Jeff Wendling 16bb374deb storagenode/piecestore: add large timeouts to read/write operations
this is to help protect against intentional or unintentional
slowloris style problems where a client keeps a tcp connection
alive but never sends any data. because grpc is great, we have
to spawn a separate goroutine for every read/write to the stream
so that we can return from the server handler to cancel it if
necessary. yep. really.

additionally, we update the rpcstatus package to do some stack
trace capture and add a Wrap method for the times where we want
to just use the existing error.

also fixes a number of TODOs where we attach status codes to the
returned errors in the endpoints.

Change-Id: Id8bb8ff84aa34e0f711b0cf9bce3908b36a1d3c1
2020-01-23 19:20:49 +00:00

833 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package piecestore
import (
monkit ""
var (
mon = monkit.Package()
var _ pb.PiecestoreServer = (*Endpoint)(nil)
// OldConfig contains everything necessary for a server
type OldConfig struct {
Path string `help:"path to store data in" default:"$CONFDIR/storage"`
WhitelistedSatellites storj.NodeURLs `help:"a comma-separated list of approved satellite node urls (unused)" devDefault:"" releaseDefault:""`
AllocatedDiskSpace memory.Size `user:"true" help:"total allocated disk space in bytes" default:"1TB"`
AllocatedBandwidth memory.Size `user:"true" help:"total allocated bandwidth in bytes" default:"2TB"`
KBucketRefreshInterval time.Duration `help:"how frequently Kademlia bucket should be refreshed with node stats" default:"1h0m0s"`
// Config defines parameters for piecestore endpoint.
type Config struct {
ExpirationGracePeriod time.Duration `help:"how soon before expiration date should things be considered expired" default:"48h0m0s"`
MaxConcurrentRequests int `help:"how many concurrent requests are allowed, before uploads are rejected. 0 represents unlimited." default:"0"`
OrderLimitGracePeriod time.Duration `help:"how long after OrderLimit creation date are OrderLimits no longer accepted" default:"24h0m0s"`
CacheSyncInterval time.Duration `help:"how often the space used cache is synced to persistent storage" releaseDefault:"1h0m0s" devDefault:"0h1m0s"`
StreamOperationTimeout time.Duration `help:"how long to spend waiting for a stream operation before canceling" default:"30m"`
RetainTimeBuffer time.Duration `help:"allows for small differences in the satellite and storagenode clocks" default:"48h0m0s"`
Trust trust.Config
Monitor monitor.Config
Orders orders.Config
type pingStatsSource interface {
WasPinged(when time.Time)
// Endpoint implements uploading, downloading and deleting for a storage node..
// architecture: Endpoint
type Endpoint struct {
log *zap.Logger
config Config
grpcReqLimit int
signer signing.Signer
trust *trust.Pool
monitor *monitor.Service
retain *retain.Service
pingStats pingStatsSource
store *pieces.Store
orders orders.DB
usage bandwidth.DB
usedSerials UsedSerials
// liveRequests tracks the total number of incoming rpc requests. For gRPC
// requests only, this number is compared to config.MaxConcurrentRequests
// and limits the number of gRPC requests. dRPC requests are tracked but
// not limited.
liveRequests int32
// drpcEndpoint wraps streaming methods so that they can be used with drpc
type drpcEndpoint struct{ *Endpoint }
// DRPC returns a DRPC form of the endpoint.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) DRPC() pb.DRPCPiecestoreServer { return &drpcEndpoint{Endpoint: endpoint} }
// NewEndpoint creates a new piecestore endpoint.
func NewEndpoint(log *zap.Logger, signer signing.Signer, trust *trust.Pool, monitor *monitor.Service, retain *retain.Service, pingStats pingStatsSource, store *pieces.Store, orders orders.DB, usage bandwidth.DB, usedSerials UsedSerials, config Config) (*Endpoint, error) {
// If config.MaxConcurrentRequests is set we want to repsect it for grpc.
