paul cannon bbdb351e5e all: use jackc/pgx in place of lib/pq

Use the postgresql driver in place of

Why: has some problems with error handling and context
cancellations (i.e. it might even issue queries or DML statements more
than once! see The library appears not to have these problems, and
also appears to be better engineered and implemented (in particular, it
doesn't use "exceptions by panic"). It should also give us some
performance improvements in some cases, and even more so if we can use
it directly instead of going through the database/sql layer.

Change-Id: Ia696d220f340a097dee9550a312d37de14ed2044
2020-07-13 15:54:41 +00:00

268 lines
8.7 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package pgutil
import (
var (
mon = monkit.Package()
const (
// pgErrorClassConstraintViolation is the class of PostgreSQL errors indicating
// integrity constraint violations.
pgErrorClassConstraintViolation = "23"
// OpenUnique opens a postgres database with a temporary unique schema, which will be cleaned up
// when closed. It is expected that this should normally be used by way of
// "".OpenUnique() instead of calling it directly.
func OpenUnique(ctx context.Context, connstr string, schemaPrefix string) (*dbutil.TempDatabase, error) {
// sanity check, because you get an unhelpful error message when this happens
if strings.HasPrefix(connstr, "cockroach://") {
return nil, errs.New("can't connect to cockroach using pgutil.OpenUnique()! connstr=%q. try tempdb.OpenUnique() instead?", connstr)
schemaName := schemaPrefix + "-" + CreateRandomTestingSchemaName(8)
connStrWithSchema := ConnstrWithSchema(connstr, schemaName)
db, err := tagsql.Open("pgx", connStrWithSchema)
if err == nil {
// check that connection actually worked before trying CreateSchema, to make
// troubleshooting (lots) easier
err = db.PingContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("failed to connect to %q with driver pgx: %w", connStrWithSchema, err)
err = CreateSchema(ctx, db, schemaName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Combine(err, db.Close())
cleanup := func(cleanupDB tagsql.DB) error {
return DropSchema(ctx, cleanupDB, schemaName)
dbutil.Configure(db, "tmp_postgres", mon)
return &dbutil.TempDatabase{
DB: db,
ConnStr: connStrWithSchema,
Schema: schemaName,
Driver: "pgx",
Implementation: dbutil.Postgres,
Cleanup: cleanup,
}, nil
// QuerySnapshot loads snapshot from database
func QuerySnapshot(ctx context.Context, db dbschema.Queryer) (*dbschema.Snapshot, error) {
schema, err := QuerySchema(ctx, db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data, err := QueryData(ctx, db, schema)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &dbschema.Snapshot{
Version: -1,
Schema: schema,
Data: data,
}, err
// CheckApplicationName ensures that the Connection String contains an application name
func CheckApplicationName(s string) (r string) {
if !strings.Contains(s, "application_name") {
if !strings.Contains(s, "?") {
r = s + "?application_name=Satellite"
r = s + "&application_name=Satellite"
// return source as is if application_name is set
return s
// IsConstraintError checks if given error is about constraint violation
func IsConstraintError(err error) bool {
errCode := ErrorCode(err)
return strings.HasPrefix(errCode, pgErrorClassConstraintViolation)
// ErrorCode returns the 5-character PostgreSQL error code string associated
// with the given error, if any.
func ErrorCode(err error) string {
var sqlStateErr errWithSQLState
if errors.As(err, &sqlStateErr) {
return sqlStateErr.SQLState()
return ""
// errWithSQLState is an interface supported by error classes corresponding
// to PostgreSQL errors from certain drivers. This is satisfied, in particular,
// by pgx (*pgconn.PgError) and may be adopted by other types. An effort is
// apparently underway to get lib/pq to add this interface.
type errWithSQLState interface {
SQLState() string
// The following XArray() helper methods exist alongside similar methods in the
// jackc/pgtype library. The difference with the methods in pgtype is that they
// will accept any of a wide range of types. That is nice, but it comes with
// the potential that someone might pass in an invalid type; thus, those
// methods have to return (*pgtype.XArray, error).
// The methods here do not need to return an error because they require passing
// in the correct type to begin with.
// An alternative implementation for the following methods might look like
// calls to pgtype.ByteaArray() followed by `if err != nil { panic }` blocks.
