Fadila Khadar 7788170234 satellite/metabase: ListObjects
Current metainfo.ListObjects implementation is using metabase iterator to list objects.
In the non-recursive case, it used to retrieve all the corresponding rows and then discarded the entries that did not fit the listing request.
This can lead in some edge cases (each prefix contains more than batchsize objects/sub-prefixes) to make unecessary calls to the db.

This change defines the metabase.ListObjects and aims at retrieving only prefixes (but not objects under it) and objects by modifying the SQL query.

In this version, it is not optimized on the database side. Cockroach will still have to go through all rows under a prefix, so there is still room for improvement.

metainfo.ListObjects is not currently using this method as we would like to assess its performance on the QA satellite first.


Change-Id: Ied3a9210871871d9d4a3096888d3e40c2dceed61
2022-09-20 11:15:44 +00:00

251 lines
6.0 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2022 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package metabase
import (
// ListObjectsCursor is a cursor used during iteration through objects.
type ListObjectsCursor struct {
Key ObjectKey
Version Version
// ListObjects contains arguments necessary for listing objects.
type ListObjects struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
Recursive bool
Limit int
Prefix ObjectKey
Cursor ListObjectsCursor
Status ObjectStatus
IncludeCustomMetadata bool
IncludeSystemMetadata bool
// Verify verifies get object request fields.
func (opts *ListObjects) Verify() error {
switch {
case opts.ProjectID.IsZero():
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("ProjectID missing")
case opts.BucketName == "":
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BucketName missing")
case opts.Limit < 0:
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("Invalid limit: %d", opts.Limit)
case !(opts.Status == Pending || opts.Status == Committed):
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("Status is invalid")
return nil
// ListObjectsResult result of listing objects.
type ListObjectsResult struct {
Objects []ObjectEntry
More bool
// ListObjects lists objects.
func (db *DB) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, opts ListObjects) (result ListObjectsResult, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if err := opts.Verify(); err != nil {
return ListObjectsResult{}, err
var entries []ObjectEntry
err = withRows(db.db.QueryContext(ctx, opts.getSQLQuery(),
opts.ProjectID, opts.BucketName, opts.startKey(), opts.Cursor.Version,
opts.stopKey(), opts.Status,
opts.Limit+1, len(opts.Prefix)+1))(func(rows tagsql.Rows) error {
entries, err = scanListObjectsResult(rows, opts)
return err
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return ListObjectsResult{}, nil
return ListObjectsResult{}, Error.New("unable to list objects: %w", err)
if len(entries) > opts.Limit {
result.More = true
result.Objects = entries[:opts.Limit]
return result, nil
result.Objects = entries
result.More = false
return result, nil
func (opts *ListObjects) getSQLQuery() string {
return `
SELECT ` + opts.selectedFields() + `
FROM objects
(project_id, bucket_name, object_key, version) > ($1, $2, $3, $4)
AND ` + opts.stopCondition() + `
AND status = $6
AND (expires_at IS NULL OR expires_at > now())
ORDER BY ` + opts.orderBy() + `
func (opts *ListObjects) stopKey() []byte {
if opts.Prefix != "" {
return []byte(prefixLimit(opts.Prefix))
return nextBucket([]byte(opts.BucketName))
func (opts *ListObjects) stopCondition() string {
if opts.Prefix != "" {
return "(project_id, bucket_name, object_key) < ($1, $2, $5)"
return "(project_id, bucket_name) < ($1, $5)"
func (opts *ListObjects) orderBy() string {
if !opts.Recursive {
return "entry_key ASC"
return "(object_key, version) ASC"
func (opts ListObjects) selectedFields() (selectedFields string) {
if opts.Recursive {
selectedFields = `
substring(object_key from $8), FALSE as is_prefix`
} else {
selectedFields = `
DISTINCT ON (entry_key)
WHEN position('/' IN substring(object_key from $8)) <> 0
THEN substring(substring(object_key from $8) from 0 for (position('/' IN substring(object_key from $8)) +1))
ELSE substring(object_key from $8)
AS entry_key,
position('/' IN substring(object_key from $8)) <> 0 AS is_prefix`
selectedFields += `
if opts.IncludeSystemMetadata {
selectedFields += `
if opts.IncludeCustomMetadata {
selectedFields += `
return selectedFields
// startKey determines what should be the starting key for the given options.
// in the recursive case, or if the cursor key is not in the specified prefix,
// we start at the greatest key between cursor and prefix.
// Otherwise (non-recursive), we start at the prefix after the one in the cursor.
func (opts *ListObjects) startKey() ObjectKey {
if opts.Prefix == "" && opts.Cursor.Key == "" {
return ""
if opts.Recursive || !strings.HasPrefix(string(opts.Cursor.Key), string(opts.Prefix)) {
if lessKey(opts.Cursor.Key, opts.Prefix) {
return opts.Prefix
return opts.Cursor.Key
// in the recursive case
// prefix | cursor | startKey
// a/b/ | a/b/c/d/e | c/d/[0xff] (the first prefix/object key we return )
key := opts.Cursor.Key
prefixSize := len(opts.Prefix)
subPrefix := key[prefixSize:] // c/d/e
firstDelimiter := strings.Index(string(subPrefix), string(Delimiter))
if firstDelimiter == -1 {
return key
newKey := []byte(key[:prefixSize+firstDelimiter+1]) // c/d/
newKey = append(newKey, 0xff)
return ObjectKey(newKey)
func scanListObjectsResult(rows tagsql.Rows, opts ListObjects) (entries []ObjectEntry, err error) {
for rows.Next() {
var item ObjectEntry
fields := []interface{}{
if opts.IncludeSystemMetadata {
fields = append(fields,
if opts.IncludeCustomMetadata {
fields = append(fields,
if err := rows.Scan(fields...); err != nil {
return entries, err
if item.IsPrefix {
item = ObjectEntry{
IsPrefix: true,
ObjectKey: item.ObjectKey,
Status: opts.Status,
entries = append(entries, item)
return entries, nil