// However, if it is 0 (unlimited) we force a limit.
grpcReqLimit := config.MaxConcurrentRequests
if grpcReqLimit <= 0 {
grpcReqLimit = 7
return &Endpoint{
log: log,
config: config,
grpcReqLimit: grpcReqLimit,
signer: signer,
trust: trust,
monitor: monitor,
retain: retain,
pingStats: pingStats,
store: store,
orders: orders,
usage: usage,
usedSerials: usedSerials,
liveRequests: 0,
}, nil
var monLiveRequests = mon.TaskNamed("live-request")
// Delete handles deleting a piece on piece store requested by uplink.
// DEPRECATED in favor of DeletePieces.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) Delete(ctx context.Context, delete *pb.PieceDeleteRequest) (_ *pb.PieceDeleteResponse, err error) {
defer monLiveRequests(&ctx)(&err)
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
atomic.AddInt32(&endpoint.liveRequests, 1)
defer atomic.AddInt32(&endpoint.liveRequests, -1)
if delete.Limit.Action != pb.PieceAction_DELETE {
return nil, rpcstatus.Errorf(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument,
"expected delete action got %v", delete.Limit.Action)
if err := endpoint.verifyOrderLimit(ctx, delete.Limit); err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Unauthenticated, err)
if err :=, delete.Limit.SatelliteId, delete.Limit.PieceId); err != nil {
// explicitly ignoring error because the errors
// TODO:
// report rpc status of internal server error or not found error,
// e.g. not found might happen when we get a deletion request after garbage
// collection has deleted it
endpoint.log.Error("delete failed", zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", delete.Limit.SatelliteId), zap.Stringer("Piece ID", delete.Limit.PieceId), zap.Error(err))
} else {
endpoint.log.Info("deleted", zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", delete.Limit.SatelliteId), zap.Stringer("Piece ID", delete.Limit.PieceId))
return &pb.PieceDeleteResponse{}, nil
// DeletePieces delete a list of pieces on satellite request.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) DeletePieces(
ctx context.Context, req *pb.DeletePiecesRequest,
) (_ *pb.DeletePiecesResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, req.PieceIds)(&err)
peer, err := identity.PeerIdentityFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Unauthenticated, err)
err =, peer.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.PermissionDenied, "delete pieces called with untrusted ID")
for _, pieceID := range req.PieceIds {
err =, peer.ID, pieceID)
if err != nil {
// If a piece cannot be deleted, we just log the error.
// No error is returned to the caller.
endpoint.log.Error("delete failed",
zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", peer.ID),
zap.Stringer("Piece ID", pieceID),
} else {
zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", peer.ID),
zap.Stringer("Piece ID", pieceID),
return &pb.DeletePiecesResponse{}, nil
// DeletePiece handles deleting a piece on piece store requested by satellite.
// DEPRECATED in favor of DeletePieces.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) DeletePiece(
ctx context.Context, req *pb.PieceDeletePieceRequest,
) (_ *pb.PieceDeletePieceResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, req.PieceId.String())(&err)
peer, err := identity.PeerIdentityFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Unauthenticated, err)
err =, peer.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.PermissionDenied, "delete piece called with untrusted ID")
err =, peer.ID, req.PieceId)
if err != nil {
// TODO:
// Once this method returns error classes change the following conditional
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "file does not exist") {
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.NotFound, "piece not found")
endpoint.log.Error("delete failed",
zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", peer.ID),
zap.Stringer("Piece ID", req.PieceId),
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.Internal, "delete failed")
zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", peer.ID),
zap.Stringer("Piece ID", req.PieceId),
return &pb.PieceDeletePieceResponse{}, nil
// Upload handles uploading a piece on piece store.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) Upload(stream pb.Piecestore_UploadServer) (err error) {
return endpoint.doUpload(stream, endpoint.grpcReqLimit)
// Upload handles uploading a piece on piece store.
func (endpoint *drpcEndpoint) Upload(stream pb.DRPCPiecestore_UploadStream) (err error) {
return endpoint.doUpload(stream, endpoint.config.MaxConcurrentRequests)
// uploadStream is the minimum interface required to perform settlements.
