paul cannon c35b93766d
Unite all cryptographic signing and verifying (#1244)
this change removes the cryptopasta dependency.

a couple possible sources of problem with this change:

 * the encoding used for ECDSA signatures on SignedMessage has changed.
   the encoding employed by cryptopasta was workable, but not the same
   as the encoding used for such signatures in the rest of the world
   (most particularly, on ECDSA signatures in X.509 certificates). I
   think we'll be best served by using one ECDSA signature encoding from
   here on, but if we need to use the old encoding for backwards
   compatibility with existing nodes, that can be arranged.

 * since there's already a breaking change in SignedMessage, I changed
   it to send and receive public keys in raw PKIX format, instead of
   PEM. PEM just adds unhelpful overhead for this case.
2019-02-07 14:39:20 -06:00

629 lines
18 KiB

// Code generated by lockedgen using 'go generate'. DO NOT EDIT.
// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package satellitedb
import (
// locked implements a locking wrapper around satellite.DB.
type locked struct {
db satellite.DB
// newLocked returns database wrapped with locker.
func newLocked(db satellite.DB) satellite.DB {
return &locked{&sync.Mutex{}, db}
// Accounting returns database for storing information about data use
func (m *locked) Accounting() accounting.DB {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedAccounting{m.Locker, m.db.Accounting()}
// lockedAccounting implements locking wrapper for accounting.DB
type lockedAccounting struct {
db accounting.DB
// GetRaw retrieves all raw tallies
func (m *lockedAccounting) GetRaw(ctx context.Context) ([]*accounting.Raw, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetRaw(ctx)
// GetRawSince r retrieves all raw tallies sinces
func (m *lockedAccounting) GetRawSince(ctx context.Context, latestRollup time.Time) ([]*accounting.Raw, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetRawSince(ctx, latestRollup)
// LastTimestamp records the latest last tallied time.
func (m *lockedAccounting) LastTimestamp(ctx context.Context, timestampType string) (time.Time, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.LastTimestamp(ctx, timestampType)
// QueryPaymentInfo queries StatDB, Accounting Rollup on nodeID
func (m *lockedAccounting) QueryPaymentInfo(ctx context.Context, start time.Time, end time.Time) ([]*accounting.CSVRow, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.QueryPaymentInfo(ctx, start, end)
// SaveAtRestRaw records raw tallies of at-rest-data.
func (m *lockedAccounting) SaveAtRestRaw(ctx context.Context, latestTally time.Time, created time.Time, nodeData map[storj.NodeID]float64) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.SaveAtRestRaw(ctx, latestTally, created, nodeData)
// SaveBWRaw records raw sums of agreement values to the database and updates the LastTimestamp.
func (m *lockedAccounting) SaveBWRaw(ctx context.Context, tallyEnd time.Time, created time.Time, bwTotals map[storj.NodeID][]int64) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.SaveBWRaw(ctx, tallyEnd, created, bwTotals)
// SaveRollup records raw tallies of at rest data to the database
func (m *lockedAccounting) SaveRollup(ctx context.Context, latestTally time.Time, stats accounting.RollupStats) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.SaveRollup(ctx, latestTally, stats)
// BandwidthAgreement returns database for storing bandwidth agreements
func (m *locked) BandwidthAgreement() bwagreement.DB {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedBandwidthAgreement{m.Locker, m.db.BandwidthAgreement()}
// lockedBandwidthAgreement implements locking wrapper for bwagreement.DB
type lockedBandwidthAgreement struct {
db bwagreement.DB
// CreateAgreement adds a new bandwidth agreement.
