When a node's audit history "online score" passes below a configured threshold, the node goes into "offline suspension" mode and begins a review period, where the operator is given an opportunity to bring their node back online. After the review period passes, offline suspension is turned off for the node. In the future, if a node still has a bad online score at the end of the review period, it will be disqualified. This is disabled right now. In the future, if a node is in offline suspension, it will be treated as "unhealthy". Right now, there are no consequences for being in offline suspension. Minor changes: * Moves AuditHistoryConfig out of UpdateStats/BatchUpdateStats args and into UpdateRequest. * Adds "now" argument to UpdateStats/BatchUpdateStats args for easy testing. * Changes formatting strings inside buildUpdateStatement to use specific types. Change-Id: I032b60298840fc16e6ef831da750f2d57619a397
496 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package overlay_test
import (
var nodeSelectionConfig = overlay.NodeSelectionConfig{
AuditCount: 1,
UptimeCount: 1,
NewNodeFraction: 0.2,
MinimumVersion: "v1.0.0",
OnlineWindow: 4 * time.Hour,
DistinctIP: true,
MinimumDiskSpace: 100 * memory.MiB,
const (
// staleness is how stale the cache can be before we sync with
// the database to refresh the cache.
// using a negative time will force the cache to refresh every time.
lowStaleness = -time.Hour
// using a positive time will make it so that the cache is only refreshed when
// it hasn't been in the past hour.
highStaleness = time.Hour
func TestRefresh(t *testing.T) {
satellitedbtest.Run(t, func(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, db satellite.DB) {
cache := overlay.NewNodeSelectionCache(zap.NewNop(),
// the cache should have no nodes to start
err := cache.Refresh(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
reputable, new := cache.Size()
require.Equal(t, 0, reputable)
require.Equal(t, 0, new)
// add some nodes to the database
const nodeCount = 2
addNodesToNodesTable(ctx, t, db.OverlayCache(), nodeCount, false)
// confirm nodes are in the cache once
err = cache.Refresh(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
reputable, new = cache.Size()
require.Equal(t, 2, new)
require.Equal(t, 0, reputable)
func addNodesToNodesTable(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, db overlay.DB, count int, makeReputable bool) []storj.NodeID {
var reputableIds = []storj.NodeID{}
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
subnet := strconv.Itoa(i) + ".1.2"
addr := subnet + ".3:8080"
n := overlay.NodeCheckInInfo{
NodeID: storj.NodeID{byte(i)},
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{
Address: addr,
Transport: pb.NodeTransport_TCP_TLS_GRPC,
LastNet: subnet,
LastIPPort: addr,
IsUp: true,
Capacity: &pb.NodeCapacity{
FreeDisk: 200 * memory.MiB.Int64(),
FreeBandwidth: 1 * memory.TB.Int64(),
Version: &pb.NodeVersion{
Version: "v1.1.0",
CommitHash: "",
Timestamp: time.Time{},
Release: true,
err := db.UpdateCheckIn(ctx, n, time.Now().UTC(), nodeSelectionConfig)
require.NoError(t, err)
// make half of the nodes reputable
if makeReputable && i > count/2 {
_, err = db.UpdateStats(ctx, &overlay.UpdateRequest{
NodeID: storj.NodeID{byte(i)},
IsUp: true,
AuditOutcome: overlay.AuditSuccess,
AuditLambda: 1, AuditWeight: 1, AuditDQ: 0.5,
AuditHistory: testAuditHistoryConfig(),
}, time.Now())
require.NoError(t, err)
reputableIds = append(reputableIds, storj.NodeID{byte(i)})
return reputableIds
type mockdb struct {
mu sync.Mutex
callCount int
reputable []*overlay.SelectedNode
new []*overlay.SelectedNode
func (m *mockdb) SelectAllStorageNodesUpload(ctx context.Context, selectionCfg overlay.NodeSelectionConfig) (reputable, new []*overlay.SelectedNode, err error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
sync2.Sleep(ctx, 500*time.Millisecond)
reputable = make([]*overlay.SelectedNode, len(m.reputable))
for i, n := range m.reputable {
reputable[i] = n.Clone()
new = make([]*overlay.SelectedNode, len(m.new))
for i, n := range m.new {
new[i] = n.Clone()
return reputable, new, nil
func TestRefreshConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
// concurrent cache.Refresh with high staleness, where high staleness means the
// cache should only be refreshed the first time we call cache.Refresh
mockDB := mockdb{}
cache := overlay.NewNodeSelectionCache(zap.NewNop(),
var group errgroup.Group
group.Go(func() error {
return cache.Refresh(ctx)
group.Go(func() error {
return cache.Refresh(ctx)
err := group.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, mockDB.callCount)
// concurrent cache.Refresh with low staleness, where low staleness
// means that the cache will refresh *every time* cache.Refresh is called
mockDB = mockdb{}
cache = overlay.NewNodeSelectionCache(zap.NewNop(),
group.Go(func() error {
return cache.Refresh(ctx)
group.Go(func() error {
return cache.Refresh(ctx)
err = group.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, mockDB.callCount)
func TestGetNodes(t *testing.T) {
satellitedbtest.Run(t, func(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, db satellite.DB) {
var nodeSelectionConfig = overlay.NodeSelectionConfig{
AuditCount: 0,
UptimeCount: 0,
NewNodeFraction: 0.2,
MinimumVersion: "v1.0.0",
OnlineWindow: 4 * time.Hour,
DistinctIP: true,
MinimumDiskSpace: 100 * memory.MiB,
cache := overlay.NewNodeSelectionCache(zap.NewNop(),
// the cache should have no nodes to start
reputable, new := cache.Size()
require.Equal(t, 0, reputable)
require.Equal(t, 0, new)
// add some nodes to the database
const nodeCount = 4
addNodesToNodesTable(ctx, t, db.OverlayCache(), nodeCount, false)
// confirm cache.GetNodes returns the correct nodes
selectedNodes, err := cache.GetNodes(ctx, overlay.FindStorageNodesRequest{RequestedCount: 2})
require.NoError(t, err)
reputable, new = cache.Size()
require.Equal(t, 0, new)
require.Equal(t, 4, reputable)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(selectedNodes))
for _, node := range selectedNodes {
require.NotEqual(t, node.ID, "")
require.NotEqual(t, node.Address.Address, "")
require.NotEqual(t, node.LastIPPort, "")
require.NotEqual(t, node.LastNet, "")
require.NotEqual(t, node.LastNet, "")
func TestGetNodesConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
reputableNodes := []*overlay.SelectedNode{{
ID: storj.NodeID{1},
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{Address: ""},
LastNet: "127.0.0",
LastIPPort: "",
newNodes := []*overlay.SelectedNode{{
ID: storj.NodeID{1},
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{Address: ""},
LastNet: "127.0.0",
LastIPPort: "",
// concurrent GetNodes with high staleness, where high staleness means the
// cache should only be refreshed the first time we call cache.GetNodes
mockDB := mockdb{
reputable: reputableNodes,
new: newNodes,
cache := overlay.NewNodeSelectionCache(zap.NewNop(),
var group errgroup.Group
group.Go(func() error {
nodes, err := cache.GetNodes(ctx, overlay.FindStorageNodesRequest{
RequestedCount: 1,
for i := range nodes {
nodes[i].ID = storj.NodeID{byte(i)}
nodes[i].Address.Address = ""
nodes[0] = nil
return err
group.Go(func() error {
nodes, err := cache.GetNodes(ctx, overlay.FindStorageNodesRequest{
RequestedCount: 1,
for i := range nodes {
nodes[i].ID = storj.NodeID{byte(i)}
nodes[i].Address.Address = ""
nodes[0] = nil
return err
err := group.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
// expect only one call to the db via cache.GetNodes
require.Equal(t, 1, mockDB.callCount)
// concurrent get nodes with low staleness, where low staleness means that
// the cache will refresh each time cache.GetNodes is called
mockDB = mockdb{
reputable: reputableNodes,
new: newNodes,
cache = overlay.NewNodeSelectionCache(zap.NewNop(),
group.Go(func() error {
nodes, err := cache.GetNodes(ctx, overlay.FindStorageNodesRequest{
RequestedCount: 1,
for i := range nodes {
nodes[i].ID = storj.NodeID{byte(i)}
nodes[i].Address.Address = ""
nodes[0] = nil
return err
group.Go(func() error {
nodes, err := cache.GetNodes(ctx, overlay.FindStorageNodesRequest{
RequestedCount: 1,
for i := range nodes {
nodes[i].ID = storj.NodeID{byte(i)}
nodes[i].Address.Address = ""