// That would probably be ok, but we decided on this approach, as it ought to
// require fewer allocations and less time, in addition to having no error
// return.
// ByteaArray returns an object usable by pg drivers for passing a [][]byte slice
// into a database as type BYTEA[].
func ByteaArray(bytesArray [][]byte) *pgtype.ByteaArray {
pgtypeByteaArray := make([]pgtype.Bytea, len(bytesArray))
for i, byteSlice := range bytesArray {
pgtypeByteaArray[i].Bytes = byteSlice
pgtypeByteaArray[i].Status = pgtype.Present
return &pgtype.ByteaArray{
Elements: pgtypeByteaArray,
Dimensions: []pgtype.ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(bytesArray)), LowerBound: 1}},
Status: pgtype.Present,
// StringArray returns an object usable by pg drivers for passing a []string slice
// into a database as type VARCHAR[].
func StringArray(stringSlice []string) *pgtype.VarcharArray {
pgtypeVarcharArray := make([]pgtype.Varchar, len(stringSlice))
for i, s := range stringSlice {
pgtypeVarcharArray[i].String = s
pgtypeVarcharArray[i].Status = pgtype.Present
return &pgtype.VarcharArray{
Elements: pgtypeVarcharArray,
Dimensions: []pgtype.ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(stringSlice)), LowerBound: 1}},
Status: pgtype.Present,
// TimestampTZArray returns an object usable by pg drivers for passing a []time.Time
// slice into a database as type TIMESTAMPTZ[].
func TimestampTZArray(timeSlice []time.Time) *pgtype.TimestamptzArray {
pgtypeTimestamptzArray := make([]pgtype.Timestamptz, len(timeSlice))
for i, t := range timeSlice {
pgtypeTimestamptzArray[i].Time = t
pgtypeTimestamptzArray[i].Status = pgtype.Present
return &pgtype.TimestamptzArray{
Elements: pgtypeTimestamptzArray,
Dimensions: []pgtype.ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(timeSlice)), LowerBound: 1}},
Status: pgtype.Present,
// Int4Array returns an object usable by pg drivers for passing a []int32 slice
// into a database as type INT4[].
func Int4Array(ints []int32) *pgtype.Int4Array {
pgtypeInt4Array := make([]pgtype.Int4, len(ints))
for i, someInt := range ints {
pgtypeInt4Array[i].Int = someInt
pgtypeInt4Array[i].Status = pgtype.Present
return &pgtype.Int4Array{
Elements: pgtypeInt4Array,
Dimensions: []pgtype.ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(ints)), LowerBound: 1}},
Status: pgtype.Present,
// Int8Array returns an object usable by pg drivers for passing a []int64 slice
// into a database as type INT8[].
func Int8Array(bigInts []int64) *pgtype.Int8Array {
pgtypeInt8Array := make([]pgtype.Int8, len(bigInts))
for i, bigInt := range bigInts {
pgtypeInt8Array[i].Int = bigInt
pgtypeInt8Array[i].Status = pgtype.Present
return &pgtype.Int8Array{
Elements: pgtypeInt8Array,
Dimensions: []pgtype.ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(bigInts)), LowerBound: 1}},
Status: pgtype.Present,
// Float8Array returns an object usable by pg drivers for passing a []float64 slice
// into a database as type FLOAT8[].
func Float8Array(floats []float64) *pgtype.Float8Array {
pgtypeFloat8Array := make([]pgtype.Float8, len(floats))
for i, someFloat := range floats {
pgtypeFloat8Array[i].Float = someFloat
pgtypeFloat8Array[i].Status = pgtype.Present
return &pgtype.Float8Array{
Elements: pgtypeFloat8Array,
Dimensions: []pgtype.ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(floats)), LowerBound: 1}},
Status: pgtype.Present,
// NodeIDArray returns an object usable by pg drivers for passing a []storj.NodeID
// slice into a database as type BYTEA[].
func NodeIDArray(nodeIDs []storj.NodeID) *pgtype.ByteaArray {
if nodeIDs == nil {
return &pgtype.ByteaArray{Status: pgtype.Null}
pgtypeByteaArray := make([]pgtype.Bytea, len(nodeIDs))
for i, nodeID := range nodeIDs {
nodeIDCopy := nodeID
pgtypeByteaArray[i].Bytes = nodeIDCopy[:]
pgtypeByteaArray[i].Status = pgtype.Present
return &pgtype.ByteaArray{
Elements: pgtypeByteaArray,
Dimensions: []pgtype.ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(nodeIDs)), LowerBound: 1}},
Status: pgtype.Present,
// QuoteIdentifier quotes an identifier for use in an interpolated SQL string.
func QuoteIdentifier(ident string) string {
return pgx.Identifier{ident}.Sanitize()
// UnquoteIdentifier is the analog of QuoteIdentifier.
func UnquoteIdentifier(quotedIdent string) string {
if len(quotedIdent) >= 2 && quotedIdent[0] == '"' && quotedIdent[len(quotedIdent)-1] == '"' {
quotedIdent = strings.ReplaceAll(quotedIdent[1:len(quotedIdent)-1], "\"\"", "\"")
return quotedIdent