The satellite receives pieces signed hashes in Pointer. If signed hash cannot be validated then piece is removed from Pointer and not saved in DB.
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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package pointerdb_test
import (
// mockAPIKeys is mock for api keys store of pointerdb
type mockAPIKeys struct {
info console.APIKeyInfo
err error
var (
identities = testplanet.NewPregeneratedIdentities()
// GetByKey return api key info for given key
func (keys *mockAPIKeys) GetByKey(ctx context.Context, key console.APIKey) (*console.APIKeyInfo, error) {
return &keys.info, keys.err
func TestServicePut(t *testing.T) {
validAPIKey := console.APIKey{}
apiKeys := &mockAPIKeys{}
for i, tt := range []struct {
apiKey []byte
numOfValidPieces int
numOfInvalidPieces int
err error
errString string
{[]byte(validAPIKey.String()), 8, 0, nil, ""},
{[]byte(validAPIKey.String()), 6, 0, nil, ""},
{[]byte(validAPIKey.String()), 3, 0, nil, "pointerdb error: Number of valid pieces is lower then success threshold: 3 < 6"},
{[]byte(validAPIKey.String()), 6, 2, nil, ""},
{[]byte(validAPIKey.String()), 3, 5, nil, "pointerdb error: Number of valid pieces is lower then success threshold: 3 < 6"},
{[]byte("wrong key"), 1, 0, nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "Invalid API credential").Error()},
{nil, 8, 0, errors.New("put error"), status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "internal error").Error()},
} {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = auth.WithAPIKey(ctx, tt.apiKey)
errTag := fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d", i)
log := zaptest.NewLogger(t)
db := teststore.New()
service := pointerdb.NewService(log, db)
s := pointerdb.NewServer(log, service, nil, nil, pointerdb.Config{}, nil, apiKeys)
path := "a/b/c"
pointer := makePointer(ctx, t, tt.numOfValidPieces, tt.numOfInvalidPieces)
if tt.err != nil {
req := pb.PutRequest{Path: path, Pointer: pointer}
_, err := s.Put(ctx, &req)
if err != nil {
assert.EqualError(t, err, tt.errString, errTag)
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err, errTag)
func makePointer(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, numOfValidPieces, numOfInvalidPieces int) *pb.Pointer {
pieces := make([]*pb.RemotePiece, numOfValidPieces+numOfInvalidPieces)
for i := 0; i < numOfValidPieces; i++ {
identity, err := identities.NewIdentity()
assert.NoError(t, err)
pieces[i] = &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: int32(i),
NodeId: identity.ID,
Hash: &pb.SignedHash{Hash: make([]byte, 32)},
_, err = rand.Read(pieces[i].Hash.Hash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = auth.SignMessage(pieces[i].Hash, *identity)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// public key did not match expected signer
for i := numOfValidPieces; i < len(pieces); i++ {
identity, err := identities.NewIdentity()
assert.NoError(t, err)
pieces[i] = &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: int32(i),
NodeId: storj.NodeID{byte(i)},
Hash: &pb.SignedHash{Hash: make([]byte, 32)},
_, err = rand.Read(pieces[i].Hash.Hash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = auth.SignMessage(pieces[i].Hash, *identity)
assert.NoError(t, err)
pointer := &pb.Pointer{
Type: pb.Pointer_REMOTE,
Remote: &pb.RemoteSegment{
Redundancy: &pb.RedundancyScheme{
MinReq: 2,
RepairThreshold: 4,
SuccessThreshold: 6,
Total: 8,
RemotePieces: pieces,
return pointer
func TestServiceGet(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ca, err := testidentity.NewTestCA(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
identity, err := ca.NewIdentity()
assert.NoError(t, err)
peerCertificates := make([]*x509.Certificate, 2)
peerCertificates[0] = identity.Leaf
peerCertificates[1] = identity.CA