func (m *lockedBandwidthAgreement) CreateAgreement(ctx context.Context, a1 *pb.RenterBandwidthAllocation) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.CreateAgreement(ctx, a1)
// GetTotalsSince returns the sum of each bandwidth type after (exluding) a given date range
func (m *lockedBandwidthAgreement) GetTotals(ctx context.Context, a1 time.Time, a2 time.Time) (map[storj.NodeID][]int64, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetTotals(ctx, a1, a2)
// GetTotals returns stats about an uplink
func (m *lockedBandwidthAgreement) GetUplinkStats(ctx context.Context, a1 time.Time, a2 time.Time) ([]bwagreement.UplinkStat, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetUplinkStats(ctx, a1, a2)
// CertDB returns database for storing uplink's public key & ID
func (m *locked) CertDB() certdb.DB {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedCertDB{m.Locker, m.db.CertDB()}
// lockedCertDB implements locking wrapper for certdb.DB
type lockedCertDB struct {
db certdb.DB
// GetPublicKey gets the public key of uplink corresponding to uplink id
func (m *lockedCertDB) GetPublicKey(ctx context.Context, a1 storj.NodeID) (crypto.PublicKey, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetPublicKey(ctx, a1)
// SavePublicKey adds a new bandwidth agreement.
func (m *lockedCertDB) SavePublicKey(ctx context.Context, a1 storj.NodeID, a2 crypto.PublicKey) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.SavePublicKey(ctx, a1, a2)
// Close closes the database
func (m *locked) Close() error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Close()
// Console returns database for satellite console
func (m *locked) Console() console.DB {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedConsole{m.Locker, m.db.Console()}
// lockedConsole implements locking wrapper for console.DB
type lockedConsole struct {
db console.DB
// APIKeys is a getter for APIKeys repository
func (m *lockedConsole) APIKeys() console.APIKeys {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedAPIKeys{m.Locker, m.db.APIKeys()}
// lockedAPIKeys implements locking wrapper for console.APIKeys
type lockedAPIKeys struct {
db console.APIKeys
// Create creates and stores new APIKeyInfo
func (m *lockedAPIKeys) Create(ctx context.Context, key console.APIKey, info console.APIKeyInfo) (*console.APIKeyInfo, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Create(ctx, key, info)
// Delete deletes APIKeyInfo from store
func (m *lockedAPIKeys) Delete(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Delete(ctx, id)
// Get retrieves APIKeyInfo with given ID
func (m *lockedAPIKeys) Get(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*console.APIKeyInfo, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Get(ctx, id)
// GetByKey retrieves APIKeyInfo for given key
func (m *lockedAPIKeys) GetByKey(ctx context.Context, key console.APIKey) (*console.APIKeyInfo, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetByKey(ctx, key)
// GetByProjectID retrieves list of APIKeys for given projectID
func (m *lockedAPIKeys) GetByProjectID(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) ([]console.APIKeyInfo, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetByProjectID(ctx, projectID)
// Update updates APIKeyInfo in store
func (m *lockedAPIKeys) Update(ctx context.Context, key console.APIKeyInfo) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Update(ctx, key)
// Close is used to close db connection
func (m *lockedConsole) Close() error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Close()
// CreateTables is a method for creating all tables for satellitedb
func (m *lockedConsole) CreateTables() error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.CreateTables()
// ProjectMembers is a getter for ProjectMembers repository
func (m *lockedConsole) ProjectMembers() console.ProjectMembers {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedProjectMembers{m.Locker, m.db.ProjectMembers()}
// lockedProjectMembers implements locking wrapper for console.ProjectMembers
type lockedProjectMembers struct {
db console.ProjectMembers
// Delete is a method for deleting project member by memberID and projectID from the database.
func (m *lockedProjectMembers) Delete(ctx context.Context, memberID uuid.UUID, projectID uuid.UUID) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Delete(ctx, memberID, projectID)
// GetByMemberID is a method for querying project members from the database by memberID.
func (m *lockedProjectMembers) GetByMemberID(ctx context.Context, memberID uuid.UUID) ([]console.ProjectMember, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetByMemberID(ctx, memberID)
// GetByProjectID is a method for querying project members from the database by projectID, offset and limit.
func (m *lockedProjectMembers) GetByProjectID(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, pagination console.Pagination) ([]console.ProjectMember, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetByProjectID(ctx, projectID, pagination)
// Insert is a method for inserting project member into the database.
func (m *lockedProjectMembers) Insert(ctx context.Context, memberID uuid.UUID, projectID uuid.UUID) (*console.ProjectMember, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Insert(ctx, memberID, projectID)
// Projects is a getter for Projects repository
func (m *lockedConsole) Projects() console.Projects {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedProjects{m.Locker, m.db.Projects()}
// lockedProjects implements locking wrapper for console.Projects
type lockedProjects struct {
db console.Projects
// Delete is a method for deleting project by Id from the database.
