
} else {
p.path = strings.TrimPrefix(p.path, prefix)
return p
// RemoteParts returns the bucket and key for the location and a bool indicating
// if those values are valid because the location is remote.
func (p Location) RemoteParts() (bucket, key string, ok bool) {
return p.bucket, p.key, p.Remote()
// LocalParts returns the path for the location and a bool indicating if that
// value is valid because the location is local.
func (p Location) LocalParts() (path string, ok bool) {
return p.path, p.Local()
// Less returns true if the location is less than the passed in location.
func (p Location) Less(q Location) bool {
if !p.remote && q.remote {
return true
} else if !q.remote && p.remote {
return false
if p.bucket < q.bucket {
return true
} else if q.bucket < p.bucket {
return false
if p.key < q.key {
return true
} else if q.key < p.key {
return false
if p.path < q.path {
return true
} else if q.path < p.path {
return false
return false