Kaloyan Raev 99640225fd
Refactor Path type (#522)
The old paths.Path type is now replaced with the new storj.Path.

storj.Path is simply an alias to the built-in string type. As such it can be used just as any string, which simplifies a lot working with paths. No more conversions paths.New and path.String().

As an alias storj.Path does not define any methods. However, any functions applying to strings (like those from the strings package) gracefully apply to storj.Path too. In addition we have a few more functions defined:


All code in master is migrated to the new storj.Path type.

The Path example is also updated and is good for reference: /pkg/encryption/examples_test.go

This PR also resolve a nonce misuse issue in path encryption:
2018-10-25 23:28:16 +03:00

183 lines
5.6 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2018 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package miniogw
import (
minio ""
ecclient ""
segment ""
streams ""
// RSConfig is a configuration struct that keeps details about default
// redundancy strategy information
type RSConfig struct {
MaxBufferMem int `help:"maximum buffer memory (in bytes) to be allocated for read buffers" default:"0x400000"`
ErasureShareSize int `help:"the size of each new erasure sure in bytes" default:"1024"`
MinThreshold int `help:"the minimum pieces required to recover a segment. k." default:"29"`
RepairThreshold int `help:"the minimum safe pieces before a repair is triggered. m." default:"35"`
SuccessThreshold int `help:"the desired total pieces for a segment. o." default:"80"`
MaxThreshold int `help:"the largest amount of pieces to encode to. n." default:"95"`
// EncryptionConfig is a configuration struct that keeps details about
// encrypting segments
type EncryptionConfig struct {
EncKey string `help:"root key for encrypting the data"`
EncBlockSize int `help:"size (in bytes) of encrypted blocks" default:"1024"`
EncType int `help:"Type of encryption to use (1=AES-GCM, 2=SecretBox)" default:"1"`
// MinioConfig is a configuration struct that keeps details about starting
// Minio
type MinioConfig struct {
AccessKey string `help:"Minio Access Key to use" default:"insecure-dev-access-key"`
SecretKey string `help:"Minio Secret Key to use" default:"insecure-dev-secret-key"`
MinioDir string `help:"Minio generic server config path" default:"$CONFDIR/minio"`
// ClientConfig is a configuration struct for the miniogw that controls how
// the miniogw figures out how to talk to the rest of the network.
type ClientConfig struct {
// TODO(jt): these should probably be the same
OverlayAddr string `help:"Address to contact overlay server through"`
PointerDBAddr string `help:"Address to contact pointerdb server through"`
APIKey string `help:"API Key (TODO: this needs to change to macaroons somehow)"`
MaxInlineSize int `help:"max inline segment size in bytes" default:"4096"`
SegmentSize int64 `help:"the size of a segment in bytes" default:"64000000"`
// Config is a general miniogw configuration struct. This should be everything
// one needs to start a minio gateway.
type Config struct {
// Run starts a Minio Gateway given proper config
func (c Config) Run(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
identity, err := c.Load()
if err != nil {
return err
err = minio.RegisterGatewayCommand(cli.Command{
Name: "storj",
Usage: "Storj",
Action: func(cliCtx *cli.Context) error {
return c.action(ctx, cliCtx, identity)
HideHelpCommand: true,
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO(jt): Surely there is a better way. This is so upsetting
err = os.Setenv("MINIO_ACCESS_KEY", c.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
return err
err = os.Setenv("MINIO_SECRET_KEY", c.SecretKey)
if err != nil {
return err
minio.Main([]string{"storj", "gateway", "storj",
"--address", c.Address, "--config-dir", c.MinioDir, "--quiet"})
return Error.New("unexpected minio exit")
func (c Config) action(ctx context.Context, cliCtx *cli.Context, identity *provider.FullIdentity) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
gw, err := c.NewGateway(ctx, identity)
if err != nil {
return err
minio.StartGateway(cliCtx, logging.Gateway(gw))
return Error.New("unexpected minio exit")
// GetBucketStore returns an implementation of buckets.Store
func (c Config) GetBucketStore(ctx context.Context, identity *provider.FullIdentity) (bs buckets.Store, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
t := transport.NewClient(identity)
var oc overlay.Client
oc, err = overlay.NewOverlayClient(identity, c.OverlayAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pdb, err := pdbclient.NewClient(identity, c.PointerDBAddr, c.APIKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ec := ecclient.NewClient(identity, t, c.MaxBufferMem)
fc, err := infectious.NewFEC(c.MinThreshold, c.MaxThreshold)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rs, err := eestream.NewRedundancyStrategy(eestream.NewRSScheme(fc, c.ErasureShareSize), c.RepairThreshold, c.SuccessThreshold)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
segments := segment.NewSegmentStore(oc, ec, pdb, rs, c.MaxInlineSize)
if c.ErasureShareSize*c.MinThreshold%c.EncBlockSize != 0 {
err = Error.New("EncryptionBlockSize must be a multiple of ErasureShareSize * RS MinThreshold")
return nil, err
key := new(storj.Key)
copy(key[:], c.EncKey)
stream, err := streams.NewStreamStore(segments, c.SegmentSize, key, c.EncBlockSize, storj.Cipher(c.EncType))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
obj := objects.NewStore(stream)
return buckets.NewStore(obj), nil
// NewGateway creates a new minio Gateway
func (c Config) NewGateway(ctx context.Context, identity *provider.FullIdentity) (gw minio.Gateway, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
bs, err := c.GetBucketStore(ctx, identity)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewStorjGateway(bs), nil