Moby von Briesen 41d86c0985 storagenode/orders/ordersfile: Add reasonable size caps for orders/limits when detecting file corruption.
Define constants of 32 KiB as the upper limit of the marshalled order
and limit protobuf sizes. This value gives lots of buffer in case the
protobufs ever change, but is not as extreme as what we were doing
before in V0 files, which was to use the Uint32 max value.

Change-Id: I0914d17dde3b044b2611af33f931d46d55f81e98
2020-11-18 12:33:26 +00:00

261 lines
8.6 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package ordersfile
import (
// Version is a type for defining different file versions.
type Version string
const (
// V0 is the first orders file version. It stores orders and limits with no checksum.
V0 = Version("v0")
// V1 is the second orders file version. It includes a checksum for each entry so that file corruption is handled better.
V1 = Version("v1")
unsentFilePrefix = "unsent-orders-"
archiveFilePrefix = "archived-orders-"
// order limits should always be less than 10KiB and orders should always be less than 100B,
// but use a larger number to give some more headroom.
orderLimitSizeCap = 32 * memory.KiB
orderSizeCap = 32 * memory.KiB
var (
// Error identifies errors with orders files.
Error = errs.Class("ordersfile")
// ErrEntryCorrupt is returned when a corrupt entry is found.
ErrEntryCorrupt = errs.Class("ordersfile corrupt entry")
// Info contains full information about an order.
type Info struct {
Limit *pb.OrderLimit
Order *pb.Order
// Writable defines an interface for a write-only orders file.
type Writable interface {
Append(*Info) error
Close() error
// Readable defines an interface for a read-only orders file.
type Readable interface {
ReadOne() (*Info, error)
Close() error
// OpenWritableUnsent creates or opens for appending the unsent orders file for a given satellite ID and creation hour.
func OpenWritableUnsent(unsentDir string, satelliteID storj.NodeID, creationTime time.Time) (Writable, error) {
// if V0 file already exists, use that. Otherwise use V1 file.
versionToUse := V0
fileName := UnsentFileName(satelliteID, creationTime, V0)
filePath := filepath.Join(unsentDir, fileName)
if _, err := os.Stat(filePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
fileName = UnsentFileName(satelliteID, creationTime, V1)
filePath = filepath.Join(unsentDir, fileName)
versionToUse = V1
if versionToUse == V0 {
return OpenWritableV0(filePath)
return OpenWritableV1(filePath, satelliteID, creationTime)
// UnsentInfo contains information relevant to an unsent orders file, as well as information necessary to open it for reading.
type UnsentInfo struct {
SatelliteID storj.NodeID
CreatedAtHour time.Time
Version Version
// ArchivedInfo contains information relevant to an archived orders file, as well as information necessary to open it for reading.
type ArchivedInfo struct {
SatelliteID storj.NodeID
CreatedAtHour time.Time
ArchivedAt time.Time
StatusText string
Version Version
// GetUnsentInfo returns a new UnsentInfo which can be used to get information about and read from an unsent orders file.
func GetUnsentInfo(info os.FileInfo) (*UnsentInfo, error) {
satelliteID, createdAtHour, version, err := getUnsentFileInfo(info.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &UnsentInfo{
SatelliteID: satelliteID,
CreatedAtHour: createdAtHour,
Version: version,
}, nil
// GetArchivedInfo returns a new ArchivedInfo which can be used to get information about and read from an archived orders file.
func GetArchivedInfo(info os.FileInfo) (*ArchivedInfo, error) {
satelliteID, createdAtHour, archivedAt, statusText, version, err := getArchivedFileInfo(info.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ArchivedInfo{
SatelliteID: satelliteID,
CreatedAtHour: createdAtHour,
ArchivedAt: archivedAt,
StatusText: statusText,
Version: version,
}, nil
// OpenReadable opens for reading the unsent or archived orders file at a given path.
// It assumes the path has already been validated with GetUnsentInfo or GetArchivedInfo.
func OpenReadable(path string, version Version) (Readable, error) {
if version == V0 {
return OpenReadableV0(path)
return OpenReadableV1(path)
// MoveUnsent moves an unsent orders file to the archived orders file directory.
func MoveUnsent(unsentDir, archiveDir string, satelliteID storj.NodeID, createdAtHour, archivedAt time.Time, status pb.SettlementWithWindowResponse_Status, version Version) error {
oldFilePath := filepath.Join(unsentDir, UnsentFileName(satelliteID, createdAtHour, version))
newFilePath := filepath.Join(archiveDir, ArchiveFileName(satelliteID, createdAtHour, archivedAt, status, version))
return Error.Wrap(os.Rename(oldFilePath, newFilePath))
// it expects the file name to be in the format "unsent-orders-<satelliteID>-<createdAtHour>.<version>".