type uploadStream interface {
Context() context.Context
Recv() (*pb.PieceUploadRequest, error)
SendAndClose(*pb.PieceUploadResponse) error
// doUpload handles uploading a piece on piece store.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) doUpload(stream uploadStream, requestLimit int) (err error) {
ctx := stream.Context()
defer monLiveRequests(&ctx)(&err)
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
liveRequests := atomic.AddInt32(&endpoint.liveRequests, 1)
defer atomic.AddInt32(&endpoint.liveRequests, -1)
if requestLimit > 0 && int(liveRequests) > requestLimit {
endpoint.log.Error("upload rejected, too many requests", zap.Int32("live requests", liveRequests))
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.Unavailable, "storage node overloaded")
startTime := time.Now().UTC()
// TODO: set maximum message size
// N.B.: we are only allowed to use message if the returned error is nil. it would be
// a race condition otherwise as Run does not wait for the closure to exit.
var message *pb.PieceUploadRequest
err = rpctimeout.Run(ctx, endpoint.config.StreamOperationTimeout, func(_ context.Context) (err error) {
message, err = stream.Recv()
return err
switch {
case err != nil:
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
case message == nil:
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, "expected a message")
case message.Limit == nil:
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, "expected order limit as the first message")
limit := message.Limit
endpoint.log.Info("upload started", zap.Stringer("Piece ID", limit.PieceId), zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", limit.SatelliteId), zap.Stringer("Action", limit.Action))
// TODO: verify that we have have expected amount of storage before continuing
if limit.Action != pb.PieceAction_PUT && limit.Action != pb.PieceAction_PUT_REPAIR {
return rpcstatus.Errorf(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, "expected put or put repair action got %v", limit.Action)
if err := endpoint.verifyOrderLimit(ctx, limit); err != nil {
return err
var pieceWriter *pieces.Writer
defer func() {
endTime := time.Now().UTC()
dt := endTime.Sub(startTime)
uploadSize := int64(0)
if pieceWriter != nil {
uploadSize = pieceWriter.Size()
uploadRate := float64(0)
if dt.Seconds() > 0 {
uploadRate = float64(uploadSize) / dt.Seconds()
uploadDuration := dt.Nanoseconds()
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Info("upload failed", zap.Stringer("Piece ID", limit.PieceId), zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", limit.SatelliteId), zap.Stringer("Action", limit.Action), zap.Error(err))
} else {
endpoint.log.Info("uploaded", zap.Stringer("Piece ID", limit.PieceId), zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", limit.SatelliteId), zap.Stringer("Action", limit.Action))
pieceWriter, err =, limit.SatelliteId, limit.PieceId)
if err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
defer func() {
// cancel error if it hasn't been committed
if cancelErr := pieceWriter.Cancel(ctx); cancelErr != nil {
endpoint.log.Error("error during canceling a piece write", zap.Error(cancelErr))
availableBandwidth, err := endpoint.monitor.AvailableBandwidth(ctx)
if err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
availableSpace, err := endpoint.monitor.AvailableSpace(ctx)
if err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
orderSaved := false
largestOrder := pb.Order{}
// Ensure that the order is saved even in the face of an error. In the
// success path, the order will be saved just before sending the response
// and closing the stream (in which case, orderSaved will be true).
defer func() {
if !orderSaved {
endpoint.saveOrder(ctx, limit, &largestOrder)
for {
// TODO: reuse messages to avoid allocations
// N.B.: we are only allowed to use message if the returned error is nil. it would be
// a race condition otherwise as Run does not wait for the closure to exit.
