Jeremy Wharton 8a070e7c25 satellite/overlay: Ignore unnecessary check-ins
This prevents the database from being contacted unnecessarily,
reducing load.

Change-Id: Ib2420f68a20636ec35eb3dd3df8e02bd5341b419
2021-06-22 09:00:41 +00:00

80 lines
4.9 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package overlay
import (
var (
mon = monkit.Package()
// Error represents an overlay error.
Error = errs.Class("overlay")
// Config is a configuration for overlay service.
type Config struct {
Node NodeSelectionConfig
NodeSelectionCache UploadSelectionCacheConfig
UpdateStatsBatchSize int `help:"number of update requests to process per transaction" default:"100"`
AuditHistory AuditHistoryConfig
NodeCheckInWaitPeriod time.Duration `help:"the amount of time to wait before accepting a redundant check-in from a node (unmodified info since last check-in)" default:"2h" testDefault:"30s"`
// AsOfSystemTimeConfig is a configuration struct to enable 'AS OF SYSTEM TIME' for CRDB queries.
type AsOfSystemTimeConfig struct {
Enabled bool `help:"enables the use of the AS OF SYSTEM TIME feature in CRDB" default:"true"`
DefaultInterval time.Duration `help:"default duration for AS OF SYSTEM TIME" devDefault:"-1µs" releaseDefault:"-10s"`
// NodeSelectionConfig is a configuration struct to determine the minimum
// values for nodes to select.
type NodeSelectionConfig struct {
AuditCount int64 `help:"the number of times a node has been audited to not be considered a New Node" releaseDefault:"100" devDefault:"0"`
NewNodeFraction float64 `help:"the fraction of new nodes allowed per request" releaseDefault:"0.05" devDefault:"1"`
MinimumVersion string `help:"the minimum node software version for node selection queries" default:""`
OnlineWindow time.Duration `help:"the amount of time without seeing a node before its considered offline" default:"4h" testDefault:"1m"`
DistinctIP bool `help:"require distinct IPs when choosing nodes for upload" releaseDefault:"true" devDefault:"false"`
MinimumDiskSpace memory.Size `help:"how much disk space a node at minimum must have to be selected for upload" default:"500.00MB" testDefault:"100.00MB"`
AuditReputationRepairWeight float64 `help:"weight to apply to audit reputation for total repair reputation calculation" default:"1.0"`
AuditReputationUplinkWeight float64 `help:"weight to apply to audit reputation for total uplink reputation calculation" default:"1.0"`
AuditReputationLambda float64 `help:"the forgetting factor used to calculate the audit SNs reputation" default:"0.95"`
AuditReputationWeight float64 `help:"the normalization weight used to calculate the audit SNs reputation" default:"1.0"`
AuditReputationDQ float64 `help:"the reputation cut-off for disqualifying SNs based on audit history" default:"0.6"`
SuspensionGracePeriod time.Duration `help:"the time period that must pass before suspended nodes will be disqualified" releaseDefault:"168h" devDefault:"1h"`
SuspensionDQEnabled bool `help:"whether nodes will be disqualified if they have been suspended for longer than the suspended grace period" releaseDefault:"false" devDefault:"true"`
AsOfSystemTime AsOfSystemTimeConfig
// AuditHistoryConfig is a configuration struct defining time periods and thresholds for penalizing nodes for being offline.
// It is used for downtime suspension and disqualification.
type AuditHistoryConfig struct {
WindowSize time.Duration `help:"The length of time spanning a single audit window" releaseDefault:"12h" devDefault:"5m" testDefault:"10m"`
TrackingPeriod time.Duration `help:"The length of time to track audit windows for node suspension and disqualification" releaseDefault:"720h" devDefault:"1h"`
GracePeriod time.Duration `help:"The length of time to give suspended SNOs to diagnose and fix issues causing downtime. Afterwards, they will have one tracking period to reach the minimum online score before disqualification" releaseDefault:"168h" devDefault:"1h"`
OfflineThreshold float64 `help:"The point below which a node is punished for offline audits. Determined by calculating the ratio of online/total audits within each window and finding the average across windows within the tracking period." default:"0.6"`
OfflineDQEnabled bool `help:"whether nodes will be disqualified if they have low online score after a review period" releaseDefault:"false" devDefault:"true"`
OfflineSuspensionEnabled bool `help:"whether nodes will be suspended if they have low online score" releaseDefault:"true" devDefault:"true"`
func (aost *AsOfSystemTimeConfig) isValid() error {
if aost.Enabled {
if aost.DefaultInterval >= 0 {
return errs.New("AS OF SYSTEM TIME interval must be a negative number")
if aost.DefaultInterval > -time.Microsecond {
return errs.New("AS OF SYSTEM TIME interval cannot be in nanoseconds")
return nil