Cameron Ayer 2ac72eaf16 satellite/repair/checker: add new monkit stats tagged with rs scheme
There is a new checker field called statsCollector. This contains
a map of stats pointers where the key is a stringified redundancy
scheme. stats contains all tagged monkit metrics. These metrics exist
under the key name, "tagged_repair_stats", which is tagged with the
name of each metric and a corresponding rs scheme.

As the metainfo observer works on a segment, it checks statsCollector
for a stats corresponding to the segment's redundancy scheme. If one
doesn't exist, it is created and chained to the monkit scope. Now we can call
Observe, Inc, etc on the fields just like before, and they have tags!

durabilityStats has also been renamed to aggregateStats.

At the end of the metainfo loop, we insert the aggregateStats totals into the
corresponding stats fields for metric reporting.

Change-Id: I8aa1918351d246a8ef818b9712ed4cb39d1ea9c6
2020-12-15 14:08:01 +00:00

174 lines
5.8 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package checker
import (
// Config contains configurable values for checker.
type Config struct {
Interval time.Duration `help:"how frequently checker should check for bad segments" releaseDefault:"30s" devDefault:"0h0m10s"`
IrreparableInterval time.Duration `help:"how frequently irrepairable checker should check for lost pieces" releaseDefault:"30m" devDefault:"0h0m5s"`
ReliabilityCacheStaleness time.Duration `help:"how stale reliable node cache can be" releaseDefault:"5m" devDefault:"5m"`
RepairOverrides RepairOverrides `help:"comma-separated override values for repair threshold in the format k/o/n-override (min/optimal/total-override)" releaseDefault:"29/80/110-52,29/80/95-52" devDefault:""`
// Node failure rate is an estimation based on a 6 hour checker run interval (4 checker iterations per day), a network of about 9200 nodes, and about 2 nodes churning per day.
// This results in `2/9200/4 = 0.00005435` being the probability of any single node going down in the interval of one checker iteration.
NodeFailureRate float64 `help:"the probability of a single node going down within the next checker iteration" default:"0.00005435"`
// RepairOverride is a configuration struct that contains an override repair
// value for a given RS k/o/n (min/success/total).
// Can be used as a flag.
type RepairOverride struct {
Min int
Success int
Total int
Override int32
// Type implements pflag.Value.
func (RepairOverride) Type() string { return "checker.RepairOverride" }
// String is required for pflag.Value.
func (ro *RepairOverride) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d/%d-%d",
// Set sets the value from a string in the format k/o/n-override (min/optimal/total-repairOverride).
func (ro *RepairOverride) Set(s string) error {
// Split on dash. Expect two items. First item is RS numbers. Second item is Override.
info := strings.Split(s, "-")
if len(info) != 2 {
return Error.New("Invalid default repair override config (expect format k/o/n-override, got %s)", s)
rsNumbersString := info[0]
overrideString := info[1]
// Split on forward slash. Expect exactly three positive non-decreasing integers.
rsNumbers := strings.Split(rsNumbersString, "/")
if len(rsNumbers) != 3 {
return Error.New("Invalid default RS numbers (wrong size, expect 3): %s", rsNumbersString)
minValue := 1
values := []int{}
for _, nextValueString := range rsNumbers {
nextValue, err := strconv.Atoi(nextValueString)
if err != nil {
return Error.New("Invalid default RS numbers (should all be valid integers): %s, %w", rsNumbersString, err)
if nextValue < minValue {
return Error.New("Invalid default RS numbers (should be non-decreasing): %s", rsNumbersString)
values = append(values, nextValue)
minValue = nextValue
ro.Min = values[0]
ro.Success = values[1]
ro.Total = values[2]
// Attempt to parse "-override" part of config.
override, err := strconv.Atoi(overrideString)
if err != nil {
return Error.New("Invalid override value (should be valid integer): %s, %w", overrideString, err)
if override < ro.Min || override >= ro.Success {
return Error.New("Invalid override value (should meet criteria min <= override < success). Min: %d, Override: %d, Success: %d.", ro.Min, override, ro.Success)
ro.Override = int32(override)
return nil
// RepairOverrides is a configuration struct that contains a list of override repair
// values for various given RS combinations of k/o/n (min/success/total).
// Can be used as a flag.
type RepairOverrides struct {
List []RepairOverride
// Type implements pflag.Value.
func (RepairOverrides) Type() string { return "checker.RepairOverrides" }
// String is required for pflag.Value. It is a comma separated list of RepairOverride configs.
func (ros *RepairOverrides) String() string {
var s strings.Builder
for i, ro := range ros.List {
if i > 0 {
return s.String()
// Set sets the value from a string in the format "k/o/n-override,k/o/n-override,...".
func (ros *RepairOverrides) Set(s string) error {
ros.List = nil
roStrings := strings.Split(s, ",")
for _, roString := range roStrings {
roString = strings.TrimSpace(roString)
if roString == "" {
newRo := RepairOverride{}
err := newRo.Set(roString)
if err != nil {
return err
ros.List = append(ros.List, newRo)
return nil
// GetMap creates a RepairOverridesMap from the config.
func (ros *RepairOverrides) GetMap() RepairOverridesMap {
newMap := RepairOverridesMap{
overrideMap: make(map[string]int32),
for _, ro := range ros.List {
key := getRepairOverrideKey(ro.Min, ro.Success, ro.Total)
newMap.overrideMap[key] = ro.Override
return newMap
// RepairOverridesMap is derived from the RepairOverrides config, and is used for quickly retrieving
// repair override values.
type RepairOverridesMap struct {
// map of "k/o/n" -> override value
overrideMap map[string]int32
// GetOverrideValuePB returns the override value for a pb RS scheme if it exists, or 0 otherwise.
func (rom *RepairOverridesMap) GetOverrideValuePB(rs *pb.RedundancyScheme) int32 {
key := getRepairOverrideKey(int(rs.MinReq), int(rs.SuccessThreshold), int(rs.Total))
return rom.overrideMap[key]
// GetOverrideValue returns the override value for an RS scheme if it exists, or 0 otherwise.
func (rom *RepairOverridesMap) GetOverrideValue(rs storj.RedundancyScheme) int32 {
key := getRepairOverrideKey(int(rs.RequiredShares), int(rs.OptimalShares), int(rs.TotalShares))
return rom.overrideMap[key]
func getRepairOverrideKey(min, success, total int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d/%d", min, success, total)