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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
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<div class="change-password-popup">
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<h2 class="change-password-popup__form-container__main-label-text">Change Password</h2>
label="Old Password"
placeholder ="Enter Old Password"
@setData="setOldPassword" />
class="full-input mt"
label="New Password"
placeholder ="Enter New Password"
@setData="setNewPassword" />
class="full-input mt"
label="Confirm password"
placeholder="Confirm password"
@setData="setPasswordConfirmation" />
<div class="change-password-popup__form-container__button-container">
<Button label="Cancel" width="205px" height="48px" :onPress="onCloseClick" isWhite="true" />
<Button label="Update" width="205px" height="48px" :onPress="onUpdateClick" />
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<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import Button from '@/components/common/Button.vue';
import HeaderlessInput from '@/components/common/HeaderlessInput.vue';
import { AuthApi } from '@/api/auth';
import { APP_STATE_ACTIONS, NOTIFICATION_ACTIONS } from '@/utils/constants/actionNames';
import { validatePassword } from '@/utils/validation';
components: {
export default class ChangePasswordPopup extends Vue {
private oldPassword: string = '';
private newPassword: string = '';
private confirmationPassword: string = '';
private oldPasswordError: string = '';
private newPasswordError: string = '';
private confirmationPasswordError: string = '';
private readonly auth: AuthApi = new AuthApi();
public setOldPassword(value: string): void {
this.oldPassword = value;
this.oldPasswordError = '';
public setNewPassword(value: string): void {
this.newPassword = value;
this.newPasswordError = '';
public setPasswordConfirmation(value: string): void {
this.confirmationPassword = value;
this.confirmationPasswordError = '';
public async onUpdateClick(): Promise<void> {
let hasError = false;
if (!this.oldPassword) {
this.oldPasswordError = 'Password required';
hasError = true;
if (!validatePassword(this.newPassword)) {
this.newPasswordError = 'Invalid password. Use 6 or more characters';
hasError = true;
if (!this.confirmationPassword) {
this.confirmationPasswordError = 'Password required';
hasError = true;
if (this.newPassword !== this.confirmationPassword) {
this.confirmationPasswordError = 'Password not match to new one';
hasError = true;
if (hasError) {
try {
await this.auth.changePassword(this.oldPassword, this.newPassword);
} catch (error) {
this.$store.dispatch(NOTIFICATION_ACTIONS.ERROR, error.message);
this.$store.dispatch(NOTIFICATION_ACTIONS.SUCCESS, 'Password successfully changed!');
public onCloseClick(): void {
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