err = rpctimeout.Run(ctx, endpoint.config.StreamOperationTimeout, func(_ context.Context) (err error) {
message, err = stream.Recv()
return err
if errs.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, "unexpected EOF")
} else if err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
if message == nil {
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, "expected a message")
if message.Order == nil && message.Chunk == nil && message.Done == nil {
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, "expected a message")
if message.Order != nil {
if err := endpoint.VerifyOrder(ctx, limit, message.Order, largestOrder.Amount); err != nil {
return err
largestOrder = *message.Order
if message.Chunk != nil {
if message.Chunk.Offset != pieceWriter.Size() {
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, "chunk out of order")
chunkSize := int64(len(message.Chunk.Data))
if largestOrder.Amount < pieceWriter.Size()+chunkSize {
// TODO: should we write currently and give a chance for uplink to remedy the situation?
return rpcstatus.Errorf(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument,
"not enough allocated, allocated=%v writing=%v",
largestOrder.Amount, pieceWriter.Size()+int64(len(message.Chunk.Data)))
availableBandwidth -= chunkSize
if availableBandwidth < 0 {
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.Internal, "out of bandwidth")
availableSpace -= chunkSize
if availableSpace < 0 {
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.Internal, "out of space")
if _, err := pieceWriter.Write(message.Chunk.Data); err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
if message.Done != nil {
calculatedHash := pieceWriter.Hash()
if err := endpoint.VerifyPieceHash(ctx, limit, message.Done, calculatedHash); err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
if message.Done.PieceSize != pieceWriter.Size() {
return rpcstatus.Errorf(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument,
"Size of finished piece does not match size declared by uplink! %d != %d",
message.Done.PieceSize, pieceWriter.Size())
info := &pb.PieceHeader{
Hash: calculatedHash,
CreationTime: message.Done.Timestamp,
Signature: message.Done.GetSignature(),
OrderLimit: *limit,
if err := pieceWriter.Commit(ctx, info); err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
if !limit.PieceExpiration.IsZero() {
err :=, limit.SatelliteId, limit.PieceId, limit.PieceExpiration)
if err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
storageNodeHash, err := signing.SignPieceHash(ctx, endpoint.signer, &pb.PieceHash{
PieceId: limit.PieceId,
Hash: calculatedHash,
PieceSize: pieceWriter.Size(),
Timestamp: time.Now(),
if err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
// Save the order before completing the call. Set orderSaved so
// that the defer above does not also save.
orderSaved = true
endpoint.saveOrder(ctx, limit, &largestOrder)
closeErr := rpctimeout.Run(ctx, endpoint.config.StreamOperationTimeout, func(_ context.Context) (err error) {
return stream.SendAndClose(&pb.PieceUploadResponse{Done: storageNodeHash})
if errs.Is(closeErr, io.EOF) {
closeErr = nil
if closeErr != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, closeErr)
return nil
// Download handles Downloading a piece on piece store.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) Download(stream pb.Piecestore_DownloadServer) (err error) {
return endpoint.doDownload(stream)
// Download handles Downloading a piece on piece store.
func (endpoint *drpcEndpoint) Download(stream pb.DRPCPiecestore_DownloadStream) (err error) {
return endpoint.doDownload(stream)
// downloadStream is the minimum interface required to perform settlements.
type downloadStream interface {
Context() context.Context
Recv() (*pb.PieceDownloadRequest, error)
Send(*pb.PieceDownloadResponse) error
// Download implements downloading a piece from piece store.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) doDownload(stream downloadStream) (err error) {
ctx := stream.Context()
defer monLiveRequests(&ctx)(&err)
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
atomic.AddInt32(&endpoint.liveRequests, 1)
defer atomic.AddInt32(&endpoint.liveRequests, -1)
startTime := time.Now().UTC()
// TODO: set maximum message size
var message *pb.PieceDownloadRequest
// N.B.: we are only allowed to use message if the returned error is nil. it would be
// a race condition otherwise as Run does not wait for the closure to exit.