// V0 will not have ".<version>" at the end of the filename.
func getUnsentFileInfo(filename string) (satellite storj.NodeID, createdHour time.Time, version Version, err error) {
filename, version = getVersion(filename)
if !strings.HasPrefix(filename, unsentFilePrefix) {
return storj.NodeID{}, time.Time{}, version, Error.New("invalid path: %q", filename)
// chop off prefix to get satellite ID and created hours
infoStr := filename[len(unsentFilePrefix):]
infoSlice := strings.Split(infoStr, "-")
if len(infoSlice) != 2 {
return storj.NodeID{}, time.Time{}, version, Error.New("invalid path: %q", filename)
satelliteIDStr := infoSlice[0]
satelliteID, err := storj.NodeIDFromString(satelliteIDStr)
if err != nil {
return storj.NodeID{}, time.Time{}, version, Error.New("invalid path: %q", filename)
timeStr := infoSlice[1]
createdHourUnixNano, err := strconv.ParseInt(timeStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return satelliteID, time.Time{}, version, Error.Wrap(err)
createdAtHour := time.Unix(0, createdHourUnixNano)
return satelliteID, createdAtHour, version, nil
// getArchivedFileInfo gets the archived at time from an archive file name.
// it expects the file name to be in the format "archived-orders-<satelliteID>-<createdAtHour>-<archviedAtTime>-<status>.<version>".
// V0 will not have ".<version>" at the end of the filename.
func getArchivedFileInfo(name string) (satelliteID storj.NodeID, createdAtHour, archivedAt time.Time, status string, version Version, err error) {
name, version = getVersion(name)
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, archiveFilePrefix) {
return storj.NodeID{}, time.Time{}, time.Time{}, "", version, Error.New("invalid path: %q", name)
// chop off prefix to get satellite ID, created hour, archive time, and status
infoStr := name[len(archiveFilePrefix):]
infoSlice := strings.Split(infoStr, "-")
if len(infoSlice) != 4 {
return storj.NodeID{}, time.Time{}, time.Time{}, "", version, Error.New("invalid path: %q", name)
satelliteIDStr := infoSlice[0]
satelliteID, err = storj.NodeIDFromString(satelliteIDStr)
if err != nil {
return storj.NodeID{}, time.Time{}, time.Time{}, "", version, Error.New("invalid path: %q", name)
createdAtStr := infoSlice[1]
createdHourUnixNano, err := strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return satelliteID, time.Time{}, time.Time{}, "", version, Error.New("invalid path: %q", name)
createdAtHour = time.Unix(0, createdHourUnixNano)
archivedAtStr := infoSlice[2]
archivedAtUnixNano, err := strconv.ParseInt(archivedAtStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return satelliteID, createdAtHour, time.Time{}, "", version, Error.New("invalid path: %q", name)
archivedAt = time.Unix(0, archivedAtUnixNano)
status = infoSlice[3]
return satelliteID, createdAtHour, archivedAt, status, version, nil
// UnsentFileName gets the filename of an unsent file.
func UnsentFileName(satelliteID storj.NodeID, creationTime time.Time, version Version) string {
filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s-%s",
if version != V0 {
filename = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", filename, version)
return filename
// ArchiveFileName gets the filename of an archived file.
func ArchiveFileName(satelliteID storj.NodeID, creationTime, archiveTime time.Time, status pb.SettlementWithWindowResponse_Status, version Version) string {
filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s-%s-%s-%s",
strconv.FormatInt(archiveTime.UnixNano(), 10),
if version != V0 {
filename = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", filename, version)
return filename
func getCreationHourString(t time.Time) string {
creationHour := date.TruncateToHourInNano(t)
timeStr := strconv.FormatInt(creationHour, 10)
return timeStr
func getVersion(filename string) (trimmed string, version Version) {
ext := filepath.Ext(filename)
if ext == "."+string(V1) {
version = V1
trimmed = strings.TrimSuffix(filename, ext)
return trimmed, V1
return filename, V0