info := credentials.TLSInfo{State: tls.ConnectionState{PeerCertificates: peerCertificates}}
validAPIKey := console.APIKey{}
apiKeys := &mockAPIKeys{}
// creating in-memory db and opening connection
satdb, err := satellitedb.NewInMemory(zaptest.NewLogger(t))
defer func() {
err = satdb.Close()
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = satdb.CreateTables()
assert.NoError(t, err)
for i, tt := range []struct {
apiKey []byte
err error
errString string
{[]byte(validAPIKey.String()), nil, ""},
{[]byte("wrong key"), nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "Invalid API credential").Error()},
{nil, errors.New("get error"), status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "internal error").Error()},
} {
ctx = auth.WithAPIKey(ctx, tt.apiKey)
ctx = peer.NewContext(ctx, &peer.Peer{AuthInfo: info})
errTag := fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d", i)
db := teststore.New()
service := pointerdb.NewService(zap.NewNop(), db)
allocation := pointerdb.NewAllocationSigner(identity, 45, satdb.CertDB())
s := pointerdb.NewServer(zap.NewNop(), service, allocation, nil, pointerdb.Config{}, identity, apiKeys)
path := "a/b/c"
pr := &pb.Pointer{SegmentSize: 123}
prBytes, err := proto.Marshal(pr)
assert.NoError(t, err, errTag)
_ = db.Put(storage.Key(storj.JoinPaths(apiKeys.info.ProjectID.String(), path)), storage.Value(prBytes))
if tt.err != nil {
req := pb.GetRequest{Path: path}
resp, err := s.Get(ctx, &req)
if err != nil {
assert.EqualError(t, err, tt.errString, errTag)
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err, errTag)
assert.NoError(t, err, errTag)
assert.True(t, pb.Equal(pr, resp.Pointer), errTag)
assert.NotNil(t, resp.GetPba())
func TestServiceDelete(t *testing.T) {
validAPIKey := console.APIKey{}
apiKeys := &mockAPIKeys{}
for i, tt := range []struct {
apiKey []byte
err error
errString string
{[]byte(validAPIKey.String()), nil, ""},
{[]byte("wrong key"), nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "Invalid API credential").Error()},
{nil, errors.New("delete error"), status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "internal error").Error()},
} {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = auth.WithAPIKey(ctx, tt.apiKey)
errTag := fmt.Sprintf("Test case #%d", i)
path := "a/b/c"
db := teststore.New()
_ = db.Put(storage.Key(storj.JoinPaths(apiKeys.info.ProjectID.String(), path)), storage.Value("hello"))
service := pointerdb.NewService(zap.NewNop(), db)
s := pointerdb.NewServer(zap.NewNop(), service, nil, nil, pointerdb.Config{}, nil, apiKeys)
if tt.err != nil {
req := pb.DeleteRequest{Path: path}
_, err := s.Delete(ctx, &req)
if err != nil {
assert.EqualError(t, err, tt.errString, errTag)
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err, errTag)
func TestServiceList(t *testing.T) {
validAPIKey := console.APIKey{}
apiKeys := &mockAPIKeys{}
db := teststore.New()
service := pointerdb.NewService(zap.NewNop(), db)
server := pointerdb.NewServer(zap.NewNop(), service, nil, nil, pointerdb.Config{}, nil, apiKeys)
pointer := &pb.Pointer{}
pointer.CreationDate = ptypes.TimestampNow()
pointerBytes, err := proto.Marshal(pointer)
if err != nil {
pointerValue := storage.Value(pointerBytes)
items := []storage.ListItem{
{Key: storage.Key("sample.😶"), Value: pointerValue},
{Key: storage.Key("müsic"), Value: pointerValue},
{Key: storage.Key("müsic/söng1.mp3"), Value: pointerValue},
{Key: storage.Key("müsic/söng2.mp3"), Value: pointerValue},
{Key: storage.Key("müsic/album/söng3.mp3"), Value: pointerValue},
{Key: storage.Key("müsic/söng4.mp3"), Value: pointerValue},
{Key: storage.Key("ビデオ/movie.mkv"), Value: pointerValue},
for i := range items {
items[i].Key = storage.Key(storj.JoinPaths(apiKeys.info.ProjectID.String(), items[i].Key.String()))
err = storage.PutAll(db, items...)