err = rpctimeout.Run(ctx, endpoint.config.StreamOperationTimeout, func(_ context.Context) (err error) {
message, err = stream.Recv()
return err
if err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
if message.Limit == nil || message.Chunk == nil {
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, "expected order limit and chunk as the first message")
limit, chunk := message.Limit, message.Chunk
endpoint.log.Info("download started", zap.Stringer("Piece ID", limit.PieceId), zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", limit.SatelliteId), zap.Stringer("Action", limit.Action))
if limit.Action != pb.PieceAction_GET && limit.Action != pb.PieceAction_GET_REPAIR && limit.Action != pb.PieceAction_GET_AUDIT {
return rpcstatus.Errorf(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument,
"expected get or get repair or audit action got %v", limit.Action)
if chunk.ChunkSize > limit.Limit {
return rpcstatus.Errorf(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument,
"requested more that order limit allows, limit=%v requested=%v", limit.Limit, chunk.ChunkSize)
if err := endpoint.verifyOrderLimit(ctx, limit); err != nil {
return err
var pieceReader *pieces.Reader
defer func() {
endTime := time.Now().UTC()
dt := endTime.Sub(startTime)
downloadSize := int64(0)
if pieceReader != nil {
downloadSize = pieceReader.Size()
downloadRate := float64(0)
if dt.Seconds() > 0 {
downloadRate = float64(downloadSize) / dt.Seconds()
downloadDuration := dt.Nanoseconds()
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Info("download failed", zap.Stringer("Piece ID", limit.PieceId), zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", limit.SatelliteId), zap.Stringer("Action", limit.Action), zap.Error(err))
} else {
endpoint.log.Info("downloaded", zap.Stringer("Piece ID", limit.PieceId), zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", limit.SatelliteId), zap.Stringer("Action", limit.Action))
pieceReader, err =, limit.SatelliteId, limit.PieceId)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.NotFound, err)
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
defer func() {
err := pieceReader.Close() // similarly how transcation Rollback works
if err != nil {
// no reason to report this error to the uplink
endpoint.log.Error("failed to close piece reader", zap.Error(err))
// for repair traffic, send along the PieceHash and original OrderLimit for validation
// before sending the piece itself
if message.Limit.Action == pb.PieceAction_GET_REPAIR {
pieceHash, orderLimit, err :=, limit.SatelliteId, limit.PieceId, pieceReader)
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Error("could not get hash and order limit", zap.Error(err))
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
err = rpctimeout.Run(ctx, endpoint.config.StreamOperationTimeout, func(_ context.Context) (err error) {
return stream.Send(&pb.PieceDownloadResponse{Hash: &pieceHash, Limit: &orderLimit})
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Error("error sending hash and order limit", zap.Error(err))
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
// TODO: verify chunk.Size behavior logic with regards to reading all
if chunk.Offset+chunk.ChunkSize > pieceReader.Size() {
return rpcstatus.Errorf(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument,
"requested more data than available, requesting=%v available=%v",
chunk.Offset+chunk.ChunkSize, pieceReader.Size())
availableBandwidth, err := endpoint.monitor.AvailableBandwidth(ctx)
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Error("error getting available bandwidth", zap.Error(err))
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
throttle := sync2.NewThrottle()
// TODO: see whether this can be implemented without a goroutine
group, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
group.Go(func() (err error) {
var maximumChunkSize = 1 * memory.MiB.Int64()
currentOffset := chunk.Offset
unsentAmount := chunk.ChunkSize
for unsentAmount > 0 {
tryToSend := min(unsentAmount, maximumChunkSize)
// TODO: add timeout here
chunkSize, err := throttle.ConsumeOrWait(tryToSend)
if err != nil {
// this can happen only because uplink decided to close the connection
return nil
chunkData := make([]byte, chunkSize)
_, err = pieceReader.Seek(currentOffset, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Error("error seeking on piecereader", zap.Error(err))
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
// ReadFull is required to ensure we are sending the right amount of data.
