Vitalii 8422c395d6 web/satellite: don't download the whole object for preview
Basically, I reverted this change with some modifications.
We don't use signed requests anymore because its usage was not really affective and caused some UX problems like too long video loading/buffering.
We don't use presigned URLs as well because they are not really compatible (I think) with video streaming. So long videos (> 1 min long) constantly failed to buffer.
Instead of presigned URLs we just use STORJ linksharing. We generate new access grant which is valid for one day to render preview and object map.


Change-Id: I0313f2c6b78811f1058c25fdf5b94dc5d563c15d
2022-09-20 17:32:54 +00:00

101 lines
3.1 KiB

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