Jeff Wendling e74cac52ab
Command line flags features and cleanup (#2068)
* change BindSetup to be an option to Bind
* add process.Bind to allow composite structures
* hack fix for noprefix flags
* used tagged version of structs

Before this PR, some flags were created by calling `cfgstruct.Bind` and having their fields create a flag. Once the flags were parsed, `viper` was used to acquire all the values from them and config files, and the fields in the struct were set through the flag interface.

This doesn't work for slices of things on config structs very well, since it can only set strings, and for a string slice, it turns out that the implementation in `pflag` appends an entry rather than setting it.

This changes three things:

1. Only have a `Bind` call instead of `Bind` and `BindSetup`, and make `BindSetup` an option instead.
2. Add a `process.Bind` call that takes in a `*cobra.Cmd`, binds the struct to the command's flags, and keeps track of that struct in a global map keyed by the command.
3. Use `viper` to get the values and load them into the bound configuration structs instead of using the flags to propagate the changes.

In this way, we can support whatever rich configuration we want in the config yaml files, while still getting command like flags when important.
2019-05-29 17:56:22 +00:00

249 lines
6.4 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package main
import (
const (
defaultSignerAddress = ""
var (
rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "identity",
Short: "Identity management",
newServiceCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "create <service>",
Short: "Create a new full identity for a service",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
RunE: cmdNewService,
Annotations: map[string]string{"type": "setup"},
authorizeCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "authorize <service> <auth-token>",
Short: "Send a certificate signing request for a service's CA certificate",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(2),
RunE: cmdAuthorize,
Annotations: map[string]string{"type": "setup"},
config struct {
Difficulty uint64 `default:"30" help:"minimum difficulty for identity generation"`
Concurrency uint `default:"4" help:"number of concurrent workers for certificate authority generation"`
ParentCertPath string `help:"path to the parent authority's certificate chain"`
ParentKeyPath string `help:"path to the parent authority's private key"`
Signer certificates.CertClientConfig
// TODO: ideally the default is the latest version; can't interpolate struct tags
Version uint `default:"0" help:"identity version to use when creating an identity or CA"`
identityDir, configDir string
defaultIdentityDir = fpath.ApplicationDir("storj", "identity")
defaultConfigDir = fpath.ApplicationDir("storj", "identity")
func init() {
process.Bind(newServiceCmd, &config, defaults, cfgstruct.ConfDir(defaultConfigDir), cfgstruct.IdentityDir(defaultIdentityDir))
process.Bind(authorizeCmd, &config, defaults, cfgstruct.ConfDir(defaultConfigDir), cfgstruct.IdentityDir(defaultIdentityDir))
func main() {
func serviceDirectory(serviceName string) string {
return filepath.Join(identityDir, serviceName)
func cmdNewService(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
ctx := process.Ctx(cmd)
err := version.CheckProcessVersion(ctx, version.Config{}, version.Build, "Identity")
if err != nil {
return err
serviceDir := serviceDirectory(args[0])
caCertPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "ca.cert")
caKeyPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "ca.key")
identCertPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "identity.cert")
identKeyPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "identity.key")
caConfig := identity.CASetupConfig{
CertPath: caCertPath,
KeyPath: caKeyPath,
Difficulty: config.Difficulty,
Concurrency: config.Concurrency,
ParentCertPath: config.ParentCertPath,
ParentKeyPath: config.ParentKeyPath,
VersionNumber: config.Version,
status, err := caConfig.Status()
if err != nil {
return err
if status != identity.NoCertNoKey {
return errs.New("CA certificate and/or key already exists, NOT overwriting!")
identConfig := identity.SetupConfig{
CertPath: identCertPath,
KeyPath: identKeyPath,
status, err = identConfig.Status()
if err != nil {
return err
if status != identity.NoCertNoKey {
return errs.New("Identity certificate and/or key already exists, NOT overwriting!")
ca, caerr := caConfig.Create(ctx, os.Stdout)
if caerr != nil {
return caerr
_, iderr := identConfig.Create(ca)
if iderr != nil {
return iderr
fmt.Printf("Unsigned identity is located in %q\n", serviceDir)
fmt.Println("Please *move* CA key to secure storage - it is only needed for identity management!")
fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", caConfig.KeyPath)
return nil
func cmdAuthorize(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
ctx := process.Ctx(cmd)
err := version.CheckProcessVersion(ctx, version.Config{}, version.Build, "Identity")
if err != nil {
return err
serviceDir := serviceDirectory(args[0])
authToken := args[1]
caCertPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "ca.cert")
caConfig := identity.PeerCAConfig{
CertPath: caCertPath,
identCertPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "identity.cert")
identKeyPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "identity.key")
identConfig := identity.Config{
CertPath: identCertPath,
KeyPath: identKeyPath,
ca, err := caConfig.Load()
if err != nil {
return err
ident, err := identConfig.Load()
if err != nil {
return err
if config.Signer.Address == "" {
config.Signer.Address = defaultSignerAddress
signedChainBytes, err := config.Signer.Sign(ctx, ident, authToken)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error occurred while signing certificate: %s\n(identity files were still generated and saved, if you try again existing files will be loaded)", err)
signedChain, err := pkcrypto.CertsFromDER(signedChainBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil
err = caConfig.SaveBackup(ca)
if err != nil {
return err
// NB: signedChain is this identity's CA + signer chain.
ca.Cert = signedChain[0]
ca.RestChain = signedChain[1:]
err = caConfig.Save(ca)
if err != nil {
return err
err = identConfig.PeerConfig().SaveBackup(ident.PeerIdentity())
if err != nil {
return err
ident.RestChain = signedChain[1:]
ident.CA = ca.Cert
err = identConfig.PeerConfig().Save(ident.PeerIdentity())
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Identity successfully authorized using single use authorization token.")
fmt.Printf("Please back-up \"%s\" to a safe location.\n", serviceDir)
return nil
func printExtensions(cert []byte, exts []pkix.Extension) error {
hash := pkcrypto.SHA256Hash(cert)
b64Hash, err := json.Marshal(hash)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Cert hash: %s\n", b64Hash)
for _, e := range exts {
var data interface{}
if e.Id.Equal(extensions.RevocationExtID) {
var rev extensions.Revocation
if err := rev.Unmarshal(e.Value); err != nil {
return err
data = rev
} else {
data = e.Value
out, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("\t%s: %s\n", e.Id, out)
return nil