nodes[0] = nil
return err
err = group.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
// expect two calls to the db via cache.GetNodes
require.Equal(t, 2, mockDB.callCount)
func TestGetNodesDistinct(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
reputableNodes := []*overlay.SelectedNode{{
ID: testrand.NodeID(),
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{Address: ""},
LastNet: "127.0.0",
LastIPPort: "",
}, {
ID: testrand.NodeID(),
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{Address: ""},
LastNet: "127.0.0",
LastIPPort: "",
}, {
ID: testrand.NodeID(),
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{Address: ""},
LastNet: "127.0.1",
LastIPPort: "",
}, {
ID: testrand.NodeID(),
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{Address: ""},
LastNet: "127.0.2",
LastIPPort: "",
newNodes := []*overlay.SelectedNode{{
ID: testrand.NodeID(),
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{Address: ""},
LastNet: "127.0.0",
LastIPPort: "",
}, {
ID: testrand.NodeID(),
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{Address: ""},
LastNet: "127.0.1",
LastIPPort: "",
}, {
ID: testrand.NodeID(),
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{Address: ""},
LastNet: "127.0.2",
LastIPPort: "",
mockDB := mockdb{
reputable: reputableNodes,
new: newNodes,
// test that distinct ip doesn't return same last net
config := nodeSelectionConfig
config.NewNodeFraction = 0.5
config.DistinctIP = true
cache := overlay.NewNodeSelectionCache(zap.NewNop(),
// selecting 3 should be possible
nodes, err := cache.GetNodes(ctx, overlay.FindStorageNodesRequest{
RequestedCount: 3,
require.NoError(t, err)
seen := make(map[string]bool)
for _, n := range nodes {
require.False(t, seen[n.LastNet])
seen[n.LastNet] = true
// selecting 6 is impossible
_, err = cache.GetNodes(ctx, overlay.FindStorageNodesRequest{
RequestedCount: 6,
require.Error(t, err)
{ // test that distinctIP=true allows selecting 6 nodes
config := nodeSelectionConfig
config.NewNodeFraction = 0.5
config.DistinctIP = false
cache := overlay.NewNodeSelectionCache(zap.NewNop(),
_, err := cache.GetNodes(ctx, overlay.FindStorageNodesRequest{
RequestedCount: 6,
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestGetNodesError(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
mockDB := mockdb{}
cache := overlay.NewNodeSelectionCache(zap.NewNop(),
// there should be 0 nodes in the cache
reputable, new := cache.Size()
require.Equal(t, 0, reputable)
require.Equal(t, 0, new)
// since the cache has no nodes, we should not be able
// to get 2 storage nodes from it and we expect an error
_, err := cache.GetNodes(ctx, overlay.FindStorageNodesRequest{RequestedCount: 2})
require.Error(t, err)
func TestNewNodeFraction(t *testing.T) {
satellitedbtest.Run(t, func(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, db satellite.DB) {
newNodeFraction := 0.2
var nodeSelectionConfig = overlay.NodeSelectionConfig{
AuditCount: 1,
UptimeCount: 1,
NewNodeFraction: newNodeFraction,
MinimumVersion: "v1.0.0",
OnlineWindow: 4 * time.Hour,
DistinctIP: true,
MinimumDiskSpace: 10 * memory.MiB,
cache := overlay.NewNodeSelectionCache(zap.NewNop(),
// the cache should have no nodes to start
err := cache.Refresh(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
reputable, new := cache.Size()
require.Equal(t, 0, reputable)
require.Equal(t, 0, new)
// add some nodes to the database, some are reputable and some are new nodes
const nodeCount = 10
repIDs := addNodesToNodesTable(ctx, t, db.OverlayCache(), nodeCount, true)
// confirm nodes are in the cache once
err = cache.Refresh(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
reputable, new = cache.Size()
require.Equal(t, 6, new)
require.Equal(t, 4, reputable)
// select nodes and confirm correct new node fraction
n, err := cache.GetNodes(ctx, overlay.FindStorageNodesRequest{RequestedCount: 5})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(n), 5)
var reputableCount int
for _, id := range repIDs {
for _, node := range n {
if id == node.ID {
require.Equal(t, len(n)-reputableCount, int(5*newNodeFraction))