Repair workers prioritize the most unhealthy segments. This has the consequence that when we finally begin to reach the end of the queue, a good portion of the remaining segments are healthy again as their nodes have come back online. This makes it appear that there are more injured segments than there actually are. solution: Any time the checker observes an injured segment it inserts it into the repair queue or updates it if it already exists. Therefore, we can determine which segments are no longer injured if they were not inserted or updated by the last checker iteration. To do this we add a new column to the injured segments table, updated_at, which is set to the current time when a segment is inserted or updated. At the end of the checker iteration, we can delete any items where updated_at < checker start. Change-Id: I76a98487a4a845fab2fbc677638a732a95057a94
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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package checker_test
import (
func TestIdentifyInjuredSegments(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 4, UplinkCount: 0,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
checker := planet.Satellites[0].Repair.Checker
repairQueue := planet.Satellites[0].DB.RepairQueue()
rs := &pb.RedundancyScheme{
MinReq: int32(2),
RepairThreshold: int32(3),
SuccessThreshold: int32(4),
Total: int32(5),
ErasureShareSize: int32(256),
projectID := testrand.UUID()
pointerPathPrefix := storj.JoinPaths(projectID.String(), "l", "bucket") + "/"
// add some valid pointers
for x := 0; x < 10; x++ {
insertPointer(ctx, t, planet, rs, pointerPathPrefix+fmt.Sprintf("a-%d", x), false, time.Time{})
// add pointer that needs repair
insertPointer(ctx, t, planet, rs, pointerPathPrefix+"b-0", true, time.Time{})
// add pointer that is unhealthy, but is expired
insertPointer(ctx, t, planet, rs, pointerPathPrefix+"b-1", true, time.Now().Add(-time.Hour))
// add some valid pointers
for x := 0; x < 10; x++ {
insertPointer(ctx, t, planet, rs, pointerPathPrefix+fmt.Sprintf("c-%d", x), false, time.Time{})
// check that the unhealthy, non-expired segment was added to the queue
// and that the expired segment was ignored
injuredSegment, err := repairQueue.Select(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = repairQueue.Delete(ctx, injuredSegment)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, []byte(pointerPathPrefix+"b-0"), injuredSegment.Path)
require.Equal(t, int(rs.SuccessThreshold-rs.MinReq), len(injuredSegment.LostPieces))
for _, lostPiece := range injuredSegment.LostPieces {
require.True(t, rs.MinReq <= lostPiece && lostPiece < rs.SuccessThreshold, fmt.Sprintf("%v", lostPiece))
_, err = repairQueue.Select(ctx)
require.Error(t, err)
func TestIdentifyIrreparableSegments(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 3, UplinkCount: 0,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
checker := planet.Satellites[0].Repair.Checker
const numberOfNodes = 10
pieces := make([]*pb.RemotePiece, 0, numberOfNodes)
// use online nodes
for i, storagenode := range planet.StorageNodes {
pieces = append(pieces, &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: int32(i),
NodeId: storagenode.ID(),
// simulate offline nodes
expectedLostPieces := make(map[int32]bool)
for i := len(pieces); i < numberOfNodes; i++ {
pieces = append(pieces, &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: int32(i),
NodeId: storj.NodeID{byte(i)},
expectedLostPieces[int32(i)] = true
pieceID := testrand.PieceID()
// when number of healthy piece is less than minimum required number of piece in redundancy,
// the piece is considered irreparable and will be put into irreparable DB
pointer := &pb.Pointer{
Type: pb.Pointer_REMOTE,
CreationDate: time.Now(),
Remote: &pb.RemoteSegment{
Redundancy: &pb.RedundancyScheme{
ErasureShareSize: int32(256),
MinReq: int32(4),
RepairThreshold: int32(8),
SuccessThreshold: int32(9),
Total: int32(10),
RootPieceId: pieceID,
RemotePieces: pieces,
projectID := testrand.UUID()
pointerLocation := metabase.SegmentLocation{
ProjectID: projectID,
BucketName: "bucket",
Index: metabase.LastSegmentIndex,
ObjectKey: "piece",
pointerKey := pointerLocation.Encode()
pointerLocation.ObjectKey += "-expired"
pointerExpiredKey := pointerLocation.Encode()
// put test pointer to db
metainfo := planet.Satellites[0].Metainfo.Service
err := metainfo.Put(ctx, pointerKey, pointer)
require.NoError(t, err)
// modify pointer to make it expired and put to db
pointer.ExpirationDate = time.Now().Add(-time.Hour)
err = metainfo.Put(ctx, pointerExpiredKey, pointer)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = checker.IdentifyInjuredSegments(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// check if nothing was added to repair queue
repairQueue := planet.Satellites[0].DB.RepairQueue()
_, err = repairQueue.Select(ctx)
require.True(t, storage.ErrEmptyQueue.Has(err))
//check if the expected segments were added to the irreparable DB
irreparable := planet.Satellites[0].DB.Irreparable()
remoteSegmentInfo, err := irreparable.Get(ctx, pointerKey)
