Kaloyan Raev 830817ec0d cmd/storj-sim: run gateway without --access flag
This makes it possible to remove of this obsolete flag from the
multi-tenant gateway.

As a consequence, displaying the GATEWAY_0_ACCESS env var will always
require a running storj-sim. Until now, it was required only the first
time. Then the value was stored in the 'access' config. But this is now
not possible anymore.

The changes in StripeMock are required to fix failures in integration
tests. StripeMock is in-memory and its data does not survive restarts of
storj-sim. The second and following starts of storj-sim had invalid
state of StripeMock, which failed requests that were required to
populate the GATEWAY_0_ACCESS env var. The changes in StripeMock makes
it repopulate the Stripe customers from the database.

Change-Id: I981a208172b76577f12ecdaae485f5ae4ea269bc
2020-10-13 14:45:04 +00:00

429 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package stripecoinpayments
import (
// mocks synchronized map for caching mockStripeClient.
// The satellite has a Core part and API part which mostly duplicate each
// other. Each of them have a StripeClient instance. This is not a problem in
// production, because the stripeClient implementation is stateless and calls
// the Web API of the same Stripe backend. But it is a problem in test
// environments as the mockStripeClient is stateful - the data is stored in
// in-memory maps. Therefore, we need the Core and API parts share the same
// instance of mockStripeClient.
var mocks = struct {
m map[storj.NodeID]*mockStripeState
m: make(map[storj.NodeID]*mockStripeState),
// mockStripeState Stripe client mock.
type mockStripeState struct {
customers *mockCustomersState
paymentMethods *mockPaymentMethods
invoices *mockInvoices
invoiceItems *mockInvoiceItems
customerBalanceTransactions *mockCustomerBalanceTransactions
charges *mockCharges
type mockStripeClient struct {
customersDB CustomersDB
usersDB console.Users
// NewStripeMock creates new Stripe client mock.
// A new mock is returned for each unique id. If this method is called multiple
// times with the same id, it will return the same mock instance for that id.
// If called by satellite component, the id param should be the peer.ID().
// If called by CLI tool, the id param should be a zero value, i.e. storj.NodeID{}.
// If called by satellitedb test case, the id param should be a random value,
// i.e. testrand.NodeID().
func NewStripeMock(id storj.NodeID, customersDB CustomersDB, usersDB console.Users) StripeClient {
defer mocks.Unlock()
state, ok := mocks.m[id]
if !ok {
state = &mockStripeState{
customers: &mockCustomersState{},
paymentMethods: newMockPaymentMethods(),
invoices: &mockInvoices{},
invoiceItems: &mockInvoiceItems{},
customerBalanceTransactions: newMockCustomerBalanceTransactions(),
charges: &mockCharges{},
mocks.m[id] = state
return &mockStripeClient{
customersDB: customersDB,
usersDB: usersDB,
mockStripeState: state,
func (m *mockStripeClient) Customers() StripeCustomers {
defer mocks.Unlock()
return &mockCustomers{
customersDB: m.customersDB,
usersDB: m.usersDB,
state: m.customers,
func (m *mockStripeClient) PaymentMethods() StripePaymentMethods {
return m.paymentMethods
func (m *mockStripeClient) Invoices() StripeInvoices {
return m.invoices
func (m *mockStripeClient) InvoiceItems() StripeInvoiceItems {
return m.invoiceItems
func (m *mockStripeClient) CustomerBalanceTransactions() StripeCustomerBalanceTransactions {
return m.customerBalanceTransactions
func (m *mockStripeClient) Charges() StripeCharges {
return m.charges
type mockCustomers struct {
customersDB CustomersDB
usersDB console.Users
state *mockCustomersState
type mockCustomersState struct {
customers []*stripe.Customer
repopulated bool
// The Stripe Client Mock is in-memory so all data is lost when the satellite is stopped.
// We need to repopulate the mock on every restart to ensure that requests to the mock
// for existing users won't fail with errors like "customer not found".
func (m *mockCustomers) repopulate() error {
defer mocks.Unlock()
if !m.state.repopulated {
const limit = 25
ctx := context.TODO()
cusPage, err := m.customersDB.List(ctx, 0, limit, time.Now())
if err != nil {
return err
for _, cus := range cusPage.Customers {
user, err := m.usersDB.Get(ctx, cus.UserID)
if err != nil {
return err
m.state.customers = append(m.state.customers, newMockCustomer(cus.ID, user.Email))
for cusPage.Next {
cusPage, err := m.customersDB.List(ctx, cusPage.NextOffset, limit, time.Now())
if err != nil {
return err
for _, cus := range cusPage.Customers {
user, err := m.usersDB.Get(ctx, cus.UserID)
if err != nil {
return err
m.state.customers = append(m.state.customers, newMockCustomer(cus.ID, user.Email))
m.state.repopulated = true
return nil
func newMockCustomer(id, email string) *stripe.Customer {
return &stripe.Customer{
ID: id,
Email: email,
InvoiceSettings: &stripe.CustomerInvoiceSettings{
DefaultPaymentMethod: &stripe.PaymentMethod{
ID: "pm_card_mastercard",
func (m *mockCustomers) New(params *stripe.CustomerParams) (*stripe.Customer, error) {
if err := m.repopulate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
uuid, err := uuid.New()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
customer := newMockCustomer(uuid.String(), *params.Email)