func (m *lockedProjects) Delete(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Delete(ctx, id)
// Get is a method for querying project from the database by id.
func (m *lockedProjects) Get(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*console.Project, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Get(ctx, id)
// GetAll is a method for querying all projects from the database.
func (m *lockedProjects) GetAll(ctx context.Context) ([]console.Project, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetAll(ctx)
// GetByUserID is a method for querying all projects from the database by userID.
func (m *lockedProjects) GetByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) ([]console.Project, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetByUserID(ctx, userID)
// Insert is a method for inserting project into the database.
func (m *lockedProjects) Insert(ctx context.Context, project *console.Project) (*console.Project, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Insert(ctx, project)
// Update is a method for updating project entity.
func (m *lockedProjects) Update(ctx context.Context, project *console.Project) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Update(ctx, project)
// Users is a getter for Users repository
func (m *lockedConsole) Users() console.Users {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedUsers{m.Locker, m.db.Users()}
// lockedUsers implements locking wrapper for console.Users
type lockedUsers struct {
db console.Users
// Delete is a method for deleting user by Id from the database.
func (m *lockedUsers) Delete(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Delete(ctx, id)
// Get is a method for querying user from the database by id.
func (m *lockedUsers) Get(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*console.User, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Get(ctx, id)
// GetByEmail is a method for querying user by email from the database.
func (m *lockedUsers) GetByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*console.User, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetByEmail(ctx, email)
// Insert is a method for inserting user into the database.
func (m *lockedUsers) Insert(ctx context.Context, user *console.User) (*console.User, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Insert(ctx, user)
// Update is a method for updating user entity.
func (m *lockedUsers) Update(ctx context.Context, user *console.User) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Update(ctx, user)
// CreateSchema sets the schema
func (m *locked) CreateSchema(schema string) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.CreateSchema(schema)
// CreateTables initializes the database
func (m *locked) CreateTables() error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.CreateTables()
// DropSchema drops the schema
func (m *locked) DropSchema(schema string) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.DropSchema(schema)
// Irreparable returns database for failed repairs
func (m *locked) Irreparable() irreparable.DB {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedIrreparable{m.Locker, m.db.Irreparable()}
// lockedIrreparable implements locking wrapper for irreparable.DB
type lockedIrreparable struct {
db irreparable.DB
// Delete removes irreparable segment info based on segmentPath.
func (m *lockedIrreparable) Delete(ctx context.Context, segmentPath []byte) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Delete(ctx, segmentPath)
// Get returns irreparable segment info based on segmentPath.
func (m *lockedIrreparable) Get(ctx context.Context, segmentPath []byte) (*irreparable.RemoteSegmentInfo, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Get(ctx, segmentPath)
// IncrementRepairAttempts increments the repair attempts.