if err != nil {
type Test struct {
APIKey string
Request pb.ListRequest
Expected *pb.ListResponse
Error func(i int, err error)
// TODO: ZZZ temporarily disabled until endpoint and service split
// errorWithCode := func(code codes.Code) func(i int, err error) {
// t.Helper()
// return func(i int, err error) {
// t.Helper()
// if status.Code(err) != code {
// t.Fatalf("%d: should fail with %v, got: %v", i, code, err)
// }
// }
// }
tests := []Test{
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{Recursive: true},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
{Path: "müsic"},
{Path: "müsic/album/söng3.mp3"},
{Path: "müsic/söng1.mp3"},
{Path: "müsic/söng2.mp3"},
{Path: "müsic/söng4.mp3"},
{Path: "sample.😶"},
{Path: "ビデオ/movie.mkv"},
}, {
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{Recursive: true, MetaFlags: meta.All},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
{Path: "müsic", Pointer: pointer},
{Path: "müsic/album/söng3.mp3", Pointer: pointer},
{Path: "müsic/söng1.mp3", Pointer: pointer},
{Path: "müsic/söng2.mp3", Pointer: pointer},
{Path: "müsic/söng4.mp3", Pointer: pointer},
{Path: "sample.😶", Pointer: pointer},
{Path: "ビデオ/movie.mkv", Pointer: pointer},
// { // TODO: ZZZ temporarily disabled until endpoint and service split
// APIKey: "wrong key",
// Request: pb.ListRequest{Recursive: true, MetaFlags: meta.All}, //, APIKey: []byte("wrong key")},
// Error: errorWithCode(codes.Unauthenticated),
// },
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{Recursive: true, Limit: 3},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
{Path: "müsic"},
{Path: "müsic/album/söng3.mp3"},
{Path: "müsic/söng1.mp3"},
More: true,
}, {
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{MetaFlags: meta.All},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
{Path: "müsic", Pointer: pointer},
{Path: "müsic/", IsPrefix: true},
{Path: "sample.😶", Pointer: pointer},
{Path: "ビデオ/", IsPrefix: true},
More: false,
}, {
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{EndBefore: "ビデオ"},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
{Path: "müsic"},
{Path: "müsic/", IsPrefix: true},
{Path: "sample.😶"},
More: false,
}, {
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{Recursive: true, Prefix: "müsic/"},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
{Path: "album/söng3.mp3"},
{Path: "söng1.mp3"},
{Path: "söng2.mp3"},
{Path: "söng4.mp3"},
}, {
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{Recursive: true, Prefix: "müsic/", StartAfter: "album/söng3.mp3"},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
{Path: "söng1.mp3"},
{Path: "söng2.mp3"},
{Path: "söng4.mp3"},
}, {
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{Prefix: "müsic/"},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
{Path: "album/", IsPrefix: true},
{Path: "söng1.mp3"},
{Path: "söng2.mp3"},
{Path: "söng4.mp3"},
}, {
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{Prefix: "müsic/", StartAfter: "söng1.mp3"},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
{Path: "söng2.mp3"},
{Path: "söng4.mp3"},
}, {
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{Prefix: "müsic/", EndBefore: "söng4.mp3"},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
{Path: "album/", IsPrefix: true},
{Path: "söng1.mp3"},
{Path: "söng2.mp3"},
}, {
APIKey: validAPIKey.String(),
Request: pb.ListRequest{Prefix: "müs", Recursive: true, EndBefore: "ic/söng4.mp3", Limit: 1},
Expected: &pb.ListResponse{
Items: []*pb.ListResponse_Item{
// {Path: "ic/söng2.mp3"},
// More: true,
// TODO:
// pb.ListRequest{Prefix: "müsic/", StartAfter: "söng1.mp3", EndBefore: "söng4.mp3"},
// failing database
for i, test := range tests {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = auth.WithAPIKey(ctx, []byte(test.APIKey))
resp, err := server.List(ctx, &test.Request)
if test.Error == nil {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%d: failed %v", i, err)
} else {
test.Error(i, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(test.Expected, resp, cmp.Comparer(pb.Equal)); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%d: (-want +got) %v\n%s", i, test.Request.String(), diff)