defer mocks.Unlock()
m.state.customers = append(m.state.customers, customer)
return customer, nil
func (m *mockCustomers) Get(id string, params *stripe.CustomerParams) (*stripe.Customer, error) {
if err := m.repopulate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer mocks.Unlock()
for _, customer := range m.state.customers {
if id == customer.ID {
return customer, nil
return nil, errors.New("customer not found")
func (m *mockCustomers) Update(id string, params *stripe.CustomerParams) (*stripe.Customer, error) {
if err := m.repopulate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
customer, err := m.Get(id, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if params == nil {
return customer, nil
defer mocks.Unlock()
if params.Metadata != nil {
customer.Metadata = params.Metadata
// TODO update customer with more params as necessary
return customer, nil
type mockPaymentMethods struct {
// attached contains a mapping of customerID to its paymentMethods
attached map[string][]*stripe.PaymentMethod
// unattached contains created but not attached paymentMethods
unattached []*stripe.PaymentMethod
func newMockPaymentMethods() *mockPaymentMethods {
return &mockPaymentMethods{
attached: map[string][]*stripe.PaymentMethod{},
func (m *mockPaymentMethods) List(listParams *stripe.PaymentMethodListParams) *paymentmethod.Iter {
listMeta := stripe.ListMeta{
HasMore: false,
TotalCount: uint32(len(m.attached)),
return &paymentmethod.Iter{Iter: stripe.GetIter(nil, func(*stripe.Params, *form.Values) ([]interface{}, stripe.ListMeta, error) {
defer mocks.Unlock()
list, ok := m.attached[*listParams.Customer]
if !ok {
list = []*stripe.PaymentMethod{}
ret := make([]interface{}, len(list))
for i, v := range list {
ret[i] = v
return ret, listMeta, nil
func (m *mockPaymentMethods) New(params *stripe.PaymentMethodParams) (*stripe.PaymentMethod, error) {
randID := testrand.BucketName()
newMethod := &stripe.PaymentMethod{
ID: fmt.Sprintf("pm_card_%s", randID),
Card: &stripe.PaymentMethodCard{
ExpMonth: 12,
ExpYear: 2050,
Brand: "Mastercard",
Last4: "4444",
Description: randID,
Type: stripe.PaymentMethodTypeCard,
defer mocks.Unlock()
m.unattached = append(m.unattached, newMethod)
return newMethod, nil
func (m *mockPaymentMethods) Attach(id string, params *stripe.PaymentMethodAttachParams) (*stripe.PaymentMethod, error) {
var method *stripe.PaymentMethod
defer mocks.Unlock()
for _, candidate := range m.unattached {
if candidate.ID == id {
method = candidate
attached, ok := m.attached[*params.Customer]
if !ok {
attached = []*stripe.PaymentMethod{}
m.attached[*params.Customer] = append(attached, method)
return method, nil
func (m *mockPaymentMethods) Detach(id string, params *stripe.PaymentMethodDetachParams) (*stripe.PaymentMethod, error) {
var unattached *stripe.PaymentMethod
defer mocks.Unlock()
for user, userMethods := range m.attached {
var remaining []*stripe.PaymentMethod
for _, method := range userMethods {
if id == method.ID {
unattached = method
} else {
remaining = append(remaining, method)
m.attached[user] = remaining
return unattached, nil
type mockInvoices struct {
func (m *mockInvoices) New(params *stripe.InvoiceParams) (*stripe.Invoice, error) {
return nil, nil
func (m *mockInvoices) List(listParams *stripe.InvoiceListParams) *invoice.Iter {
return &invoice.Iter{Iter: &stripe.Iter{}}
func (m *mockInvoices) FinalizeInvoice(id string, params *stripe.InvoiceFinalizeParams) (*stripe.Invoice, error) {
return nil, nil
type mockInvoiceItems struct {
func (m *mockInvoiceItems) New(params *stripe.InvoiceItemParams) (*stripe.InvoiceItem, error) {
return nil, nil
func (m *mockInvoiceItems) List(listParams *stripe.InvoiceItemListParams) *invoiceitem.Iter {
return &invoiceitem.Iter{Iter: &stripe.Iter{}}
type mockCustomerBalanceTransactions struct {
transactions map[string][]*stripe.CustomerBalanceTransaction
func newMockCustomerBalanceTransactions() *mockCustomerBalanceTransactions {
return &mockCustomerBalanceTransactions{
transactions: make(map[string][]*stripe.CustomerBalanceTransaction),
func (m *mockCustomerBalanceTransactions) New(params *stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionParams) (*stripe.CustomerBalanceTransaction, error) {
tx := &stripe.CustomerBalanceTransaction{
Type: stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeAdjustment,
Amount: *params.Amount,
Description: *params.Description,
Metadata: params.Metadata,
Created: time.Now().Unix(),
defer mocks.Unlock()
m.transactions[*params.Customer] = append(m.transactions[*params.Customer], tx)
return tx, nil
func (m *mockCustomerBalanceTransactions) List(listParams *stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionListParams) *customerbalancetransaction.Iter {
defer mocks.Unlock()
return &customerbalancetransaction.Iter{Iter: stripe.GetIter(listParams, func(p *stripe.Params, b *form.Values) ([]interface{}, stripe.ListMeta, error) {
txs := m.transactions[*listParams.Customer]
ret := make([]interface{}, len(txs))
for i, v := range txs {
ret[i] = v
listMeta := stripe.ListMeta{
TotalCount: uint32(len(txs)),
return ret, listMeta, nil
type mockCharges struct {
func (m *mockCharges) List(listParams *stripe.ChargeListParams) *charge.Iter {
return &charge.Iter{Iter: &stripe.Iter{}}