_, err = io.ReadFull(pieceReader, chunkData)
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Error("error reading from piecereader", zap.Error(err))
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
err = rpctimeout.Run(ctx, endpoint.config.StreamOperationTimeout, func(_ context.Context) (err error) {
return stream.Send(&pb.PieceDownloadResponse{
Chunk: &pb.PieceDownloadResponse_Chunk{
Offset: currentOffset,
Data: chunkData,
if errs.Is(err, io.EOF) {
// err is io.EOF when uplink asked for a piece, but decided not to retrieve it,
// no need to propagate it
return nil
if err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
currentOffset += chunkSize
unsentAmount -= chunkSize
return nil
recvErr := func() (err error) {
largestOrder := pb.Order{}
defer endpoint.saveOrder(ctx, limit, &largestOrder)
// ensure that we always terminate sending goroutine
defer throttle.Fail(io.EOF)
for {
// N.B.: we are only allowed to use message if the returned error is nil. it would be
// a race condition otherwise as Run does not wait for the closure to exit.
err = rpctimeout.Run(ctx, endpoint.config.StreamOperationTimeout, func(_ context.Context) (err error) {
message, err = stream.Recv()
return err
if errs.Is(err, io.EOF) {
// err is io.EOF or canceled when uplink closed the connection, no need to return error
return nil
if errs2.IsCanceled(err) {
endpoint.log.Debug("client canceled connection")
return nil
if err != nil {
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
if message == nil || message.Order == nil {
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, "expected order as the message")
if err := endpoint.VerifyOrder(ctx, limit, message.Order, largestOrder.Amount); err != nil {
return err
chunkSize := message.Order.Amount - largestOrder.Amount
availableBandwidth -= chunkSize
if availableBandwidth < 0 {
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.ResourceExhausted, "out of bandwidth")
if err := throttle.Produce(chunkSize); err != nil {
// shouldn't happen since only receiving side is calling Fail
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
largestOrder = *message.Order
// ensure we wait for sender to complete
sendErr := group.Wait()
return rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, errs.Combine(sendErr, recvErr))
// saveOrder saves the order with all necessary information. It assumes it has been already verified.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) saveOrder(ctx context.Context, limit *pb.OrderLimit, order *pb.Order) {
// We always want to save order to the database to be able to settle.
ctx = context2.WithoutCancellation(ctx)
var err error
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// TODO: do this in a goroutine
if order == nil || order.Amount <= 0 {
err = endpoint.orders.Enqueue(ctx, &orders.Info{
Limit: limit,
Order: order,
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Error("failed to add order", zap.Error(err))
} else {
err = endpoint.usage.Add(ctx, limit.SatelliteId, limit.Action, order.Amount, time.Now())
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Error("failed to add bandwidth usage", zap.Error(err))
// RestoreTrash restores all trashed items for the satellite issuing the call
func (endpoint *Endpoint) RestoreTrash(ctx context.Context, restoreTrashReq *pb.RestoreTrashRequest) (res *pb.RestoreTrashResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
peer, err := identity.PeerIdentityFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Unauthenticated, err)
err =, peer.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.PermissionDenied, "RestoreTrash called with untrusted ID")
err =, peer.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Internal, err)
return &pb.RestoreTrashResponse{}, nil
// Retain keeps only piece ids specified in the request
func (endpoint *Endpoint) Retain(ctx context.Context, retainReq *pb.RetainRequest) (res *pb.RetainResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// if retain status is disabled, quit immediately
if endpoint.retain.Status() == retain.Disabled {
return &pb.RetainResponse{}, nil
peer, err := identity.PeerIdentityFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.Unauthenticated, err)
err =, peer.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Errorf(rpcstatus.PermissionDenied, "retain called with untrusted ID")
filter, err := bloomfilter.NewFromBytes(retainReq.GetFilter())
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcstatus.Wrap(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, err)
// the queue function will update the created before time based on the configurable retain buffer
queued := endpoint.retain.Queue(retain.Request{
SatelliteID: peer.ID,
CreatedBefore: retainReq.GetCreationDate(),
Filter: filter,
if !queued {
endpoint.log.Debug("Retain job not queued for satellite", zap.Stringer("Satellite ID", peer.ID))
return &pb.RetainResponse{}, nil
// TestLiveRequestCount returns the current number of live requests.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) TestLiveRequestCount() int32 {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&endpoint.liveRequests)
// min finds the min of two values
func min(a, b int64) int64 {
if a < b {
return a
return b