func (m *lockedIrreparable) IncrementRepairAttempts(ctx context.Context, segmentInfo *irreparable.RemoteSegmentInfo) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.IncrementRepairAttempts(ctx, segmentInfo)
// OverlayCache returns database for caching overlay information
func (m *locked) OverlayCache() overlay.DB {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedOverlayCache{m.Locker, m.db.OverlayCache()}
// lockedOverlayCache implements locking wrapper for overlay.DB
type lockedOverlayCache struct {
db overlay.DB
// Delete deletes node based on id
func (m *lockedOverlayCache) Delete(ctx context.Context, id storj.NodeID) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Delete(ctx, id)
// Get looks up the node by nodeID
func (m *lockedOverlayCache) Get(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (*pb.Node, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Get(ctx, nodeID)
// GetAll looks up nodes based on the ids from the overlay cache
func (m *lockedOverlayCache) GetAll(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs storj.NodeIDList) ([]*pb.Node, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetAll(ctx, nodeIDs)
// GetWalletAddress gets the node's wallet address
func (m *lockedOverlayCache) GetWalletAddress(ctx context.Context, id storj.NodeID) (string, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.GetWalletAddress(ctx, id)
// List lists nodes starting from cursor
func (m *lockedOverlayCache) List(ctx context.Context, cursor storj.NodeID, limit int) ([]*pb.Node, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.List(ctx, cursor, limit)
// Paginate will page through the database nodes
func (m *lockedOverlayCache) Paginate(ctx context.Context, offset int64, limit int) ([]*pb.Node, bool, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Paginate(ctx, offset, limit)
// SelectNewNodes looks up nodes based on new node criteria
func (m *lockedOverlayCache) SelectNewNodes(ctx context.Context, count int, criteria *overlay.NewNodeCriteria) ([]*pb.Node, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.SelectNewNodes(ctx, count, criteria)
// SelectNodes looks up nodes based on criteria
func (m *lockedOverlayCache) SelectNodes(ctx context.Context, count int, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria) ([]*pb.Node, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.SelectNodes(ctx, count, criteria)
// Update updates node information
func (m *lockedOverlayCache) Update(ctx context.Context, value *pb.Node) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Update(ctx, value)
// RepairQueue returns queue for segments that need repairing
func (m *locked) RepairQueue() queue.RepairQueue {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedRepairQueue{m.Locker, m.db.RepairQueue()}
// lockedRepairQueue implements locking wrapper for queue.RepairQueue
type lockedRepairQueue struct {
db queue.RepairQueue
// Dequeue removes an injured segment.
func (m *lockedRepairQueue) Dequeue(ctx context.Context) (pb.InjuredSegment, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Dequeue(ctx)
// Enqueue adds an injured segment.
func (m *lockedRepairQueue) Enqueue(ctx context.Context, qi *pb.InjuredSegment) error {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Enqueue(ctx, qi)
// Peekqueue lists limit amount of injured segments.
func (m *lockedRepairQueue) Peekqueue(ctx context.Context, limit int) ([]pb.InjuredSegment, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Peekqueue(ctx, limit)
// StatDB returns database for storing node statistics
func (m *locked) StatDB() statdb.DB {
defer m.Unlock()
return &lockedStatDB{m.Locker, m.db.StatDB()}
// lockedStatDB implements locking wrapper for statdb.DB
type lockedStatDB struct {
db statdb.DB
// Create adds a new stats entry for node.
func (m *lockedStatDB) Create(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, initial *statdb.NodeStats) (stats *statdb.NodeStats, err error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Create(ctx, nodeID, initial)
// CreateEntryIfNotExists creates a node stats entry if it didn't already exist.
func (m *lockedStatDB) CreateEntryIfNotExists(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (stats *statdb.NodeStats, err error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.CreateEntryIfNotExists(ctx, nodeID)
// FindInvalidNodes finds a subset of storagenodes that have stats below provided reputation requirements.
func (m *lockedStatDB) FindInvalidNodes(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs storj.NodeIDList, maxStats *statdb.NodeStats) (invalid storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.FindInvalidNodes(ctx, nodeIDs, maxStats)
// Get returns node stats.
func (m *lockedStatDB) Get(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (stats *statdb.NodeStats, err error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Get(ctx, nodeID)
// Update all parts of single storagenode's stats.
func (m *lockedStatDB) Update(ctx context.Context, request *statdb.UpdateRequest) (stats *statdb.NodeStats, err error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.Update(ctx, request)
// UpdateAuditSuccess updates a single storagenode's audit stats.
func (m *lockedStatDB) UpdateAuditSuccess(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, auditSuccess bool) (stats *statdb.NodeStats, err error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.UpdateAuditSuccess(ctx, nodeID, auditSuccess)
// UpdateBatch for updating multiple storage nodes' stats.
func (m *lockedStatDB) UpdateBatch(ctx context.Context, requests []*statdb.UpdateRequest) (statslist []*statdb.NodeStats, failed []*statdb.UpdateRequest, err error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.UpdateBatch(ctx, requests)
// UpdateUptime updates a single storagenode's uptime stats.
func (m *lockedStatDB) UpdateUptime(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, isUp bool) (stats *statdb.NodeStats, err error) {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.db.UpdateUptime(ctx, nodeID, isUp)