require.NoError(t, err)
// check that the expired segment was not added to the irreparable DB
_, err = irreparable.Get(ctx, pointerExpiredKey)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(expectedLostPieces), int(remoteSegmentInfo.LostPieces))
require.Equal(t, 1, int(remoteSegmentInfo.RepairAttemptCount))
firstRepair := remoteSegmentInfo.LastRepairAttempt
// check irreparable once again but wait a second
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
err = checker.IdentifyInjuredSegments(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
remoteSegmentInfo, err = irreparable.Get(ctx, pointerKey)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(expectedLostPieces), int(remoteSegmentInfo.LostPieces))
// check if repair attempt count was incremented
require.Equal(t, 2, int(remoteSegmentInfo.RepairAttemptCount))
require.True(t, firstRepair < remoteSegmentInfo.LastRepairAttempt)
// make the pointer repairable
pointer = &pb.Pointer{
Type: pb.Pointer_REMOTE,
CreationDate: time.Now(),
Remote: &pb.RemoteSegment{
Redundancy: &pb.RedundancyScheme{
ErasureShareSize: int32(256),
MinReq: int32(2),
RepairThreshold: int32(8),
SuccessThreshold: int32(9),
Total: int32(10),
RootPieceId: pieceID,
RemotePieces: pieces,
// update test pointer in db
err = metainfo.UnsynchronizedDelete(ctx, pointerKey)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = metainfo.Put(ctx, pointerKey, pointer)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = checker.IdentifyInjuredSegments(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = irreparable.Get(ctx, pointerKey)
require.Error(t, err)
func TestCleanRepairQueue(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 4, UplinkCount: 0,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
checker := planet.Satellites[0].Repair.Checker
repairQueue := planet.Satellites[0].DB.RepairQueue()
rs := &pb.RedundancyScheme{
MinReq: int32(2),
RepairThreshold: int32(3),
SuccessThreshold: int32(4),
Total: int32(4),
ErasureShareSize: int32(256),
projectID := testrand.UUID()
pointerPathPrefix := storj.JoinPaths(projectID.String(), "l", "bucket") + "/"
healthyCount := 5
for i := 0; i < healthyCount; i++ {
insertPointer(ctx, t, planet, rs, pointerPathPrefix+fmt.Sprintf("healthy-%d", i), false, time.Time{})
unhealthyCount := 5
for i := 0; i < unhealthyCount; i++ {
insertPointer(ctx, t, planet, rs, pointerPathPrefix+fmt.Sprintf("unhealthy-%d", i), true, time.Time{})
// suspend enough nodes to make healthy pointers unhealthy
for i := rs.MinReq; i < rs.SuccessThreshold; i++ {
require.NoError(t, planet.Satellites[0].Overlay.DB.SuspendNodeUnknownAudit(ctx, planet.StorageNodes[i].ID(), time.Now()))
require.NoError(t, planet.Satellites[0].Repair.Checker.RefreshReliabilityCache(ctx))
// check that repair queue is empty to avoid false positive
count, err := repairQueue.Count(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, count)
// check that the pointers were put into the repair queue
// and not cleaned up at the end of the checker iteration
count, err = repairQueue.Count(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, healthyCount+unhealthyCount, count)
// unsuspend nodes to make the previously healthy pointers healthy again
for i := rs.MinReq; i < rs.SuccessThreshold; i++ {
require.NoError(t, planet.Satellites[0].Overlay.DB.UnsuspendNodeUnknownAudit(ctx, planet.StorageNodes[i].ID()))
require.NoError(t, planet.Satellites[0].Repair.Checker.RefreshReliabilityCache(ctx))
// The checker will not insert/update the now healthy segments causing
// them to be removed from the queue at the end of the checker iteration
// only unhealthy segments should remain
count, err = repairQueue.Count(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, unhealthyCount, count)
segs, err := repairQueue.SelectN(ctx, count)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, s := range segs {
require.True(t, bytes.Contains(s.GetPath(), []byte("unhealthy")))
func insertPointer(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, planet *testplanet.Planet, rs *pb.RedundancyScheme, pointerPath string, createLost bool, expire time.Time) {
pieces := make([]*pb.RemotePiece, rs.SuccessThreshold)
if !createLost {
for i := range pieces {
pieces[i] = &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: int32(i),
NodeId: planet.StorageNodes[i].Identity.ID,
} else {
for i := range pieces[:rs.MinReq] {
pieces[i] = &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: int32(i),
NodeId: planet.StorageNodes[i].Identity.ID,
for i := rs.MinReq; i < rs.SuccessThreshold; i++ {
pieces[i] = &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: i,
NodeId: storj.NodeID{byte(0xFF)},
pointer := &pb.Pointer{
Type: pb.Pointer_REMOTE,
CreationDate: time.Now(),
Remote: &pb.RemoteSegment{
Redundancy: rs,
RootPieceId: testrand.PieceID(),
RemotePieces: pieces,
if !expire.IsZero() {
pointer.ExpirationDate = expire
// put test pointer to db
pointerdb := planet.Satellites[0].Metainfo.Service
err := pointerdb.Put(ctx, metabase.SegmentKey(pointerPath), pointer)
require.NoError(t, err)